WOW SOD brings a lot of new content to players with each new phase. But so far, it has mainly been adaptations of previous classic content, such as new level-up Raids adapted from vanilla Dungeons.
But thankfully, in Phase 4, we finally have a brand new and original content that is no longer an adaptation, Demon Fall Canyon (DFC).
In WOW SOD, Demon Fall Canyon is the max-level dungeon currently available, so it differs from most dungeons. If we want to enter Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon, we first need to collect Shadowtooth Illusion Ward.
We need to collect it to fit in Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon, otherwise we won’t be able to see the instance portal.
In this guide, we will learn how to unlock Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon, where this dungeon is, and what the DFC prerequisites are.
If you want to know the answers to these questions, please read the article. Knowing the answers to these questions can help us accumulate WOW SOD Gold and get more rewards.
There are two prerequisites for unlocking DFC. The first is that our character level must reach Level 55. The second is that we must complete Wild Offerings questline “Wild Gods” released in Phase 3. Both conditions are indispensable.
Before we reach Level 55, Emerald Sanctuary is located in southern Felwood, and Shadowtooth Emissary in Emerald Sanctuary will not even provide you with the attunement quest “Demonic Deceptions”. But even if you reach level 55, if you have not completed Wild Gods quest, Demon Fall Canyon attunement is still unavailable.
After you reach level 55 and successfully complete the quest, and get the quest provided by Shadowtooth Emissary, then unlocking Demon Fall Canyon is your next objective.
To unlock Demon Fall Canyon, the first thing we need to do is to find Shadowtooth Emissary and pick up the quest “Demonic Deceptions”. If anyone can’t pick up this quest, please check whether our previous prerequisites have been completed.
Shadowtooth Emissary will tell you more about Loa. The area where this incident took place is also the area where Grommash Hellscream defeated Demon Mannoroth. We need to release Orcs from the control of Loa’s fel blood, which is just like the story of WarCraft 3.
He will give you a quest, which is Owlbeast Pineal Glands to create a charm, use the charm to dispel the illusion brought by this major battle, and then send us to Winterspring.
Owlbeasts in other regions will not drop this high-level quest item. Only Owlbeasts in the highest level Winterspring will drop it. And not all Owlbeasts will drop it. The drop rates of Berserk Owlbeasts and Moontouched Owlbeasts are one-third and one-quarter, respectively. However, Crazed Owlbeasts will not drop items before reaching level 56.
I need about six Owlbeasts, so I need to find a place where Owlbeasts live. At this time, we need to return to Emerald Sanctuary. The best place to get Owlbeasts is in the north of Everlook, which is a cave near the world map.
It is recommended that if we are not in a hurry, we can avoid this peak period, which will be much easier. And there are two types of Owlbeasts in this place, which are very popular with players.
When we return to Emerald Sanctuary, give your Pineal Glands to Shadowtooth Emissary. In return, Shadowtooth Emissary will give you Shadowtooth Illusion Ward. When you get Shadowtooth Illusion Ward, it means completing “Demonic Deceptions”.
Shadowtooth Illusion Ward is a trinket. We need to collect this Shadowtooth Illusion Ward to adapt to dungeon of WOW SOD P4. It is worth noting that Demon Fall Canyon location is not in Felwood, nor in Winterspring.
Demon Fall Canyon is located in southeast of Ashenvale, which is not too far away. If you are riding a mount, the distance is even closer.
Demon Fall Canyon is not difficult to find. When we first find the premise of Demon Fall Canyon, we must first find a grey chasm in the southeast of Ashenvale on the map. This place is very close to Splintertree Post, and it is only a few inches on the map.
After finding a grey chasm in the southeast of Ashenvale, you will find the entrance to Demon Fall Canyon. But if you don’t have Shadowtooth Illusion Ward equipped, you won’t be able to see the instance portal. So be sure to complete the previous quest to avoid unnecessary trouble.
Then we have to equip the Demon Fall Canyon attunement trinket, which is very important. We must also make sure that everyone must equip this thing. Then we can enter this instance portal and enter this new dungeon.
The minimum level requirement for Demon Fall Canyon is 55. We can also enter at other levels, but it is not recommended to enter Demon Fall Canyon at the highest level. This is very difficult for quite a few players, perhaps because the players are not fully familiar with this new dungeon.
I hope this article can help you and give you a better gaming experience.
I don’t like leveling, and I’m sure you don’t either. So we’ll skip the leveling process by farming dungeons, and here are some ways to do it.
At the beginning, we are only level 50, and there are almost no options. At this time, the only thing we can do is to run in Arena of Blackrock Depths (BRD). For me now, this is no choice. BRD will provide us with a lot of XP. When we reach level 51 or 52, we can easily beat the boss in BRD hell.
This can be done at level 50. Before you reach level 51 or level 52, you can beat any other boss, including the emperor, which is good loot. When you reach level 52, you can no longer get new SOD Gold through BRD hell.
When you get some items, some items may have windfury on them. There are many items in the slot that have windfury on them. There is also windfury on handle of justice, which has been perfected, and the technicians have added a lot of attack power to it.
So, in fact, you only need to get handle of justice to hit four times in a row. This chance is very small. Whoever gets this thing will be very happy.
