In Phase 2 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery, several new Rogue runes have been introduced, including Shadowstep, Master of Subtlety, Rolling with Punches, Shuriken Toss, Poisoned Knife and Waylay. Next is a comprehensive guide aims to provide you with information on where to locate these 6 runes.
To obtain this rune, you need to journey to Thousand Needles to Camp E’thok. Inside the big tent, you'll find a chest that needs to be looted. Inside the chest, you'll find a smaller lockbox that requires multiple lockpicking attempts. A lockpicking skill of 125 is sufficient. Upon opening the final chest, you'll receive a debuff that prevents you from stealth for 5 minutes. Additionally, you'll obtain the rune.
The rune significantly increases your durability, providing tankiness in challenging situations. When the rune expires, your health percentage remains the same, which can be inconvenient for healing. To mitigate this, manually right-click the buff to remove it or create a macro for quicker removal. Removing the buff before healing reduces the amount of health you need to restore. Alternatively, using a macro ensures prompt removal of the buff, preventing health percentage discrepancies upon expiration.
Start by heading to Kurzen's Compound in Stranglethorn Vale. Inside the Compound's broken tower, you'll find a captive who needs to be freed. He informs you that high-ranking cursion mobs hold the key to his cage. Enter the nearby cave where the elite mob is located. Pickpocket Kurzen Elite to obtain the key. Inside the cave, you'll also find a supply crate, which contains Kurzen Fighter's Uniform.
If you're unable to defeat the mobs guarding the supply crate, you can wait for other players to clear them out so you can loot it. Exit the cave and return to the tower to give the key to the prisoner. Then, provide him with the Kurzen's Fighter's Uniform as a disguise, allowing him to escape.
Once the prisoner escapes, he instructs you to speak with Captain Aransas in Booty Bay. The captain can be found under the Inn near the fisherman. She expresses gratitude for saving her crewman and rewards you with the rune and Jani's Charm. If you don't see the prisoner in the cage, it means someone else has already freed him. You'll need to wait for a short respawn period before attempting again.
Possess the Disarm Trap ability or wait for someone else to deactivate the trap. Travel to the Swamp of Sorrows. Find a chest which is trapped with a poison dart. You must disarm the trap to loot the chest. Remove the trap and then loot the chest to acquire the ability. The ability allows you to throw Shurikens and costs 30 energy to use. Despite the ability's cool factor, its damage output is relatively low. Unfortunately, the ability does not proc with Blade Flurry, which would have been a desirable feature.
The first thing is that you need to be at least Level 30 to start the quest. Upon entering any major city, you receive mail from a person named C, who offers you a new job. He instructs you to go to a hut next to Shadowfang Keep. At the hut, you find instructions for the next stealth mission. You're tasked with finding a disguise on the monastery grounds and entering the Scarlet Monastery to retrieve an artifact. Locate the stables west of the monastery and loot a disguise from the chest. You may need Lockpicking skills.
Enter the Scarlet Monastery and head to the leftmost dungeon, which is the Graveyard. Pickpocket the Scarlet Scryer in the Chamber of Atonement for a key. Proceed to the Library and put on a disguise of a human Mage. Navigate the dungeon without attacking anyone until you reach a personal letterbox. Use the key to loot the chest, obtaining confidential messages. Exit the library and enter the Graveyard. Follow instructions to reach the Forlorn Cloister and interact with benches to trigger flavor text. Loot the stone cipher from the north crypt.
Return to the Library, and then head to the Gallery of Treasures. You will find the final quest item in the first small room on the left. Back to Shadowfang Keep to turn in the quest, but you won't receive rune rewards yet. Return to your Capital town and wait for a message from C directing you back to the hut for your reward.
Finally, return to Shadowfang Keep once more to loot your rune of Shadowstep. This rune allows you to blink and gain a 70% movement speed boost for 3 seconds, even while rooted. It's especially useful against Druids and Mages, as using Shadowstep does not provoke combat.
You can begin in Desolace and pick up the quest from the Extinguished Campfire. Investigate the camp murder by visiting Kormek’s Hut where a goblin directs you to Booty Bay. In Booty Bay, find Tokal inside the Inn. Buy her a drink to obtain information about the assassin's whereabouts. Travel to Arathi Highlands. Take a boat from Thandol Sspan to the east coast of the Arathi Highlands. Proceed where a Night Elf will spawn after a few minutes. Engage her in combat to obtain a key.
Use the key to unlock a nearby chest, obtaining the Poisoned Knife rune. The ability costs 25 energy (20 with Improved Sinister Strike), deals full offhand weapon damage, and procs poisons on your offhand. The ability has a minimum range of 8 and a maximum of 25. It generates a combo point and is effective for solo content, allowing kiting and stunning tactics.
Start in Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at the small camp. Equip the trinket she gives you to locate the Dark Riders. There are 7 Dark Riders spread across the world. The first is in Deadwind Pass. Defeat him to obtain The Dalaran Relic. Proceed to Raven Hill in Duskwood, Swamp of Sorrows, and Badlands to summon and defeat the Dark Riders. Encounter the Highlands Dark Rider, but be aware of competition from other players.
Head to the Barrens and Desolace to summon the Dark Riders. With all relics gathered, return to Deadwind Pass to turn them in. You will earn 11 gold and 60 silver from the quest, but the reward, the Waylay rune, is considered underwhelming. Suggestions for improving the Waylay rune include providing a backstab damage boost while using the rune, making it more useful and relevant.
