I believe that many readers were attracted by the title. It seems that everyone wants to upgrade to level 85 as soon as possible. Not only will there be more benefits, but they can also challenge higher-level bosses.In this guide, we’ll share some of the best tips and tricks to speed up your leveling process and get you into endgame content as quickly as possible.
While we’re focusing primarily on the level 80-85 grind in this guide, many of these tips can also be applied to any stage of your leveling journey. Let’s take a look!
If you haven’t joined a guild yet, now is the perfect time to do so. Joining a guild at this stage in WoW Cataclysm Classic has a lot of great perks that can significantly increase your leveling speed. For example, the Mount Up skill increases your mount speed, while Hasty Hearth reduces the cooldown of your Hearthstone.
Both skills can help you move around areas faster, which can speed up your overall speed. Additionally, you can complete quests and run instances with your guildmates, making completing quests more enjoyable and efficient.
Obtaining your flight controller license as soon as possible is the easiest way to increase your XP accumulation. Using flying mounts can greatly increase your leveling speed, especially as you level up your flying skill.
It’s recommended that you get upgrades from the faction with the highest reputation. Just make sure they have a flying trainer, and your reputation level discount will be high. For example, in Exalted, you can get up to 20% off, which can save you a lot of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold.
To maximize your XP gains, you need to choose your zones carefully. If you start at level 80, it is best to start at Mount Hyjal. This will allow you to level up faster than the extremely difficult Vashj’ir. At level 82, you can go to Deepholm, where you can increase your Therazane reputation.
After that, go to Uldum and stay there until most of the quests are completed. Finally, you can finish your quest in Twilight Highlands and grind until level 85. This route is very effective and will help you gain more experience and explore new game content.
In WoW Cataclysm Classic, there are many spells that players can choose from and level up with the help of trainers. Although not every spell cast will allow you to return quickly to the capital, trying the powerful leveling spells between levels 80-85 is definitely worth considering.
For example, Flame Orb for Mages and Fel Flame for Warlocks both allow you to deal huge damage in combat, which can speed up your clearing and achieve the effect of leveling up faster.
Many of the quest lines in dungeons are very good to upgrade your experience and equipment. However, through the practice of players, it is known that this is only a supplemental source of XP, not the principal source, because not all players have such content.
However, if you have a group that allows you to run dungeons together, why not run more times? Why not learn some dungeon mechanics, see some bosses, and practice rotations while leveling up?
In addition, the dungeons in WoW Cataclysm Classic are improved, which is very different from the previous Wrath, which will definitely make you have a lot of fun exploring.
Some common consumables can provide you with temporary buffs that allow you to gain experience points temporarily. For example, Battle Standard of Coordination and Banner of Cooperation items can provide you and your guild members with some experience and reputation boosts.
These boosts mainly come from the enemies you and your guild members kill. The more enemies you kill, the higher the experience points. While these boosts aren’t huge, at no more than 15% and only last a few minutes, they’re still a great way to help you level up.
This tip won’t get you to level 85 like the previous ones, but it’s the easiest to accomplish. Because reputation is a very important thing in WoW Cataclysm Classic, and it can even be said to be very valuable.
First, you should strive to be at least friendly with every faction in the zone, so that you can unlock their Tabards. Earning reputation points doesn’t take a lot of extra time and is a great addition to your leveling process.
Understanding the logic of your class will always give you an advantage in PVP or in unusual situations. It allows you to improvise or use strange combinations of skills and talents, making you the ultimate BiS Meta player because you know what to do while PUGs in raids or dungeons don’t.
That’s all for this guide. I hope these tips are useful to you and can help you level up faster in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Have fun exploring Azeroth!
There are various bosses in the game that you need to find and find ways to defeat them, and this is also the case in Elden Ring. Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, has annoying teleports and almost predatory grabs, which make it one of the most difficult bosses in Elden Ring.
However, Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, is still a boss worth choosing to help you progress in Ranni’s questline.
In this guide, you will learn how to find Astel, Naturalborn of the Void in Elden Ring and find its weaknesses to defeat it. Follow this guide and you’ll be ready to shine in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC when it releases on June 21st!
Astel is located in a separate area south of Lake of Rot. You will reach here when advancing Ranni’s questline. You need to first go to Grand Cloister Grace in Lake of Rot, cross the ledge to the ground, find the coffin, and then ride the coffin down the waterfall. This way you can reach this area.
Then in this area you need to go west until the end of the hallway, at the end of the hallway turn left and you will find a coffin. You need to enter the coffin, and then you will respawn in a new area. From this respawn point, go north, and then you will find the fog door leading to Astel.
If you are not well prepared before fighting Astel, his attacks will wipe out more than half of your health. However, if you prepare some weapons, incantations and spells in advance, it will make the battle easier, so it is worth spending Elden Ring Runes to get these items, which will make Astel less of a difficult boss for you.
Frostbite, Sleep, and Madness will not harm Astel because it is immune to them. However, Poison, Scarlet Rot and Bleed will easily cause damage to it. Therefore, you can integrate your equipment into these corresponding weapons, incantations, and spells.
Astel is also less vulnerable to elemental damage (magic, fire, lightning, and holy) due to his defenses, even though he is not completely immune to the damage you can throw at him, the damage won’t be as great as it normally would be. While Astel has strong defenses against elemental damage, he is weak against physical damage. Therefore, magic users can use gravity sorceries to take advantage of the range advantage.
Here are some weapons, incantations, and spells that can help you against Astel, Naturalborn of the Void:
Any weapon with Poison, Scarlet Rot, and Bleed effects. Poison, Scarlet Rot, and Bleed status effects can cause Astel to deal heavy damage. Therefore, find a weapon with any of these effects and upgrade it as much as possible.
Rotten Breath Incantation. This Incantation is obtained by obtaining a dragon heart and taking it to Cathedral of Dragon Communion in Caelid. Rotten Breath Incantation can cause heavy damage to it through Scarlet Rot.