In BRD hell, there is not only melee loot but also a lot of casters loot. When you reach level 52, you can still lava runes, but at this time, the lava runes will kill Incendius and Magmus and finally the emperor.
There are many things that are ignored in lava runes, but they are not difficult to learn. Incendius and Magmus are probably the ones you want to farm the most, but the emperor’s loot is very good. You need fire resistance gear now, preferably from molten core, but you can’t get it now.
The best thing about Incendius is that it now drops fire resistance gear, which makes it safer when you molten core. After level 52, the leveling speed of BRD will slow down. There is no way to solve this problem.
What we can do is to complete all the quests as much as possible, and try to complete the easier quests first. For example, we can receive three quests at burning steps. We can receive some other quests at the hord. There are additional quests at the beginning of Dun Morogh.
There is another step that you should remember even if you don’t plan to level dungeons. The first one is Dragonkin Menace, which you can accept at the boarding steps for the alliance. You can continue to complete Onyxia’s Lair Attunement quest after Dragonkin Menace is completed.
Later, even if you complete BRD quest, you still need to go again at level 55 so that you can get your molten core attunement. But you only need to accept the quest at the entrance of BRD to complete it.
Another suggestion is that after level 53, that is, between level 54 and level 55, we don’t need to complete quests in the dungeon at all. Even if there are some PVP activities, the XP you can get is too little.
After you complete at least the first half of Blackrock Spire, you can reach level 54. Lower Blackrock Spire is very important. You have to find a key here, but the drop rate is very low.
You have to fight five people to complete this task and get three unique items. Assuming you are in a good guild, you can ask others to help you get the fragments, which will be much easier, but if you are an ordinary person, you have to complete a lot of things.
In Blackrock Spire, the mobs are actually very weak. Even if you can’t clear them all, you can still get the fragments of the first two bosses, and you can still get a lot of XP in them. The last boss in lower Blackrock Spire is undoubtedly level 60.
But don’t be afraid at all, we have so many freaking hit gear. Here we still have two neutral quests to complete. We just need to find this NPC and complete the tasks he gives us.
If you do these tasks later, the loot you get may not be of any use to you, except for the key, so if you complete them now, at least there will be XP for you.
So far, we should have completed at least two quests. Of course, Onyxia’s Lair Attunement is not included. If you don’t want to choose because of the key, you have another choice, which is Stratholme.
All the monsters you see in Stratholme are about level 57 or level 58. It is still difficult for us to fight individually, but if you have a team, it is still quite good. Because we can get a class with a good AOE.
Here we can take some small quests, and there is also a very long quest, which is Grimms tobacco Quest. Completing these quests can get us a lot of XP.
Don’t ask me why I didn’t go to Scholomance. This quest is too long and we need to do a lot of preparation. After completing the above tasks, we should have almost reached level 60. Have you remembered this quick upgrade method after reading this?
According to the latest news, Season of Discovery Phase 4 is about to go live. Today, this article will take you through all DPS in Season of Discovery Phase 4 and create an accurate DPS tier list.
First, starting with Ret Paladin, Ret Paladin was in a weird place when it started in PTR. But through some testing work, and even target dummy testing. Ret Paladin fits in B tier. They deal decent damage, and they also bring a ton of utility.
But its damage is not stackable, so the damage that causes them is not enough. For a good Ret Paladin who knows what he is doing, besides bringing all the utility, it will also cause considerable damage.
As for Shadow Priests, it is definitely in a wonderful place, although it is not sure how the expansion will go. A lot of players thought they might start to slide because they don’t scale well with gear, but now on PTR, Shadow Priests have definitely moved up a notch.
Next up is Assassination Rogues, which is what we’re going to call Mutilate Rogues, which can still do very respectable damage even with the player damage and Venom nerfs. Mutilate Rogues can be one of the more viable specs for melee DPS and should be placed in A tier, right after Shadow Priests.
Now for Combat Rogues, while Saber Slash Rogues are definitely coming online, and some Saber Slash Rogues are hitting 3,200+ DPS on Patchwork, their DPS is really insane, so Combat Rogues, Saber Slash Rogues should be chosen for S tier, they are absolutely outstanding right now.
As for Mutilate Rogues, it’s not a PVE DPS spec, it doesn’t even need to be ranked.
For Balance Druids, it’s still in the same position. They’ve been in the reality throughout Season of Discovery, they’re not great, they’re not terrible, but they can be very useful in the right hands. So Balance Druids also bring a ton of utility. Balance Druids will now be in B tier along with Ret Paladin.
As for Elemental Shamans, Elemental Shamans were really, really fun in Season of Discovery. However, through the logs, they didn’t perform well with Patchwork, at least their DPS wasn’t good enough.
So Elemental Shamans will now be downgraded to a C tier. Now for those of you Elemental Shamans lovers, this isn’t the end of the road for you, because Enhancement performed really well, Enhancement was actually one of the top melee specs on PTR, Enhancement will move up to A tier above Shadow Priests.
Now for Warlock fans, really hoping it would be live in Season of Discovery Phase 4, there are some really good affliction changes, but the problem is that the damage effects of those afflictions are not there. So sadly, it will be relegated to C tier, right next to Elemental Shamans.