Welcome back adventurers! WOW Classic SOD Phase 2 has been out for over a week, and you may have already reached level 40 in Phase 2. So, what do we do next?
In this guide, we’ll reveal the ultimate secrets of everything the best players do at level 40, and share the 10 things you need to do at level 40 to get that extra edge.
We’ll break this guide into three parts. This first part we’ll focus on PVE, discussing everything you need to do to get ahead and dominate Season of Discovery, some of which will ensure your success in the rest of the game.
Second, we’ll cover the best gold makers available right now. We all know this phase is very expensive, but I can still produce over 200 WOW Classic SOD Gold per day to offset the enormous expense. So I’ll tell you how to do it.
Finally, we’re going to talk about my favorite topic: PVP. Without further ado, let’s get started!
Let’s start with PVE now. Your focus should be on making Epic helmets. They are the first choice for PVE and PVP.
Start with Grime-Encrusted Salvage, which you’ll find in Salvagematic 9000. My helmet cost over 400 WoW SoD gold to craft, but when the 3 day lockout comes the price really plummets. Therefore, my advice is to wait until the end of February before making the helmet.
Also, keep in mind that unlocked vendors sell new recipes like Retrocution or Enchants as well as the easy-to-throw Radiation Bomb. Even if you don’t get the helmet right away, you should still do the questline to get these recipes.
Helmet crafting may be one you’ve already completed, but Cozy Sleeping Bag questline is a must-do.
Depending on whether you are Alliance or Horde, you will embark on a journey to Camp Taurajo or Westfall. You will then head to Stonetalon Mountains and Loch Modan, and finally to Arathi Highlands or Hillsbrad Foothills.
If you haven’t reached level 40 yet, a 3% XP bonus is insane. You also get eight Student Fodders, each of which will provide four Rested XP bars, which I plan to keep until Phase 3.
We also want to get all the runes you may already have, or three new key runes you may be researching.
Now for my part, I’ll rush out and get Empowered Renew and Dispersion Rune. But the best players have acquired all 18 runes, allowing you to switch to new ones as soon as they cool down.
For example, I can instantly swap Dispersion for Pain Suppression. Then when it cools down, I can instantly switch to Spirit of the Redeemer and it’s like having three super powers all the time.
Another PVE thing to do is farm Furbolg Medicine Pouch. Just one hunter and one healer are enough to farm Furbolg, or you can form a full raiding party.
What’s more, this Pouch has been recently patched and is now actually usable. This makes it pretty crazy for any 1V1 or flag running, and you save time going to Exalted grind in the next phase.
Now that we’ve discussed PVE, let’s talk about our top gold makers in Phase 2.
This is an expensive phase. We need to make a lot of Classic SoD gold, and the first thing we need to do is complete quests. Because as long as the quests are within five levels, you will get the maximum gold reward.
There’s usually about two gold rewards per quest, which isn’t that crazy, but there are still over 100 quests you can do. Among them, many will also receive green rewards. But be careful, because if you plan on doing quests in Phase 3, you have a lot of big quests to avoid.
In fact, all professions have enchanting, even at level one. You can break down the blues and greens in the world and get materials like Nether Essence. They’re worth over three gold each on my server and take things to the next level.
I can usually spend double the money on enchanting materials. You can also use items like Icy Cloak to generate a Large Glowing Shard.
I’ve also made over 400 gold so far by checking out every BiS Tailoring recipe and stocking up on Auction House. Even now, items like Red Mageweave Pants usually make me over 5 gold per craft.
Another big gold maker I’m working on right now is selling Waylaid Supplies.
So now we need to completely fill a box before we can turn it in. This means that even low-level box items are still amazing gold makers.
My personal favorites are the cooking boxes like Spider Sausage. Practically every profession can make you money now, but the most important thing is to sell all the stacks in a box that fits.
Another profession gold maker is Transmute alts. Since several crafting recipes require Silver Bars, they cannot be smelted even with Advanced Mining Gloves.
Therefore, the best way to get bars is to convert Mithril Bars directly into Silver Bars every 48 hours. This way, you’ll earn three to four gold coins per character.
Another gold maker I’m working on is running Uldaman. Running Uldaman can get you some decent BiS Gear, and it may even drop extremely expensive items like Pendulum of Doom.
There is currently mixed information on who drops pendulum, but it seems to be mainly elites at level 44 to 45. Even if you’re not lucky enough to get a pendulum, other items may fetch a few hundred gold coins.
Finally, you’ll definitely want to do some PVP as well. Here are the tips you need to pay attention to when completing PVP activities.
The big PVP related thing I’m doing is STV Blood Moon Event, which happens every 3 hours. We know the event is a free-for-all, meaning you can kill players from both factions. You can also get tons of PVP rewards.
It seems that once the event starts, Fight Master becomes hostile and doesn’t allow you to leave Stranglethorn Vale easily. This looks like a very interesting mechanic, especially for hardcore PVP fans who want to fully experience the thrill of bloodshed.
Another thing I’m doing is grinding Arena Grand Master, which is the ultimate PVP Trinket, second only to Tidal Charm.
Whenever Blood Moon starts, treasure chests will spawn, and if you get 12 of them, you’ll get a crazy PVP Trinket. We usually summon in groups, then we split into groups of five to compete for Trinket, and then a final PVP match.