Rock Sling Sorcery. This Sorcery can be found in a chest north of Street of Sages Ruins in Caelid. Rock Sling Sorcery is a gravity Sorcery with great tracking and range. You can use this spell from a distance when fighting Astel to avoid most of its attacks. If you find Meteorite Staff on a corpse in Street of Sages Ruins and combine it with Rock Sling Sorcery, this will increase the damage by thirty percent, making the fight much easier.
It is worth noting that you should level up your attributes and upgrade your weapons and spirit ashes before fighting Astel. You can also use Mimic Tear Ash to distract Astel and take most of the damage.
You should not always stand right in front of Astel when fighting him, even if you know that Astel’s weak point is his head, because some of the most damaging moves he uses require the use of the pincer attached to his head. Instead, you should watch the majority of his body to determine most of his attack cues and stand a little further away, as these cues can be very hidden.
Generally, you need to know how Astel prepares to attack and try to avoid it, then attack him in the head. Here are some moves you need to master to defeat Astel.
Astel will charge a purple ball and fire a laser directly at you when you enter the boss's arena. Since there is a little time to prepare, you don’t have to dodge immediately. However, you can use dodge roll first to master the timing. You will have time to summon Mimic Tear Ash or any Spirit Ashes of your choice after Astel fires the laser.
Astel’s three left hands quickly raise three purple balls, then slam them into the ground, releasing three expanding shockwaves. You can use dodge roll to avoid this move while running away. After all, it can be very difficult to react to this attack in time.
Astel raises a purple ball in each of his six hands into the air, then slams it into the ground, releasing three expanding shockwaves. This attack is similar to the previous one, but the preparation time is much longer, and you also need to keep your distance from Astel to avoid being hit by the expanding shockwaves.
Astel will charge up, then throw you into the air before slamming you back down to the ground. You can keep your distance from Astel while he charges up, and then attack him after he finishes his attack.
Astel will create a purple ball in one hand, then wave his hand in front of him, leaving a purple shroud that explodes in a split second. There are several variations of this attack that all work similarly, and you need to watch out for the single purple ball. However, you may have enough time to get through the shroud and attack his head, depending on your distance from Astel.
The biggest threat to your defeat in the entire fight is Astel’s teleport, which can cause you to be grabbed by them. Particles gather above Astel to form a large sphere that teleports Astel away. Astel can teleport to another location to attack you, and this attack is very deadly. When he starts to teleport, sprint away and watches behind you. If they teleport above you, try to watch their arms and dodge when they start to dive as if they are hugging you. This attack can cause a lot of damage and can even kill you, so avoid it if possible.
Astel will teleport away from you and summon rings behind him, which will shoot out Meteors at you. This is another teleport attack. You can avoid these Meteors by running to the side and dodging when necessary.
The last thing you need to watch out for is any movement of Astel’s main body features. For example, you should be careful of their pincers if they start to twitch, and their tails if they start to wag.
After defeating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, you will receive Remembrance of the Naturalborn, which can be exchanged for Waves of Darkness Ash of War or Bastard’s Stars. For those who complete Ranni’s quest, a path to Cathedral of Manus Celes will be unlocked.
With the above, you can clearly know the location of Astel, Naturalborn of the Void in Elden Ring, his weaknesses, and how to deal with him when fighting him. Hopefully, this will help you win the game!
With the exciting arrival of Fallout 76 Season 17 Skyline Valley, there’s a new area, a new main questline, and a new public event, Dangerous Pastimes, for players to enjoy.
Here, let’s talk about some things you should consider in the new season regarding Seasons System, and the most effective way to maximize your Season Rank.
To unlock the latest Season System, you now have to earn both ranks and tickets, so the obvious question is whether you’ve earned enough tickets to unlock Fallout 76 Items as you level up.
I counted the number of items on each page and categorized them by type, Fallout 1st specific plans and consumables, then general plans and consumables.
If you want to get all the items, you’ll need to pay an average of 190 tickets per page. So not consuming these items can save you at least a few hundred tickets. This is equivalent to 7 ranks per new page. But basically, you get enough tickets to redeem all the items on one page before you unlock the next page.
It seems like the developers have intentionally fine-tuned things to make sure you don’t run out of tickets. This applies from rank 1 to level 100, so within these levels, the new season plays out essentially the same as the old scoreboards. But once you get to the bonus pages, things change a lot.
In the old scoreboards, rank 100 gave you a lot of bonuses, much more than every level before it. It was meant to be a small reward for people who completed the scoreboard. The first bonus page in the new season system plays a similar role and gives you a lot of items. But now you have to pay for tickets to unlock them, and they’re very expensive.
If you add up the prices of all the items, it comes to 1250 tickets. Coincidentally, that’s exactly 50 levels.
So, guess what level you have to reach to unlock the second bonus page? Yep, level 150. So I have no doubt that this is intentional.
On average, it takes 5 ranks to get each item. But since you have now reached a rank 100, you lose score from experience. So you have to rely entirely on Daily and Weekly Challenges.
Now each rank costs 3500 score, which is 17500 score per item. Without using any Boosters or Fallout 1st, completing all six Daily Challenges will bring you 2500 score, and 8 Weekly Challenges will bring you 10,500 score. If you complete all challenges, you will get a total of 28,000 score per week. This means it will take you a little over six weeks to get all the items on the first bonus page.
The second bonus page contains consumables, which you can get repeatedly. Each consumable costs three ranks. But the problem is that you also need to unlock 95 items, which means you need to have Fallout 1st to access the second bonus page.
Most of the rewards are not worth getting through tickets, though, because you can get them through gold or playing games. The most desirable items are Score Boosters, which you can use in future seasons to speed up your score.
If you get this far, I recommend getting as many of them as you can. Carrying Boosters is pretty good if you’re constantly overloading. But for everything else, they’re easier to get through playing.
So you can see that the prices of tickets and items are carefully calculated to use the fear of missing out to encourage players to play longer. But the fear of missing out can only go so far. At a certain point, if you make the cost too high, you actually end up having the opposite effect because people simply give up on getting the items. That’s the problem with two bonus pages.
