Fallout 76 Skyline Valley is set to be released in a few days in June. It will be added as part of Expeditions: Atlantic City and will bring a lot of new content to the game, including some new weapons and armor. These new pieces of gear have some amazing properties that will enhance your gaming experience.
This guide will detail all the new Fallout 76 Items introduced in Fallout 76 Skyline Valley update. Come with me!
The first new weapon in the update is Ticket To Revenge, a Railway Rifle with twice the bullet capacity of the standard version. While the standard Railway Rifle is powerful, it is often hampered by its limited ammunition capacity. If you don’t have Quad effect equipped, it’s difficult to deal with maximum damage.
Railway Rifle with Ticket To Revenge changes this situation. It can hold 20 Spikes at a time with base damage of 223. Compared to the standard Railway Rifle, it can greatly reduce the frequency of reloading.
Ticket To Revenge’s legendary effects are V.A.T.S Enhanced, Lucky, and Bloodied. Bloodied will increase your damage as your character’s health decreases, while the V.A.T.S Enhanced will increase your chance of hitting the target. Lucky can help you maintain AP.
Overall, Ticket To Revenge is a pleasant alternative for players who want to try Bloodied builds but don’t need those expensive Bloodied weapons.
V63 Shock Baton is also relatively simple to obtain. You only need to complete Housekeeping for Higher quest. This melee weapon in Fallout 76 has powerful anti-armor properties and can also apply electric shock effects to enemies.
Besides Armor Penetration and 50% Limb Damage to enemies, V63 Shock Baton also has an AP cost of 30 and a medium swing speed.
Shattered Ground is an Automatic Assault Rifle in Fallout 76 that you can obtain by completing Double-Cross Wires quest. It not only has high damage and a fast rate of fire but also supports your own customization into a single-shot or Automatic Rifle.
If you want to have this weapon with Demolitionist perk, you can maximize the potential of this weapon. The most notable effects of Shattered Ground are Junkie’s, Explosive, and 90% Reduced Weight.
V63 Zweihander is an electrical two-handed weapon that you can obtain by completing Eye of Storm. Non-automatic two-handed weapons are not popular in Fallout 76 because of their limitations. However, V63 Zweihander is a special case, with powerful Power Attack Damage, Defender’s, and Executioner’s effects.
The advantage of this weapon is that it has a very high energy damage. With the right method, its damage will increase.
After talking about the new weapons in Fallout 76 Skyline Valley expansion, let’s take a look at the new armors.
Both the outfit and hat are crafted at an armor workbench after learning the respective plans called Vault 63 security outfit burnt and Plan: Vault 63 security helmet burnt, which are given as rewards for completing the event Dangerous Pastimes.
Crafted at an armor workbench after learning the respective plan called Plan: Lost burnt Vault jumpsuit, which is given as a reward for completing Calm Before quest .
You can pair this coat with a Lost Burnt Vault suit. However, note that the lab coat is different for female and male characters. The outfit also comes with an optional pair of scientist goggles.
Both the outfit and hat are crafted at an armor workbench after learning the respective plans called Plan: Cultist monarch outfit and Plan: Cultist monarch mask, which are given as rewards for completing Oldest Trick in Book quest. Also note that Alex Guerra is wearing a non-playable version, so don’t confuse them.
It is a one-piece suit designed to mold to the body shape of the user. It is made up of various biometric sensors integrated into the suit, connecting with the Vault’s system. The iconic yellow strip on the front is made of gold foil, not dyed material, and in the suit acts as a heat sink and antenna for the integrated biometric sensors.
There are still some unknown variables waiting for players to explore in this Fallout 76 Skyline Valley expansion. There is a lot of new content to look forward to in the update, and new players should not feel intimidated.
Besides some new items, the southern part of the map has been opened, allowing players to roam the rolling hills of Shenandoah. In addition, there are some new enemies, new NPCs, and recent activities waiting. Let us look forward to this update together!
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is approaching and will be released on June 21. As we all know, there are over 300 weapons in Elden Ring, but today I will pick out 10 of the best secondary weapons that you can bring into Shadow of the Erdtree DLC to take on various challenges. This list includes Staffs, Seals and more, and I'm sure at least one of them will be crucial for you.
If you want to craft a Faith build, I have some best seals for you, with no particular order. If you want a seal that only scales with Faith, you can look for the Erdtree Seal. This is found on a corpse in a cell near Omenkiller enemy in Volcano Manor. This is in the town just below Prison Town Church Site of Grace.
This one is fantastic for hybrid builds. It only requires you to improve your Faith stat to get the most efficiency out of it, meaning this is an absolute favorite for Strength or Faith builds. One thing to note is that this is definitely not for early game as you probably won't have the stats to use it once you do get to it. But it's an all-around solid seal with high levels of Faith, it is very powerful in its own right.
Golden Order Seal is absolutely amazing if you are using Prince of Death's Staff and going for an Intelligence or Faith build. So, if you have 80 Intelligence or Faith, you can rock this Seal, and you can have the absolute most powerful Staff and Seal in Elden Ring simultaneously, making you a powerhouse of magic.
On top of that, Golden Order Seal will also increase the damage done by Golden Order Incantations by 10%, and some of them, like Triple Rings of Light, are already pretty devastating. So, with a pure spellcaster build, this really can make you a force to be reckoned with.
The final one I've put on this list is Frenzied Flame Seal. This boosts the damage of all Frenzied Flame Incantations by 20% and it scales with Faith, Intellect, Strength, and Dexterity. So, you can use it somewhat efficiently with any build.
On top of that, it also has zero stat requirements, so every single character of every single level can use this seal. And on top of that, it causes slight madness buildup, so it is absolutely top tier and everybody should grab this, even if you're not planning on using it, because you can fit it into every single build in some way or another.
However, obtaining it is a bit more of a challenge than any other weapon we've listed so far because it does mean you need to reach the end of Hyetta's questline. So, you need to have given her all of Shabiri Grapes along with Fingerprint Grape and make the horrible journey down to Three Fingers. Of course, don't forget to bring enough Elden Ring Runes along with you.
Next, we go the exact opposite route and get Meteorite Staff. This is probably the easiest weapon to get in Elden Ring, as you can find it from the start, without even having to kill a single enemy. It's in the southwest building of Street of Sages Ruins in Swamp of Aeonia in Caelid. This staff is on a corpse hanging from a ledge.
What makes this staff so powerful is that it doesn't need to be upgraded, Intelligence starts at S tier, and sorceries is high as well. This is great for hybrids who just want to try out Intelligence without spending too many points. You do need 18 Intelligence to use it, but that's really all you need, and with that alone you can use quite a bit of powerful sorceries.
Also, this staff does boost the power of Gravity Sorceries by 30%, so you could get the Rock Sling in the same area as getting this staff and it would be powerful enough to melt early game bosses. However, the next 2 staffs are definitely more focused on spellcasting builds and are much more powerful at higher levels.
