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A Boss Strategy Guide To WoW Season Of Discovery Blackfathom Deeps Raid
WoW Series Jan 03, 2024

A Boss Strategy Guide To WoW Season Of Discovery Blackfathom Deeps Raid

In the WoW Season of Discovery, one of the prominent changes in WoW Classic is the level-gated content. Initially, in Phase One, players can reach Level 25, which will gradually increase to 40, 50, and eventually 60 in subsequent Phases. At the culmination of each bracket, a new Raid awaits, and for Phase One, the WoW SoD team has completely revamped the Blackfathom Deeps from a Dungeon into a 10-man Raid.

Each boss within the Blackfathom Deeps has undergone a comprehensive overhaul compared to their classic versions. As a result, players must adapt to new strategies to overcome the re-tuned and intensified bosses. This guide offers insights into the Raid preparation and specific strategies tailored for each role—DPS, Healer, and Tank—allowing for quick reference before each encounter.

A Boss Strategy Guide To WoW Season Of Discovery Blackfathom Deeps Raid

Blackfathom Deeps - Overview & Preparation

Located in the northwest of Ashenvale, on the northern coast of the Zoram Strand, Blackfathom Deeps is initially available as a Raid at the maximum level in Phase One. However, in subsequent phases, it will transition into an optional Raid that players can engage in while progressing through levels, offering high-tier loot and quest XP. The Raid comprises seven bosses scattered throughout the redesigned underwater maze.

Presently, the recommended Raid setup includes two healers, two tanks, and six DPS equipped with at least a few Interrupts among them. Prior to entering the instance, it's advisable to enchant your gear and acquire specific consumables to aid in handling certain mechanics. Some helpful consumables are:

  1. Shadow Protection Potion, useful for Twilight Lord Kelris' second phase and Gelihast's murloc waves (in certain situations).
  2. Free Action Potions, in case Twilight Lord Kelris' abilities remain uninterrupted.
  3. A food consumable that enhances your class' primary stats.

Additionally, before reaching Blackfathom Deeps, make a stop in Darnassus to obtain the Boon of Blackfathom world buff. This world buff automatically applies to everyone in Darnassus when a player turns in the final Blackfathom Deeps quest. It augments Hit Chance, Critical Chance, AP and SP, and Movement Speed, lasting for two hours.

Baron Aquanis

Here are strategies for defeating Baron Aquanis based on different roles.

Baron Aquanis DPS Tips

Melee DPS should consistently position themselves behind the boss to avoid the Bubble Beam ability.

If afflicted by the Depth Charge debuff, cease attacking and plunge into the water, returning once the debuff dissipates.

For Ranged DPS, maintain awareness and move to evade the boss' Bubble Beam ability.

Navigate between platforms to dodge the boss' Torrential Downpour AoE.

Remarkably, it's possible to attack the boss safely from the water below once the trash is eliminated.

WoW SoD Baron Aquanis

Baron Aquanis Healer Tips

Transition to a party or AoE Healing setup, utilizing Runes such as Mass Regeneration and Prayer of Mending.

Navigate between platforms to evade the boss' Torrential Downpour AoE.

Notably, healing allies from the water below is safe once the trash is cleared.

Baron Aquanis Tank Tips

Remain vigilant and move to evade the boss' Bubble Beam ability, which targets the main Tank's location, as indicated by the castbar.


Here are strategies for defeating Ghamoo-Ra based on different roles.

Ghamoo-Ra DPS Tips

Melee DPS should use rapid weapons and abilities that enhance Attack Speed, like Slice N' Dice, to expedite the removal of the boss' Armor.

Avoid stepping into shell fragments scattered in the area, particularly if you do not utilize Mana as a resource.

For Ranged DPS, employ swift weapons and abilities that bolster Attack Speed to accelerate the boss' Armor removal.

Steer clear of shell fragments scattered around the area, especially if Mana isn't your primary resource.

Ghamoo-Ra Healer Tips

Reserve Emergency Healing abilities, such as Lay On Hands, in case a Tank accumulates excessive stacks of Crunch Armor.

Promptly activate AoE Healing abilities once Ghamoo-Ra's armor is shattered, as the entire Raid will sustain substantial damage.