But for players who like Warlock, this is not the end of you, because Destruction Warlocks are doing really well, with Conflagrate changes, your emulate debuffs are not absorbed by the target, so you don’t have to waste a whole another Global to get the emulate back on the target.
After casting, they do a very respectable amount of damage to PTR. They are in A tier, slightly ahead of Shadow Priests. They are kind of on par with Shadow Priests on PTR now, which is a very interesting phase.
Soul Fires are second to none and absolutely exciting. So for players who like Warlocks, Destruction is definitely live in Phase 4.
Now let’s look at Warrior, Warrior was doing really well on PTR, but after the last round of changes, Warrior is completely ruined. Especially weapons, weapons are really bad, the last round of changes actually improved Fury Warrior a lot, but they are in a bad situation now, there are really no good weapons on PTR at the beginning of Phase 4, if there were some good core weapons. Warrior would really start to take off and would definitely be S tier, at least Fury Warrior would.
But now weapons are ruined. If there was an F tier, weapons would be F. Now its damage is really bad. It’s not even worth playing. But Fury Warrior is definitely much better than before, but now the damage is not enough. In fact, on PTR they are inferior to Ret Paladin in most cases.
But again, Warrior is really dependent on their weapons, so for Warrior fans, you really need to use SOD Gold to upgrade your weapons. Otherwise, its damage is really bad. So Warrior will basically be in B tier at the start of Phase 4, behind Balance Druids and Ret Paladin.
Now what’s interesting is that Frost Mage is also in the middle, it should be at the top of B tier, they do a pretty decent amount of damage on PTR, they’re definitely above Balance Druids, Ret Paladin, and Fury Warrior. But for Arcane Mage fans, it’s really not doing very well, you’re behind Warrior’s slump, there’s really no point in playing them unless we make some major changes.
Right now Fire Mage is breaking out, it’s doing some crazy damage on PTR, so for Fire Mage fans, you’re going to have a lot of fun, Fire Mage is in S tier and will probably stay in S tier throughout Season of Discovery Phase 4.
For Feral Druid right now, it’s in a really good spot, Feral Druid is doing really, really well on PTR, it’s in the top tier right below Combat Rogues, Combat Rogues and Fire Mage are on PTR for the last week now. So Feral Druid is going to be fun to play, and maybe we won’t have a hard time finding wild strikes as we get into the next phase, because playing Feral Druid is really fun for Marksmanship Hunter.
For Marksmanship Hunter right now, it’s in a pretty suitable spot. They’re doing really well. They’re actually going to sit in A tier, right next to Feral Druid and Elemental Shamans. DPS of Marksmanship Hunter is really high.
And then for melee Hunters, they’re also right behind them, they were nerfed pretty badly at first, but then they got buffed and now they’re in a really good spot, so for this Beast Mastery Hunter, it’s going to be right behind the ranged hunters in A tier.
The changes to Aspect of Lion, it now brings attack damage, which is a significant change for melee groups. And then Survival Hunter is right below them. They’re all pretty much in the same spot. If you’re playing a hunter right now, you have three very solid specs to choose from. You know different play styles, and now is definitely a good time to be a hunter into Season of Discovery.
This is the current tier list on PTR, this is a pretty accurate description of DPS situation of these classes in their current state on PTR, but before release, or even after release, maybe they will get more changes, we’ll have to wait and see, or maybe they will surprise everyone!
Season Of Discovery Phase 4 is coming out on the 11th of July. This article is designed to help you with what you can do before downloading Phase 4. In short, this is a guide that can be used by both new and hardcore players.
We will first start with upgrading alts or upgrading main characters, then we will understand pre questing, and then we will discuss some of the different Rep Grinds you need.
We will first introduce Leveling and Incursions. Now it is confirmed that Incursions will be removed in the near future. Blizzard specifically pointed out that they will become daily. At this time, we can not use it to upgrade from 40 to 50 or from 25 to 35.
This is indeed a bit difficult, so it is recommended that you complete it as soon as possible. This will also be beneficial later, and it can also increase SOD Gold, which is a win-win situation. You can search for guides on search engines to complete the task quickly. And when phase 4 is about to be released, everyone is preparing new content and other things are about to be finished, so it is still very fast to complete it.
We still have enough time to upgrade, and Raids will actually be available in two weeks. While upgrading, we can also get the required Reps. But if you want to keep your progress ahead, you need to level up two or three levels in Pre questing Grid P4.
Now we should understand our pre questing. Because P4 has not been officially released yet, there is no way to give a detailed guide for the time being. And I think pre questing is time-consuming. It takes at least twice or even several times longer to complete our pre questing than to complete those tasks.
Regarding classes, we can only choose between cooking and tailoring. And after we choose, we must upgrade the selected class to at least level 225, or to level 300 before P4 is released. It is best to upgrade the main crafting class and main gathering class to level 300. If I remember correctly, it is mining, blacksmithing, herbalism, alchemy, etc.
Before we enter SOD Reputation Grinds, we first have to go to a place - Argent Dawn. Starting in Eastern plague lands, we just need to run. If you have a flight path in this place, you just need to follow the route through Alarak Mountains to get your trinket.