Then, we will talk about Demi-Human Queen's Staff. This one is nearly as easy as the Meteorite Staff to grab, dropped by Demi-Human Queen in Weeping Peninsula. This is the best all-around staff in Elden Ring for a low-Intellect build at a high upgrade level.
In the early game, the Meteorite Staff will be more powerful, but when you're getting to around 30 Intelligence and you've got your Demi-Human Queen's Staff at +10, this becomes significantly more powerful than the Meteorite Staff while requiring low numbers of Intellect.
So, this is really great for hybrid spellcasting builds where you're willing to pump a bit more Intellect into your build but would still like to focus more on something like Strength or Dexterity, for example.
Then, we'll discuss Lusat's Glinstone Staff. This weapon is easy to obtain as you can loot it from a treasure chest once you defeat Nox Swordswoman and Priest in Sellia, Town of Sorcery. While it may seem insignificant, it has one very important advantage that it can increase the amount of FP you spend by 50%. This is definitely more niche than the other 3 staffs on this list as you need very high FP to build.
This staff is for use if you want absolute damage out of your Intelligence build. However, if you can live with the damage not being that high and your spells don't need to use a lot of FP, then the other 3 staffs on this list will be better suited for you.
The last staff on the list is Prince of Death's Staff. This can be the most powerful staff in the game, but it does require you to be a pure spellcaster unless you have a very high character level, as this scales with both Intellect and Faith. If you level both to 80, it will far outperform every other staff in the game. On top of that, it will also boost the damage of Death Sorceries by 10%.
For our final weapon category, as we move into ranged weapons, our first one is Pulley Crossbow. What attracted me to try it was the fact that it can shoot 3 bolts at once, so I thought this must be crazy for applying status effects. But it's actually much more than that. You can grab the crossbow from next to Craftsman's Shack Site of Grace.
Firstly, it has absolutely no weapon scaling, so all of the power comes from the bolts and the upgrade level of the weapon. This means that as long as you meet the minimum stat requirements of 16 Strength or 12 if you are two-handed, and 16 Dexterity, that's all you need.
You can then fit this weapon into any build you want, and it will still do maximum damage because you're not losing out on any scaling. However, the raw damage output combined with how quickly it can apply status effects make the Pulley Crossbow such a powerful weapon that can easily slot into any build and just give you slightly more ranged capabilities than you had before, allowing you to exploit enemy weaknesses from a very safe distance.
Next up is Black Bow. It's the fact that you inherently have Barrage on a longbow. Barrage is really the only reason to use a shortbow. They're fast, move set, and that weapon skill in particular means that you can inflict status effects at lightning speed.
Combine this with the fact that it does share certain moves from Shortbow Moveset, so when you jump and shoot, you can then shoot again immediately upon landing, allowing for quick shooting after rolling and from a sprint. It has a slightly lower damage output than other longbows, but these other perks, more than make up for it. And fully upgraded, it's going to be reasonably powerful.
The Black Bow is found on a rooftop in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Though that being said, almost all ranged options in Elden Ring so far are still pretty lackluster as opposed to spells or their melee weapons. So hopefully, we'll see some more powerful ranged weapons in Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC.
Now, for the last weapon, we have Lion Greatbow. This can get a 20% boost to its damage when using and its unique skill is an improved variation of the skill 'Rain of Arrows', which is incredible against big targets when most of them arrows are going to hit. This can deal insane amounts of damage without the need to be anywhere near your target.
If you were to hold Lion Greatbows in both hands and then just two-hand one of them, you will get the 20% damage bonus from both, meaning that Radahn's Spear will then get a 40% damage increase. It might even be slightly more than that.
There you have it, all 10 secondary weapons that I think are worth bringing into the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. What do you think?
Is Season 4 Loot Reborn what Diablo 4 needed to be a great ARPG? Or is it perhaps another lackluster attempt by the developers to save a bad game? Here we’ll look at the problems that have plagued D4 since its release. Then we’ll discuss how the game is doing now with Loot Reborn season.
So let’s start with the past. Usually I would install the game at the start of a season, level up one or two characters to level 50, sometimes even 70, and then immediately get bored with the game. The seasonal content and patch changes were so lackluster and the core endgame loop was non-existent.
Diablo 4 Season 3 didn’t even get me that far. I uninstalled the game at level 20! This situation was caused by many of the problems I had with the game before Season 4.
The first problem I encountered was the overly complex stats design. Diablo 4’s stats pool is bloated with a lot of useless affixes. I’m reminded of “Damage on Tuesdays” meme, which results in most gear drops being garbage.
Then its skill system is also very bland and basic. Most skill modifications actually come from Aspects in Diablo 4, not the skill system itself. As a result, the skill tree feels very bland, with only two choices per skill at most, and those choices rarely matter to how you play your build.
Paragon Board is also just boring and simple stat boosts that don’t offer any interesting choices.
The power and build diversity in Diablo 4 actually comes from legendary powers, aka Aspects. But the problem with Aspects is their scarcity. A really good Aspect can only be imprinted on gear once. This has made me accustomed to hoarding powers instead of using them freely in the game. I often finished my seasonal play through and never actually used that cool power because I was still waiting for the right parts to imprint it.
Also, despite the fact that these Aspects are very important and build-determining, the developers somehow managed to make the loot boring most of the time. I rarely get excited when Diablo 4 item drops. Because unique items tend to feel very bland, and Uber Uniques are so rare that you can play for hours without seeing one.
So in summary, the developers have retained the worst skill tree system in the genre, and in addition, boring loot and ability design prevents players from using said abilities. This is a recipe for disaster in ARPGs.
On top of that, Diablo 4’s gameplay is extremely boring. The game feels like the developers are constantly trying to prevent you from having fun in the game. You want to use some cool skills? Then let your mana-starve bottom out.
There’s also too much running around and too few monsters to fight, especially in the open world. Enemy density on the map is low. And then when you do find enemies, they either die quickly after a few hits, or if not, you’re left with deactivated skills or no mana left, using basic filler skills instead of having fun.
Many classes feel unsatisfying while leveling, as it takes a long time to start feeling the power fantasy coming and your character’s build becoming complete.
Its build variety and flexibility are also pretty bland for an ARPG. This is most noticeable with classes like Barbarian or Sorcerer. Most of their builds use the same support skills, like Shouts or Defensive abilities.
Finally, Diablo 4 has no endgame, aside from running Nightmare Dungeons repeatedly. That might be fine if the dungeons were actually fun, but their maps are often boring, require a lot of backtracking, and there’s a lot of downtime without fighting monsters. All of these issues have led to Diablo 4 being an extremely disappointing game since its release.