I’m really curious what you plan to spend the most time on in Phase 2. No matter what, plan a simple goal. It will really save you more time.
Welcome to my guide for Diablo 4 Season 3, where I present an incredible Barbarian Build known as the Death Blow Overkill Barbarian.
To kick things off, it’s crucial to equip the Overkill - an Ancestral unique 2-handed mace for Barbarians. With its perfect stats including all stat strength, overpower damage, and berserking, the damage to berserking is particularly noteworthy. Whether you possess an Overkill and seek a build to maximize its potential or simply have a penchant for the Death Blow skill, this build is worth exploring.
Starting with the Primal Bascinet of Might, prioritize Death Blow ranks and essential stats like total armor, maximum life, cooldown reduction, and employ basic skills for an Arsenal build.
Optimize the Juggernaut's Sovereign Mail chest for maximum health, resistances, and damage reduction.
Utilize Earthstriker Doom Gauntlets for their strength, attack speed, Critical Strike Chance, and Rend ranks, adaptable for core skills like Rend or Double Swing.
Choose Iron Blood Primal Chausses pants for Rend synergy or Protector for barrier utility, adjusting stats for defensive emphasis.
Equip Weapon Master's Doom Treads boots for movement speed and resistances.
Utilize Overkill 2-handed mace with rubies for overpower damage, complemented by Royal Boneblade of Inner Calm for stationary bonuses during key actions. Prioritize all-stat, strength, and relevant damage bonuses on weapons like Edgemaster's Skull and Steel and Demonblade of Encroaching Wrath.
Customize rings for Critical Strike Chance, overpower damage, and resource generation, considering options like Circle of Elements, or Ring of the Relentless Armsmaster based on individual preferences and synergy with companions. Then we have the Ring of Red Furor. This ring is amazing, and we spend 100 Fury by hitting Rend 3 times, which will proc our Encroaching Wrath, and then it will also proc this ring, and we’re guaranteed to have a Critical Strike.
Due to the Critical Strike damage boost from this ring, prioritizing damage amplification seems logical. However, maintaining overpower bonuses via gems for Earthstriker remains essential, especially with the inclusion of Bone Breaker.
In the amulet slot, the Iron Warrior is indispensable for Iron Skin users, boasting exceptional attributes such as strength, damage reduction, cooldown reduction, and 2 ranks to Heavy Handed. While this amulet is nearly perfectly rolled, prioritizing 3 ranks to all Weapon Mastery skills over Heavy Handed would further enhance the effectiveness of Death Blow. So try to get the Weapon Mastery skills and Weapon Expertise. With our Weapon Expertise, we do 2-handed axe, because everything will be vulnerable all the time.
For skill allocation, prioritize placing dual wield on Lunging Strike with 2 points for enhancement. Maximize points in Rend for enhanced effectiveness, then choose between Violent for increased damage or Furious for maintaining Edge Master bonus uptime. Allocate 3 points each in Imposing Presence and Iron Skin for enhancement and tactical use respectively. Include Swiftness for mobility and Aggressive Resistance for defense.
Consider omitting Prolific Fury due to companion effectiveness. Maximize points in Pit Fighter and Death Blow, potentially reaching 18 points with appropriate gear. Enhance Death Blow for boosted boss damage and include Warrior's Death Blow for berserking synergy. Utilize enhanced Steel Grasp for vulnerability and Fighter's for additional berserking. Allocate points in Thick Skin for counter offensive.
Opt for the Trifecta setup, emphasizing Heavy Handed, Brute Force, and Wallop for mace usage and vulnerability exploitation. Maintain Furious Impulse for weapon swapping Fury gain, adaptable depending on companion utility. Lastly, incorporate Wrath of the Berserker, progressing from Prime to Supreme for enhanced performance.
For our key passive, you could take Unconstrained, or you could take Walking Arsenal. The choice is yours. But if you don’t want to worry about weapon swapping, then Unconstrained would also be amazing as well. And with the skills, make sure that your Rend is on your slashing weapon, make sure your Lunging Strike is on dual wield, and make sure your Death Blow is on your Overkill mace.
In the Paragon board, prioritize Exploit glyph on the starting board to ensure constant vulnerability, and consider Bone Breaker for Wrath, maximizing dexterity for critical strike synergy with Ring of Red Furor. Alternatively, opt for Territorial for consistent damage without reliance on crits.
Emphasize Might in the Carnage board to enhance damage during berserking and bolster damage reduction.
In the Decimator board, focus on acquiring strength nodes for increased damage output.
Utilize the Weapon Master glyph in the Weapon Master board or the starter board to optimize physical damage bonuses, ensuring its effectiveness in tandem with frequent Death Blows.
Finally, prioritize Crusher in the Blood Rage board for overpower damage synergy with the main mace damage, emphasizing strength or Willpower allocation.
Then with our construct, I recommend to use the Flash of Adrenaline, Duration Support, Tactical Support with Initiative Support, and then you put Tempest with Resource Support, Safeguard Support, and Fortify Support. The fortifies are up all the time. All these are my favorite for this construct.
Hi, Builders! I extend a warm welcome to explore my curated list featuring the top 3 budget builds for the Path of Exile 3.23 Affliction League. If you're interested in delving deeper into affordable and powerful builds, then come with me on this journey. Let's dive right in!