Before rank 100, you can get items without worrying too much about ticket costs. But once you try to get bonus items, ticket costs skyrocket.
Players who have already played rank 100+ with Scoreboard will continue to do so, so it won’t make a difference to them. But casual players will eventually get discouraged because you’ll have a long period where you get nothing unless you really plan ahead.
Six weeks from the first bonus page to get 10 items is too long. And the fact that you need Fallout 1st to get to the second bonus page, combined with the lackluster rewards, makes it hard to imagine anyone deliberately aiming for the second page.
Generally speaking, for casual players, it’s not worth it to try to get past 100 rank. This goes against what Season System is supposed to be trying to achieve. At the very least, the cost of bonus page tickets needs to be balanced, or the progression needs to be rebalanced to keep those casual players.
Another big change is that you can spend 1500 Atoms to access Fallout 1st exclusive items. Before this, you actually needed to subscribe to Fallout 1st every month. So is it worth it?
Scoreboard itself does give you 1000 Atoms, and Fallout 1st gives you another 1000 Atoms. So in theory, if you spend Atoms to unlock that feature, you'll end up 500 Atoms ahead. You also get a total of 25% score bonuses.
If you know you'll be playing the later pages regularly, it's worth unlocking Fallout 1st right away. The score boost alone means you'll get more ranks, and you'll end up with more Atoms than you started with.
For casual players, you'll need to unlock at least Page 11 to break even, and it's all free Atoms after that. So if you think you can make it that far, it's worth it.
So how should you approach the new Season Format? Here are some tips you need to know.
First, avoid redeeming items right before the end of the season so you know how many tickets you’ll have. This is especially important if you want to get items on the bonus page.
Obviously, every player will have some must-have items, and there’s nothing wrong with redeeming some. In my opinion, the new Cremator weapon is a must-have for this season, but for things like costumes and skins, you should hold off.
Second, focus on redeeming the most important items first. Everyone has different priorities, so what’s important to everyone is different. But getting the most valuable items first ensures you don’t run out of tickets.
Third, avoid acquiring any consumable items unless there’s nothing else to earn. The obvious exceptions are score boosts and atoms, which are always worth getting right away. But things like gold, nuclear keycards, legendary cores, and more, can all be earned by playing the game. Don’t spend tickets on them until you’re sure there’s nothing else to earn.
Fourth, spend Atoms to unlock Fallout 1st items, but only if you’ve played to at least Page 11, so that the extra score boost is worth it. Unfortunately, unlocking items requires tickets, and bonus items are expensive, which means you need to save up your tickets. There’s no easy way to get more tickets, so you need to make sure you don’t run out by the end of the season.
Regardless, I hope the strategies I shared help prevent people from finding themselves running out of tickets at the end of a season and missing out on items they wanted to get. Good luck!
New content in the game brings new experiences to players. The same is true for Fallout 76’s new map Skyline Valley. The official release date of Fallout 76’s new map Skyline Valley is June 12.
Fallout 76 Skyline Valley update expands the game map southward to the newly discovered region of the same name. This uncharted territory, nestled in the vast Appalachian Mountains, offers opportunities for exploration and unearthing long-held secrets. A never-ending thunderstorm rages overhead, hinting at a powerful and potentially unstable anomaly.
This guide will give you tips and tricks on some of the new content in the new map.
As we investigate the mysterious Vault 63, questions about the fate of the inhabitants and their current state are endless, and the quest takes a deeper turn. We’ll also discover a new type of horrible Ghoul called ‘ The Lost’ inside Vault. And, we’ll be able to play as a Ghoul.
One of the main bosses in this world will be robots, which means that anything that reduces your damage to robots or increases your damage to robots will be changed after this DLC is released. If you want to play more damage, Fallout 76 Bottle Caps can help you upgrade and have more equipment.
Cleaning up your Stash Space is a breeze. If you are a new player of Fallout, you can forget about this. But if you have been playing for a long time and have a habit of hoarding everything. You better check your weapons and armor to make sure you don’t have anything you will never use. For example, there is a 15 pound flamethrower, which you can only sell here in exchange for Legend Scripts.
However, you may have a bunch of such things that you don’t use, and you can put them in your Junk. Take a closer look, maybe you haven’t scrapped everything, and some of the unused things are really heavy.
If you have a bunch of extra junk that you don’t need, you can craft it and turn it into Bulk, just like Bulk Screws and Bulk Gears. Then you can sell it to traders in exchange for some caps if you are overloaded on junk.
Now is probably the best time to start moving your ammo from here to your actual character. Because I use things like Gatling, Plasma, which require Plasma cores, they take up a fair bit of weight, a pound each. Even 40 mm Grenade Rounds are pretty heavy for a missile if you’re only using that weapon, it’s going to be up to 200 pounds.
If you’re using shells of that weight and a heavy equipment build, then you’re just going to want to shift the overall weight from Junk to your ammo and even your armor. And if you put Deep Pocketed mods on your armor, it’ll give you 10 carry weight per piece.
If you use Deep Pocketed on more armor, you can carry more stuff, and the more you carry, the faster you’ll be in the game. This way you can avoid making fewer trips, sell less stuff, and make the experience more enjoyable.
If you have a backpack, you can carry more stuff. Standard Backpack gives you 30 carry weight at level 50. By the time you complete the Boy Scout quest, these backpacks will give you 60 carry weight.
Some foods will also increase your carry weight, like Grilled Rat Toad, which will increase your carry weight by 10 even after you’ve eaten it.
Legendary Scripts will probably be something you need again. You’ll want to start stocking up on them at the very beginning of the game so you can Mass Roll. From experience, if you just get them by doing daily quests, it’s usually not enough. But if you save a bunch of Scripts and do a bunch of Rolls, most of the time Rolls will be much better.
If you want to get a good character with a brand new weapon or gear and a brand new unique weapon build, you need to be as efficient as possible with Farm Legendary Scripts.