As hopes for a true Diablo game slowly faded, so did players’ excitement for each new season. After all, even diehard fans of the series have limited patience for their beloved game.
Now let’s turn our attention to the present. Season 4 is called Loot Reborn, and it’s a season filled with hope and anticipation, but also doubt and anxiety.
Fans of Diablo series have been wondering: will this game finally become a quality action-RPG worthy of Diablo name? Or will the developers continue to make lackluster attempts to fix symptoms rather than deal with underlying problems? So how good is this update?
Well, there are a lot of improvements to Loot Reborn. First, while not perfect, the stats system in the game is better than before. While some conditional stats are still there, overall, the game offers a more streamlined and straightforward pool of item stats than before. There’s less bloat, resulting in more items with actual value and the potential to upgrade your character.
In addition, the game’s stats customization and variety have been improved with the new mechanic, Tempering. Tempering adds extremely powerful stats to your gear, and the 100% damage boost to your character in particular is an absolutely game-changing buff.
The addition of Tempering makes loot more fun because it elevates the power fantasy and gives us the delightful fun we all crave.
But Tempering also brings a problem. Unique items are weak by comparison. This is because unique items can’t be tempered, which is frustrating, especially since Ancestral items only allow two Tempering stats on one item.
Another concern I have about Tempering is that while the system is fun, the stats from Tempering are ridiculous! This makes their importance disproportionate to anything else on the item. It reminds me of how powerful set items were in Diablo 3, where they increased the damage of certain abilities by 1000%, making sets a must-have for many builds.
Loot Reborn also improves the feel of the early leveling experience in Diablo 4. Thanks to the introduction of Iron Wolves, whose rewards are seasonal items in Loot Reborn, which give you nice Legendary and Unique items early on, making early leveling smoother and faster than before.
Leveling up your alts in particular is especially easy and fast, and this is because Tempering Manuals are available account-wide, which can give your alts a huge boost in stats. For example, you can put a few thousand Thorns on your set and make enemies one-shot kills.
There are now more ways to earn resources like mana, making leveling more fun than before. Unfortunately, early leveling isn’t smooth sailing for all classes. Some classes, like Necromancer, level up easily, while others still struggle to generate resources and end up relying on frequent casting of basic skills.
Overall, for leveling, I hope the developers can balance the flow of the game by balancing classes. As it stands, your leveling experience will be very different depending on the class and build you decide to use.
Now let’s talk about the flow of the game in Loot Reborn. It flows much better now, and the density of enemies has been greatly improved, both in the open world and in Nightmare Dungeons. On top of that, Helltides is now basically a continuous activity, and it also applies to World Tier 1 and 2. This makes the open world more interesting, diverse, and intense in both the endgame and leveling process.
Nightmare Dungeons seem to have a better design now, with less backtracking. Additionally, side events and Corrupted Shrine challenges are now worthwhile activities to do, offering a ton of Diablo 4 Gold and XP as rewards.
It’s worth noting that this season also saw a much-needed redesign of how Codex of Power works. Extracted legendary powers are finally no longer a onetime consumable item! Now, when you extract power from an item, it’s added to Codex of Power at the highest value you extracted, for you to use infinitely.
Honestly, this change might be my favorite part of the entire season. Unlimited use of extracted power promotes experimentation and actually using those powers! The game doesn’t make you question using those powers; it tells you that you can use it as you please.
Finally, the endgame in Season 4 feels better for one simple reason: it now exists as Pit.
Pit is similar to Greater Rifts in Diablo 3, with short instanced dungeons with theoretically infinite scaling. The goal of Pit is one thing: kill enemies.
But is Pit enough to make Diablo 4’s endgame interesting for years to come? I don’t think so. Adding features similar to what the series already had a few years ago doesn’t seem like an achievement worth celebrating. And Pit system is nowhere near as deep as the endgame in Path of Exile, or even as robust as the one in Last Epoch.
But the addition of Pits is certainly a step in the right direction. It adds something worth pursuing, especially for those who like to push their builds to the limit.
Pit also adds an element of variety to the endgame gameplay loop. As it stands, we essentially have three major activities in the endgame: Helltides, Nightmare Dungeons, and now Pit. So far, these are a good number of activities, but who knows how we’ll feel in a few weeks when we’re doing the same three repeatedly?
So is Diablo 4 now an ARPG worth playing in 2024? The answer is: kind of? Objectively speaking, it’s a better game now. But Diablo 4 isn’t the best in the industry in any way.
None of Loot Reborn’s changes sound particularly impressive if taken in isolation. Pit is not a revolutionary endgame system for ARPGs. Tempering and Masterworking don’t make loot in Diablo 4 the most fun in the genre. And the changes to how Legendary Powers work and the number of powers available don’t make build crafting the deepest on the market. They didn’t even address the flaws of the skill trees in Diablo 4.
But when you look at the big picture, when you put all of these additions and changes together, the improvement in the flow of the game and the increased fun it provides is pretty clear.
Loot Reborn is the biggest step the developers have taken since the release of Diablo 4, and it’s a step in the right direction. It moves their game toward better stats, loot, and tons of QOL changes. As a result, Season 4 is definitely the most fun I’ve had playing the game since the release of Diablo 4. What do you think? See you next time!
As we anticipate the release of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC on June 21 and the arrival of formidable new bosses, it's safe to assume that summoning Spirit Ashes will be a popular strategy for some players. There are some Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring are worth your attention, so I put together a list of the top 10. Let's get started!
I want to start with a marine summon that most people like to use - Spirit Jellyfish Ashes. Now this ash is almost no FP cost and will continually shoot poison at your enemy from range as long as it's available on the Battlefield. It does have some melee capabilities, and they aren't incredibly strong.
Its main advantage, especially at the early stage of the game, is that it is very durable, especially in the first battle against Margit, the Fell Omen. If you're finding him to be a big challenge, you can actually use Spirit Jellyfish Ashes and tank that boss. However, in some case, I like to use this Spirit Ash to poison enemies from afar so I can move away from him while he's still doing damage.
This ash is useful against bosses, and in the open world, it also does well and you can minimally tank with him if you need to. The reason I highly recommend using this ash is that you can get him so early in the game as well as the skill cap for using him being fairly low, making it accessible to most players.
Perfumer Trisha is next up on this list. She's an absolutely phenomenal support summon, and she uses her Aromatics to give you buffs as well as spreading flames around the entire Battlefield with a decent FP cost of 78.
You're definitely getting your bang for your buck, because she's not only going to help you with her Shield and Dagger. But as I said before, she's going to be able to buff you over and over again anytime you take damage on the Battlefield.
The buff that she does apply is Uplifting Aromatic, which is going to boost all ally attack power and reduces incoming damage. I think Perfumer Trisha is a must have, anytime you're just running through Lands Between and you're in the open spaces. She can definitely greatly improve your survivability.
