With WoW Cataclysm Classic just around the corner, Deathwing burst forth and destroyed the world, bringing sweeping changes to Azeroth and many of WoW’s systems. Fast forward to today, and Deathwing is returning once again in WoW Cataclysm, launching on May 20.
A lot has happened since 2010, so let’s take a moment to revisit Cataclysm patches, review the story and some features introduced, and take a look at the brand new changes coming to Cataclysm Classic!
Patch 4.0.1 is Cataclysm system pre-patch, introducing several interfaces and system updates ahead of release.
Reforging was introduced, allowing players to assign some of an item’s secondary properties to different secondary properties, and Mastery was introduced, providing a new secondary property for you to consider!
Additionally, spells and abilities changed removing ranks, instead simply scaling with character level, and Spellbook UI was updated with it.
With ammo removed from the game, hunters have seen a number of quality of life improvements, especially as cloth, leather, and mail users see their armor become as durable as plate, which normalizes repair costs across classes. This avoids the problem of spending large amounts of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold and still not getting satisfactory results, as was the case in the past.
Patch 4.0.3 brings us Shattering. Without warning, the corrupted Dragon Aspects Deathwing bursts from the stone heart of Deepholm, the realm of earth in Elemental Planes. Jagged cracks tear through the land, and raging waves crash against coastal areas.
From Thousand Needles to Blasted Lands, the surface of Azeroth is reshaped in a violent upheaval. Forced to defend their homes against Deathwing and his minions, both the Horde and the Alliance lived with the uneasy fear that the world as they knew it had changed forever.
Shattering saw the continents of Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms reshaped, offering unique experiences in previously existing areas and new adventures in never before seen zones.
Two races were unlocked Goblins for Horde and Worgen for Alliance, and fresh race and class combinations accompanied them. Nine new dungeons were introduced:
Three new raids saw champions face down to some of the bigger threats and allies of Deathwing!
Blackwing Descent was the layer of the resurrected Nefarian, son of Deathwing, and the site of the heinous experiments he conducted in an attempt to create a new breed of chromatic dragons.
Bastion of Twilight was the primary fortress of Twilight Hammer. Cho’gall, the leader of the cult, dwelled here, as well as Sinestra, mother of Nefarian and Onyxia and creator of the first Twilight Dragons, reanimated and overseeing the creation of another Twilight clutch.
Throne of Four Winds was located inside Skywall, and was Al’Akir’s personal lair! With the barrier between Elemental Plane and Azeroth ruptured, his invasion needed to be stopped.
Patch 4.1 Rise of the Zandalari is the first major patch for WoW Cataclysm! The days where the great troll empire stretched across ancient Kalimdor, were long past. As Azeroth recovered from the destruction of Cataclysm, the world’s divided troll population faced a bleak future.
These dark times spurred the trolls of the Zandalar to drastic action. They began a bold crusade to save their race by unifying the trolls into a powerful empire.
With Zandalari’s aid, the fallen capitals of Gurubashi and Amani nations - Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman began rebuilding, replenishing their forces for a bloody campaign to expand their territories.
Yet Vol’jin and his Darkspear trolls were not aligned with Zandalari. They vowed to work with the Horde and the Alliance to prevent the trolls from starting a new war in Azeroth. Soon Vol’jin was forced to act on his promise, for if Gurubashi and Amani were left to their own devices, the world would know the legendary strength and savagery of the ancient troll empires once again.
With the trolls attempting to rebuild and reunite, Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub were reimagined, becoming heroic 5-player dungeons.
Guilds received some attention with the introduction of Guild Challenges that rewarded achievements and gold for completing various content in a guild group. Guild finder tool was also introduced, designed to help players find like-minded friends to tackle these new adventures with.
And a very helpful quality of life improvement also came with this patch. The ability to resurrect allies from raid or party frames, instead of having to locate a fallen companion’s body in the world.
Patch 4.2 Rage of the Firelands, was the second major patch of Cataclysm. Across the breadth of Azeroth, Horde and Alliance dealt crushing blows to Deathwing’s elemental minions and fanatic Twilight’s Hammer cultists.
As the elements continue to be in disarray, it seems that the noble shamanic order may finally be on the verge of collapse under the enormous weight on its shoulders. Even Thrall, for all his wisdom and skill, had grown aggravated by his failure to effectively communicate with Azeroth’s elements.
Recently, his calls were acknowledged, but the malevolent entity that responded had only intensified Thrall’s fears and doubts.