You’ll want to get enough Farm Sources before the new content is released. It’s much better to do it with friends when you’re playing this DLC. If you don’t want to be the one going to go get the wood or go mine Black Titanium to craft the recipes, prepare the resources ahead of time now, or before you play with friends and the story is finished. If you’re playing solo, you just do things at your own pace.
Another thing you’ll want to do when this DLC is released is to make a lot of ammo. Ammo is a very needed thing in this game. For 99% of the ammo in this game, you need Steeland and Gunpowder. If it’s Special Ammo, you might need something like Adhesive or Rubber, but Steeland and Gunpowder are better to be the main priority.
You need to know which Perk Cards can make your build special. When you are in the process of leveling up, check your legendary perks to make sure you have an Intelligence Card. If you are a new player or you just want to level up faster, Intelligence Card will give you more XP.
From some people who were granted early access, I heard that Rads will be more useful because enough areas are full of Ghouls. However, this will be very monotonous for players running Bloodied Builds. For players who don’t run Bloodied Builds, Rads is a great Perk, you won’t be spamming Radway and Rad-X every 4 seconds.
C.A.M.P. Budget is important for every player and may even be one of the main motivations for some players to play this game. There will be some new things added to Atom Shop in Skyline Valley, so it is very important to check your budget and see if you want to clear the space. You’d better plan in advance how to design and make to plan your budget reasonably.
People who use Power Armor have Fusion Cores, but you need all Flux to make Fusion Cores, or the Atom Shop actually sometimes sells Fusion Core Recharger which just charges your Fusion Cores, which you can get from here. But for those players who don’t plan to get it from Atom Shop, you can collect Flux from the dropped Nuke location, so when someone drops a Nuke somewhere on the map, there will usually be a bunch of flowers here to pick, which will give you all Flux you need to make Fusion Cores.
Through the above content, I believe you have learned about the new content of the game and some related tips. I hope that with more adequate preparation, you can enjoy the next game journey more!
Resplendent Sparks in Diablo 4 is a new crafting material used to craft Uber Uniques, so it is very important for players to find and use Resplendent Sparks.
For the first time, players do not need to rely entirely on RNG luck to get Diablo 4 Uniques in Dungeon Crawler, precisely because Resplendent Sparks allow you to craft an extremely rare Uber Unique of your choice.
However, this is not easy in Diablo 4, and unlocking the equipment you want is not a simple matter. This article will provide you with some information on how to get Resplendent Sparks in Diablo 4 and what you need to do with them afterwards.
It is precisely because of the great effect that can be achieved when using Resplendent Sparks that you need to work hard to complete tasks in Diablo 4. However, the way to obtain Resplendent Sparks is not as simple as you think, and here are four ways to get Resplendent Sparks in Diablo 4. If you don’t want to spend too much time on these acquisition processes, Diablo 4 Gold can help you get them.
If you gradually improve your status in Iron Wolves clan and raise your reputation to Tier 18 by obtaining enough Diablo 4 Wolf’s Honor, you will unlock the final reward of Iron Wolves cache’s highest honor, however, this requires you to work hard on tasks in Diablo 4 Helltide events.
In addition to Mount Trophy and Legendary Amulet, Iron Wolves cache’s highest honor also contains a Resplendent Spark that can be added to your inventory.
However, since there is more than one character and the characters are not limited, you can switch between multiple characters to repeat the process of acquiring a reputation to obtain additional Resplendent Sparks.
If you want to find Uber Lilith in Diablo 4, you need to reach at least World Tier 4 and complete the main story once before you can access Fracture Peaks. After all, Uber Lilith is in Echo of Hatred in Fracture Peaks.
Before fighting Uber Lilith, you should be at least Level 90 and have a build that matches it. Defeating Uber Lilith will reward you with a Resplendent Spark.
However, you can only get a Resplendent Spark the first time you defeat Uber Lilith this season. In other words, if you already have a Resplendent Spark, you can’t get another one in Season 4 even if you switch characters to defeat Uber Lilith.
You can summon it by using summoning materials on the altar of Tormented versions of endgame bosses combined with Stygian Stones obtained in Deep Within The Pit. Again, you need to reach World Tier 4.
However, the fights with these bosses will be tough, as they are Level 200, so you will need to be well prepared. As with Uber Lilith, you will receive a Resplendent Spark upon defeating any Tormented Boss for the first time, but you can only do this once.
There is a chance that Uber Uniques will drop after defeating Uber Duriel in Gaping Crevasse and the newly appeared Uber Andariel in Diablo 4’s Hanged Man’s Hall.
Before fighting them, you will need to gather the necessary summoning materials, which you will need to obtain by defeating other endgame bosses. This is the only way you can repeat with the same character, and there is still a chance that you will not receive any Uber Uniques even when you defeat Uber Duriel or Uber Andariel.
If you have a large number of Uber Uniques from these fights, you can scrap Uber Uniques at the Blacksmith, and you will receive a Resplendent Spark among the recycled materials.
When you scrap Uber Uniques with Blacksmith, you will receive a Resplendent Spark among the recycled materials.
Note that you should only scrap a Resplendent Spark if you have a Duplicate of it. The whole purpose of this process is to make a new Uber Unique so that you can bring it to Eternal Realm at the end of the season.
Once you have collected enough Resplendent Sparks in Diablo 4, in order to make an Uber Unique of your choice with them, you can take them to Alchemist and go to their Transmutation tab. This crafting process requires four Resplendent Sparks and 50 million gold.
Under Transmutation tab, you will find Transmute Sparks heading, and you can then choose one of these items: Ahavarion Spear of Lycander (Staff), Andariel’s Visage (Helm), Doombringer (One-Handed Sword), The Grandfather (Two-Handed Sword), Harlequin Crest (Helm), Melted Heart of Selig (Amulet), Ring of Starless Skies (Ring), and Tyrael’s Might (Chest).
You may not see all of the above Uber Uniques, however, because you cannot craft items that are incompatible with your current character due to class restrictions.
Now that you know how to obtain and use Resplendent Sparks, these will help you craft Uber Uniques so that you can win in the endgame. So go find them in the game!