Then, we have Mausoleum Soldier Ashes. Typically, Soldier Ashes like this, that have multiple parties within this ash, aren't very good. However, Mausoleum Soldier Ashes are amazing. They are an absolute unit of chaos and destruction and they also teleport around like Lhutel the Headless does. They're definitely something I'd like to try out, especially in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
If you take them to an open space where you are allowed to summon them, they will destroy the entire Battlefield, and the actual core units are made up of several soldiers giving them a lot of variety, with a fairly low FP cost of 75, and a wide variety of Shields, Greatswords, and Straight Swords. You are definitely going to find that this ash will steamroll everything.
Now because this is an underrated list of ashes, they won't be able to fight 1v1 with a boss, but they are a great summon to have if you want to play with them against bosses and speaking of playing with your summons instead of relying fully on them.
Next one is Latenna The Albinauric Ashes. Although it can't move, this is still an excellent support ash for you. You can go out on the Battlefield and start killing, and then you will see arrows just flying over your head, knocking enemies to the ground and doing a ton of damage. And with some Elden Ring Runes this would be even more powerful.
Place her in a good location. Her health pool is incredibly low and will very quickly be 1 or 2 shot by most bosses, especially if you're a New Game Plus. It is also very important with this particular summon that you keep aggro the entire time. This is definitely not a tank summon for you.
Next up, we have the Giant Rat Ashes, and this one is awesome because they don't take any FP or any health to cast. The coolest part about this type of ash is that there are 5 of them summoned, and they can swarm and stun lock small and medium-sized enemies. It can bring more chaos to the Battlefield while doing some damage of your own and keep the enemy from attacking for a long time.
And like I said before, there's no cost to summon them in the first place. They should be used more, especially with their stun lock capabilities. But the one weakness that many of these ashes have that are multi-as summons is the fact that if they go up against something that has an area of effect damage, they are going to get absolutely wrecked.
Next up, we have Redmane Knight Ogha. This Spirit Ashes is underrated because I think a lot of people see the combination of Bow and Sword and just wish that it was one or the other. This summon can be incredibly good at range, just like Latenna, and it also has a few different options when it comes to buffs.
It has a roar attack, giving it more extra attack power. It also has a bow attack that's going to be a charge attack, almost like Radahn does, to take out multiple enemies at once. You will also see Redmane Knight Ogha Ashes using Ash of War: Lion's Claw to absolutely obliterate the enemy.
Now, this ash is kind of a jack of all trades when it comes down to it and is not as good as some of the other Knight ashes in Elden Ring. However, I definitely think it's worth leveling up because if you just want something to support you and deal with damage, this ash is definitely for you.
Oracle Envoy Ashes is really fun to use. I think their request for FP cost is acceptable. They have a mixture of melee attacks as well as the bubble-blowing attack that the Envoy's Long Horn has. And the exciting thing is that you get 5 at once.
This ash will allow you to maintain all the aggro while they just shoot bubbles onto the Battlefield, staggering enemies, doing damage, and overall causing a lot of confusion. If you have Envoy's Long Horn, then you can have your own army. These are by no means the best summon in the entire game, but I found them incredibly fun to use.
Next up is Rotten Stray Ashes, with a low FP cost of 35 and the ability to proc Scarlet Rot on any enemy, he is absolutely incredible. I think the only thing that makes it bit rough is the fact that his health pool isn't a ton, but it has an agile fight style. After about 2 to 4 hits, you are definitely going to want to use this in your repertoire of summons.
I think the way you definitely want to use this summon is you want to tank the boss, and you want him to come and dart in and out and do his attacks, allowing him to proc Scarlet Rot so your boss will slowly whittle down while you maintain all the aggro. This is going to make overall your boss fights easier.
Kaiden Sellsword Ashes is very interesting. If it does start doing his combo attacks on enemies and he is landing them, he absolutely knock out all of them. He has a roar attack as well that's going to buff his damage, and the survivability is decent with the low FP cost.
You still need to do the majority of the damage, take the majority of the aggro from this ash. But if he is attacking the boss while you have the aggro, he's going to do some great damage, he's going to stick around for a while. All in all, it provides really fun time to play when you're in a situation with a ton of enemies around you.
The last one we have Fanged Imp Ashes. Imps are horrific to fight in general if they're in number in one of the random dungeons you go through, but when you have them on your team, they are amazing. Their health pool is not massive, but their FP cost is low, and because you get multiple of them, I think this is really worth using.
The other thing I want to mention real quick about Fanged Imp Ashes is typically if they're at range, they will throw Magic Pots. They will also take turns throwing Magic Pots, meaning one will stand behind the other one, throw the Magic Pot, and the one in the front will attack and proc bleed, and it's a good combination.
These are all the Spirit Ashes that are incredibly fun to use in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. I hope you will find this guide helpful!
I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend lately of getting big backpacks and the mods that improve them in a cumbersome and time-consuming way.
So in this guide, I want to show you how to get the plans for the backpack and the mods in the easiest way possible. And by that, I mean getting it by completing as few challenges as possible. I’m going to start with a new character so you can see that anyone can do it.
For this run, I’m going to use Commando Build, as it gives you some weapons you’ll need.
Our first step is to complete Order of the Tadpole. This quest naturally starts when you come across the poster at the train station, but you can bypass it by heading to Pioneer Scout Camp in Toxic Valley region.
The easiest route is to follow the road, around the north of Morgantown, past the dam, and then to the camp. Once there, talk to the robot. Now you’re on your way to becoming a true scout, but you need to complete four more quests.
The first mission we need to complete is Revive an Ally. The revive challenge is fairly easy if you know someone who can play with you, but for most people, the best way to do it is to participate in public events.
Luckily, Invaders from Beyond were going on at the time, as a lot of people died to Biometric Scanner.
Invasion is a little tough for new characters, but if you try to avoid the big hordes of aliens, you should be fine. But don’t try to kill the enemies, just tag them and move on to the next one. Let the person with Cremator take them out.
The same trick applies to big events like Eviction Notice, a lot of people tend to die in big events like this, and it seems that I was no exception. This was by far the hardest requirement, and I was lucky to complete it so easily.
Other events that are good for reviving players are Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction Notice, but you should participate in each event just in case. The key is that the more players are around, the greater the chance that you need to revive someone. Daily Ops are also good, especially those with Double Mutations.
Another lucky event happens near Pioneer Camp in Mire area. It usually takes some time to find the camp, so join a group. If you see players or their camps or tents in the area, fast travel there and discover at least one location in Mire. You can use events to fast travel to Mire in the same way.
Once you know at least one location in Mire, you can save time by fast travelling, though you have to pay for Bottle Caps.
Next, talking to the bot will start Stings and Things daily quest. By default, it will send you to a location that is guaranteed to have every insect, but it doesn’t matter where you get them from, the goal is to get insect parts.
