In the WoW Season of Discovery, one of the prominent changes in WoW Classic is the level-gated content. Initially, in Phase One, players can reach Level 25, which will gradually increase to 40, 50, and eventually 60 in subsequent Phases. At the culmination of each bracket, a new Raid awaits, and for Phase One, the WoW SoD team has completely revamped the Blackfathom Deeps from a Dungeon into a 10-man Raid.
Each boss within the Blackfathom Deeps has undergone a comprehensive overhaul compared to their classic versions. As a result, players must adapt to new strategies to overcome the re-tuned and intensified bosses. This guide offers insights into the Raid preparation and specific strategies tailored for each role—DPS, Healer, and Tank—allowing for quick reference before each encounter.
Located in the northwest of Ashenvale, on the northern coast of the Zoram Strand, Blackfathom Deeps is initially available as a Raid at the maximum level in Phase One. However, in subsequent phases, it will transition into an optional Raid that players can engage in while progressing through levels, offering high-tier loot and quest XP. The Raid comprises seven bosses scattered throughout the redesigned underwater maze.
Presently, the recommended Raid setup includes two healers, two tanks, and six DPS equipped with at least a few Interrupts among them. Prior to entering the instance, it's advisable to enchant your gear and acquire specific consumables to aid in handling certain mechanics. Some helpful consumables are:
Additionally, before reaching Blackfathom Deeps, make a stop in Darnassus to obtain the Boon of Blackfathom world buff. This world buff automatically applies to everyone in Darnassus when a player turns in the final Blackfathom Deeps quest. It augments Hit Chance, Critical Chance, AP and SP, and Movement Speed, lasting for two hours.
Here are strategies for defeating Baron Aquanis based on different roles.
Melee DPS should consistently position themselves behind the boss to avoid the Bubble Beam ability.
If afflicted by the Depth Charge debuff, cease attacking and plunge into the water, returning once the debuff dissipates.
For Ranged DPS, maintain awareness and move to evade the boss' Bubble Beam ability.
Navigate between platforms to dodge the boss' Torrential Downpour AoE.
Remarkably, it's possible to attack the boss safely from the water below once the trash is eliminated.
Transition to a party or AoE Healing setup, utilizing Runes such as Mass Regeneration and Prayer of Mending.
Navigate between platforms to evade the boss' Torrential Downpour AoE.
Notably, healing allies from the water below is safe once the trash is cleared.
Remain vigilant and move to evade the boss' Bubble Beam ability, which targets the main Tank's location, as indicated by the castbar.
Here are strategies for defeating Ghamoo-Ra based on different roles.
Melee DPS should use rapid weapons and abilities that enhance Attack Speed, like Slice N' Dice, to expedite the removal of the boss' Armor.
Avoid stepping into shell fragments scattered in the area, particularly if you do not utilize Mana as a resource.
For Ranged DPS, employ swift weapons and abilities that bolster Attack Speed to accelerate the boss' Armor removal.
Steer clear of shell fragments scattered around the area, especially if Mana isn't your primary resource.
Reserve Emergency Healing abilities, such as Lay On Hands, in case a Tank accumulates excessive stacks of Crunch Armor.
Promptly activate AoE Healing abilities once Ghamoo-Ra's armor is shattered, as the entire Raid will sustain substantial damage.
Step onto shell fragments only if Mana reserves are critically low, and Tank attention isn't an immediate necessity.
Alternate Tanks upon accumulating two stacks of Crunch Armor, as Ghamoo-Ra's Triple Chomp ability becomes perilously potent with more than two Stacks.
Consume a potent Healing Potion after Ghamoo-Ra's armor is shattered, enabling Healers to concentrate on restoring the remainder of the Raid.
Here are strategies for defeating Lady Sarevess based on different roles.
Melee DPS should consistently disrupt Frost Arrow whenever it's cast. Rogues and Paladins are particularly adept at this task.
Avoid lingering in the Ice areas, as prolonged exposure may result in temporary immobilization.
Prioritize focusing on Sarevess rather than the Elite for a more efficient takedown.
For Ranged DPS, steer clear of the Ice areas to prevent temporary immobilization.
Prioritize focusing on Sarevess over the Elite for optimized results.
Avoid lingering in the Ice areas to prevent temporary immobilization. Maintain maximum range for safety.
Assign one Healer to concentrate on the Offtank, responsible for diverting the Elite's attention.
Continuously reposition Lady Sarevess to avoid the formation of Ice areas.
Ensure the boss faces away from the rest of the group to prevent cleave and chain damage.
Disrupt Frost Arrow to support melee DPS in preventing its execution.
Have the Offtank focus on the Elite, positioning it at the periphery of an Ice patch to potentially immobilize it.
Here are strategies for defeating Gelihast based on different roles.
Melee DPS should prioritize eliminating Tendril adds as soon as they emerge to prevent their casting of Mind Flay.
Exercise caution while maneuvering between enemies, refraining from attacking them, during the March Of The Murlocs ability across phases (three total waves).
For Ranged DPS, prioritize eliminating Tendril adds promptly to prevent their casting of Mind Flay.
Exercise caution while maneuvering between enemies, refraining from attacking them, during the March Of The Murlocs ability across phases (three total waves).
Evade Gelihast's Shadow Crash ability, an extensive AoE Shadow damage aimed at Ranged party members.
Reserve Emergency Healing abilities, such as Rewind Time, should a Tank accumulate excessive stacks of Crunch Armor.
Exercise caution while maneuvering between enemies, refraining from attacking them, during the March Of The Murlocs ability across phases (three total waves).
Evade Gelihast's Shadow Crash ability, an extensive AoE Shadow damage aimed at Ranged party members.
Switch between Tanks once Gelihast accumulates two stacks of Shadow Strike – the boss's damage significantly escalates beyond three stacks.
Be cautious while moving amidst enemies (avoid attacking them) during the March Of The Murlocs ability, occurring across three total waves.
If still affected by the debuff during March Of The Murlocs, consider using a Shadow Protection Potion to counter any potential contact.
Outlined below are approaches to defeating Lorgus Jett across various roles.
Melee DPS should cease attacking Lorgus Jett immediately upon the casting of Corrupted Lightning Shield Totem. Rapidly dismantle this Totem before resuming attacks on Lorgus.
Avoid the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-rolling, high-damage Fire attack traversing the room.
For Ranged DPS, refrain from attacking Lorgus Jett upon the casting of Corrupted Lightning Shield Totem. Swiftly dismantle this Totem before returning focus to Lorgus.
Stay clear of the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-moving Fire attack causing substantial damage on impact.
Steer clear of the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-rolling, high-damage Fire attack traversing the room.
Watch out for the boss's Windfury Totem, which significantly boosts the boss's DPS, and be prepared to employ Emergency Healing abilities if available.
Immediately halt attacks on Lorgus Jett when the Corrupted Lightning Shield Totem is cast. Rapidly dismantle this Totem before returning focus to Lorgus.
Avoid the boss's Molten Boulder ability, a slow-moving Fire attack causing substantial damage on impact.
Here are strategies for overcoming Twilight Lord Kelris in different roles.
Interrupt every Shadowy Chains that the boss attempts to cast. It is cast about every 10 seconds in Phase One, so Rogues can Kick it every time on cooldown. Other DPS should focus on Interrupting Mind Blast.