Elden Ring’s Legendary Armaments are some of the most powerful weapons in the game. There are nine Legendary Armaments in total in Lands Between, some of which can be obtained in Castle Morne, while others require completing quests.
In an update on June 7, 2024, Lands Between marked several specific locations where Legendary Armaments can be found, and they will play a big role in the upcoming Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC, which is released on June 21.
Finding these Legendary Armaments provided by Elden Ring is not just for in-game achievements, and knowing what each weapon does and where it is located can enhance your game experience and allow you to enjoy not only quick decisive battles but also high-level bosses that drop a lot of Elden Ring Runes.
Ruins Greatsword has a unique Wave of Destruction Ash of War, and can generate gravitational waves in the nearby area. As the operator, you must have 50 Strength and 16 Intelligence, with S and D scaling respectively after upgrading.
To get Ruins Greatsword, you need to defeat two bosses, Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior in Redmane Castle. But it should be noted that you must go to Redmane Castle before triggering the Radahn Festival, otherwise the bosses will not appear.
Unlike Ruins Greatsword, Eclipse Shotel has Death Flare Ash of War, which can cause Death Blight buildup and continue to hit after the second attack.
Besides 10 Strength and 25 Dexterity, you also need 30 Faith to use Eclipse Shotel. After fully upgraded, its Strength can reach D level, and Dexterity and Intelligence will reach C level.
The specific location of Eclipse Shotel is in a small chapel with an altar in the southeast area of the bottom floor of Castle Sol. After entering the chapel, don’t look around. It is on the altar within reach.
This is a legendary sword of Mornburg. As a weapon of Avenger, it carries a lot of anger and regret. So Grafted Blade Greatsword comes with a unique skill, Oath of Vengeance, which can increase all attributes by 5 points in 30 seconds.
You need to have 40 Strength and 14 Dexterity to use it, and you will get B and D scaling respectively after fully upgrading.
You can get this Legendary Armament after defeating the ultimate boss of Limgrave’s Castle Morne, Leonine Misbegotten. In addition, you need to note that Castle Morne and Grafted Blade Greatsword are both related to Edgar's questline, so before going to Castle Morne, you need to talk to Irina south of Bridge of Sacrifices.
As its name suggests, Sword of Night and Flame comes with the special skill of Night and Flame Stance, which can cause Fire damage or shoot a Comet Azur sorcery by slashing.
Players need 12 Strength and Dexterity, plus 24 Intelligence and Faith to wield this sword. After fully upgraded, its Strength and Dexterity can reach D level, and Intelligence and Faith can reach B level.
This Legendary Armament is a bit tricky to find, but you can get it with patience. From Lost Grace point on the lower level of Caria Manor, go to the rooftop on the east side to the upper walkway, and then go north at the first intersection.
At the end of this path, you can jump to a higher roof and continue along the roof. Until you see a hole in the roof, jump in and you can find Sword of Night and Flame in a chest.
This sword is said to be an heirloom of House Marais, who rules Shaded Castle. A Bell Bearing Hunter from Eochaid snatched the sword from the place where he was about to be executed and gained the combat skill from his homeland, Eochaid’s Dancing Blade. This skill can shoot the energy in the weapon forward to deal with a lot of damage.
The required attributes of this Legendary Armament are a bit different. You need 24 Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 23 Arcane to use it. After upgrading, B scaling in Strength, E scaling in Dex, and D scaling in Intelligence.
You can get Marais Executioner’s Sword by defeating Elemer of the Briar in Shaded Castle. The location of Shaded Castle on the map is in Mt. Gelmir between the volcanic mountain and Altus Plateau. It looks like a castle surrounded by green sludge.
This is a sword given by Carian queen to her spouse as a tribute to the long history. Dark Moon Greatsword is also a familiar face in FromSoftware games, and it usually has the common ability to fire powerful beams of magical energy.
It is similar to Ruins Greatsword and also possesses Greatsword Ash of War, but the distinction lies in including the special Moonlight Greatsword Ash of War. This enables the sword to freeze and propel Freeze buildup forward momentarily.
The attributes required for this Legendary Armament are more conventional: 16 Strength, 11 Dexterity, and 38 Intelligence. After the upgrade, D scaling in Strength and Dexterity and B scaling in Intelligence.
Dark Moon Greatsword can be obtained by completing Ranni Witch’s questline, one of the longest and most comprehensive questlines in Elden Ring. But it is worth it, not only because of Dark Moon Greatsword but also because there are more secret areas to explore and many unique Elden Ring Items and equipment drops.
Devourer’s Scepter looks like a giant snake that wants to devour the world. It comes with Ash of War Devourer of Worlds, and can be smashed to the ground to steal the health of enemies and restore your own health.
It only requires 24 Strength, 20 Dexterity, and 25 Faith, and when fully upgraded, each attribute can reach C scaling.
The key figure to obtain Devourer’s Scepter is Bernahl, who you need to defeat to get the weapon. If you have already defeated Lord of Blasphemy Rykard, you need to go to Volcano Manor again to talk to Recusant Bernahl. Alternatively, you can kill Knight Bernahl in Limgrave’s Warmaster’s Shack, which is a more difficult method.
Golden Order Greatsword was forged by King Consort Radagon, and from the entire story, it can be concluded that it was left to him by his first wife, Rennala, symbolizing Golden Order. Likewise, it has the special skill of Establish Order, which allows players to lift it and release a close-range AOE explosion, followed by a golden light wave.
It requires relatively low attribute points, only 16 Strength, 21 Dexterity, and 28 Faith. But at the highest level, it can reach E Strength scaling, D Dex scaling, and B Intelligence.
This Legendary Armament can also be obtained by defeating the Misbegotten Crusader. It must be noted that you must go to the northeast part of Consecrated Snowfield under Minor Erdtree on the map, find Cave of Forlorn dungeon, and walk to the end.
Gransax is an ancient dragon that has brought great disasters to Royal Capital, which also means the beginning of the war against dragons. Bolt of Gransax is a spear cut from Gransax’s commonly used weapon, so it has Ancient Lightning Spear skill, which can be used to launch a charged spear of red lightning at the enemy.