I recommend attending Campfire Tales and Tea Time events every time they appear. They give you a lot of insects, so they are by far the easiest way to get insect parts.
You will definitely end up with a lot of Bloatflies and Bloodbugs, and most likely a few other insects you need as well. Keep these Fallout 76 Items in your stash until you need them to complete the daily quest. Remember not to put them in the scrap bin or you’ll damage them.
There will definitely be a Radroach in the storage room at Pioneer Camp in Mire. But it’s behind a hard lock, so you might not get it early. Another place you can get Radroaches is at Mama Dolce’s Food Processing, where Feed the People event takes place. If you get there early enough, you can pick up some Radroaches. But Radroaches are pretty common, so you can get enough Radroaches just by playing.
The best place to get Ticks is right behind the camp office. Stingwings can be found south of Whitespring. Also, Ranger Cabin behind Pioneer Scout Camp in Mire tends to have some insects, so it’s not a bad idea to check there every time you come here, too.
Another tip is that you can set up a camp or a tent at this location. You’ll come back at least once a day, so this will save you a lot of caps.
This objective involves cleaning up Nuclear Waste. This is another daily quest that sends you to a nearby location. You should clean up 5 blocks of Nuclear Waste. This time we were sent to Corporate, but you could also be sent to the ruins of the town in the south. This is fairly easy. The biggest problem is dealing with the enemies.
If you have a Hazmat Suit or Power Armor, you can reduce the radiation damage you take by doing this. Once you are done, return to Scout Camp and deposit the waste in the blue barrel.
Unfortunately, you also need to complete three Tadpole challenges. You can find them under Challenges Section and World Subsection. Any three will do, but I highly recommend taking on Archer, Athletics, and Hunter challenges. They are the easiest. If you want to get a bigger backpack as quickly as possible, the challenges I mentioned are what you want to do.
Another way to get Tadpole Badges is to do Operation Tidy and clean up Nuclear Waste. You can do this every day for a 25% chance of getting Tadpole Badges, but only if you haven’t completed the mission and become Opossum.
So if you really want something from Tadpole vendor, hold off on buying Opossum until you’ve got enough Tadpole Badges.
Overall, the quest is fairly straightforward. If you followed this guide, you should have met all the quest requirements. Now it’s time to become a Possum Scout.
You’ll get a backpack painted with the possum paint. This backpack has twice the capacity of the small backpack you’ve had so far. In addition, the quest will get you the plan and the paint.
You can recraft the backpack every 10 levels, up to level 50, to increase its capacity. The maximum carrying capacity is 60. Of course, this only applies outside of Power Armor.
When you wear Power Armor, the game removes all of your normal armor, so keep that in mind if you rely on the backpack to keep your load. But if you want Tadpole items, you can still complete other Tadpole challenges to get badges.
Becoming a Possum also gives you the ability to earn Possum Badges, and use them to get backpack mods and more.
In my opinion, the best mod is Backpack high capacity mod, which doubles your carry bonus. This will give you a total of 120 extra carry capacity. But Backpack refrigerated mod cuts the chance of food spoiling in half. I personally prefer Good with Salt perk, as it reduces spoilage by 90%, but backpack mods don’t stack with perks.
Of course, you can also get Grocer and Chemist mods for the backpack. They work exactly like the perk, reducing the weight of food and aid items by 90%.
You usually need to have at least a friendly reputation with raiders or the settlers, but the easiest way is to wait for Minerva to get it.
If you still want to gain a reputation with the faction, then do daily quests at their camps and Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction Notice events.
But the reason I don’t use these two mods is that they stop working in Power Armor, while the perk always works. They’re still good options for people who need to free up perks or never use Power Armor.
In summary, if you do these four things every day, you’ll get quite a few bags without having to do any heavy challenges. You’ll probably still get badges from playing the game, but it’s much easier to get badges from activities, especially if you want to get mods as quickly as possible.
It’s impossible to say how many days it will take to get enough badges to get the mods you want, but in terms of time actually spent on challenges, this way is much more efficient.
Eventually, you’ll get the upgrades you want, and you’ll also get more Legendary Cores, Treasury Notes, and Legendary items than if you just did challenges everywhere. So, this is by far the easiest way to get a big backpack and backpack mods to increase its capacity.
As many players enter the endgame in Diablo 4 Season 4, there's one major focus - acquiring Resplendent Sparks, the essential crafting material needed to create your chosen Uber Unique. To obtain these, you must defeat endgame bosses, which first requires gathering the necessary materials to summon them.
So in this guide, I'll cover how to acquire these boss summon materials in Season 4, the most efficient farming methods, and share useful tips and tricks to speed up the process.
Previously, boss materials in Diablo 4 were exclusively obtained through specific activities - Living Steel from Helltide, Varshan materials from Whispers, and Grotesque Debtors scattered across the world. However, in Season 4, that changes.
Now, every endgame activity offers the chance to obtain all types of boss materials, as they have random drop rates from all boss-type enemies, including regular Elites in rare instances. This abundance makes them more readily available than ever before.
In Season 4, the seasonal activity is known as Call of the Wolves, centered on the Iron Wolves seasonal quest line and reputation system. It offers substantial rewards in the form of boss materials, particularly in the later stages. If you haven't obtained these rewards yet and seek boss summoning materials, it's highly advisable to prioritize them.
It is important to emphasize that you can complete the Call of the Wolves for reputation multiple times with different characters. This allows you to accumulate a considerable amount of materials and even more guaranteed Resplendent Sparks. However, repeating reputation grinding for each character is very time-consuming.
Regarding the Iron Wolves reputation, let's delve into Helltide event. In Helltide, all chests yield at least 1 Living Steel for summoning Grigoire, with the Living Steel chest specifically providing 5. Throughout the Helltide event, numerous Elites spawn, each with their own drop chances for summoning materials.
Hellborn creatures emerge from events or when your threat meter fluctuates, offering a reasonably high chance of dropping boss materials. Interestingly, these Hellborn creatures tend to drop Lord Zir's materials more frequently than others.
Participating in Helltide as a group enhances efficiency since each member triggers their own threat meter, resulting in the simultaneous spawning of multiple Hellborn creatures and consequently greater material acquisition.
And the Blood Maiden enemy in Helltide, the big boss at the end of the altar summon activity, also has a pretty decent drop rate on various boss summoning materials. Helltide is essentially the prime location for specifically Living Steel but also just has a good drop rate on many different materials.
Moving on, we have the Whispers of the Dead. It seamlessly integrates with any other activity you wish to engage in. While it's widely recognized as the most lucrative source of Diablo 4 Gold at present, it also yields a significant amount of Varshan summoning materials from each whisper cache. Additionally, there's a chance to obtain materials for other bosses, making it a well-rounded option for material acquisition.