Consume a Shadow Protection Potion right before Phase 2 (at about 35% health) and focus on unleashing heavy damage. Kelris cannot be interrupted in Phase Two and will continually cast Mind Blasts.
Avoid staying within the Shadow Crash AoE area by monitoring your debuffs.
When transported to the shadow realm, eliminate Priestesses until one reveals a Portal to return you to the normal world. Kelris targets the closest players and avoids targeting the same players twice.
Coordinate groups of two (Tank+melee DPS) to stay close and compel Kelris to teleport them. Others should maintain maximum range to avoid becoming targets.
Minimize healing in Phase One to conserve mana for the much more impactful Phase Two.
Maintain maximum range at all times to avoid being sent into the Dream realm via Kelris' Sleep ability.
If Shadow Chains isn't interrupted, employ a Free Action Potion to avoid being CCed before it takes effect. Priests can also utilize Dispel Magic.
Consume a Shadow Protection Potion right before Phase 2 (at about 35% health) and focus on heavy healing. Kelris cannot be interrupted in Phase Two and will continually cast Mind Blasts.
Avoid staying within the Shadow Crash AoE area by monitoring your debuffs.
Position the boss so that Ranged party members can still attack Kelris while having enough space to avoid the Shadow Crash AoE DoT.
Assist DPS in interrupting Mind Blast and Shadowy Chains in Phase One.
During Phase Two, employ personal defensive Cooldowns to assist Healers and consume a Shadow Protection Potion right before he reaches the 35% HP mark.
When transported to the shadow realm, eliminate Priestesses until one reveals a Portal to return you to the normal world. Kelris targets the closest players and avoids targeting the same players twice.
Coordinate groups of two (Tank+melee DPS) to stay close and compel Kelris to teleport them. Others should maintain maximum range to avoid becoming targets.
Here are strategies for overcoming Aku-mai in different roles.
Melee DPS always stay behind the boss to evade either Corrosive Blast or Void Blast. The boss might abruptly change direction from the Tank, so maintain proximity to reduce travel distance.
Halt attacks immediately when Aku-Mai summons adds; prioritize eliminating them. Neglecting these adds could jeopardize the success of your attempt.
Towards the fight's end, utilize defensive Cooldowns to aid Healers, particularly if both Tanks become incapacitated – Aku-Mai's attacks are formidable.
Ranged DPS always stay behind the boss to evade either Corrosive Blast or Void Blast. The boss might abruptly change direction from the Tank, so maintain proximity to reduce travel distance.
Halt attacks immediately when Aku-Mai summons adds; prioritize eliminating them. Neglecting these adds could jeopardize the success of your attempt.
Towards the fight's end, utilize defensive Cooldowns to aid Healers, particularly if both Tanks become incapacitated – Aku-Mai's attacks are formidable.
Always stay behind the boss to evade either Corrosive Blast or Void Blast. The boss might abruptly change direction from the Tank, so maintain proximity to reduce travel distance.
Consider shifting to a single-target Healing focused setup, utilizing abilities like Beacon of Light, as Aku-Mai primarily focuses on a single Tank at a time.
Position yourself on the opposite side of Aku-Mai to face away from the party, preventing them from getting hit by the boss's Corrosive and Void Blast, and keeping Cleansing Pools nearby.
The Offtank should employ AoE Tanking abilities, such as Thunderclap or Consecration, to generate Threat for the adds that frequently spawn during the fight.
Only utilize Cleansing Pools if afflicted with four or more stacks of Corrosion or Shadow Seep, as they have limitations. Swap Tanks upon reaching this limit.
In this guide, we will deep dive into WoW Dragonflight Season 3 crafted gear.
Crafted gear is still a force to be reckoned with in Season 3, despite a slight nerf. The max item level caps at 486, just 3 levels shy of the highest Myth gear.
But don’t let that deter you. It’s still a solid choice. For Stardust, no RNG headaches here, as crafting gear allows you to target specific slots and items, offering a strategic advantage to your gearing journey. So, you can plan ahead and farm the Reagents needed.
Speaking of Reagents, let’s take them one by one and go over the changes this season brought.
Each crafted gear piece requires an Enchanted Crest crafted by Enchanters through the work order system. Or if your main character has enchanting, you’re in luck. It can save you some WoW Dragonflight Gold there.
Enchanted Crest Recipes are found in the Emerald Dream from outdoor activities like rares, treasures, and the Superbloom Event. The drop chance is quite high as well.
Same as last season, we have 3 Enchanted Crests:
The Whelpling crest is utilized for lower-level blue gear, providing an item level of up to 447. Although this is fairly low considering it can drop from outdoor activities as well, it can prove very useful for solo players. On the flip side, the Wyrm and Aspect crests are reserved for epic-quality gear. This is the most powerful gear you can craft, but you also need another Reagent for that.
In WoW Dragonflight 10.2, all crests go directly into the currency tab rather than your bags. Due to this change, an item had to be implemented to convert the crest into a Reagent, allowing for easy transfer to the crafters. This is done by the Nascent Wyrm’s Dreaming Crest, and there are 3 kinds of them: one for each type of crest. All can be purchased from the enchanting vendors throughout the Dragonflight zones.
For example, to craft the highest crest, you need to purchase the Nascent Aspect’s Dreaming Crest by handing in 60 normal Aspect’s Dreaming Crests. To put things in perspective, gathering this amount is equivalent to completing 5 level-16 keys in time or taking down around 6 Mythic bosses. It does take some effort and time, but the high item level makes it worthwhile.
Additionally, you can obtain a free Enchanted Wyrm’s Dreaming Crest through specific milestones. One is rewarded for defeating Fyrakk as part of the main campaign, including all the difficulties. While the other is granted upon reaching Renown 20 with Dream Wardens.
So far, we have covered the enchanted crests. Now, the second reagent that you have to provide for high items is the Spark of Dreams.
This item is basically replacing the old sparks that we had in Season 1 and 2. You can create it by combining 2 Splintered Sparks of Dreams and 250 Flightstones.
There are 2 known ways to earn a half spark. The first way is by completing the “A Worthy Ally” weekly quest offered by the Renown keeper. It requires farming 1,500 reputation with Dream Wardens. The second way is by completing any of these 2 quests offered by Malicia for PVP players. You can find her in the Valdrakken’s PVP Hub.
As you may anticipate, you can generate a spark weekly by receiving one half spark per week. However, there is a unique opportunity to earn an extra spark through the one-time quest “Dreams Unified” offered by Lady Moonberry. Upon completion, you’ll have 2 sparks. But keep in mind, this occurs just once per character.
If you join in later in the patch, you do not need to fret. There’s a catch-up mechanism in place. Splintered Spark of Dreams can be obtained from raids, dungeons, PVP, and weekly activities until you reach the current spark count.
Since we pretty much cover all the universal Reagents across crafted pieces, let’s see how it works in practice.
Firstly, you need to reach out to an enchanter, open a work order for your chosen Enchanted Crest, and find a crafter for your desired gear piece. Consider the cost, quality, and Reagents needed. Many people in trade chat or your guild can help, so don’t be shy.
Besides the spark and the crest, the other Reagents vary depending on the item, and it’s not necessary to provide them yourself. The crafter can also contribute, but take that into consideration for the payment.