Patch 4.2 brought with it a new raid, Firelands. This molten hellscape in Elemental Plane was forged by Titans to house Ragnaros and his servants. Ragnaros’s invasion of Mount Hyjal could not go unanswered, as champions took the fight to his domain.
A new legendary item, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest could be obtained after completing a considerable questline. This two handed staff was incredibly powerful, and wielding it was a true testament to dedication!
A nice quality of life change, improved Durability Displays’s warnings, adjusting yellow to signify 20% durability as opposed to a durability of 5%. And access to a wealth of information and lore was added directly in-game with the introduction of Dungeon Journal.
Patch 4.3 Hour of Twilight was the third and final installment of cataclysm, and its largest content update since launch!
In the aftermath of Cataclysm, the warriors of Azeroth rose up against the forces of the mad black Dragon Aspect Deathwing. Thus far, the world’s defenders had shattered the power base of Twilight’s Hammer cult and defeated the raging elemental Lords Al’Akir and Ragnaros.
Yet despite these victories, as long as Deathwing was free to pursue his twisted goals, Azeroth would remain under threat. No one was more aware of this fact.
The great Dragon Aspects such as Nozdormu, Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, and Ysera. Together with the wise shaman Thrall, they devised a plan to vanquish Deathwing with a weapon of his own design: the infamous Dragon Soul.
Thrall and the noble aspects would call upon Horde and Alliance to help them retrieve the artifact - No longer in existence - from the distant past. Those brave enough to face the challenge would embark on a perilous journey from Azeroth’s apocalyptic End Time to Dragon Soul’s point of origin during the catastrophic War of the ancients. If the heroes succeeded, an even more harrowing battle awaited them in their present.
Hour of Twilight brought three new dungeons:
End Time saw heroes visit potential futures that would come to exist should Deathwing prevail, pitting them against visages of corrupted heroes of Azeroth and ultimately facing down a tormented version of those Nozdormu, called Murozond, who created Infinite Dragonflight and shattered the time ways in an attempt to subvert his own mortality.
Well of Eternity flung heroes back 10,000 years in time, just before Sundering to assist Illidan and Tyrande in battling Burning Legion. As Azshara attempted to bring Sargeras himself to Azeroth. Hour of Twilight saw heroes prepare for the last battle with Deathwing, and fight alongside Thrall to bring Dragon Soul to Wyrmrest Temple.
The final Raid, Dragon Soul, continued to the fight in the besieged temple through Last of Deathwing’s lieutenants and ultimately onto Destroyer himself. As Thrall, Dragon Aspects and the champions of Azeroth attempted to end Cataclysm once and for all.
A new legendary pair of daggers called Fangs of the Father could be obtained by rogues after completing a multi-quest chain that concluded with the defeat of Deathwing.
And Raid Fighter tool was introduced, offering a quick way for players to form a group for a specifically tuned version of Dragon Soul Raid.
With all these epic storylines, legendary items, dungeons, raids, Cataclysm era was densely packed.
But perhaps one of the greatest systems introduced in all of Cataclysm, perhaps one of the greatest systems introduced in all of WoW came with patch 4.3 - Transmogrification.
This new cosmetic system allows players to customize their gear like never before by copying the appearance of one item onto another. Gone were the days of mismatched armor and feeling like you had to choose stats over aesthetics!
In Cataclysm Classic, the core story and experiences will remain, but a few things have gotten some changes.
Firstly, things are going to be faster. An increased content cadence will condense the entire expansion into about one year, while an expanded pre-patch means the action starts sooner.
As of the pre-patch going live, the shattering has come to Azeroth. Kezan and Gilneas starter zones are now available, and Goblins and Worgen are unlocked and can be leveled up to 80.
Also, Transmogrification is unlocked, as are account wide collections. New class and race combos are unlocked, along with class updates like talents and spells. Archeology and Reforging are also unlocked. Accelerated leveling from 1 to 80 is in place, which will help you roll alts in this faster environment. And flying is unlocked in the newly reshaped Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.
At launch, several more iconic features from Cataclysm will come online. Five zones will be unlocked. Mountain Hyjal, Vash’jir, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, and Deepholm will all be available for 80 through 85 questing.
And the 9 dungeons we explored earlier that were part of patch 4.0.3 will all be unlocked, along with a new heroic Dungeon system. Tol Barad world PVP zone that pits Horde against Alliance for the control of three objectives will also unlock at launch, as will everyone’s favorite fairgrounds Darkmoon Island.
After launch Throne of the Four Winds, Blackwing Descent, and Bastion of Twilight will make their appearance and a new flexible Raid Lock System, which allows players to do both the 10 and 25 player versions of raids in the same week. Plus, additional content updates will continue to roll out as the expansion unfolds.