Next up, we have world bosses, which arguably serve as the premier source of these materials, albeit in small quantities since they cannot be farmed. These bosses operate on a three and a half-hour timer, but every kill on a world boss in World Tier 4 has yielded at least 1 boss summoning material. Remarkably, most of these drops have been Pincushioned Dolls, specifically for the Andariel fight.
In addition, a significant portion of upgraded boss materials have come from world bosses this season. For example, out of the 4 Stygian Stones I've naturally acquired, 3 were random drops from world bosses, with only one obtained from the Pit, where they are typically found.
Therefore, for those who are interested in tackling ladder bosses, it's imperative not to overlook world bosses, as they not only have a decent chance of dropping Stygian Stones but also upgraded ladder materials, considerably simplifying the process.
To say that these bosses are more challenging than their normal version. They boast significantly higher health pools, immense damage output, and a stacking debuff that exponentially increases damage taken upon being hit by their more telegraphed attacks. Stygian Stones, which are essential for challenging the torment versions of ladder bosses.
However, the rewards from torment versions of ladder bosses are 5 times greater than those of normal ladder bosses, albeit at 3 times the material cost. It's worth noting that I've had 2 Andariel's Visage drop naturally in Season 4, both from torment versions of Uber bosses, leading to speculation about the potentially higher drop rates of Tormented bosses.
Moving on to the endgame systems, Nightmare Dungeons offer another avenue for acquiring boss summoning materials. Once you've reached World Tier 4, and potentially even World Tier 3, Treasure Goblins become a consistent source, dropping a minimum of 2 boss summoning materials each time.
This presents a lucrative opportunity, although it's important to note that Treasure Goblins cannot be forced to spawn. You can only react when you spot them on your mini-map. Therefore, it's crucial to eliminate every Treasure Goblin encountered, not only in Nightmare Dungeons but also in other areas like Helltide.
The reason for highlighting Nightmare Dungeons specifically is because certain rooms within these dungeons have a low chance of spawning a significant number of Treasure Goblins simultaneously. When this occurs, swiftly dispatching the entire horde results in a windfall of free boss materials, among other rewards.
In addition to Treasure Goblins, boss summoning materials can also be obtained from the boss of each Nightmare Dungeon. Moreover, every completion of a Nightmare Dungeon guarantees some Distilled Fear, which is essential for the Beast in the Ice summoning.
Last, let's talk about how to acquire Stygian Stones, while world bosses initially seem to be the best source. These stones are primarily supposed to drop from the Pit of Artificers. While some players indicate that Stygian Stones become slightly more common after reaching at least Tier 70 or 80, their drop rates remain inconsistent.
Even at higher tiers, they remain relatively rare. Despite my extensive engagement with the activity up to Tier 70, I've only encountered 1 Stygian Stone. Therefore, I recommend against excessive farming of this activity solely for Stygian Stones due to their notably low drop rate.
It's worth mentioning a commonly known practice for solo players: seeking out boss rotations in the Trade Chat. These rotations involve groups where each player takes turns using their own materials to summon the boss, allowing you to benefit from four summons for the cost of one lot of your own materials if executed correctly.
This concludes today's guide, which covers various ways to obtain boss ladder summoning materials in Diablo 4 Season 4, as well as the most effective strategies that I know of. Hope you have a good gaming experience!
Grim Batol is a level 85 dungeon introduced in WOW Cataclysm Classic, available in normal and heroic 5-man versions.
Grim Batol is one of the most interesting dungeons in Cataclysm expansion. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to complete this dungeon.
Grim Batol is a massive fortress that is home to Wildhammer Dwarves. In Cataclysm, it is occupied by an evil cult called Twilight’s Hammer. Under the watchful eye of Ogre Cho’gall, they continue to spread evil magic and cause destruction.
Starting at level 84, you can enter Grim Batol. Grim Batol is located at the westernmost end of Twilight Highlands, which itself is directly east of Wetlands. The instance itself is an old Dwarven fortress with a portal at the entrance, which can be reached by following the path to the west from the center of the area.
As a level 85 dungeon, it will most likely be one of the last instances that players conquer in the first part of the expansion.
As with most dungeons in Cataclysm, there are four bosses to conquer. We’ll talk about the tips you need to know to defeat these bosses.
General Umbriss is an interesting boss fight, mainly because players must learn the same skills to win. Initially, the tank needs to heal the damage-over-time effect of Bleeding Wound. If the healer can heal the tank to above 90% of health, it will also remove the debuff.
An important skill that everyone in the group needs to know is Blitz. This causes General Umbriss to randomly select a player from the group to charge, then deal huge physical damage and knockback, both of which affect anyone within 6 yards of the attack location.
To avoid this, everyone needs to run out of range and avoid the attacks of the selected player. Selected players can do this as well, but they should wait as long as possible before doing so to avoid running in the same direction as everyone else.
Another problem is Ground Siege. This skill is also randomly targeted and causes Umbriss to use a directional ground attack that deals tremendous damage and stuns anyone in the cone for four seconds. However, it’s easy to avoid the attack, just keep an eye out.
Umbriss will also summon Troggs to assist him in the fight, but this is relatively easy to deal with on normal difficulty. You just need to make sure your Tank and DPS stay aggro to take down these enemies quickly.
Forgemaster Throngus is a cool fight for those who farm dungeons regularly, mainly because it’s extremely replayable. How the fight will play out depends mainly on which weapon the character chooses from the available weapons.
Regardless of which weapon is chosen, the only standard skill that players need to be aware of is Mighty Stomp. This causes the walls of Grim Batol to begin to collapse, and stones to fall around the player. But just stay out of the area of effect of these weapons and you’re ready.
Additionally, here are some things to note about each weapon:
Shield: This is the most comfortable choice. Throngus will use Personal Phalanx, which makes him face a random player and deploy a shield. This player’s task is to turn the boss’s back to the rest of the team. This will allow them to deal full damage, as damage dealt is reduced by 99% when facing a shield.
Meanwhile, Archers will fire Flaming Arrows from above, so keep an eye out for these and avoid them if possible.
Dual-Wield Swords: Disorienting Roar affects all players, slowing attack and casting speed by 150%. This can be dispelled or removed with skills, so make sure to use Dual-Wield weapons to keep your DPS high. Dual Blades and Thrash are powerful attacks that tanks must withstand, while healers must counter with healing.
Mace: Mace is arguably the scariest of all the choices, but it’s not particularly variable and is easy to deal with if you know what to do. The first of the two effects is a simple passive skill that slows the boss by 70% but increases damage by 200%.
The only active skill to watch out for is Impaling Slam, which causes Throngus to jump to a random target and deal heavy damage over time to the target hit. This is difficult to avoid, so most people will heal while being targeted.
Drahga Shadowburner is a two-phase fight that shouldn’t be too difficult for a well-prepared team. Therefore, it’s worth spending some WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold to upgrade your gear.