The quality of the Reagents is also very important, as it can help to make it faster. The ingredients can be gathered throughout farming, or you can purchase them directly from the Auction House.
So, the consistent Reagents are the Spark and the Enchanted Crest, and these will determine the final item level. If you provide only the spark, then it will be between 450 to 463, depending on its overall quality. However, it’s best to save your spark and enhance the piece further by cooperating crests. The Wyrm crest elevates it from 463 to 476, while the Aspect crest achieves levels from 473 to 486, making it very powerful.
Crafting weapons requires 2 sparks instead of 1, translating to approximately a month’s effort. Hence, it’s crucial to be strategic about the items you choose to craft, considering the sparks don’t come in as quickly.
Aside from that, crests also have a weekly cap of 90 per week, which, of course, increases every week. A good approach is to take notes from the best-in-slot gear guide for your class and spec.
Don’t forget that you can also add Draconic Missive of the Fire Flash for your preferred stuns and Embellishments for some extra Flare, providing fun effects on the piece.
Some items come with building Embellishments, such as the Elemental Lariat, and are so totally worth a look.
All in all, Embellishments give a powerful touch to the gear, and you should always utilize them, but you cannot equip more than two at a time.
Also, keep in mind that if you’ve got any crafted gear from Season 1 or 2 lying around, you can give it a refresh by adding the new Reagents.
Plus, it might even save you a bit of gold, especially if you reach out to the PvP same crafter. That’s all good and well for the PvE players. Now, let’s go over to the PvP side.
Honor and Conquest vendors offer items that let you convert professionally crafted gear into PvP gear. You can find them both in the Valdrakken’s PVP Hub. There are 3 (Greater Verdant) Crests of Honor, which will increase specific slot item levels to 476 PvP item level.
They are sold by Seltherex and they cost different amounts of Honor, depending on the slot you want to use them for. Honor is obtained from doing all types of PvP activities, ranked or unranked.
For the advanced players, there are 3 (Lesser Verdant) Trophies of Conquest, which will increase the gear’s level to 489. These are sold by Calderax and they cost different amounts of Conquest again, depending on the slot item.
Conquest is only earned from rated PvP activities and it has a weekly cap. Season 3 started with a 1,350 limit and it keeps increasing by 550 every week.
Don’t forget that the PvP item level is only enabled during Arenas and Battleground matches. In the Outdoor World, then it’s the actual item level on the piece that counts.
WOW Classic Season of Discovery has started for a few weeks. Currently, almost all Warlock Runes have been discovered. Some you just click on an item, but some are more difficult to complete, like Metamorphosis Rune.
So, in this Warlock Runes guide, I want to review the five most important Runes of Warlock, which are Runes above level 15.
So let’s get down to business first. The Incinerate Rune deals fire damage and increases the fire damage you deal by 25%.
They dropped Rune of Incinerate from Incinerator Gar’im. This is a level 23 elite found in a cave in Render’s Valley, which is located in the southeast corner of Redridge Mountains, approximately around coordinates [77, 85].
Keep in mind that Redridge Mountains are a contested area, so rival factions on PVP server will attack you here. You’ll also have to deal with other Blackrock orc monsters in the area.
So if you’re at a lower level, you may need a friend. You just have to fight him, knock him down, and then you can loot Rune of Incinerate from him, which is actually pretty easy to get once you get to that level.
In Season of Discovery, one of the most valuable Runes you can get as Warlock is Lake of Fire.
This spell is powerful in a fire-based Warlock build. Because it leaves an area on the ground beneath your target, causing all other targets within that AOE radius to take increased fire damage from you and your demons.
To get this Lake of Fire, you first need to find Zixil, a goblin merchant. After finding Zixil, purchase Demolition Explosives from the merchant for a total of 1 WOW Classic SOD Gold. This reagent will be the key to obtaining Lake of Fire Rune later.
Next, head northeast in Hillsbrad Foothills to Durnholde Keep reaching coordinates [79, 40]. There, you’ll find a pile of rocks and debris labeled “Rubble.”
Stand directly on the rubble and use Demolition Explosives purchased from Zixil. If done correctly, you will destroy the rubble and a locker will appear containing Lake of Fire Rune.
If you miss the rubble or stand in the wrong spot when detonating the explosives, the locker containing Lake of Fire Rune will not appear and you cannot get explosives there.
You only have one chance to get this rune, and if you mess up, you’ll have to return to Zixil and drop another gold piece before you can try again.
It can engrave rune of Everlasting Affliction on Legs slot and allow Warlock’s various abilities to refresh the duration of your applied Corruption.
We should note that Alliance and Horde players get Rune of Everlasting Affliction differently.
To get Rune of Everlasting Affliction, Alliance players need to turn in Waylaid Supplies until you gain a Friendly reputation within Azeroth Commerce Authority faction. You can then purchase Rune of Everlasting Affliction from the same Supply Officer for 2 WoW Classic SoD gold.
Horde players who want to get Everlasting Affliction need to turn in Waylaid Supplies until you gain Friendly reputation in Durotar Supply and Logistics faction. You can then purchase Rune of Everlasting Affliction from the same Supply Officer for 2 gold.
Shadow Bolt Volley is a Gloves Rune that enhances Warlock’s classic skill, Shadow Bolt. When this rune is activated, your Shadow Bolt can attack chain enemies within up to 10 yards, but 20% reduce the damage dealt.
In a raid or dungeon situation, Warlock can easily top the damage charts with Shadow Bolt Volley. While your single target damage may suffer as a result, Warlock still has plenty of other damage options, including pet damage and DOT spells. I highly recommend this rune to anyone running a burst damage Warlock build.
To get Shadow Bolt Volley Rune, travel to Beren’s Peril in the southeastern Silverpine Forest. The entrance to this cave is around coordinates [60, 74], which is a bit hidden. We can find it by following the road south and then northeast into the mountains below Ambermill.
You will then need to kill Ravenclaw Guardians and Ravenclaw Drudgers until one of them drops a Tortured Soul.
To use this item, you must lose some health. Use Life Tap or Health Funnel if needed. Then right-click the item to summon a level 20 elite ghost of the same name. Kill it to Shadow Bolt Volley Rune.
Finally, Metamorphosis offers the biggest overhaul to traditional Warlock gameplay by transforming spellcasters into melee tanks. This Rune increases Warlock’s armor by 5x, reduces their critical chance, increases their overall Threat generation by 50%, and doubles Life Tap’s mana regeneration.
For such a powerful, class-changing Rune, Warlock must undergo one of the most complex missions of the season. There are four quests in Metamorphosis quest chain, starting with Orb of Soran’ruk.
To us by Doan Karhan brought this assignment to us. Doan Karhan is a neutral NPC east of Camp Taurajo in Barrens.
Karhan requires players to collect three Soran’ruk Fragments and one Large Soran’ruk Fragment. Small fragments drop from Twilight Acolytes inside and outside Blackfathom Deeps, while large fragments drop from Shadowfang Darksoul enemies inside Shadowfang Keep. Collect both, then return to Karhan.
Karhan will then ask players to collect Orb of Des and Bough of Altek, two new unique quest items.
We can find Orb of Des in Tower of Ilgalar in the eastern Redridge Mountains. Bough of Altek, on the other hand, is located at the top of Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore. Once you’ve collected these two items, return to Karhan to complete the third part of the quest.