That’s it for my review of all the major WoW Cataclysm Classic patches released so far. Anyway, the new expansion is coming soon, so let’s wait and see!
Elden Ring is a game that is filled with so many incredible weapons: shields, spells armors, items and so much more. That I often don’t know what to do with them. I sometimes come across a weapon like Bloodhound’s Fang super early on.
That's just so wildly overpowered with so many Elden Ring Runes invested in the game. I also come across items where they seem completely useless. And then every so often you come across a weapon or a shield or something else. It’s weird.and it doesn’t make sense and I don’t know how anyone had the creativity to come up with it.
There are six of the weirdest weapons and shields that you can find in Elden Ring.
For those of you who have played the Old Hunter’s DLC and Bloodborne. I’m sure you are very familiar with the Whirligig Saw. It’s one of the best strength weapons in the game. If not the best, well, they have brought a version of that into Elden Ring while it might not be as overpowered.
It is still just weird. It is called Ghiza’s wheel, and it requires 28 points of Strength and 18 points of Dexterity to use. It has a unique skill called Spinning Wheel. Basically, you just grab it and charge up Death Spin Blade. You can also apply Bleed very quickly to all enemies in front of you. Now this is a very good boss killing skill, but this weapon also just dishes out a ton of damage. If you have any sort of inclination to play like you did in Bloodborne, I would highly recommend going and getting this weapon.
If you’re ever trying to get out of work for the day saying you got bit by a snake, is usually a good idea. Now if you don’t live in an area with snakes, that’s not going to work. But you can try it if you want Coil Shield is a really weird Shield. It’s made out of a snake. It’s a Strength and Dexterity Scaling Shield and has 72 Poison build up. Its unique skill called Viper Bite, basically shoots the snake out in front of you, biting the enemies in front of you.
And again causing Poison build up. It’s a really good Shield to use if you’re trying to do any sort of Poison build. It’s great for stacking poison on bosses that are not immune to it. And it’s just goofy and weird and makes a great addition to any kind of Troll PVP build you might be trying to put together.
I don’t know about you, but I have never personally crafted a weapon in the forms of the heads of my dead wife and two kids. But if you have, you would have something in common with Necromancer Garris when he crafted the family Heads. This is a flail. That is a Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence Scaling weapon with a really weird look. It also has a unique skill called Familial Rancor. This is an ability where you can run near people. You raise it up in the air, the heads kind of spay out in three different directions and start shooting out dark magics. It’s really creepy. I don’t like it. I don’t like using this weapon, but it’s really weird.
Envoy’s Horn is the weapon for you. It’s a faith Dexterity and Strength Scaling Hammer and it shoots bubbles at your enemies. The special ability, the special skill that this weapon gives you, is the ability to blow bubbles at your enemies. SpongeBob would be so proud.
Visage Shield is an absolute Beast of an item in Elden Ring, and I mean that in more ways than one. It requires 24 pounds to carry. It requires 44 Strength to wield properly, and it also has a hideous grotesque figure of a giant head with lots of flames spouts and teeth just shooting out in different gross directions. But if you want to use this super weird weapon, you will be rewarded with a super cool and unique ability called Tongues of Fire.
This is where you basically hold the shield in front of you and spew flames on all of your enemies. It’s great for crowd control. It’s great for AOE killing. It’s also really good for just smacking people. If you run out of FP, just start smacking. This thing brings the pain.
I don’t think it should be any surprise to you all when I tell you that the ringed finger is the number one weirdest weapon on my list. And it’s for many, many different reasons. One is a giant finger that you just hit people with.
Secondly, because of the skill that it has called Claw Flick, where the finger just inflates to enormous proportions and then you just flick everything in front of you. This is a weird weapon. I don’t understand why it’s in the game, obviously. There’s lore reasons and stuff like that, but a man who thought of just putting a giant finger in the game.
I mean, come on, I’ve been invaded by someone dual wielding these before. And I think I’ve died every time more just because I’m freaked out and weirded out by them more so than anything. This is a weird weapon. It’s number one on the list.
If you want to use it, you can get it real early on in the game. That’s a weird weapon.
The above are the weird weapons in my mind. Which weapons do you think are surprising to you?
Welcome all gamers! As you prepare for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, which launches on June 21 this year, there are countless Dexterity-based weapons to choose from in Elden Ring, each with unique abilities and advantages. Here are my thoughts on which weapons you should focus on and upgrade to maximize your potential. Let's take a closer look!