The first phase is relatively easy to control, with Shadowburner mainly using Burning Shadowbolt skill to deal damage, but this can be avoided by healing or interrupting.
The major problem the team needs to deal with is Invocation of Flame. The boss will create a portal that summons an Invoked Flaming Spirit.
First, don’t stand near the portal to avoid the fire damage it emits. Then, DPS should shift their targets to Spirit to quickly eliminate it before it can reach the player. If you do this, it will cast Supernova and deal heavy damage to players who are close to it, enough to kill them in one hit.
At 25% health, Shadowburner will summon his dragon mount, Valiona. As long as the tank has their back to the dragon, DPS class should find it relatively easy to burn the boss.
At 20% health, the dragon will abandon its master. At this point, it is already very weak and the player can easily kill Shadowburner.
The last boss in the dungeon is the toughest to deal with, and it is Commander of Grim Batol, Erudax.
The first of the two main mechanics that everyone in the group needs to be aware of is Binding Shadows, which will first root and damage the player, and then heal the boss for 3 times the amount of damage. When the boss is targeting you, just avoid it to negate its effects.
The other is Shadow Gale, which Erudax will summon a tremendous storm. When the cast begins, a circle will appear on the floor. This is basically the safe zone, and all players need to stand inside it to avoid being killed when the cast ends. The good news is that the boss takes double damage here, so be sure to keep attacking during Shadow Gale.
After Shadow Gale ends, Faceless Corruptor enters the room and begins casting Twilight Corruption on Alexstrasza’s Egg. You’ll need to kill them quickly before Corruptor spawns Twilight Hatchlings, as they’ll attack the player anyway afterwards.
Tanks and healers will need to be aware of Enfeebling Blow and its subsequent debuff, Feeble Body, which makes the victim vulnerable to 200% more damage for five seconds. This is a good time to put a cooldown on the tank to mitigate its worst effects. DPS just stay behind and avoids causing aggro while the tank is being bounced.
Finally, let’s talk about how different it will be to take on these bosses in Heroic Mode.
The fight with Umbriss in Heroic Mode is interesting, as it does add an important mechanic layer that players must be aware of. If Malignant Troggs are killed, they will cast Modgud’s Malice, increasing the boss’ damage and turning Skarydn Dwellers within eight yards into more Skardyn. This can get out of hand quickly, so move them out of the way before killing Troggs.
Additionally, Modgud’s Malady is a debuff that Troggs can cast that damages the player. On Heroic difficulty, this effect can stack up to ten times, enough to kill players quickly, so kill those Troggs as soon as possible.
On Heroic difficulty, Disorienting Roar is the one we need to focus on. It starts out by slowing spellcasting and attack speed by 150%, and that number is reduced by 50% every time the player successfully uses an attack skill.
Drahga remains largely unchanged on Heroic difficulty, hitting harder with the same skill set. But Valiona now has Devouring Flames, which shoots giant cones of dragon flame at random players. If possible, stay away from it. But if you can’t, stay as far away from the dragon as possible, as the further the player is from the source, the less damage the fire will do.
The fight in Erudax is much the same, except that it’s slightly harder in Heroic mode. The biggest difference is that the boss summons two Faceless Corruptors instead of one after casting Shadow Gale. But this won’t cause too much trouble for those with decent DPS.
These are all the tips you need to know to clear Grim Batol dungeon in normal and heroic mode. Give it a try!
Welcome, fellow gamers! I'm excited to show you the Bash Barbarian build for Diablo 4 Season 4! This build stands out as one of the most effective ways to take down Uber bosses or even Uber Lilith. In this guide, we'll delve into all the details of this build, along with strategies and tips you need to know. Let's get started!
First, let's break down the build starting with the Bash-focused strategy. We invest fully in the Bash skill for fortified generation when hitting stunned enemies. This core skill set forms the backbone of our offensive capabilities, particularly against non-boss foes.
Moving on, we bypass other enhancements and proceed to the defensive cluster. We prioritize Iron Skin and its enhancements, benefiting from a protective barrier and fortified generation upon activation. Additionally, Challenging Shout provides a taunt with damage reduction and increased maximum life while active.
We allocate points to key passives such as Imposing Presence for bonus maximum life, Martial Vigor for damage reduction from Elite enemies, and Outburst to facilitate the acquisition of Tough as Nails. The latter enhances Thorns damage and converts a portion of it into bleeding damage, effectively activating bleed effects upon taking damage.
In the Brawling cluster passives, Kick serves as a fury spender and applies vulnerability to bosses, while War Cry enhances damage output and activates Berserking. Passives like Booming Voice extend shout duration, Raid Leader provides healing during shout uptime, and Guttural Yell reduces enemy damage when using shouts.
Aggressive Resistance and Battle Fervor bolster our Berserking capabilities, providing damage reduction and extending Berserking duration upon damaging enemies with Kick. Pit Fighter in the Weapon Mastery enhances damage to nearby enemies, while the Thick Skin paves the way for Counteroffensive, granting bonus damage when health is above a certain threshold.
The Wrath of the Berserker ultimate skill and its enhancements amplify Berserk damage multipliers, ensuring consistent uptime through various triggers. Passives like Heavy Handed increase critical multiplier, Wallop boosts damage against stunned or vulnerable enemies, and Concussion adds a chance to stun enemies with budgeting weapons.
Finally, the key passive, Unconstrained, further augments damage gains while Berserking. In the technique slot, we prioritize vulnerable multipliers with the Two-Handed Axe Expertise, enhancing overall damage output in our current setup.
Next, let's discuss the gear setup. Prioritize strength, critical strike damage, and maximum life on weapons, with cooldown reduction ideally on your helmet and amulet. Aim for crit chance and attack speed on your amulet, and crit chance, attack speed, and either strength or maximum life on your rings.
Ensure you have ranks to Bash on your pants slot, prioritizing the Greater Affixes and Masterworking. On boots, focus on bonus ranks to Kick, movement speed, and a flex slot for strength or resistances based on your setup. Adjust your build as your armor cap shifts because of Tempering.
The Paingorger's Gauntlets are essential for non-boss content, enhancing Bash's natural cleave. Additionally, consider the Rage of Harrogath if you lack the Tyrael's Might chest armor, as it provides cooldown reduction when applying bleed through Thorns, physical crit chance, and damage reduction from bleeding enemies.
For two-handed weapons, prioritize Rapid Aspect for bonus basic skill attack speed on one and the Aspect of the Moonrise for bonus attack speed, damage with basic skills, and movement speed on the other. Consider dual-wielding for increased attack speed, although the two-handed version synergizes well for this build's purposes.
Aspect of Adaptability on your amulet increases bash damage, while the Edgemaster's Aspect boosts damage based on your full research bar, Aspect of Inner Calm offers a general damage increase multiplier, and Aspect of Elements rotates damage increases.