He then asks the player to collect ten Blood of the Legion. These can only be obtained from demonic enemies southeast of Ashenvale. Waves of demonic enemies will spawn here. Warlock must stand among Purple Runes that appear on the ground near the obelisk and use Drain Soul ability to kill these enemies. Survive here and Mysterious Traveler will appear.
Speak with Mysterious Traveler to complete Conjuring and begin the last steps of Metamorphosis quest. When Mysterious Traveler appears, he will give the quest Raszel Ander. After picking it up, return to Karhan one last time to complete the quest and get the Metamorphosis Rune.
That’s it for all the major Warlock Runes. These five Runes will make your Warlock even more powerful in WOW Classic Season of Discovery. Remember, patience is crucial when dealing with these challenges.
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 2 will open up with Gnomeregan for its level up raid and Stranglethorn Vale for its PVP event zone. But how has Phase 1 gone, and how have people reacted to it?
In the case of Phase 1 on Blackfathom Deeps and Ashenvale, people have loved the experience. Myself included.
There has been a rush of people spamming Ragefire Chasm for Horde, Stockades for Alliance and Wailing Caverns & Deadmines for both to get geared up for Blackfathom Deeps.
The bosses were tougher than some people expected, with many wiping and struggling on later bosses. However, the loot experience and freshness of the content made it a genuinely pleasant experience.
Regarding the PVP event zone, people seem to be enjoying it. It’s an overall okay experience. Blizzard has been fine-tuning and monitoring player reception and feedback to the event, both raid and PVP. Overall, it’s good but could be better and not as good as people expected.
This doesn’t even account for the rush to get runes. The world feeling alive and active, seeing thousands upon thousands of players spamming these low-level dungeons because we’re stuck here for a few more weeks, and almost no one is bored yet.
Leveling has been fun. People are gearing up alts since the level cap is 25, and it’s not difficult to do. SoD Gold itself is now a valuable commodity, with people proud of their 50g. However, buying gold with real money trading is $1 per gold, which is exorbitant. But then again, if people are selling, that means some are buying.
Overall, Phase 1 is incredible and leaves people excited about what’s coming next.
And that is Gnomeregan and Stranglethorn Vale (STV) in Phase 2.
Gnomeregan isn’t an iconic dungeon or place, aside from the fact that the Gnomes still do not have their homeland restored after 20 years.
But what are the bosses of Gnomeregan, and what kind of changes can we expect from this dungeon?
When you go into Gnomeregan, you open up with Grubbis, a trogg that is rather brutish, but overall, a simple fight. Since this is the opening boss, I don’t think the difficulty of Grubbis will increase by much, but his loot table will definitely change.
Grubbis spawns after a short roleplay event in which you clear waves of mobs, avoiding the dynamite explosion before he comes out hollering. I wonder if they’ll keep this event or if they’ll remove it. It makes sense either way.
The second boss is Viscous Fallout, another simple boss. You simply have to clear the trash mobs around it so you can pull it without pulling extra packs, which will wipe your party. As far as being changed for a raid boss, I assume they’ll make it, so you have to fight some of these trash mobs with it. So, I expect it’ll start with some ads that pull regardless of clearing the ads around the Viscous Fallout.
Then, we move on to the third boss, Electrocutioner 6000, which is a simple boss. Most of the bosses are simple and, for the most part, spank and tank. But that’s just for Gnomeregan, the dungeon. Once it becomes a level-up raid, this will definitely change. I can assume that this mob will have a new deadly mechanic, as with most of the other bosses.
The fourth boss is also the most hated boss for Feral Druids in Classic due to the need to farm Manual Crowd Pummelers. With Season of Discovery, that is no longer the case, as we get a new and improved version of Manual Crowd Pummeler called the Automatic Crowd Pummeler. This new item is a permanent item with a 3-minute cooldown that you can use infinitely. I don’t know if they plan to remove the original version, but they likely will. As for the boss itself, the changes that’ll be implemented are likely going to involve giving it actual mechanics and things you have to keep an eye out for.
The fifth boss of Gnomeregan is the Dark Iron Ambassador, who is a rare that isn’t guaranteed to spawn. This mob will probably get turned into a named mob and given an expanded nature within the raid.
Finally, we have Mekgineer Thermaplugg, the big bad end boss of the dungeon and soon-to-be raid. This kind of boss was very likely going to be as brutal as Aku’mai has been in BFD. In the classic dungeon, like the rest of Gnomeregan, he is a spank-and-tank boss. However, for the level-up raid, expect him to have some new brutal abilities that’ll test your ability to clear this level-up raid. I don’t know what those abilities will be, but with how difficult Aku’mai has been for some people, this boss will also likely be very difficult to clear.
Now that we’ve covered the six bosses of the dungeon, let’s talk about what more they will add or change in the raid.
Gnomeregan is a level 30 to 35 dungeon for the most part. So, with it being turned into the endgame raid of Phase 2, that means the dungeon mobs and bosses will be pushed to level 40.
That also doesn’t account for the fact that BFD only had six bosses, and one of those bosses was just a named rare with no abilities. In contrast, BFD, the level-up raid, had seven full-named bosses with a whole loot table and abilities.
So for Gnomeregan, we can expect 1 to 3 new bosses, new events, new quests, and a massively changed loot table.
As BFD has shown us, the loot table of the dungeon versus the raid is staggeringly different.
The loot table of the level-up raid is significantly larger than the loot in the BFD dungeon. So, we can expect similar loot changes to happen to Gnomeregan, whose current loot table is rather pitiable.
I won’t guess as to what items they’ll add to the loot table. But considering the amount of insane and awesome loot that BFD got, expect a few new purple items, fantastic new gear, crafting recipes, elixir crafting recipes, a new world buff, more quests, and perhaps even more than what I’ve listed.
A great note for players is that getting to Gnomeregan for Horde will be much easier than it was in Classic. Players will be able to essentially teleport to Gnomeregan and not have to do the long and arduous trek that Horde players had to do to get to Deadmines in Phase 1.
Now, moving on to the PVP content - Stranglethorn Vale, the PVP event zone.
This is an iconic zone, and one that I would wager money that most people have had a terrible PVP experience on. Either you got griefed or you were the griefer.
For anyone that played on a PVP server, it’s an absolute core in experience for not just Vanilla players but Classic players to be ganked or murdered in Stranglethorn Vale. People have been ganking and abusing low levels in this zone for a long time, and I expect this to only get worse in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery.
Between the Gurubashi Arena for the trinket, the fishing event, and the whole zone being turned into a massive PVP event zone, some of the most iconic questing in where one of the go-to zones to level up...... All of these facets coming together is going to make this place absolutely wild come Phase 2.
If you aren’t one of the first people to get to level 40 early on in Phase 2, I would highly recommend leveling up in another zone to avoid experiencing the hard ganking that will probably happen. This advice is only for people that play on a PVP server. If you play on a PVE server, have fun! It’s going to be a great experience.
I personally don’t know if there’s going to be a reputation involved with the STV PVP event similar to how you get Warsong Gold reputation for doing the Ashenvale event zone, but I would guess that even if we don’t get a reputation, there’ll be more events and things happening at the Gurubashi Arena and fishing event. Additionally, even if we don’t get a new reputation, a Wrathty based reputation will likely get earned through the PVP event zone.