When using it, your attributes don’t need to be so diversified, just have 20 Strength and 40 Dexterity, and you can reach D and C scaling after upgrading.
This weapon does not require you to defeat any monsters. Just pick it up in Leyndell in Royal Capital. After you finish defeating Godfrey, take the elevator down and jump over the railing in front of you, landing on Gransax’s giant spear. The other side of it is the location of Bolt of Gransax. Or you can pick it up directly through the roof of the small courtyard across the bridge, but you need to be careful not to fall.
After introducing these Legendary Armaments, are you more curious about Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC released on June 21? Remember the location of these Legendary Armaments, so that you can be one step ahead!
Are you nearing the end of the main quest and starting Overseer’s Mission? The last part of this side quest requires you to fire a Nuke, firing Nukes can also trigger a boss fight that gives you unique rewards.
Completing Nuclear Silos can be quite lengthy, so that’s where this guide comes into play. In this guide, I’ll walk you through what you need to acquire, strategies on how to survive Nuclear Silos’ defenses, how to get through the silos normally, and finally I’ll show you what glitches you can exploit to run through the silos quickly.
Before you even think about setting foot in a silo, you’ll need to acquire a few essential Fallout 76 items: a Nuclear Keycard and a Nuclear Launch Code. You can get Nuclear Keycard by activating the mission at Enclave Bunker.
The second thing you’ll need is a Launch Code. Normally you should activate a quest to find Scorched Officers wandering around the map, take their codes, and then decrypt them to eventually get Launch Code.
The last thing is Nuclear Silo State Holotape. You don’t need this, but it’s good to have one because it tells you the state of Silo. They are sold by the vendor in the command bunker, right next to the room where you start Keycard quest. You should only use it when the silo is ready to launch. Of course, you must have discovered at least one silo.
Currently, there are two major ways to get through a silo, Brute Force or Stealth.
Usually, Brute Force involves using Power Armor and Heavy weapons. I use Overeaters Union Power Armor and Troubleshooter’s Explosive .50 Cal Machine Gun. It’s not the best choice, but I use that machine gun in silo all the time.
Some people choose to use Troubleshooter’s Power Armor just for the silo, but I don’t think it matters unless you want to face the entire silo at once. So basically just wearing Power Armor is enough.
It’s a good idea to equip all Damage Buffs and Power Armor specific perks. Even if it makes you overweight, it doesn’t matter since you won’t be doing much sprinting, anyway.
Almost every enemy uses energy weapons, so if you’re having trouble, Legendary perk to recharge your Fusion Cores is very useful. But it’s by no means critical.
Stealth requires using hard hitting silenced weapons, and not being detected. I use Silent Gauss Rifle, and of course all the perks that increase damage and protection.
You can use a Stealth suit, but in my experience it doesn’t prevent you from being detected, so your tactics are more important. You have to stay hidden, or at worst be cautious, and eliminate enemies one by one with Stealth state.
If you have three Hacker perks, then you have the option of manipulating Turrets. You can disable them all, so that only the bots are left to deal with. It’s easier to deal with them. You can make them hostile to everything, which means they even shoot at each other. Then you can sit back and eliminate the remaining enemies.
But sometimes these glitches and you can’t disable them afterwards. Therefore, disabling Turrets right away is probably the safest option. You can usually also choose to take control of one bot. They will usually die right away, but this way you have one less bot to deal with.
Now I’ll walk you through how to use a silo properly. There are a few stages to this, and I’ll cover each stage in a separate section. These Silos are pretty much the same, but you can occasionally get a silo with slightly different interiors.
The first stage is getting an ID Card and registering it. But before you open the door, there’s a terminal on your left. It allows you to command Turrets if you want. Then go to your right and read the instructions for the terminal.
We were lucky enough to find an old card right away, but the location is randomly set. It’s usually on tables, shelves, and other surfaces. I’ll go through the bunker and show you some locations where you can find them. Multiple cards will spawn, so you’ll almost certainly find one here. If you still can’t find one, be sure to check all the remaining side rooms.
Once you have the card, you’ll need to get your biometrics. You’ll have to use one of Biopods, and this is also the only time you’ll have to leave Power Armor. Then go back to the terminal and swipe the card. This will reset it. Now you can make your own cards.
The last step is to register it on the command console. It may take a little while to register, but you should be able to get through the laser grid.
There are two paths through this section. I recommend going through the storage, as there is a raider down the other path that will usually become hostile. If you have mutations, it’s a good idea to enable Starched Genes perk at this point.
There is a lot of radiation in the area ahead, so you should be prepared. There should be some hazmat suits in the locker to your left. This terminal allows you to power up radiation arches to clean up any radiation you’ve been exposed to. A small tip is that the robots will take damage when they pass through the arches, so you can also use this as a defensive measure.
It’s a good idea to use a Rad-X or RadShield in this area. You’ll need to shut down the reactors before you can repair them.
Once you’re done, you can either go back to the terminal and power up the reactor manually, or you can wait for the timer to run out. Restoring power will open a sealed door on the south side of the room. Going through the door on the left will take you back to the room in front of the radiation arches, where you can find hazmat suits. This terminal controls the turrets in the next section.
For some reason, this robot has a section underground. If you have explosive weapons, it’s enough to deal with it. The goal here is the mainframe modules to open the exit of this section.
One way to do this is to manually click on the cores and take them out. But you can also just shoot them. Using explosive weapons is ideal in this section. Just keep shooting until there are no more damage numbers.
This isn’t exactly the same mainframe, but now you have to repair the damaged mainframe to open the door to the launch room. It’s a good idea to clear out the initial group of robots and turrets. There’s a sentry bot hiding to the right of the entrance. It’s a good idea to shoot it before it sees you.
Now that it’s quieted down a bit, let’s go back to the beginning of this section. The location of the cores you need to pick up is random, but I’ll tell you where they tend to be found. Using a headlamp in a low-light area will help. These rooms are worth going to if you have the three Lock-picking perks. There’s at least one core and a security terminal here.