The way to get Argent Dawn rep is that you can join a team or even a raid team. We go to Argent Dawn and pick up Argent Dawn trinket and then you just need to equip it, and no other tasks are needed.
At this time, you can mage to help you, grab everything and bring it to the log. All mobs will be defeated, and the mage will handle everything. After that, the task is very simple.
There is also a very important thing to collect minion score Stones, which can increase your rep.
Apparently almost everyone is a Skol mans in P4 now, and we’re going to use it a lot for better spamming, maybe you don’t like it yet, but at least knowing that being friendly is a great thing.
If you have Atlas loot, you can view all items that are currently attainable in the game. Mana biscuits make the character friendly, which is great for the character at this stage. There will be more suitable food in the next stage, and although I have a lot of manas, I don’t want to waste everything on this.
If you are a crafter of other types and have enough honors, you can have some tailoring boots leather working, boots blacksmithing first aid and enchanting, which are very useful, but there is no other value at present.
Blizzard did emphasize that all pieces will be upgraded and their original value will be increased, so at present, there is no way to estimate their value. However, its rep is about to be upgraded to revered.
SOD P3 tailoring shoulders and Arcane mantos will be much better than the shoulders you have now, because you have shoulder enchants from sunken Temple. So you don’t have to worry about that.
As for gloves and boots, there is no way to say what they should be now. We can only say that we have to see how it develops. Now there is a good thing that after the rep reaches revere, melee gets blessed sun fruit. The effect of blessed sun fruit is the same as that of squid in P4, so squid will be replaced.
If you are a melee class and invest a lot of money in consumables, then you will probably spend 10 to 15 hours in Arend Dawn rep. At this stage, you can at least get honored and prepare for the next stage.
Now let’s talk about Timbermaw Hold, it is a magnificent leather working one decent for enchanting, and you can choose to upgrade its level to revered. Thorn Brotherhood is very useful for us, and in terms of blacksmithing, it can provide some best gear for our plate wearers.
Besides that, he has the fire resistance, so he is very suitable for entering MC. But unfortunately there is no way to get it now. And he has a cap at honor, which we cannot exceed.
Although we cannot exceed the cap, we at least have some honor. This is an easy grind for us. We need a boatload of iron bars and incendosaur scales.
Some things are very useful for us. We don’t remember to use it until it’s too late. Hopefully, this guide can help you.
Phase 4 of WoW Season of Discovery will be officially released on July 11, bringing exciting new content and new challenges to players. Are you ready to face the fiery wrath that awaits deep within Ragnaros at Molten Core? Or will you test your skills to the limit as you battle the cunning Onyxia in her rejuvenated lair?
I believe you will definitely get more and more excited! But that’s not all. You can also discover new Rune powers, learn some new class mechanics, and welcome new PVP modes. This guide will introduce you to some of the new content of Phase 4 in these aspects. Whether you are an experienced old player or a novice who has just come into contact with WoW Classic SoD, it will give you a head start.
In this update, Phase 4 directly raises the level cap to level 60. This is a tremendous change, as it provides players with many new abilities and talents, and allows players to delve deeper into their chosen profession.
You can slowly explore this new peak power after the update to unlock all the original World of Warcraft zones, face more powerful enemies in the game later, and even increase the skills you can use in future challenges.
Although the level cap has been increased, you must understand that reaching level 60 is not based on brute force, but on mastery. In WoW Classic SoD, two new rune slots have been added to give you more autonomy in character customization in Phase 4.
Cloak Rune slot can enhance certain characters of yours and earn you more SOD Gold and more powerful rewards. Utility Rune slot can enhance some effects that are more sustainable and have damage output.
With the increase in the level cap just mentioned, the skill points held by players are also being rebalanced. At present, there is no detailed explanation from the community or some instructions. But you can rest assured that these precious skill points you use will definitely change a little.
This means that you will have more new build opportunities or more exciting character optimizations.
In addition to the above new content, the focus of this update is to further rebalance the classes and provide players with more diverse play styles and open up more possibilities. No class is left out this time, and each class will involve changes in abilities, talents, and core mechanics.
Druids: In this class, Feral Combat druids have seen some improvements in damage output and energy regeneration, and Restoration druids can use Nature’s Swiftness more quickly to perform more reactive healing for themselves and allies.
Hunters: Marksmanship hunters will have enhanced Aimed Shot and Multi-Shot, and Survival hunters will also have their pet skills and traps adjusted accordingly.
Mages: Among Mages, Frost mages will benefit more from Frostbolt damage, and Fire and Arcane mages will have some adjustments to specific talents and skills.
Paladins: Holy paladins get new mana management and a host of new tools for providing sustained healing. Retribution paladins get an enormous improvement in burst damage potential.
Priests: Shadow priests have been tepid in their damage potential, but this update has greatly increased that aspect. Discipline and Holy priests will also see some adjustments to their healing abilities.
Rogues: Combat and Subtlety rogues get a buff to their damage potential, and Assassination rogues get adjustments to their poison-using skills and finishing abilities.
Shamans: Enhancement shamans get a buff to their melee abilities, and weapon enchants are changed. Elemental and Restoration shamans get a minor change in the spell cycle they use.