Whether it makes sense or not, law wise doesn’t hold much weight. The experience is what truly matters here. Having a Trollbane murdering trolls is a beautiful concept, and I say that as a Horde and Troll main.
Now, shifting focus from PvP & PvE to Blizzard’s handling of Season of Discovery.
Buffs and nerfs have been coming out pretty quickly. Changes in the quality of life are being implemented almost instantly. They’ve been monitoring feedback and reception in Phase 1. And so far, despite Hunters being nerfed twice, the game is still balanced. Yes, Hunters remain the strongest DPS even after the 2 nerfs.
Regarding Runes and how they feel, Blizzard has done a phenomenal job. Runes feel great, especially as a Druid player. Being able to spam Wrath infinitely at no Mana cost has made leveling up and playing the game much easier and enjoyable.
However, I’m personally not fond of how quickly all the runes were discovered. Given the huge player base in Season of Discovery, it’s not surprising that all the runes were found so rapidly.
I hope that the next set of 12 runes for each class introduced in Phase 2 takes longer to discover and involve more interaction and unlocking. Considering the numerous new zones and places to uncover these new runes in Phase 2, I believe it will indeed take longer to find all the runes.
To give Blizzard credit, the decision to place the Warlock Metamorphosis rune inside BFD wasn’t the smartest, but they’ve acknowledged this mistake and stated they won’t repeat it in the future. They’ve made adjustments, allowing players to acquire said rune both inside and outside BFD.
Overall, with phases lasting 4 to 12 weeks at most, the content being enjoyable and well-positioned makes the game feel like a much-improved version of Classic.
I can honestly say that Season of Discovery is my favorite version of World of Warcraft to date. Hopefully, when they finish Season of Discovery and fully unveil WoW Classic Plus, they’ll incorporate all they’ve learned to provide us with an outstanding and long-term future for Classic Plus.
Next we will talk about the first 6 druid runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery and where to find them. There is a good balance in these 6 early druid runes of healing, balance and feral spec. So hopefully this season of discovery druid rune guide helps you get a good range of abilities early in the game.
Starting out with the first Rune, the Fury of Stormrage. This Rune completely reduces the Mana cost of Wrath, and you get it from your class trainer in Teldrassil. Up in the tree at level two, they give you a quest to go out and defeat some grills. Doing so, they will drop the Luna Idol. Once you hit level four, you can equip the idol and complete its requirements, which in this case are to defeat six creatures affected by your Moonfire. So go learn Moonfire, go out and hit things with Moonfire, then defeat them six times. Click the idol again, and you’ll get the Rune, nice and easy.
Next, the Living Seed Rune, which is a healing rune that plants a living seed on your target when you critically heal them, going off after 15 seconds for extra healing. You want to be around level seven or eight for this. Search for Glade Flowers around Teldrassil. Here’s what they look like. Keep an eye out, as they’re quite spread around. Just have this in the back of your mind while you’re doing other things.
Click on three Glade flowers, combine them to make the Glade Crown. Take it to Teldrassil at Starbreeze Village, where you can find a big Wooden Effigy. Use the crown, which you combined with the flowers, to spawn a level seven Elite mob. This shouldn’t be too hard. Once you’ve defeated it, it drops the Living Seed Rune. If there are other people, you can group up for this, but it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge.
Another healing Rune, Lifebloom, a powerful heal over time, especially for the early levels. You want to be around level 9 or 10 for this. Head to the northwest of Teldrassil where the Harpies are. Once there, a skeleton can spawn. Click on this skeleton to summon a spirit. Then, you need at least one other player to help you channel a big portal that appears. Just channel the portal, and you get the Rune. It’s really as simple as that. There should be lots of people doing this quest right now, lots of movement around in this area.
If you party up with people, everyone who helps gets a copy of the Rune, so that’s really useful. You don’t have to worry about people taking it. The only hard part about this is waiting for the remains to respawn. If somebody does this quest just before you, there’ll be nothing here, and you won’t know where it spawns. Just hang around, wait for people to turn up, group up, and wait for these remains to spawn. Keep looking around; eventually, it’ll spawn. Grab it, click the portal, and get the Rune.
Number four, Sunfire. This is a big damage rune also located in Teldrassil. This deals big damage upfront and then damage over time as well. To get this, head to a specific tree in Teldrassil. You’ll notice a little circle at the entrance as a sign that you’re in the right spot. Look for lunar stones on the tree, cast Moonfire on each of these four stones, and a lunar chest will spawn at the base of the tree where the circle was. Open the chest to get your Sunfire Rune.
All you need for this is Moonfire. If you’ve got it, you can head here and get it, or you can just wait until the quests take you into this area. Once you have Sunfire and Fury of Stormrage, you have a huge damage ramp early on that is just so nice on a druid.
Now it’s time to get onto the feral stuff, your animal druid stuff: Mangle. Okay, this is the Mangle Rune. This replaces your Claw ability and lets enemies take additional damage from bleeds and Shred. To get this, be level 10 in Teldr Hil and go defeat Rageclaw, a level 10 normal mob in the central cave of Ban'ethil Barrow Den. Once you’ve defeated him, it drops the Idol of Ursine Rage. Equip the idol, keep Rage in bear form above 50 for 60 seconds.
The easiest way to do this is to go to the starting zone and aggro a really low-level mob, like a level one or a level two mob. Hit it once to get aggro, then turn your back to it. It will start hitting you in the back because it’s such a low level, and you’re in bear form. It won’t do much damage, so just stand there and take the hits. Your rage will grow and grow. You just have to stand there for 60 seconds.
If you’ve already moved on to Darkshore and the mobs are a bit higher, maybe find someone who can heal you while you do this, or just pop a heal over time. Go into bear form and just tank it out. Move from pack to pack to regain health, but this shouldn’t be too hard. This is a very fast way to do it, so time it for yourself, around 60 seconds. Just keep your rage above 50, and then that will complete the idol. All you do is click the idol again, like all other idols. Click the idol again once you’ve passed the requirements, and you will get your Mangle Rune.
Finally, Lacerate, the sixth and final early easy game Rune. That’s Lacerate, a rune for your bear form that deals bleed damage over time and also generates threat. Leave the starter zone of Teldrassil and go to Darkshore.
Now you need to collect an item here called crab treats, which can either be dropped from the fur bogs at around level 12 just south of the town Oradine or fished up right on the docks of Warden when you land. If you land, go talk to the little fisherman just south of Warden. Get a fishing rod from him and fish there. You can fish these up. Or you can go fight the fur bogs. Once you’ve done that, you’ll get crab treats. Now you need to go to the beach, which is just south of Warden.
As soon as you get here, you can do this. Look for the young Reef Crawlers. It’s important to get these and not the ones further south, which are higher level and harder to fight. Feed them the crab treats, and they will come up to you, like a little cute animation. You’ll get the Lacerate Rune, and that’s it.
That’s it. Six super easy early game runes that give a good mix of balanced healing and feral abilities and should keep you pretty comfy on period all the way up to level 20. The next runes are scattered more around the world and require higher levels to do.
Today we’re talking about some changes that need to happen in Season of Discovery Phase 2. From addressing Hardcore and player complaints to fixing some PVP issues, including the economy we’ve been focusing on. Without further ado, let’s get started.
The first thing I want to talk about is PVP. I think there can be a lot of PVP improvements in Season of Discovery.