To start this topic, we have the most beginner-friendly of all, the Arc Totems Hierophant with the Templar class. On this build, we use many totems that cast the Arc skill for a fast and safe clear speed.
Budget: As for budget, you can get it by destroying early endgame maps with only around 35 chaos to comfortably advance to Yellow Maps, you need to invest around 90 chaos, and for easily completing your Atlas, I recommend investing around 3 divines. But you can totally do it. This build needs 3 mandatory unique items, but they are normally very cheap and easy to get.
Pros: The pros of this build is that this build is cheap and easy to complete. Using this build with almost no investment, you have a powerful, safe, and fast character that will be the perfect POE Currency farmer for this and future builds.
Cons: To all the cons, this build doesn’t have access to Evasion or Spell Suppression, but totem builds are very safe to play. Another issue is that some players might find this gameplay to be a little tedious.
Clear Speed: For clear speed, this build gets 9 out of 10. Arc is a good skill that chains to many enemies and easily clears big packs. This build counts with 4 totems casting this amazing skill.
Boss Damage: The boss damage deserves 9 out of 10. With the right debuffs and all 4 totems summoned, this build can take even big bosses down without any issue.
Survivability: For survivability, I’ll also give it 9 out of 10. As a totem build, you’ll always be far from the action while your totems do all the work. So if you know how to mind your position, you can easily complete high-tier maps with low-grade gear. Above all, this build still comes with high armor and high block chance.
Next, we have this incredibly tanky Melee build, the Boneshatter Juggernaut with the Marauder class. This build is perfect for the Melee enthusiasts out there. Boneshatter hits enemies so hard that it hurts your own character, accumulating Trauma stacks. For each Trauma, you’re going to deal and take more damage. That’s why it’s important to gear both attack speed and armor to stack many Traumas and sustain their damage.
Budget: As for budget, this build is cheap. You can get it destroying early endgame maps with only around 60 chaos. To comfortably advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 120 chaos. And for easily completing your Atlas, I recommend investing around 4 Divine Orbs.
Pros: To reach the pros of this build, I would start off with its survivability. Even though you do damage to yourself, this build has so much armor that you won’t feel a thing. However, this build don't need to sacrifice speed or boss damage. It’s still super fast and can kill Guardians in just a few seconds.
Cons: To all the cons, the first thing that comes to mind is that you need to keep an eye on your Accuracy. This is because the keystone Precise Technique grants 40% more damage if your Accuracy is bigger than your Life.
Clear Speed: For clear speed, I’ll give it 9 out of 10. Boneshatter also creates a big pulse of damage when stunning enemies, meaning that a single blow can kill an entire pack of monsters. Other than that, you stack a lot of attack speed that causes your Leap Slam land to almost teleport you through the map.
Boss Damage: The boss damage is also great and deserves 9 out of 10. Using Boneshatter on bosses causes you to accumulate a lot of Trauma stacks and do huge amounts of damage.
Survivability: For survivability, this build is surely 10 out of 10, and I would even like to say 20 out of 10 if I could. This build achieves almost 200,000 armor and over 83% of all Elemental Resistances. All of that combined with the Juggernaut Ascendancy grants his character over 300,000 effective HP. It’s really crazy.
The last build of our budget selection is the amazing Summon Raging Spirits Guardian also with the Templar class. As we all know, minion builds are among the best out there, and this one has the best cost-benefit. It’s a very simple and safe build for you to complete all content with little investment or effort. It's also a good choice for beginners.
Budget: As for budget, you can get it destroying by the early endgame maps with only around 60 chaos to comfortably advance to Yellow Maps. I recommend investing around 100 Chaos Orbs. And for easily completing RAS, I recommend investing around 4 divines.
Pros: When it comes to the pros of this build, it is accessibility, super cheap and easy to play, doesn’t need any mandatory unique POE Item. This build is for everyone. It also comes with great boss damage and survivability. Above all, it has 3 damage auras totally for free and a minion that takes 20% of the damage for you.
Cons: To let the cons start, saying the Raging Spirits have a short duration, and you need to keep resummoning them, which might reduce your speed a little. Other than that, this build also doesn’t have access to Evasion or Life.
Clear Speed: This build gets 8 out of 10 because you have to keep resummoning Raging Spirits. Even though the clear speed isn’t super fast, it’s perfectly fine for you to play.
Boss Damage: The boss damage is great, it’s a 9 out of 10. If you apply all the buffs and maintain the Summon Spirit, you will easily reach over 15 million DPS, more than enough to decimate all end-game bosses in seconds.
Survivability: For survivability, I’ll give it 10 out of 10. This is because we’re talking about a minion build where you just need to summon them and wait behind while they destroy and tank everything for you. You just need to mind your position, but with this build, even if they manage to reach you, you still have high armor and block chance, resting on an effective HP of over 14,000.
Diablo 4 extends far beyond its core storyline, yet these additional layers are only unveiled post-Lilith’s defeat. Blizzard has intricately woven numerous trials into the fabric of Sanctuary’s ongoing existence within the endgame, providing ample opportunities for Wanderers to delve into these quests and further fortify their characters.
Accompanied by the introduction of Vaults, Diablo 4 Season of the Construct beckons players to confront Malphas, a demon who has seized control of the ancient technology known as The Loom. However, adequate preparation is paramount before confronting this adversary, and there’s no superior method to enhance your prowess than by engaging in endgame activities, tackling World Bosses, and scouring for Unique Items.