Warlocks: All Warlock specializations get a change to their damage potential, especially to the overall fluidity and impact of their spell cycle.
Warriors: Fury and Arms warriors have received improvements to their damage output and rage generation, and Protection warriors have had their threat generation and survivability tweaked.
These changes are primarily intended to balance out the class imbalances, underperforming talents, and overall lack of dynamism seen in previous games. These changes, along with reduced cooldowns and improved resource management, will promote healthier and more diverse play in both PVE and PVP.
With this update, players can reevaluate their talent builds based on some new balances and changes. In addition to the above, you’ll also need to consider your play style and content, and try a variety of mixes to choose a talent build that really works for you.
Most importantly, these changes will affect your rotations, survivability, and overall effectiveness.
Phase 4 of WoW Classic SoD has a reworked PVP ranking system that not only makes the rewards you earn more generous but also makes them easier to access. Here are some new things about PVP during WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4:
Rank System: You can advance to level 10 in PVP mode without a decay system, so you don’t lose your original progress when you take a break.
Honor System: Although the honor thresholds of Honor System are fixed, the honor cap you can earn per week has been doubled to 1,000,000 with this new content. For new players, know that honor can be earned through open-world PVP and battlegrounds.
World PVP Hotspots: Some very popular PvP Hotspots such as Blackrock Mountain, Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, Winterspring, and Stranglethorn Vale have been added, where players can fight each other and earn the above-mentioned honor.
Battlegrounds: Three new battlefields have been added - Warsong Gulch (At least level 10), Arathi Basin (At least level 20), and Alterac Valley (At least level 51). Players can earn honor points by capturing flags, controlling resources, and defeating enemy bosses.
Capital City Bosses: In previous games, each capital city had a boss that could be defeated to earn achievements, reputation, and a large amount of SOD Gold. In this update, many more bosses have been added, waiting for your exploration!
Battleground Rewards: Players can earn various rewards by participating in battlegrounds, including but not limited to honor tokens, reputation tokens, and gear.
Whether it is the improved honor system or the brand new battlegrounds, WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 creates a great opportunity for players to create their own legend. Whether new or old players, you can hone your skills, make more allies, and enjoy the thrill of battle in Phase 4.
We’re looking forward to the official release of Phase 4 of WoW Season of Discovery on July 11, and wish you happy recent adventures!
As we all know, the release of WoW Cataclysm Classic introduced a slew of new content, with more items, gear, and mounts for every class and profession. Among them, Embersilk Cloth is a new addition that deserves our attention. It is useful to you regardless of your class and profession.
Embersilk Cloth is a must-have item for upgrading the new First Aid level, which is a secondary profession that every character needs to know, especially for Tailors.
In addition, upgrading Illustrious level of some major professions also requires this key item as the main crafting material. Therefore, it is crucial to know how and where to farm Embersilk Cloth. If you have extra Cloth, you can also earn extra WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold by selling it to others.
Here, we will provide some of the best locations to help you collect this key item as soon as possible. Let’s get straight to it!
As one of the first zones visited by level 80 players, Mount Hyjal is designed to be one of the best places to gather a variety of materials. Mountain Trout collected here can be used for Cooking and Fishing, Cinderbloom can be used for Herbalists, and Embersilk can be used for Tailoring and First Aid. Of course, these are just a few examples.
Beyond that, Guardians of Hyjal have the most coveted gear, items, enchants, and trinkets of all the new factions, which is another incentive for people to explore the area. Once the reputation reaches Friendly, players can obtain a Tabard from Provisioner in Nordrassil, which can help you better handle the upcoming dungeons.
It may seem illogical to place the dungeon for Guardians of Hyjal in Blackrock Mountain, but we can get there on just one mole-machine ride. Plus, there are already several dungeons in this location, so adding another one makes sense.
Note that Summoning Stone here is still centrally located, suspended above the infamous Lake of Molten Rock. This is handy since mole-machine isn’t always available.
If your character is less than level 85, make sure to set the dungeon to normal mode so you can drop in to start the questline even if you’re not in a party. The quests here will net you more Guardians of Hyjal Reputation, which also means more opportunities to farm Embersilk from Twilight’s Hammer Minions.
It’s exciting to finally have an underwater level in Azeroth. Once you get used to riding Seahorse mounts in a three-dimensional environment, farming here won’t be a problem at all.
Not only is this a great place to collect Embersilk, which can be dropped by the various Naga that roam the area, but you can also find all sorts of much-needed Cooking materials here, like Monstrous Crab and Blood Shrimp.
The history of this place is fascinating. After Sundering, Night Elves who followed Queen Azshara and their beloved leader all came here. Here, players can experience quests from the past of this area, and have the opportunity to become a Naga Battlemaiden and fight Ancient Vrykul.
You can also choose to join Harrison Jones storyline in Uldum Desert. The storyline is full of movie and pop culture references, and there is a long questline that involves killing a lot of undead and humanoid enemies.
Note that Harrison Jones quests are actually separate from those related to the new faction in the area, Uldum Accord. Therefore, I would recommend completing all of them to get the best Embersilk yield.