Of course, we’ll see more PVP highlights in Phase 2, as we’ll have Arena Grand Master and Tidal Charm. Players will go insane for PVP in these areas.
But I think PVP event could also be greatly improved. For example, in Ashenvale World PVP event, many players constantly run this event to farm reputation. But imagine if instead of this style mode where you have to kill the boss, there would be a designated player.
So, assuming a player is chosen, everyone in Alliance must protect him, while everyone in Horde tries to kill him at the same time. So, in this standard PVE mode, you just have to knock down the mobs, but you can also try to defend and kill someone on the other side.
I think this will be much better for Phase 2. And I think they could do more creative things to make PVP events more interesting.
There’s one other thing about PVP that I really think needs to be looked at, and that’s layering. If something to reduce layering further, it could bring some real benefits to PVP.
I’m just imagining the next phase of Arena Grand Master and Tidal Charm. If there were something like 11 layers in Crusader Strike, it would really take away the prestige and excitement of those items.
I’ve been looking around for my Runes and half of them just come from some random farming or something. I think this might be the “Discovery” part of Season of Discovery.
As a Priest, I absolutely love Metamorphosis Rune questline. But I completely missed this, which is why I upgraded Warlock myself.
I really think every class needs at least one Rune in every phase. I’m not saying every rune has to be an epic questline. But that’s a very exciting part of the mode to me.
Meanwhile, as a Priest, I just travel around the world killing various mobs for drops. But it’s not that exciting. And that also brings me to the issue of farming Waylaid Supplies.
The developers hope to have at least one rune that everyone has, which is a huge grind. And Waylaid Supplies is the kind of grind where you have to grind so many boxes to get one of your runes.
But a big problem is that Rune is actually very related to certain classes. For example, as a Priest, my AOE damage is very poor. In order to get my Mind Sear Rune, I have to do all Waylaid Supplies farming.
I absolutely love the idea of grinding through a difficult and challenging grind to earn one of your runes. But because it is some kind of consistent grind. You’ll get consistent results every time you grind a mob and don’t get anything, or grind a treasure chest, but don’t get anything in the chest. This can be very frustrating.
Hopefully Waylaid Supplies farming will become more consistent with future phase, and I’m sure we’ll do it again for another rune. But it can definitely be improved.
Currently, there isn’t enough to do in this mode, and perhaps the next phase should have a more serious grind to really reward the most serious players.
This is actually another complaint I’ve seen from some of the best players in the game. They enjoyed the mode, but they ran out of things to do after only putting in 80-100 hours.
The problem is that the character identity is a little lost. You can’t really work 300 hours straight in your role and really build this immense advantage. This has a very personal connection to your character.
I’m not saying you have to give them some insane legendary item to invest more time in. But there really should be something that you can spend a long time with and that is visually appealing to other players. Because if they get bored and there’s nothing to do, it actually hurts the mode.
The last and most important change that I think should appear in Phase 2 is Dual Spec.
I mean, we have a lot of different Runes, but we never use them. Because I’m always stuck with the same specs and I don’t want to pay WOW Classic SOD Gold to respec. Therefore, we need Dual Spec for this new Rune system.
And Dual Spec can really stimulate excitement and energy in the player base. Because when you get these Shadow Priest Runes, you’ll never use them because you’re playing Discipline Priest.
I feel like when the developers are hyping up this Melee Hunter build, it’s taking something away from the mode. And no one wants to run it because they have to be completely rested. Therefore, if they provide us with Dual Spec, this may be welcomed by more players. I think this is something that can really be done in the future.
These are just the most basic things I’d like to see changed in Phase 2. The coolest thing is that the developers are clearly listening to us. They want to hear your feedback, and they want to make this mode as great as possible. I’m sure we can have a lot more fun in the next phase!
It’s time to start absolutely pumping in the Blackfathom Deeps in WOW Classic Season of Discovery. Here are some tips to make every single boss easier and to increase your DPS or make it easier if you are struggling at all.
For Baron Aquanis, grab a bubble before engaging the boss. This will increase your movement speed as you jump across the platforms, allowing you to engage with the boss even quicker. If anyone gets the Baron bomb, make sure they jump into the water to avoid knocking everyone else off. Interrupt their cast and make them move.
If you’re a ranged DPS, don’t worry. Just sit in the water the entire time and continue pumping the boss. You’ll have no issues, and there’ll be no downtime.
For Ghamoo’ra, a secret is that Shaman tanks can literally tank this boss the entire time. You don’t even have to worry about their Armor. Just one tank it and keep pumping while the boss has its shield. It only takes magic damage, so use any magic damage abilities you have for extra damage. Casters can pop the little bubbles to get some extra Mana back, but be aware that it damages them and everyone around them. When the boss breaks its main shield, it will do an AOE hitting for 700 damage and knocking back any melee. Take a step back or ensure you have full health to absorb this. Watch out for the threat drop. From there, make sure you start burning the boss.
Lady Sarevess is the easiest boss. She has an add, so have an off-tank this and literally ignores it the entire time. The most important thing is to make sure you’re kicking her freezing arrow. If you do this, no one will ever get frozen, and you won’t need to move. Just pump the boss down and enjoy.
Gelihast has a very low HP bar, but you need to hit him three times. As he’s healing back up, he takes almost no damage. The only thing that can wipe your group here is not dodging the little Murlocs that move around the room. It’s easier to be in the middle of the room or behind one of the little eggs, which spawns the Murlocs. If you’re there, you only have to watch for Murlocs coming from one side. The boss heals up to full and starts taking damage again before the Murlocs are gone. Pay attention if you want to increase your DPS and start pumping the boss again as soon as he’s at 100% HP.
In phase three, I suggest completely ignoring the ads that spawn and burning the boss because his HP is so low after killing Gelihast. Turn into the opening and kill the ads to unlock the Teleportation Stone. An invisible night elf next to it will help you repair if you ever have any wipes.
Lorgus Jett is a Gauntlet boss, so conserve your Mana accordingly. There are three rooms in this fight. In the first one, focus on interrupting the Healer. In the second one, again, make sure you’re interrupting the Healer. Ignore the Murlocs until you’re on the boss and passively cleave them down. The boss will spawn three totems in the exact same order every time. You can completely ignore the molten totem and the Windfury Totem.
However, as soon as he spawns the lightning Shield totem, everyone needs to stop DPS and burn that down. Otherwise, you will kill yourself because all hits to the boss will hit yourself for extra damage. Nuke this down and then burn the boss. Passive Cleave can deal with all the adds, and you can move away from any other totems.
Lord Kelris is the hardest boss in phase one. But once you understand it, it’s extremely easy. The boss will sleep with the two closest players to him and send them to the Shadow Realm. In the shadow realm, you have to nuke down the night elf mobs until they randomly spawn a portal, allowing you to exit. These night elf mobs have incredible spell resistance.
If you don’t have a lot of melees, ensure you always send one Caster with one melee into the shadow realm at a time. Assign one Caster to stand within the boss whenever it’s their turn to be sent down. This makes things easier, and all you have to do as range is ensure you’re dodging the Shadow Crashes. The boss also has a chain of lightning that gets harder for everyone at chains too. Make sure you’re always kicking that cast at 35%.