Finally, after all of this is done, it’s time to launch Nuke. There will usually be a bunch of turrets, but sometimes you’ll get a silo without any turrets.
The launch console is to the left of the entrance room and above the stairs. Starting the launch will create the first of five robots, and after a while you’ll get two more and finally the last two, for a total of five.
It’s a good idea to walk around the silo before starting the launch process and clearing out the first wave of robots and turrets. It’s important to note that the rooms for crafting launch controllers are located around the central room, and if they are destroyed, you’ll need to use the terminals to re-craft them.
If you see damaged controllers, you can use Friendly Fire perk to heal them. It’s much more convenient to fire Flamers multiple times than to find a specific terminal and recreate them.
That being said, you can still make progress with fewer controllers, so if you’re close to the end, you can wait.
You need to be especially wary of Assaultrons, though, one of which can take out multiple controllers before you notice. The number of enemies you encounter depends on how many players are in the launch control room.
There’s a bug that can happen here that stops the progress bar. Usually it tends to happen around 75% and if it does, there is nothing you can do. You have to leave, let the silo reset, and then try again from the beginning.
Once the launch progress is complete, you can access the launch controls. They are located below where the first launch controller is. Before doing anything, look for the code for your specific silo. Double check where you are to make sure you have the right code.
Then insert the card into the left slot. And enter the code on the right keypad. If you make a mistake, you will lose your Nuclear Keycard, so double check before entering the last digit.
Now you need to set your target, you can choose anywhere outside of the forest region. Usually, people tend to launch at Fissure Site Prime to start Scorchbeast Queen event. You just need to include that place in the nuke radius to trigger the event.
People tend to miss a few locations to the right of the fissure because that includes the spawn location for the event and people tend to fast travel to Bunker. At least you should leave one fast travel point available so that people can get to the event before it starts.
Other locations include Abandoned Mineshaft 2, to trigger Nuka-World on Tour boss fight. Then there’s Monongah Mine, which lets you start the boss fight with Earl.
It’s pretty complex, and for low-level players, it can be pretty hard to learn how to do things. You’re definitely not going to run it perfectly the first time you try a silo. But I still recommend trying it at least once so you can get a feel for how the designers intended it to work. After a few times, you should start using the available shortcuts.
Anyway, that’s all the info you need to know about successfully launching Nuke Silos. So get out there and launch some more nukes so you can get some Repair Kits you’ve never seen before!
Before players start playing, it’s important to know what’s in store and what’s new in the game. Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail brings new dungeons to explore, character classes to master, and weapons and gear to collect.
With the new level cap of 100, it can be a daunting task for players trying to reach the endgame as quickly as possible. So finding where to start quests and preparing items ahead of time is key to ensuring a smooth experience.
This guide will give you some tips on taking on the new Viper or Pictomancer classes and getting your character to level 100 as quickly as possible.
Acquiring various experience buffs ahead of time can help you reach the new level 100 in Dawntrail as quickly as possible. There are three main types of experience buffs to look out for.
Well-fed buff granted by any food increases experience gained by 3% for 30 minutes. Food that grants the Well-fed buff can be easily obtained from various vendors, obtained from other players via the Market Board, or crafted by players who have upgraded Culinarian crafting job.
Rested experience, which increases experience gained by 50% during the event. Rested experience must be accumulated over time by logging out of the Sanctuary.
The maximum amount of Rested experience a character can accumulate after resting for seven days is one full level’s worth. If you don’t have the luxury of time to earn this experience, FFXIV Gil can help.
Free Company buffs are available to Free Company Officers and Squadron Commanders, increasing experience gained by 5% to 15% during the event. Heat of Battle line of Free Company buffs can be got by Free Company members who have obtained permission to get company actions.
These company actions can be got from OIC Quatermaster located at each Grand Company headquarters. Heat of Battle I costs 3,010 company credits, and Heat of Battle II costs 6,020 company credits.
Heat of Battle III cannot be got and must be crafted in the company workshop in Free Company and then recharged in Aetherial Wheel Stand for 70 hours. Players who have unlocked and upgraded a company squadron can obtain a personalized version of Heat of Battle III buff that lasts two hours by completing quests that grant Squadron Battle Manual items.
You can prepare a full set of level 80 gear in advance before you can experience the two new classes, Viper and Pictomancer, which will start at level 80.
Augmented Cryptlurker set is the best armor set available for level 80 characters. Viper uses Scouting series of equipment, while Pictomancer uses Casting series of equipment. These can be purchased from Aymark in Eulmore (X:10, Y:12) or Mowen's Merchant in The Crystarium (X:10, Y:12) using Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. In order to purchase a full set of armor and accessories, 3455 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics are required, as well as an additional 600 poetic tomestones for weapons at the launch of Dawntrail.
Dawntrail’s new quests bring a ton of new rewards and items. You’ll want to clean up your inventory, including your chocobo saddlebag and retainer inventory, ahead of time, to prevent spending time thinking about how to make room when you get new weapons and gear, new consumables, and new crafting materials. You can pass on obsolete items to other players, which is also a great way to earn extra gold.
Some good examples of items that can be sold or thrown away are low-level materials that have become obsolete, excess food and potions that will receive new upgraded versions, or old crafting materials that are unlikely to be used in new recipes. Additionally, gear that players have upgraded and no longer use can be placed inside an ornate dresser to save inventory space while preserving the appearance of the gear for aesthetic purposes.
Early Access begins on Friday, June 28, but weekly events won’t reset until the following Tuesday, so you can complete multiple daily and weekly quests to accumulate items and upgrade experience in advance.
With the release of Dawntrail, the current set of Allagan Tomestones used as end-game currency will become obsolete, but until then, it’s not unnecessary to have a sufficient supply.
After Dawntrail’s release, all Allagan Tomestones of Causality and Allagan Tomestones of Comedy can be redeemed for Allagan Tomestones of Poetics, the currency used to get previous chapter end-game rewards. While players can usually only hold up to 2,000 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics at a time, stockpiling Causality and Comedy tomestones allow players to redeem more Poetics tomestones as soon as a new chapter is released, effectively increasing the maximum capacity.