Harrison Jones quests start in your faction’s capital, which can be Orgrimmar or Stormwind, but Uldum Accord chain begins on the notice board once your character reaches level 83. Going south along both routes, you can find a number of places suitable for collecting Embersilk, including new dungeons of Lost City of the Tol’vir and Vortex Pinnacle.
Quests of Deepholm usually involve Elementals or other Ethereal Creatures, so it’s not as good for collecting Embersilk as some of the other areas. However, Stonecore is a new dungeon in the central location of the region, which contains minions of Twilight’s Hammer and the inhabitants of this dark underworld.
You’ll want to spend enough time completing the questline to speak with Therazane so she can give you the quest for the new dungeon, Wayward Child, which means you have a better chance of getting Embersilk Cloth. This is separate from the initial quest available upon arrival, Into the Stonecore, which involves Dragon Aspect Ysera.
All enemies in this area are either human or undead, so almost all of them have a chance of dropping Embersilk. Since they are in a PvP zone, they also have a higher than average respawn rate, but the problem is that these enemies are high-level enemies and are backed by players from the opposing faction, so you can die easily.
Although it is more dangerous here than anywhere else, there are other reasons to visit this area, the major incentive being the PvP objectives. There are several daily quests to complete that require reputation, so for those who like the excitement of player-versus-player battles, you can build up some reputation in the meantime.
These are the 6 primary locations we have for farming Embersilk Cloth at the moment. Try to explore these locations and you will be able to reach your goals as soon as possible. Good luck!
I believe that many readers were attracted by the title. It seems that everyone wants to upgrade to level 85 as soon as possible. Not only will there be more benefits, but they can also challenge higher-level bosses.In this guide, we’ll share some of the best tips and tricks to speed up your leveling process and get you into endgame content as quickly as possible.
While we’re focusing primarily on the level 80-85 grind in this guide, many of these tips can also be applied to any stage of your leveling journey. Let’s take a look!
If you haven’t joined a guild yet, now is the perfect time to do so. Joining a guild at this stage in WoW Cataclysm Classic has a lot of great perks that can significantly increase your leveling speed. For example, the Mount Up skill increases your mount speed, while Hasty Hearth reduces the cooldown of your Hearthstone.
Both skills can help you move around areas faster, which can speed up your overall speed. Additionally, you can complete quests and run instances with your guildmates, making completing quests more enjoyable and efficient.
Obtaining your flight controller license as soon as possible is the easiest way to increase your XP accumulation. Using flying mounts can greatly increase your leveling speed, especially as you level up your flying skill.
It’s recommended that you get upgrades from the faction with the highest reputation. Just make sure they have a flying trainer, and your reputation level discount will be high. For example, in Exalted, you can get up to 20% off, which can save you a lot of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold.
To maximize your XP gains, you need to choose your zones carefully. If you start at level 80, it is best to start at Mount Hyjal. This will allow you to level up faster than the extremely difficult Vashj’ir. At level 82, you can go to Deepholm, where you can increase your Therazane reputation.
After that, go to Uldum and stay there until most of the quests are completed. Finally, you can finish your quest in Twilight Highlands and grind until level 85. This route is very effective and will help you gain more experience and explore new game content.
In WoW Cataclysm Classic, there are many spells that players can choose from and level up with the help of trainers. Although not every spell cast will allow you to return quickly to the capital, trying the powerful leveling spells between levels 80-85 is definitely worth considering.
For example, Flame Orb for Mages and Fel Flame for Warlocks both allow you to deal huge damage in combat, which can speed up your clearing and achieve the effect of leveling up faster.
Many of the quest lines in dungeons are very good to upgrade your experience and equipment. However, through the practice of players, it is known that this is only a supplemental source of XP, not the principal source, because not all players have such content.
However, if you have a group that allows you to run dungeons together, why not run more times? Why not learn some dungeon mechanics, see some bosses, and practice rotations while leveling up?
In addition, the dungeons in WoW Cataclysm Classic are improved, which is very different from the previous Wrath, which will definitely make you have a lot of fun exploring.
Some common consumables can provide you with temporary buffs that allow you to gain experience points temporarily. For example, Battle Standard of Coordination and Banner of Cooperation items can provide you and your guild members with some experience and reputation boosts.
These boosts mainly come from the enemies you and your guild members kill. The more enemies you kill, the higher the experience points. While these boosts aren’t huge, at no more than 15% and only last a few minutes, they’re still a great way to help you level up.
This tip won’t get you to level 85 like the previous ones, but it’s the easiest to accomplish. Because reputation is a very important thing in WoW Cataclysm Classic, and it can even be said to be very valuable.
First, you should strive to be at least friendly with every faction in the zone, so that you can unlock their Tabards. Earning reputation points doesn’t take a lot of extra time and is a great addition to your leveling process.
Understanding the logic of your class will always give you an advantage in PVP or in unusual situations. It allows you to improvise or use strange combinations of skills and talents, making you the ultimate BiS Meta player because you know what to do while PUGs in raids or dungeons don’t.
That’s all for this guide. I hope these tips are useful to you and can help you level up faster in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Have fun exploring Azeroth!
World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion was a significant change for Azeroth and the people who live there, and the release of Cataclysm Classic gives players a chance to revisit the glory days of 14 years ago. While the most obvious changes to Cataclysm are the reimagined zones and new quests after Deathwing, the most significant is the overhaul of the player guilds system, which now has its own leveling system, perks, and guildwide achievements.