The boss phases into phase two, and you can no longer kick to interrupt any of his casts. Ensure it spread out enough of the range to avoid getting hit by the chain lightning. The boss does a Mind Blast on the tank, which is actually an AOE. If you’re a melee DPS, you can step far enough away to max melee range to avoid getting hit. Ensure yourself to max melee range, and you’ll never take any damage. Just burn the boss before he takes over the entire room. Ensure your magic dispels the debuff that goes out in Phase 2 because it will kill people.
Aku’mai, the last boss, is relatively easy. Have all your DPS stack up right behind the boss and ensure you dodge the frontal whenever it goes out. Tanks can swap around five stacks, and when the new tank taunts, the old tank needs to drop all their stacks by running to one of the Cleansing Elementals and standing there until their stacks are gone. Soon after the stacks go away, the Elemental will blow up, doing AOE damage, a Knockback, and spawning some little ads, one ad for every single stack that the tank dropped.
Have the off-tank pick these up and stack them on top of the boss. Passive Cleave should be able to take them down. At 50%, the boss phases and takes almost no damage during the phase. This is when you want to be focusing on DPS. If you can, have the second tank drop their stacks right before the phasing happens. If you don’t want to do this, drop stacks during the phase and then pick up the ads with the boss as soon as he becomes active again. The ideal way is to drop stacks right before the phase.
Move the boss on top of one of the Cleansing Elementals. It’ll explode right as he starts taking no damage in phase two. It’s easier not to drop stacks at all. Just have one tank take the boss until they die, then have the second tank pick them up and burn the boss down. If you have any issues with this, have the first tank drop stacks once, maybe around 3 to five stacks, spawning one Elemental that gets stronger for each stack that was put on the cleansing Elemental. Ignore the Void Walker and let the second tank die. Have the main tank pick up the boss again, and you should be able to down the boss. This should make every single boss extremely easy and ensure that you absolutely pump and do the most damage possible.
WoW Classic Season of Discovery has had us looking all over Azeroth for new rune abilities. A lot of players are enjoying finding these runes blindly because it is super fun.
But some can be easily missed, so I wanted to cover the first 4 runes that you can find on a Rogue in the Human starter area. All of these can be found in either Elwynn Forest or Stormwind City.
Starting with number one, and it’s an easy one, it’s Shadowstrike.
Shadowstrike is the rune that lets you go invisible and teleport to your target. You get this at the very start of the game.
Simply go to your class trainer in Northshire and take the quest to recover a stashed item. If you head over the river and go to the Vineyards, it’s just south of this.
As you get to the mountain, you’ll see a little shack with a couple of Defias outside and there’s a chest in front. Defeat the Defias, pop the chest, and there’s your Shadowstrike rune. If you have enough SOD Gold, you can buy some weapons and armors to equip yourself so that you can easily defeat the monsters you encounter.
The rune we can go for next is the Quick Draw rune, which is a bit difficult to get.
Quick Draw is a quick shot with a ranged weapon that slows enemies down.
To get this rune, you need to pickpocket parts of a Treasure Map and put that map together. Then, go find the treasure and the treasure is the rune.
The 4 map pieces all drop from different Humanoid monsters around Elwynn Forest. So first, get to level 4 and unlock Stealth and unlock Pick Pocket. And then, start looking for the different Humanoids.
The top left piece can be found from Defias. So, go and pickpocket some Defias. We saw this one at Jerod’s Landing. There was a Defia there. Pickpocket it, got the piece. I assume it can be any of the Defias.
The top right one comes from Kobolds. And this one was pickpocketed at Jasperlode Mine, which is where you go in the Goldshire quest. There are the Spiders at the end. But you just pickpocket the Kobolds around here.
The bottom left one is from Gnolls, which are located conveniently at the bottom left of Elwind near Hogger (near the where the map changes over on the west).
Then, the bottom right piece can be found at Murlocs. And these are all around Crystal Lake, just east of Goldshire.
Once you find all 4 pieces, you’ve pickpocketed all four pieces, that’s when you put the map together. If you’re struggling to fight these, you can just stealth and pickpocket while other people are fighting, especially on release when these servers are completely full. You can just go and pickpocket as people are just clearing the different comps.
Once you’ve got them all, put them together. It tells you to head to the treasure west of Ridgepoint Tower, near the Wolf’s Den. So, head over there and you’ll see a stump. Go to this stump and use your scroll, use your map, and then you’ll find the Quick Draw rune.
Onto the third one, Mutilate.
This deals damage with 2 weapons, and it is a super powerful rune once you get dual wield.
It again requires pickpocketing to start or to learn about it. So, you need to pickpocket an important NPC. You can get this from Morgan the Collector in the house near where Princess is on the bottom right of the map.
But I’ve also heard it can be got from Garrick Padfoot in Northshire. But this guy gets defeated in like 2 seconds because of how many people are queuing up for it. So, Morgan the Collector definitely seems easy to get it from. And he survives a little bit longer, so you can actually pickpocket it.
This note tells you to follow the river north of Crystal Lake and south of the wall. Just head south of Northshire and follow the wall right up to the east side. There’s like a hidden Stealth guy here. Just talk to him and he’ll teach you Mutilate.
Some people are saying you need to be level 10 and have unlocked Dual Wielding to get this. But it’s worth getting. It’s not that hard to get.
Next up is Between the Eyes, a ranged finisher that also stuns. This is one thing Rogues have always wanted for gap closing.
Pre-warning, this includes a fight against two level 10 mobs. So, make sure you have friends or you’re leveled enough. And this can be found in Stormwind.
Just head to the Canals, like the lake around the Dwarven District, and look for a house on the left side. Head through and you’ll be in an alley. Follow it all the way to the end and you’ll see an open house. Head upstairs to the house and as soon as you get to the top, you’ll see a big bed. And there should be a chest in front of the bed.
If it’s not here, you need to wait for it to respawn because someone’s already done it. Click the chest and two mobs will spawn. Defeat those, and that’s how you get the rune.
The megadungeon Dawn of the Infinite has been split into 2 separate M+ keys for WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Season 3.
In this guide, I will go over the most important mechanics to watch out for in Murozond's Rise!
This instance contains the last 4 bosses of the megadungeon and it’s the longest key this season with a timer of 37 mins. The dungeon’s entrance is located in the temporal conflux in Thaldraszus.
You start off on the first bosses platform. Dungeon start You have to deal with the 3 named mobs channeling into the Oathstone before you can engage Tyr, the infinite Keeper.
Before I explain the mini bosses, let’s talk about the normal trash mobs you will encounter on this platform.
The Vanguards cast a frontal bleed that follows the tank, so be careful about positioning here. The mages cast Epoch Bolt on the tank, dealing magic damage and occasionally Corroding Volley. This should be interrupted because it does initial damage to the whole group and leaves behind a magic debuff that slows.
One of the 3 mini bosses is Keeper Valow. He creates swirlies underneath each player’s location occasionally and also spawns a bubble around him, reducing damage taken by mobs standing within it by 50%. This buff also applies to players, so you can move into the bubble for a nice damage reduction!
Another mini boss is Maiden Lerai. She casts an unavoidable AoE once in a while and she sends out an orb towards a random player, stunning and dealing damage to anyone in the orbs path. This orb returns to the Maiden’s snapshotted position she was in when she finished the cast.