If you don’t know what to do next after completing the primary campaign in Diablo 4 Season 3, here’s a comprehensive overview of the myriad activities available.
Upon finishing the primary narrative of Diablo 4 Season 3, one of the initial actions available is elevating Sanctuary’s world level.
In the endgame, players gain entry to two additional difficulty tiers:
Adjusting World Tiers presents the chance to confront more formidable adversaries while also reaping rewards of superior quality and rarity, including Sacred & Ancestral items. If you want to easily defeat your opponents, then it is necessary to reasonably allocate some Diablo 4 Gold to your characters and weapons!
Upon reaching World Level 3 in Diablo 4 Season 3, players will observe the emergence of Nightmare Sigils scattered across Sanctuary’s map.
These sigils serve as access points to Nightmare Dungeons, operating akin to keys. However, players lack control over which specific dungeon they unlock.
Consequently, Wanderers must conserve these sigils in their inventory until the corresponding location is revealed, although they can be salvaged once utilized.
To enter a Nightmare Dungeon, players must right-click on a Nightmare Sigil within their inventory, thereby marking the location on the map for easier navigation.
Upon completing these challenges, players will be rewarded with two loot pieces and encounter an altar for Glyph upgrades.
The Paragon Boards in Diablo 4 Season 3 are personalized passive skill trees, offering characters a means to refine their builds with various stats.
As players accrue experience beyond level 50, they’ll earn Paragon Points that can be invested in passive bonuses. It’s important to note that builds are restricted to allocating a maximum of 220 passives.
By utilizing Glyphs, Wanderers can enhance their Paragon Boards, unlocking additional abilities. It’s essential to remember that these boards are tailored to each class and are linked to specific characters.
Upon completing every Act in Diablo 4 Season 3’s main storyline, players gain entry to Helltide areas.
These regions are imbued with the influence of Hell, resulting in stronger enemies and providing an opportunity for players to seek out crystals to unlock special reward caches.
In areas affected by a Helltide, meteors will descend as environmental hazards, elevating the monster level by two above the player’s level. Demons defeated during this event yield Aberrant Cinders, which can be utilized to unlock Tortured Chests scattered throughout the affected region.
Following the Season 3 update, Helltides are now accessible at all times, with only a 5-minute interval between occurrences. Players will encounter these events in World Tier 3: Nightmare difficulty and must confront Helltide Commanders to secure valuable loot.
In Act 5 of the Diablo 4 Season 3 campaign, Wanderers will encounter the Tree of Whisperers, situated in the northeast corner of Hawezar. It stands out unmistakably with its distinctive feature: talking heads suspended from its branches.
Upon completing the main story, players receive a Priority Quest guiding them to interact with the tree, who requests the gathering of Grim Favors obtained through various missions.
It’s important to note that each task yields a different amount of favors:
The primary objective is to accumulate 10 Grim Favors, which can then be exchanged for reward bundles.
The Codex of Power in Diablo 4 Season 3 comprises a compilation of Legendary Aspects that players can imprint onto their Diablo 4 Items at The Occultists. These enhancements are applicable to both Rare & Legendary items.
While the Codex of Power becomes accessible early in the main storyline, acquiring all Aspects may necessitate Wanderers to continue playing even after completing it. This can be achieved by fully exploring every Dungeon within Diablo 4 Season 3's expansive map.
World Bosses are colossal demons that emerge throughout the expanse of Sanctuary's map.
Players may chance upon them randomly, but only after completing the campaign will they begin to receive notifications regarding World Boss appearances.
It's worth noting that this is the sole in-game method of receiving alerts about the impending arrival of these titanic adversaries, although enthusiasts have devised alternative tracking methods.
In Diablo 4, the 3 primary World Bosses are:
Each new season introduces fresh World Bosses for players to confront, presenting an opportunity to test their strength.
Here's a rundown of every World Boss featured during the Diablo 4 Season of the Construct:
Diablo 4 Season 3's Echo of Lilith stands as a Level 100 adversary, epitomizing the ultimate challenge within the game.
This formidable demon manifests in two phases within the Echo of Hatred and is exclusively accessible when playing at World Tier level 4.
Representing a heightened iteration of Lilith, the Echo of Lilith poses a significant escalation in difficulty. According to Joe Piepiora, Diablo 4's Associate Game Director, this encounter is described as a "pinnacle boss encounter."
Piepiora elucidates, "Players who attain level 100 will face an exceedingly challenging ordeal with this boss encounter. The expectation is that you leverage your class, comprehend your build intricately, and have optimized every facet to its fullest potential. Mastery of these elements will be key to potentially overcoming this formidable foe.
Diablo 4 Season 3 debuted Vaults and Nightmare Vaults, presenting players with a fresh variant of Dungeons essential for completing their seasonal journey and confronting the demon Malphas.
As they progress through Diablo 4 Season 3's storyline, players must focus on constructing and enhancing their Seneschal Companions by acquiring Tuning and Governing Stones. These Constructs will fight alongside them to thwart Malphas' allies.
Furthermore, players will encounter Arcane Tremors, localized events demanding confrontation with Constructs to access Obelisks and reap valuable rewards. While traversing Sanctuary, Wanderers will also stumble upon Braziers, a highly praised new PvP mechanic that requires activation to summon Heralds of Malphas and acquire rare materials.