Step onto shell fragments only if Mana reserves are critically low, and Tank attention isn't an immediate necessity.

Ghamoo-Ra Tank Tips

Alternate Tanks upon accumulating two stacks of Crunch Armor, as Ghamoo-Ra's Triple Chomp ability becomes perilously potent with more than two Stacks.

Consume a potent Healing Potion after Ghamoo-Ra's armor is shattered, enabling Healers to concentrate on restoring the remainder of the Raid.

Lady Sarevess

Here are strategies for defeating Lady Sarevess based on different roles.

Lady Sarevess DPS Tips

Melee DPS should consistently disrupt Frost Arrow whenever it's cast. Rogues and Paladins are particularly adept at this task.

Avoid lingering in the Ice areas, as prolonged exposure may result in temporary immobilization.

Prioritize focusing on Sarevess rather than the Elite for a more efficient takedown.

For Ranged DPS, steer clear of the Ice areas to prevent temporary immobilization.

Prioritize focusing on Sarevess over the Elite for optimized results.

WoW SoD Lady Sarevess

Lady Sarevess Healer Tips

Avoid lingering in the Ice areas to prevent temporary immobilization. Maintain maximum range for safety.

Assign one Healer to concentrate on the Offtank, responsible for diverting the Elite's attention.

Lady Sarevess Tank Tips

Continuously reposition Lady Sarevess to avoid the formation of Ice areas.

Ensure the boss faces away from the rest of the group to prevent cleave and chain damage.

Disrupt Frost Arrow to support melee DPS in preventing its execution.

Have the Offtank focus on the Elite, positioning it at the periphery of an Ice patch to potentially immobilize it.


Here are strategies for defeating Gelihast based on different roles.

Gelihast DPS Tips

Melee DPS should prioritize eliminating Tendril adds as soon as they emerge to prevent their casting of Mind Flay.

Exercise caution while maneuvering between enemies, refraining from attacking them, during the March Of The Murlocs ability across phases (three total waves).

For Ranged DPS, prioritize eliminating Tendril adds promptly to prevent their casting of Mind Flay.

Exercise caution while maneuvering between enemies, refraining from attacking them, during the March Of The Murlocs ability across phases (three total waves).

Evade Gelihast's Shadow Crash ability, an extensive AoE Shadow damage aimed at Ranged party members.

Gelihast Healer Tips

Reserve Emergency Healing abilities, such as Rewind Time, should a Tank accumulate excessive stacks of Crunch Armor.

Exercise caution while maneuvering between enemies, refraining from attacking them, during the March Of The Murlocs ability across phases (three total waves).

Evade Gelihast's Shadow Crash ability, an extensive AoE Shadow damage aimed at Ranged party members.

Gelihast Tank Tips

Switch between Tanks once Gelihast accumulates two stacks of Shadow Strike – the boss's damage significantly escalates beyond three stacks.

Be cautious while moving amidst enemies (avoid attacking them) during the March Of The Murlocs ability, occurring across three total waves.

If still affected by the debuff during March Of The Murlocs, consider using a Shadow Protection Potion to counter any potential contact.

Lorgus Jett

Outlined below are approaches to defeating Lorgus Jett across various roles.

Lorgus Jett DPS Tips

Melee DPS should cease attacking Lorgus Jett immediately upon the casting of Corrupted Lightning Shield Totem. Rapidly dismantle this Totem before resuming attacks on Lorgus.

Avoid the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-rolling, high-damage Fire attack traversing the room.

For Ranged DPS, refrain from attacking Lorgus Jett upon the casting of Corrupted Lightning Shield Totem. Swiftly dismantle this Totem before returning focus to Lorgus.

Stay clear of the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-moving Fire attack causing substantial damage on impact.

Lorgus Jett Healer Tips

Steer clear of the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-rolling, high-damage Fire attack traversing the room.

Watch out for the boss's Windfury Totem, which significantly boosts the boss's DPS, and be prepared to employ Emergency Healing abilities if available.

Lorgus Jett Tank Tips

 Immediately halt attacks on Lorgus Jett when the Corrupted Lightning Shield Totem is cast. Rapidly dismantle this Totem before returning focus to Lorgus.