The last mini boss is Sentinel Spurlok. His main ability is a charge towards a random player, spawning a shroud on his end location. He will then stand within his own shroud and start pulling a player towards him. This channel stuns the targeted player and has to be stopped by someone stepping into the shroud and interrupting the mini boss.
Once all the mini bosses are dead, Keeper Tyr spawns.
Tyr has 2 kinds of frontals. Titanic Blow is a cone towards the tanks location, leaving behind consecrated ground. This ability also knocks back the tank, so be careful to not fall off.
And Infinite Annihilation is a frontal cone towards a random player, leaving behind consecrated ground as well. He also casts Dividing Strike, which is a split damage ability circle spawning close to the boss. At least 2 players have to soak the circle, otherwise the boss gets a damage increase for the rest of the fight, stacking up.
Tyr also applies 2 magic debuffs to random non-tank players. The debuff does ticking damage to the player and anyone standing within the circle around the players.
Additionally, it also does AoE damage to the group on removal. This means you want to stagger the dispels of the debuffs to make sure players have enough time to recover their health in between.
Once Tyr is out of energy, he shields himself and channels into the Oathstone in the middle of the room.
During this time, orbs will spawn around the room and move towards the middle. Players can intercept the orbs to gain a haste buff, stacking up to 5 for 50% haste in total. If orbs reach the Oathstone, they will increase the absorption amount of Tyrs shield, do AoE damage to the grp and also push players back.
Once he finishes his cast, he continues with his normal abilities.
Leave the middle of the room as free of consecrated ground as possible to make sure you can soak all the orbs properly!
Next up, you have to deal with a Timeline Marauder and an Inifnite Watchkeeper. Both of the mobs have a non interruptible AoE damage channel, which can be deadly if it overlaps, so make sure you are ready to use big defensive cooldowns here!
Make sure to also interrupt Displace Chronosequence from the Marauder, otherwise they gain a shield.
Once you finish off the mobs, the door opens and you will need at least one player to make it through the maze to unlock the portal.
It can be pretty tricky to get through the maze, but I’ve noticed it gets easier if 2 players move simultaneously on opposite sides, to bait the abilities away from each other. The more players make it through, the faster you can open the portal for everyone else!
Once everyone is through, you have to deal with two proto dragons, an Infinite Saboteur and an Inifnite Diversionist. I recommend focusing the diversionist because of the same AoE damage channel the previous dragon casted.
The 2nd dragon isn’t too scary, just casting a frontal towards the tank dealing magic damage.
After the dragons are dead, the barrier dissolves and you can enter the portal room.
To open the portals, you’ll have to kill all of the rift mages in this area. The Deviations and Fusions continue to spawn and don’t do much other than tank damage and a small AoE explosion on death. They do remove the puddles on the floor wherever you kill them.
Infinite rift mages cast Infinite Burn on random targets, leaving behind a magic dot if not interrupted or dispelled, also slowing movement speed. Additionally, they cast Temporal Blast on the tank, dealing magic damage.
Once you finish off the rift mages, you can enter the portal to either Morchie or Time-Lost Battlefield. If you decide to do Morchie first, take the right portal.
The Infinite Timebenders have portals nearby. They activate once you engage them. They spawn a few different murlocs out of the portals with simple mechanics. Once in a while the timebender shields a murloc. This shield absorbs damage and pulses AoE damage around them.
Additionally, the Timebender also casts Dizzying Sand, disorienting players if not interrupted, so make sure you do so!
Now, you can fight Morchie.
One of her main abilities is “More Problems!”. The boss disappears and spawns multiple mirror images of herself in a circle around the room. You then have to find the correct Morchie to be able to dodge the frontal breath she is casting from her real position. The real Morchie is the NPC without any headgear, just her blue hair.
Another one of her signature abilities is Familiar Faces, where she spawns mirror images for every player. The images then fixate on each player, radiate AoE damage in a circle around them and melee attack if they reach their target.
You can CC the image with most slows and stuns, but the way you are supposed to deal with them is by kiting them into the time traps Morchie spawns.
If an image enters a trap, they will get disabled until she recasts the ability, but they also explode for group damage when they enter a trap, so make sure to not kite them all into traps simultaneously or use big defensive CDs if you do so.
Other than that, tanks just need to watch out for Sand Blast. It’s a frontal that follows the tanks position, so don’t aim it into the middle of the room!
You now have to go to the other portal to defeat Time-Lost Battlefield.
On the way to the bosses platform, there is a swarm of Pendules flying over the platform. If you engage them, they cast Time Beam onto random players, make sure to interrupt this as much as possible.
To start the next boss fight, you will have to clear a trash event in the boss room. This event will look different and the mobs will have different names depending on which faction the group leader is, but the abilities do the same thing.
For the sake of this guide, I will be going with the Horde names. The Horde Destroyer will occasionally spawn sappers that fixate on players and detonate if they reach their target. Make sure to CC them and don’t get hit!
Additionally, the boss also throws bombs, and swirlies at a player marked with a red arrow. If this ability is on you, make sure to keep on moving!
Once the destroyer is dead, you will have to deal with a Farseer and 2 Raiders. The Farseer casts Earthquake, so make sure you move the mobs out of that, and healing wave, which is a heal that can be interrupted. The Raiders cast a rallying shout, make sure to interrupt that too!
Now the boss, Grommash Hellscream, will spawn. There will be multiple friendly untargetable npcs in the room and any AoE boss ability that hits them will kill them and give the boss a stacking buff called Thirst for Battle, doing AoE damage to the group on successful melee attacks.
One of the bosses abilities is shockwave, targeting 3 random players after another with a frontal cone. Make sure to not bait the cone towards NPCs if possible, to avoid stacking up Thirst for Battle.
Additionally, the boss also casts Bladestorm, jumping onto a random player and chasing after them while doing AoE damage around him. Again, make sure to not kill off too many NPCs with this ability!
The boss also spawns some adds once in a while. Make sure you deal with them fast so you don’t get overwhelmed!
After defeating both Morchie and Time-Lost Battlefield, you can access the portal to Chrono Lord Deios.
But first, you have to deal with a pretty nasty trash pack with 2 Marauders and an Infinite Slayer. All 3 mobs have an unavoidable AoE damage channels, so make sure to coordinate defensive CDs and healing CDs properly for the first few AoE casts and maybe focusing them one by one to reduce incoming damage might be a good idea!
Now, you can start the fight against Chrono-Lord Deios. He has 2 abilities he keeps throughout the whole fight: one is a tank frontal cone you need to face away and the other is Infinity Orb (2 orbs spawn in the room which fall to the ground and explode for AoE damage leaving behind a 4 sec debuff on everyone, increasing subsequent dmg of the explosion by 300%).
To deal with this mechanic, let one orb fall to the ground and have another player stand beneath the 2nd orb to slow down its descent. Assigning one designated orb soaker beforehand makes sense, so this player always knows to stand underneath an orb, while all the other players move away!
Additionally, the boss also spawns infinite keepers in phase 1, they run towards the side and start summoning adds from a portal. Kill these adds quickly to stop the summoning!
Each keeper removes 20% health off of the boss. Once you defeat all 4 keepers, the boss goes into phase 2. In phase 2, he will continue to cast his frontal breath and the Infinity orbs.
On top of that, he also spawns puddles around the room, reducing the space you can use over time, so make sure to not get cut off from your group and move together until you defeat the boss!