The Group Finder has been released again today, coinciding with the Year of the Dragon event in New World Season 4. So I am going to provide a concise summary to help you know eveything about this system.
The system primarily aims to facilitate group formation for low level mutations, tailored to new players. It offers greater flexibility compared to the OPR system. While M3 isn't included due to gear and gem requirements, the goal is to attract more players to M3 by simplifying group finding.
Although the old Lobby Finders system, their lack of Cross World functionality poses a significant drawback. A more balanced approach integrating Cross World features into the existing system would have been preferable.
Trading is disabled while you are in Cross World, so you can’t just influence other servers’ economies by trading through the Group Finder. And let’s dive a little bit more into what the Devs had to show us.
So, first of all, you have the activity finder system, where you can see all of the options, all of the activities, for the modes tab, there are the new screen which gathers all of any world’s instant content in one place for easy access, similar to Outpost Rush.
Any player from any world within the same region can be matched together to form a new instance. This means significantly less time spent finding groups and more time running Expeditions.
You also no longer need to build your own group by hand. These new activity screens finally allow you to view any Expedition entrance screen and Lobby Finder from a single list instead of the map, also very convenient.
You can also just random queue on the side here or select specific Expeditions. And what you also notice on the right side here is the allow in-progress joining, so participating in an Expedition that has already started.
They do also mention us that you can still build your own Expedition group and Expeditions manually and use the Lobby-based Group Finder if you prefer.
The next point here is how to play Cross World Expeditions. If you’re playing solo or in a group of 4 or less adventurers, you can enter the Cross World Expedition Group Finder in one of 2 ways: either you click random to enter a queue for every Expedition you can currently access, this is the quickest way to find a group and grants a bonus up in completion twice daily, or use the checkboxes on the left of each Expedition to make specific Expedition lists and then click the queue button.
There’s no daily bonus for this option, but you will have more control over the selected Expedition. This is what that selection would, for example, look like. Before you can enter the Expedition queue, you need to choose a role.
We introduced group roles along with our Lobby-based Group Finder, but they were optional. Now, they are mandatory since Expeditions are designed around the classic Trinity of DPS, Tank, and Healer, and there is no group leader to enforce this balance in the new system.
This means that each Expedition must consist of 3 DPS, 1 Tank, and 1 Healer. Any player who signs up as a Tank, go Healer will receive an additional role bonus when finishing the Expedition. In order to sign up as a Tank, go Healer, you must pass a requirement check. These vary depending on the Expedition.
When entering a group, all players must choose a role. The role selection screen will display each player’s selection. They have the DPS with any weapon, you have the tank with any weapon with a Corleone gem, and then you have the healer with a Level 9 Life Staff and 220 Focus. This varies depending on the Expedition.
In normal Expeditions, players receive Expedition bonus cash twice daily. Below Level 65, they obtain 50% XP of their current level upon completion, along with 3 ASO. At Level 65, they earn 125 gold and 2,500 Faction Tokens. Additionally, there's a roll bonus of 50 gold and 500 Faction Tokens, also available twice daily.
Mutated Expeditions offer more lucrative rewards: a daily mutator bonus of 150 gold and 10,000 Faction Tokens, a mutator roll bonus of 100 gold and 1,000 Faction Tokens, and a mutator carry bonus of 100 gold. Considering the potential rewards, especially the 350 gold and 11,000 Faction Tokens from a mutator run, it may be worthwhile depending on the speed and level of mutation.
As for improvements, adding M3 Cross World functionality to the old Group Finder system seems crucial. While the developers hinted at possible Cross World integration for different modes, like Arenas, the feasibility of such changes, particularly for modes like Wars, remains uncertain.
Today we’re going to talk about Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event in Elder Scrolls Online.
Whitestrake’s Mayhem is a PVP-focused campaign that takes place in Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds and Imperial City. The event was formerly known as Midyear Mayhem Event and will officially be renamed Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event in 2022.
In order to participate in this event, you need to be at least level 10 to enter PVP area. Typically, Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event is active twice a year. The first time was in the spring and the second time in the summer.
This year, the event will be held for the first time in February and will be held again in summer 2024. The event is open to everyone. You can pick up Imperial City DLC for free in Crown Store. Both Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds are part of the base game.
Starting in 2024, 100% of Alliance Points and Experience gain will automatically activate during Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event. This means you’ll earn double XP in all Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds and Imperial City, and double Alliance Points while the event is active.
Before this change, we had to use Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity every two hours, which you could get from Predicant Maera.
To participate in the event, pick up the free event quest starter in Crown Store, or speak to Predicant Maera directly.
You can find Predicant Maera in any Battlegrounds tent in Tamriel, or at the main entrance to Alliance War faction in Cyrodiil. Talk to Predicant Maera to complete the quest and receive Pelinal’s Boon Box.
Additionally, players can earn 100% Tel Var Stones during the event. This buff automatically activates during Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event. But you won’t get double Tel Var Stones by defeating other players.
During the event, you can earn special rewards and collectibles.
You can get the new Mayhem Victor’s Laurel Wreath here. To obtain this headdress, you must unlock Star-Made Knight Achievement by completing seven Achievement:
During Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event, you’ll also receive regular rewards of Pelinal’s Boon Boxes, as well as valuable supply crates.