WoW Cataclysm Classic makes some changes to the guild perks and leveling system compared to the original version. Today we spoke to lead software engineer Nora Valletta and principal game designer Kris Zierhut to talk about why the team wanted to make the change.
They told us before the conversation that one of the main reasons was that the original guild system encouraged players to join super guilds, which actually went against the original spirit of the guild and needed to be urgently resolved.
In the early days of World of Warcraft, players were advised to join a guild because the sense of community is a huge draw in MMORPG-style games. Recognizing this, Blizzard wanted to improve the game’s guilds system and introduced a leveling system for guilds to encourage players to join.
At first, it seemed like a good idea to allow players to level up a guild together to earn rewards, thereby strengthening the community. But this approach has led to the destruction of smaller guilds.
The leveling system for guilds encourages you to build a guild with numerous members, because the size of the guild does not change the experience rewards you can get. This means that a large guild will give you the same rewards as a small guild, but a small guild will be difficult to level up, and a large guild will be easy to fill up.
After the release, Nora said that she found that some players in small guilds would quit their guilds and join the large guilds to get more rewards. And those newly formed guilds could not find people to join. They were very sorry for the demise of these small guilds, which prompted them to want to change.
Nora sighed and told us that they knew very clearly that this was a problem for players and would bring some difficulties and unhappiness to players, so they couldn’t make the same mistake again.
With mounts, pets, and transmogrification appearances, World of Warcraft players go to great lengths to get them. But because some of these items are locked into a leveling system for guilds, it creates a lot of impersonal, large guilds. New players invite a lot of players to join for these rewards, which attracts more players with similar requirements.
So in WoW Cataclysm Classic, the leveling system for guilds was changed to a guild reputation system. Players can earn a reputation in a guild just like any faction in the game, and rewards are awarded based on reputation. This will not only allow smaller guilds to survive, but also prevent players from joining and leaving to retain their reputation.
Guild perks are more valued by players than mounts, tabards, and pets. Likewise, guild perks are only available in large guilds. These perks can increase the speed of a player’s mounts, allow them to bank or send messages to members of their own guild as needed.
Zierhut told us that many perks are now granted to players immediately when they join any guild, and one of them is the removal of Cash Flow perk. In original Cataclysm, when you had Cash Flow, every time you defeated an enemy, you would receive an additional 10% of WOW Cataclysm Classic Gold, which would be automatically deposited into your guild bank.
This idealistic view does sound good, but some opportunistic players will take these extra rewards directly from the guild leader. Zierhut explained that the original intention of creating guilds was to be a place for communication, not this. The change they are making is to make guilds a means for teams to move towards one or more common goals.
In addition to the removal of Cash Flow perk, “Have Group, Will Travel” was also changed. This perk was also very bad in terms of player response, as it made summoning stones completely useless and would teleport the entire group to the location you needed.
This caused some players to be interrupted immediately while doing their own quests, interrupting their game progress. The perk was eventually removed from the WoW Cataclysm Classic world after one expansion, which was good news for many players.
Although some players may not be used to these changes, they should not feel pressured. The creative team has been working hard to make the most appropriate changes to the guild since the release of World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic, and they also hope to see more posts on social media from players praising this change. Finally, I wish you have a merry game with them!
Grim Batol is a level 85 dungeon introduced in WOW Cataclysm Classic, available in normal and heroic 5-man versions.
Grim Batol is one of the most interesting dungeons in Cataclysm expansion. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to complete this dungeon.
Grim Batol is a massive fortress that is home to Wildhammer Dwarves. In Cataclysm, it is occupied by an evil cult called Twilight’s Hammer. Under the watchful eye of Ogre Cho’gall, they continue to spread evil magic and cause destruction.
Starting at level 84, you can enter Grim Batol. Grim Batol is located at the westernmost end of Twilight Highlands, which itself is directly east of Wetlands. The instance itself is an old Dwarven fortress with a portal at the entrance, which can be reached by following the path to the west from the center of the area.
As a level 85 dungeon, it will most likely be one of the last instances that players conquer in the first part of the expansion.
As with most dungeons in Cataclysm, there are four bosses to conquer. We’ll talk about the tips you need to know to defeat these bosses.
General Umbriss is an interesting boss fight, mainly because players must learn the same skills to win. Initially, the tank needs to heal the damage-over-time effect of Bleeding Wound. If the healer can heal the tank to above 90% of health, it will also remove the debuff.
An important skill that everyone in the group needs to know is Blitz. This causes General Umbriss to randomly select a player from the group to charge, then deal huge physical damage and knockback, both of which affect anyone within 6 yards of the attack location.
To avoid this, everyone needs to run out of range and avoid the attacks of the selected player. Selected players can do this as well, but they should wait as long as possible before doing so to avoid running in the same direction as everyone else.
Another problem is Ground Siege. This skill is also randomly targeted and causes Umbriss to use a directional ground attack that deals tremendous damage and stuns anyone in the cone for four seconds. However, it’s easy to avoid the attack, just keep an eye out.