Avoid the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-moving Fire attack causing substantial damage on impact.

Twilight Lord Kelris

Here are strategies for overcoming Twilight Lord Kelris in different roles.

Twilight Lord Kelris DPS Tips

Interrupt every Shadowy Chains that the boss attempts to cast. It is cast about every 10 seconds in Phase One, so Rogues can Kick it every time on cooldown. Other DPS should focus on Interrupting Mind Blast.

Consume a Shadow Protection Potion right before Phase 2 (at about 35% health) and focus on unleashing heavy damage. Kelris cannot be interrupted in Phase Two and will continually cast Mind Blasts.

Avoid staying within the Shadow Crash AoE area by monitoring your debuffs.

When transported to the shadow realm, eliminate Priestesses until one reveals a Portal to return you to the normal world. Kelris targets the closest players and avoids targeting the same players twice. 

Coordinate groups of two (Tank+melee DPS) to stay close and compel Kelris to teleport them. Others should maintain maximum range to avoid becoming targets.

WoW SoD Twilight Lord Kelris

Twilight Lord Kelris Healer Tips

Minimize healing in Phase One to conserve mana for the much more impactful Phase Two.

Maintain maximum range at all times to avoid being sent into the Dream realm via Kelris' Sleep ability.

If Shadow Chains isn't interrupted, employ a Free Action Potion to avoid being CCed before it takes effect. Priests can also utilize Dispel Magic.

Consume a Shadow Protection Potion right before Phase 2 (at about 35% health) and focus on heavy healing. Kelris cannot be interrupted in Phase Two and will continually cast Mind Blasts.

Avoid staying within the Shadow Crash AoE area by monitoring your debuffs.

Twilight Lord Kelris Tank Tips

Position the boss so that Ranged party members can still attack Kelris while having enough space to avoid the Shadow Crash AoE DoT.

Assist DPS in interrupting Mind Blast and Shadowy Chains in Phase One.

During Phase Two, employ personal defensive Cooldowns to assist Healers and consume a Shadow Protection Potion right before he reaches the 35% HP mark.

When transported to the shadow realm, eliminate Priestesses until one reveals a Portal to return you to the normal world. Kelris targets the closest players and avoids targeting the same players twice. 

Coordinate groups of two (Tank+melee DPS) to stay close and compel Kelris to teleport them. Others should maintain maximum range to avoid becoming targets.


Here are strategies for overcoming Aku-mai in different roles.

Aku-mai DPS Tips

Melee DPS always stay behind the boss to evade either Corrosive Blast or Void Blast. The boss might abruptly change direction from the Tank, so maintain proximity to reduce travel distance.

Halt attacks immediately when Aku-Mai summons adds; prioritize eliminating them. Neglecting these adds could jeopardize the success of your attempt.

Towards the fight's end, utilize defensive Cooldowns to aid Healers, particularly if both Tanks become incapacitated – Aku-Mai's attacks are formidable.

Ranged DPS always stay behind the boss to evade either Corrosive Blast or Void Blast. The boss might abruptly change direction from the Tank, so maintain proximity to reduce travel distance.

Halt attacks immediately when Aku-Mai summons adds; prioritize eliminating them. Neglecting these adds could jeopardize the success of your attempt.

Towards the fight's end, utilize defensive Cooldowns to aid Healers, particularly if both Tanks become incapacitated – Aku-Mai's attacks are formidable.

Aku-mai Healer Tips

Always stay behind the boss to evade either Corrosive Blast or Void Blast. The boss might abruptly change direction from the Tank, so maintain proximity to reduce travel distance.

Consider shifting to a single-target Healing focused setup, utilizing abilities like Beacon of Light, as Aku-Mai primarily focuses on a single Tank at a time.

Aku-mai Tank Tips

Position yourself on the opposite side of Aku-Mai to face away from the party, preventing them from getting hit by the boss's Corrosive and Void Blast, and keeping Cleansing Pools nearby.

The Offtank should employ AoE Tanking abilities, such as Thunderclap or Consecration, to generate Threat for the adds that frequently spawn during the fight.

Only utilize Cleansing Pools if afflicted with four or more stacks of Corrosion or Shadow Seep, as they have limitations. Swap Tanks upon reaching this limit.

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