Bold Chieftain Aspect on your boots reduces cooldowns depending on nearby enemies. Defensive Aspects include Iron Warrior, which strengthens Iron Skin, and Aspect of Might, providing constant damage reduction because of the reliance on basic skills. Hectic Aspect on boots offers cooldown reductions for basic skill casts.
Let's take a look at the Paragon Board setup. On your Starter Board, we'll place the Exploit glyph for bonus damage to vulnerable enemies and vulnerable procs on first damage to enemies. We need to grab just enough Dexterity to activate the glyph. If you have less armor, consider going up through the rare armor node.
Switching to the Warbringer Board, we'll put the Territorial glyph for bonus damage to close enemies and damage reduction from them. Next, grab relevant rare and magic nodes, including extra all-element resist.
Move to the Carnage Board, insert the Ire glyph for bonus damage while Berserking and bonus damage reduction from Elites during Berserking. After, grab the necessary strength and other relevant nodes to maintain 40 damage while Berserking threshold. Proceed to the legendary node on the board, granting bonus attack speed for every critical strike while Berserking.
Then, acquiring the damage while Berserking rare and magic nodes. Attach the Decimator Board and travel down and right to the glyph socket. We'll place the Undaunted glyph for bonus damage while fortified and scaling damage reduction based on Fortify. Gather rare and magic nodes, ensuring enough Willpower to power the glyph.
Attach the Hemorrhage Board, moving down and left to reach the glyph socket. Insert the Might glyph for bonus effects to all magic nodes within range and an increased damage multiplier with two-handed weapons.
Finally, attach the Flawless technique node from the Blood Rage Board. Insert the Revenge glyph for bonus rare nodes within range and a stacking damage multiplier with Thorns damage.
Let's discuss how to effectively play the build in various scenarios such as Nightmare Dungeons, Pit runs, or facing Unber bosses. The approach is quite consistent across these situations. Begin by activating Wrath of the Berserker, followed by using Kick when your Fury is at its maximum.
Then, ensure you replenish your Fury to the maximum and use Kick again. Even without maximum Fury bonuses, this exhausts 200 Fury, the maximum for benefiting from Wrath of the Berserker's bonuses. After this sequence, utilize War Cry for the damage boost. If possible, employ Iron Skin before using the Challenging Shout to reduce its cooldown.
Otherwise, maintain a steady barrage of Bash attacks, with War Cry used whenever it's off cooldown. Keep an eye on the Berserk timer in your ability bar to determine whether an extra Kick is needed to prevent your bonuses from resetting. If you lose Berserk at any point, you must restart the process by activating Wrath of the Berserker once more.
Hello everyone! Meat Week Event is here again! Since this event is only open for a limited period of time, the most important thing to make the most of it is to get as many unique rewards as possible. It is also a good option to grind XP and earn extra Scrip. This guide will go through everything you need to know about Meat Week Event.
Every 15 to 20 minutes, you will get a Primal Cuts event. You can start the event by hitting a drum in the center. This will attract a group of animals to you. They appear in four waves, and you must kill the marked prime animals.
Note that Butcher’s Bounty Perk Card does not seem to give you more prime meat, but it does help increase other types of meat.
The waves will gradually become stronger over time, and the event ends when you defeat all enemies, or when the timer runs out. Successfully completing the event will give you prime meat that you can use later.
Since meat will rot, having a Refrigerated Backpack Mod or Good with Salt Perk will help you preserve them for longer. If you rank high enough on the scorebaord, Cryofridge will also be helpful to you.
The events that take place in areas where the enemies are stronger seem to give you more prime meat, while Mire seems to be the place that gives you the most meat. So pick the one you want and start collecting meat. If you’re fast enough, you can participate in both events at the same time.
The other half of Meat Week is Grahm’s Meat-Cook Event, which is all about advancing the progress bar in the upper right corner. There are three stages marked with icons here, and if you don’t reach the first stage, you fail. But if you want to get more valuable Fallout 76 items, it is very necessary to reach the later stages as soon as possible. Here, I will list the things you can do to advance the event.
You can find drums and the spits on the high platforms on both sides of the centre roast pit. They are passive activities, just like playing an instrument during One Violent Night. The unique thing is that they allow you to advance the progress bar before it appears.
They still give you progress during the event, and if all spits or drums are in use, you will get a reward. But it’s important that you get progress before the event officially starts. So if you happen to get there early enough, make sure to use them.
The roast pit in the center has spits and pots where you can place prime meat and donate it in stacks of five. For example, if you have 12, you’ll need two batches of five, but you won’t need the last two.
Each Meat-Cook Event has a maximum of 15. Each stack you deposit gives you a bonus of about 15 minutes. Stacking one stack makes you no longer hungry, and if you get hit, you have a chance to damage enemies with farts. Stacking two stacks does the same thing, and you get a 15-point bonus to your maximum health. Stacking a third stack increases it to a 30-point health bonus and a 5% XP bonus.
You also get 5 Legendary Scrips per stack, so you can get an extra 15 Scrips for each event. This is an extra little bonus for attending a Primal Cuts event.
Another thing you can do is feed Chally the Moo-Moo. You may have to attend at least one Meat-Cook Event to get the recipe, but you can make the recipe with vegetables before the event and give it to Chally when the event starts. Make sure to do these as soon as the progress bar appears, so you don’t forget.
You can also collect animal chunks and greens. You’ll find small animals like Opossums, Squirrels, and Chickens behind the shed. Regional loot doesn’t work here, so you’ll have to collect chunks individually. Put them in the shopping cart in the shed to advance progress.
Next to it you can see the container for greens. Bring them back to get more progress. If you want, you can also put submit wood in the pile next to the cooking pot.
You can also get progress for the event by cleaning up rotting meat, manure piles, and putting out fires around. Such as the scorchbeast poop you saw in Line in the Sand event. Be sure to prioritize this because they can actually slow down your progress if you leave them behind.
After the event, you will receive rewards based on your performance. You can get XP, Caps, Legendary weapons or armor, Meat Week apparel, Treasury Notes, and Unique plans.
Besides that, there are quite a few plans for unique items and unique camp items, such as Meat Cleaver. This is a throwing weapon that does a ton of damage. If you haven’t tried throwing weapons yet, you might be surprised at how effective they are.
And of course, there’s Pepper Shaker, which is one of the major prizes of Meat Week Event. The only way to get this plan is through this event or by buying it from a player vendor. The chance of any single item dropping is about 1.6% per event.
So if you want everything, you should do as much Meat-Cook as you can. The event will last for about two weeks and will end on June 4, 2024, so you should have plenty of time to participate.
That’s it. Hopefully, this walkthrough made it a little easier for you. Good luck, and may RNG gods be with you.