Additionally, you can earn Boon Boxes from Cyrodiil’s repeatable Town, Battle, Bounty, Conquest, Scouting, Warfront Quests. You can also complete Imperial City district and Battlegrounds repeatable quests to earn Boon Boxes.
Items in Pelinal’s Boon Boxes include:
In addition, you can also get Sancre Tor Sentry Armor Style Pages and Gloamsedge Style Pages during the event. These pages may also be dropped from bosses in Imperial City and Imperial City Sewers.
During Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event, all nodes in Cyrodiil and Imperial City will drop double the regular resources. In addition, special legendary quality necklaces and rings will also be sold by the special Golden Vendor, Adhazabi Aba-daro during the event.
You can complete a variety of daily repeatable tasks in Cyrodiil. Besides PVP related quests, there are also PVE daily repeatable quests available in Cyrodiil. You can complete Settlement Quests in Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Cropsford and Vlastarus.
In Imperial City, you can complete up to 6 Imperial City daily repeatable area quests.
In your Alliance base, you’ll find a room with a lot of ladders. Climb each ladder to find the daily quest giver for a specific Imperial City district.
You can talk to Battlemaster Rivyn in any Gladiator’s Quarters to accept Battlegrounds daily repeatable quests. To complete the game’s start mission, you must participate in 5 Battleground matches.
You can also earn 3 Event Tickets per account per day during the event period. Earn two Event Tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily repeatable mission. And earn the third Event Ticket by completing any Imperial City district daily repeatable mission.
Of course, Impresario Event Merchant will also open her shop during the event. She offers a variety of unique items for each event, including:
Some rewards from previous Whitestrake’s Mayhem Events can no longer be found in Pelinal’s Boon Boxes. But you can now find them in Bag of Veteran’s Glory. You can purchase this bag from Impresario for 2 Event Tickets.
In Bag of Veteran’s Glory you’ll also find:
Indrik Vendor will open her store during the event, where she offers in the first quarter of 2024:
Impresario’s Assistant Philius Dormier, will also be opening his shop during the event. He offers in Q1 2024:
The above is all the information you need to know about this Whitestrake’s Mayhem Event, come join us now!
In today’s guide, we’ll be focusing on the upcoming Season of Discovery Phase 2 and giving you some Rogue leveling tips. Learn how to prepare for the next phase and stay ahead of the competition with this guide!
We’ll start with profession. Ideally, it would be very convenient if you want to choose Skinning for leveling. It earns you extra WOW Classic SOD Gold and gives you something to do during the downtime before the next mob arrives. You’ll regain some health and energy while making a profit.
Personally, I would give up Skinning at the highest level and pursue Engineering. I have prepared all the materials for a quick upgrade for the second profession. I recommend you not to upgrade immediately after choosing Engineering because it will take some time to master these professions.
If you want to get ahead of other players and level up in a less competitive way, the profession you can take is First Aid. Since we don’t have a cure, First Aid is ideal for a quick cure while on the run. This way, you can maximize the time you spend killing mobs.
Cooking is also a suitable profession, but I would wait until the highest level to upgrade it.
For leveling, there are two viable builds, Combat build and Hemo build. I prefer Combat build because it’s easy to get started. And I prefer faster monster kill times to being a PVP winner.
Honestly, if you level up a little slower, Hemo build will do better. Because you will have more utility to protect yourself in PVP.
Let’s start with Combat Rogue, since that’s how most players will approach it.
First, we need to talk about the current runes, and we’ll start with Shadowstrike. It’s a great rune and one of the best ways to mark creatures in the game. Therefore, you need to get this rune quickly.
When you get Saber Slash, higher-level mobs will have a huge health scaling if you can kill them quickly. So eventually Saber Slash will get better around level 20 once we get Cheap Shot.
I think Saber Slash would be better for the leg slot, but the best is still Between the Eyes. And you have an optional Chest Rune, Blade Dance. I like using Rune of Quick Draw. It has a decent AoE damage output and, despite being slow, is especially useful in PVP.
And Rune of Deadly Brew will eventually give you more raw DPS. You don’t need to worry about that, and your poison will clear some of your back space. So if you don’t have any competing factions when leveling, I would go with Between the Eyes and Saber Slash, and Deadly Brew once you complete the runes.
Let’s review talents. First, you could invest two points in Improved Sinister Strike. You can then also invest two points into Remorseless Attacks for an additional 40% critical chance. Just remember that you need to land a critical hit on the target to trigger this talent.
Since I prefer to focus only on Combat Talent Tree, usually we’ll take Improved Gouge. Since we have Bleed and Deadly Poison, I recommend you only take the 3% extra dodge. This will make you better here and take less damage.
The next talent points will depend on the weapon you use. Besides a lot of swords, there are also some Maces that are easy to get. So you can choose Dual Wield Specialization or choose a specific Weapon Specialization based on your weapon. I would choose Aggression, and finally Weapon Expertise and Adrenaline Rush.
For Hemo builds, Rogue leveling requires more skill. Because you will have Weapon-swap Macro to use Ambush on the dagger and Stealth on the slow main hand weapon.
If you get two good daggers, as well as Mutilate, you can choose Saber Slash or even Mutilate, so you will need less weapon swapping. For the leg slot, Between the Eyes is still your best rune. For the chest, I would actually choose Quick Draw over Deadly Brew.
The talents here are all optional. You can choose any talent you like, but I recommend you choose some utility talents at the beginning so that your Stealth will be better.