Umbriss will also summon Troggs to assist him in the fight, but this is relatively easy to deal with on normal difficulty. You just need to make sure your Tank and DPS stay aggro to take down these enemies quickly.
Forgemaster Throngus is a cool fight for those who farm dungeons regularly, mainly because it’s extremely replayable. How the fight will play out depends mainly on which weapon the character chooses from the available weapons.
Regardless of which weapon is chosen, the only standard skill that players need to be aware of is Mighty Stomp. This causes the walls of Grim Batol to begin to collapse, and stones to fall around the player. But just stay out of the area of effect of these weapons and you’re ready.
Additionally, here are some things to note about each weapon:
Shield: This is the most comfortable choice. Throngus will use Personal Phalanx, which makes him face a random player and deploy a shield. This player’s task is to turn the boss’s back to the rest of the team. This will allow them to deal full damage, as damage dealt is reduced by 99% when facing a shield.
Meanwhile, Archers will fire Flaming Arrows from above, so keep an eye out for these and avoid them if possible.
Dual-Wield Swords: Disorienting Roar affects all players, slowing attack and casting speed by 150%. This can be dispelled or removed with skills, so make sure to use Dual-Wield weapons to keep your DPS high. Dual Blades and Thrash are powerful attacks that tanks must withstand, while healers must counter with healing.
Mace: Mace is arguably the scariest of all the choices, but it’s not particularly variable and is easy to deal with if you know what to do. The first of the two effects is a simple passive skill that slows the boss by 70% but increases damage by 200%.
The only active skill to watch out for is Impaling Slam, which causes Throngus to jump to a random target and deal heavy damage over time to the target hit. This is difficult to avoid, so most people will heal while being targeted.
Drahga Shadowburner is a two-phase fight that shouldn’t be too difficult for a well-prepared team. Therefore, it’s worth spending some WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold to upgrade your gear.
The first phase is relatively easy to control, with Shadowburner mainly using Burning Shadowbolt skill to deal damage, but this can be avoided by healing or interrupting.
The major problem the team needs to deal with is Invocation of Flame. The boss will create a portal that summons an Invoked Flaming Spirit.
First, don’t stand near the portal to avoid the fire damage it emits. Then, DPS should shift their targets to Spirit to quickly eliminate it before it can reach the player. If you do this, it will cast Supernova and deal heavy damage to players who are close to it, enough to kill them in one hit.
At 25% health, Shadowburner will summon his dragon mount, Valiona. As long as the tank has their back to the dragon, DPS class should find it relatively easy to burn the boss.
At 20% health, the dragon will abandon its master. At this point, it is already very weak and the player can easily kill Shadowburner.
The last boss in the dungeon is the toughest to deal with, and it is Commander of Grim Batol, Erudax.
The first of the two main mechanics that everyone in the group needs to be aware of is Binding Shadows, which will first root and damage the player, and then heal the boss for 3 times the amount of damage. When the boss is targeting you, just avoid it to negate its effects.
The other is Shadow Gale, which Erudax will summon a tremendous storm. When the cast begins, a circle will appear on the floor. This is basically the safe zone, and all players need to stand inside it to avoid being killed when the cast ends. The good news is that the boss takes double damage here, so be sure to keep attacking during Shadow Gale.
After Shadow Gale ends, Faceless Corruptor enters the room and begins casting Twilight Corruption on Alexstrasza’s Egg. You’ll need to kill them quickly before Corruptor spawns Twilight Hatchlings, as they’ll attack the player anyway afterwards.
Tanks and healers will need to be aware of Enfeebling Blow and its subsequent debuff, Feeble Body, which makes the victim vulnerable to 200% more damage for five seconds. This is a good time to put a cooldown on the tank to mitigate its worst effects. DPS just stay behind and avoids causing aggro while the tank is being bounced.
Finally, let’s talk about how different it will be to take on these bosses in Heroic Mode.
The fight with Umbriss in Heroic Mode is interesting, as it does add an important mechanic layer that players must be aware of. If Malignant Troggs are killed, they will cast Modgud’s Malice, increasing the boss’ damage and turning Skarydn Dwellers within eight yards into more Skardyn. This can get out of hand quickly, so move them out of the way before killing Troggs.
Additionally, Modgud’s Malady is a debuff that Troggs can cast that damages the player. On Heroic difficulty, this effect can stack up to ten times, enough to kill players quickly, so kill those Troggs as soon as possible.
On Heroic difficulty, Disorienting Roar is the one we need to focus on. It starts out by slowing spellcasting and attack speed by 150%, and that number is reduced by 50% every time the player successfully uses an attack skill.
Drahga remains largely unchanged on Heroic difficulty, hitting harder with the same skill set. But Valiona now has Devouring Flames, which shoots giant cones of dragon flame at random players. If possible, stay away from it. But if you can’t, stay as far away from the dragon as possible, as the further the player is from the source, the less damage the fire will do.
The fight in Erudax is much the same, except that it’s slightly harder in Heroic mode. The biggest difference is that the boss summons two Faceless Corruptors instead of one after casting Shadow Gale. But this won’t cause too much trouble for those with decent DPS.
These are all the tips you need to know to clear Grim Batol dungeon in normal and heroic mode. Give it a try!