First on our list is the Uchigatana. The Samurai is one of the most popular starting classes in Elden Ring. This katana moveset is quick, and the Ash of War: Unsheathe deals an enormous stagger to enemies. If you fancy power stancing, you can even pick up a second Uchi in the Deathtouched Catacombs in Limgrave.
The twist on the Uchi I'm going to recommend is that you go straight to Redmane Castle very early and grab the Red-Hot Whetblade. One of the deadliest starting setups is getting the Ash of War in the Ainsel River and infusing your Uchigatana with the Flame Art.
You could then grab the Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear from the easier of the 2 minor Erdtree Avatars, put some levels into Faith, buff with Flame, Grant Me Strength, and completely annihilate most of the game. Picking up the Fire Scorpion Charm in Mt. Gelmir will further add to the devastation you can inflict.
If you're running a more Dexterity-centric build, then lightning or keen-infused Uchi will give you very high AR. Running lightning lets you stack more buffs effectively. You can use the Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Lightning Scorpion Charm, and Golden Vow to multiply your damage.
Next, we have the Nagakiba, another katana and quite similar to the Uchigatana, but with one key difference: its length and consequently, its reach. This moveset also has a thrusting attack on the charged heavy, making it more versatile.
There are 2 common ways to play the Nagakiba: one is making it cold-infused, and the other is lightning-infused. With the cold infusion, you can get a Frostbite buildup paired with your natural Bleed on the Nagakiba. With the lightning infusion, you get a really high AR that scales well with Dexterity.
For an Ash of War, you can use a quick, multi-hit one like the Spinning Slash. The Ash of War: Spinnng Slash paired with Frostbite and Bleed can deal devastating damage, and the AoE of the attack is great. You can also use your Elden Ring Runes to purchase some other buffs to make the game smoother.
Nagakiba's reach is ideal for dealing with dragons, and it simplifies most dragon fights by letting you just poke them in the head until they die. Because using shorter weapons can be a bit annoying, as you'll often miss the hitbox of the dragon.
You can get the Nagakiba off Bloody Finger Hunter Yura right at the beginning of the game in Limgrave, or you can follow his quest line until you get to Altus Plateau and get it from him when he's not doing so well at the Second Church of Marika.
The next one on the list is the Bolt of Gransax, which is the first Somber weapon today. You can get this spear when you visit the Leyndell, Royal Capital. It sits on top of the giant version of itself. You can access the area right after defeating Godfrey.
Being a Somber weapon means it's much easier to upgrade, especially if it's an alt weapon for your run. It works best on a high Dexterity build because lightning damage scales so well with Dexterity.
As a spear, this moveset is great for keeping distance, and the light attacks come out so quickly you can usually react and roll intuitively after attacking. The lightning damage gets boosted by all our buffs and the Lightning Scorpion Charm, with extra boosts when fighting on water, like against the twin Gargoyles.
The Ash of War is not interchangeable, being a Somber weapon, but it's excellent to have some ranged attacks like Lightning Spear in your pocket. Paired with the Shard of Alexander, this can really pack a punch. Not to mention it has a satisfying animation. As a spear, it's great for power stancing. I recommend the Cross-Naginata spear as its partner for Bleed buildup.
Next, we're talking quick attacks and Scarlet Rot buildup with the Antspur Rapier. You can find the Antspur to the west of the Shaded Castle after you kill the NPC Invader Maleigh Marais. The Antspur has a rapier moveset, which is really fun because of the quick recovery, allowing you to get more hits in and still dodge.
The weapon has a natural Scarlet Rot buildup, so it works great on bosses with large health pools like the Fire Giant or Dragonlord Placidusax. Although Placidusax has large resistance to all status buildup, you will eventually proc with enough hits. You can use the Ash of War: Repeating Thrust to further improve the Scarlet Rot buildup.
You can experiment with different infusions to add Bleed, Frost, or Poison. For instance, if you infuse this weapon with Poison, you can have Poison and Scarlet Rot buildup, and then you can buff with the likes of Bloodflame Blade to enhance the Bleed buildup as well.
Finally, the best Dexterity weapon I recommend on this list is the Flamberge. The Flamberge is a greatsword, so naturally, you might think it's for strength builds, but that's not the case. That's what's so fantastic about these games. You just need to hit the required stats to wield the weapon, and then you can infuse the weapon to suit your build.
The setup I recommend is keen-infused with that Dexterity scaling, while still allowing you to have weapon buffs. You can grab the Ash of War: Chilling Mist from the ruins just outside of Ranni's Rise tower in northwest Liurnia. When starting a boss fight, you can buff Flamberge with Bloodflame Blade.