When choosing a weapon, you’ll usually choose a slower weapon. This is because your skills, like Backstab, Sinister Strike, Saber Slash, Mutilate and more, all deal damage based on weapon damage, and your weapon damage is obtained by multiplying your DPS by your attack speed.
So more DPS on a weapon does not mean more weapon damage, which is the most important stat in these types. A good main hand dagger will have an attack speed of 1.8 and a good non main hand dagger will have an attack speed of 2.6.
When it comes to dealing with elites, there are going to be some problems if you can’t deal with them face to face. If Elite is dealing with too much damage, you can swap your runes for Just a Flesh Wound and Blade Dance.
All you have to do is kite the elite. You’ll reengage as it slows and bleeds, then your stun cools down and your energy regenerates. You will slowly eliminate dangerous monsters.
But if you plan to level mainly through dungeons, then I recommend you to use Backstab build. Because the normal build dies too quickly here, and you can’t increase the damage with Saber Slash and Poisons. If you want to focus on dungeon farming while leveling. I recommend balancing these abilities.
If I have good gear, I rarely use Slice and Dice because I usually kill the monster in three Sinister Strikes. But if my gear is a little low or the mob’s health is too high, I will definitely use my Slice and Dice at the beginning. It all depends on the mobs and how fast I kill them.
Overall, Melee Haste will significantly increase your damage whenever the fight lasts longer than a few seconds.
Another tip is that if you’re fighting mobs in Stealth and don’t use Shadowstrike, always use Pickpocketing. You’ll get some extra coins and an Iron Lockbox. These Lockboxes are cool because they contain the potions and powders required for Blind and Vanish, and disappear at level 26.
In the end, your rotation should look like this. The first step is to approach the mob. Step two, distract it if necessary. Make sure you are at 100 energy and have your dagger equipped, then approach the next tick. The third step is to pickpocket the poor NPC. You can use your Sinister Strikes to deal a little extra damage, and the monster will die at any time.
Experience the Lunar Awakening, a time-limited event amplifying Shrines in Diablo 4 Season 3.
Running from February 6th to the 20th, Lunar Shrines grant 50% XP per monster kill, a 30% movement speed boost, and an extra modifier beyond their usual effects. For instance, Lethal Shrines, in their Lunar New Year variant, provide a chance for instant enemy execution alongside critical strikes. Lunar-variant Shrines feature distinctive dragon skins for easy identification.
This guide delves into all Lunar additions and more.
Once the event is active, fast-travel to Ked Bardu and head to the northern section of town. There you'll meet Ying-Yue, who runs the Lunar Night Market, your main event hub for Lunar Awakening.
You can ask her about some interesting lore, check your Ancestral Favor reputation, and claim some sick rewards. There are 10 reputation levels to earn and 6 different Lunar-themed rewards to unlock.
The weapon skins for the event are the Lunar Scepter Wand, the Dragon's Courage Two-Handed Axe and the Moonshot Bow. If you're a fan of markings, there is a Dragon's Tapestry marking to unlock, as well as a Moon's Bounty mount trophy and the Moonborn Stallion mount.
Lunar Shrines are spread throughout Sanctuary, so just play as you normally would. You can find them in the overworld Vaults, Whisper bounties, and dungeons.
Speaking of dungeons, during the event, Nightmare Sigils have a chance to roll an Ancestor's Favor Dungeon Affix. This guarantees extra Shrines can spawn for that dungeon, and you will receive 10% bonus Glyph XP once complete.
Remember, you can only earn Ancestral Favor reputation while the Lunar Shrine effect is active, so make sure to rack up as many kills as you can before the time runs out.
Lunar Awakening Shrines are enhanced versions of regular Shrines, offering bonus XP, increased movement speed, and all the familiar powers along with an additional ability. Here are some examples.
For the Lunar Awakening Event in Diablo 4 Season 3, you must master these 2 tips.
Engage in the Lunar Celebrant local event for a classic monster-defense experience. Completing the Mastery objective triggers a bonus frenzy wave, making it more efficient than regular Shrines.
Earn bonus Glyph XP with Lunar Affix Nightmare Dungeon Sigils. Guaranteed Lunar Affix Nightmare Sigils in reputation reward tiers make the reputation grind self-reinforcing. Optimize efficiency by completing Whisper bounties parallel to events.
In summary, play Diablo 4 Season as you wish, reinforcing your preferred gameplay loop. Efficiently tackle Lunar events and dabble with Shrines for a rewarding experience.
There are some interesting lesser-known nuances with the Shrines in Diablo 4 Season 3.
Explore these lesser-known nuances with Shrines for an enhanced and strategic gameplay experience in Diablo 4 Season 3.
Here are some tips on how you can optimize Shrines and get more rewards.
Slay demons swiftly to align with the pace of conversation.
Personally wait for a good monster density before popping a Shrine for optimal impact.
Miserly Spirits contribute as a bonus to the local event Mastery objective.
The focus is on maximizing player enjoyment through rapid monster shredding.
Stockpiling Nightmare Sigils with Ancestor's Favor Affix is viable for post-event use.
Bonus Glyph XP remains on crafted Nightmare Dungeon Sigils even after the event concludes.
Inspired by the popularity of Gileon's Brew from Midwinter Blight, rewards are designed to persist.
This encourages players to stockpile for future use, ensuring rewards endure beyond the event.
Go ahead and stockpile for doomsday.