So that’s some of the things you can do to prepare for Dawntrail’s release. So collect as many items as you can for your game upgrades! Hopefully, these preparations will help you get a head start when the game starts.
Killing Blood Lord Mohg is essential if you want to play Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, which releases on June 21st. This non-critical boss, who previously oversaw Miquellacocoon, is the main character of this expansion.
You have a chance to complete the dominant story without touching Mohg, but once you do, his blood curse attacks and haemorrhage build up can easily destroy you.
But if you follow this guide and do some careful preparation, you can kill him in the simplest way.
To actually touch Mohg in Elden Ring, you need to complete Elden Ring Varre questline first. After defeating Godrick Grafted and activating Grand Lift of Dectus, you can start the quest at any time. If you haven’t touched these yet, you may need to do the above first.
After completing Varre quest, you will receive Pureblood Knight’s Medal, which will lead you to the location of Mohg. This location is also one of the most favorable places in the game to farm Elden Ring Runes, so make an effort to get Pureblood Knight’s Medal.
When you start using Pureblood Knight’s Medal, it will lead you to an underground area called Mohgwyn Palace and a site of grace called Palace Approach Ledge-Road. North of the site of grace, you will see a road lined with Albinaurics, which are the major source of farming in this area.
If you only want to find Mohg, then jump on Torrent and go north, passing those Albinaurics and entering an open area full of blood. At this point, continue to go north, and the road ahead will slowly begin to turn left (west), and when a Giant Skeleton Spirits appears in front of you, you are on the right path.
Eventually you’ll come to a tall stone archway, and as you walk up the stairs Torrent will disappear, and you’ll eventually reach Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, and if you look to the side, you’ll see another site of grace.
From here, you can continue straight ahead until you reach a cliffside entrance. Most of Blistered Putrid Corpses you encounter here won’t do anything to you, so you can safely bypass them. But beware, not all of them, and beware of their blood loss effect.
At the entrance, things get a little tricky, as there are two Sanguine Nobles between you and the next site of grace. You can fight them, but they’ll also cause a lot of blood damage, so the best way to deal with them is to just bypass them, just like with Blistered Putrid Corpses.
Once you’re out of that door, you’ll see Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint site of grace right in front of you, and if Sanguine Noble is still chasing you, you can activate this site of grace to get rid of the “tail”. All you have to do now is walk up the stairs and follow the path on the right to the elevator, and you’ll find Mohg.
At this time, there will be a group of Albinaurics fighting a Sanguine Noble. Please do not participate in this battle! But you will see a box in front of Sanguine Noble. Inside the box is Sombre Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone that you need. You need to take it quickly and escape when they are not paying attention.
Now that we have covered how to find Mohg, let’s look at what you need to do before you find him. You will need to prepare the following three items:
Besides these three items, you can also use Summon while fighting him and head to the stairs before the elevator to ask for help in front of Summoning Pool. Now let’s look at how to get these three items.
You can get Mohg’s Shackle from Subterranean Shunning Grounds in Leyndell, Royal Capital, specifically at the site of grace on the Underground Roadside.
When you leave the room where the site of grace is, you will see a ladder in the alcove on the left. Climbing it will lead you to a large room filled with pipes. You need to be careful of the gargoyles on the pipes and Giant Crayfish on the ground. When you descend from the pipes to the ground and turn left, Mohg’s Shackle will be on a wall to the southeast.
Stanching Bolus Pecipes can stop blood loss from accumulating. Although you can find some in the game, it seems easier to make them. The recipe is in Nomadic Warrior’s CookBook, which can be found north of the Stormhill Shack site of grace in Stormhill, on a corpse at the end of the bridge behind Finger Crone. You will need the following materials to craft Stanching Bolus Pecipes:
Purifying Crystal Tear is useful in combat as it creates a bottle of Rite of Blood that can counteract Rite of Blood that Mohg has accumulated and heal the damage you take in combat.
You will need to go to Second Church of Marika in Altus Plateau and defeat NPCs that invade there - Eleonora and Violet Bloody Finger.Besides Purifying Crystal Tear, you will also get Eleonora’s Poleblade, which causes blood loss and becomes stronger with Dexterity and Arcane. It will be a great helper in defeating Mohg.
To make your battle go more smoothly, you will need to make sure you have the three items mentioned above. (Make sure!) Since Mohg will not rush you when you enter, you have plenty of time to go to the arena to pick up the flask and summon any ashes. Note that you need to make sure there are players willing to help you.
This guide will cover the safest and most effective way to defeat Mohg, which is to use Comet Azur's magic build and attack Mohg from a distance while he is distracted by his summons.
However, this is not the only option. Since Mohg is weakest to blood damage, any build that stacks blood damage with weapons or abilities will quickly reduce his health. In addition, when you get Purifying Crystal Tear, you will also win Eleonora’s Poleblade, which will cause Mohg to lose more blood.
Mohg is also helpless against physical damage and other damage, so you can choose a build that you are familiar with to defeat him first. But it should be noted that you must not use a fire and scarlet rot-based build, which is almost useless to him.
If you want to fight him head-on. The first stage is to avoid Mohg’s slow and telegraphed trident sweeps. If you are agile, you can attack while dodging it. You also need to be careful of bloodflame attacks. Both slashing talon attacks and flaming pools will cause you to lose blood.
At the beginning, Mohg will also cast blood curses on you, but your Purifying Crystal Tear will negate these curses, and you can use Mohg’s Shackle here to immobilize him and attack more.
When its health drops to half, the second phase comes. This is when Mogh adds blood splashes to most of his attacks and grows wings to add some aerial attacks to his repertoire. This is where Stanching Bolus Pecipe comes in handy. You need to be alert at all times because its attacks have a wide range. Also, try not to dodge them all the time, but to dodge through them.
Isn’t it easier to defeat Mogh with this introduction? There is a saying that goes, don’t fight a battle you are not prepared for. So follow this guide and get started!