Bloodflame Blade will add Bleed buildup to your weapon, but for weapons that already have a natural Bleed buildup like the Flamberge, it just goes crazy. This setup makes enemies proc blood loss so quickly, and then hitting the Ash of War to proc Frostbite rapidly can be unreal and devastating.
Those are the 5 overpowered weapons ideal for Dexterity builds in the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Which one catches your eye? Give them a try to see which suits your play style best.
Today I want to talk to you about Legendary Scrips, and more specifically how to start getting them. Legendary Scrip is an in-game currency that can be used to purchase legendary items from the vendor, Purveyor Murmrgh.
Many players will find when they start the game that as you level up, the enemies you encounter become stronger and harder to kill. This is because at this point the game starts assuming you have some scrip from the event. But many players don’t do this, so they experience a steep rise in the difficulty curve.
Once you have a suitable set of legendary weapons and armor, your character will be powerful. You’ll easily reach Legendary Exchange’s daily limit of 500 Scrips, and you’ll frequently discard a Fallout 76 Item or two because they’re not worth keeping.
So, how do you go from zero Legendary Scrips at the start of the game to having some scrips that can be used to obtain legendary weapons? In this guide, I’ll reveal to you a great way to farm these scrips.
The first step is to get a good legendary weapon. This has a tremendous impact on your ability to deal with tougher enemies. Lately, developers seem to be leaning toward adding guaranteed weapons to events. And many of them have almost ideal legendary effects by default. You can definitely take advantage of this and play these activities until you get some guaranteed quality weapons.
Ideally, you’ll want to be level 50 to get the best version, but there’s nothing wrong with getting lower-level versions to help you explore and complete quests. You can redo the event later to get the highest level version.
So which activities are the best? I highly recommend Most Wanted from Nuka Tour. It gives you Western Spirit Lever Action Rifle as one of two guaranteed weapons, which you can get starting at level 25. It’s great for everyday activities, so you can use it for exploration and quests.
It’s also economical enough that you’ll usually end up with 45 more round ammo after each battle than you used. You can use these extra bullets as a supplement to Elder’s Mark.
Elder’s Mark is a submachine gun with extremely high DPS that can be used in event or boss type battles and is available starting at level 15. Beasts of Burden event has a 20% chance of dropping it as one of the guaranteed weapon rewards.
Holy Fire is another guaranteed weapon you can get from the event. This is a Vampires Flamer that you get starting at level 30. Generally speaking, Flamer is a powerful weapon with a very high rate of fire. With Vampire’s Effect, you’ll be constantly healed.
Holy Fire is a weapon you should only use when you’re in trouble. This is not a weapon you should use all the time unless you know how to get ammo. These are not the only guaranteed weapons, nor are they suitable for everyone. For example, if you use melee, then they’re not very useful. But they should provide a good starting point for most players.
Most Wanted and Beasts of Burden typically attract large numbers of high-level players to kill, and the only thing you have to do is successfully complete the campaign. Even at lower levels, you should be able to obtain these weapons. Remember, don’t turn down other guaranteed weapons. Even Gunther’s Big Iron and Love Tap is very useful when you have no better options.
Once you have at least one good legendary weapon, you can actually participate in the event. You want to focus on the events that bring you the most Legendary Scrips.
I recommend Radiation Rumble as a significant activity to start with. It always attracts many high-level players, and since enemies tend to only come from two directions, it’s easy to get plenty of loot to distribute among you.
I completed my first mission at level 20 and had no idea what I was doing, but I still walked away with a fair amount of scrips.
As a low level player, you should focus on covering one tunnel and marking as many enemies as possible. Please avoid entering the corridor, as doing so will spawn an enemy in the center.
This is where a simple shotgun can help. Just aim and shoot. All you have to do is deal 1 point of damage to an enemy and let the game give you the full experience. This is called “tagging” in the community.
You still get loot from nearby, but you also get full XP from each enemy killed. Many players will also drop excess loot after the event, so you can pick that up if you want.
Eviction Notice is another major event in farming Legendary Scrips, although it’s more dangerous. When high-level players go for the kill, try to avoid getting killed.
You need to keep whatever is useful to you during the event. Anti Armor is always good and gets better later in the game. Aristocrats or Junkies will provide some of the highest damage boosts, and you can maintain them without too much trouble, although you may struggle to get the highest bonuses at lower levels. Bloody is powerful, but it’s only useful if you plan on playing with low health at some point.
Please note that the daily scrip limit is 500, so you may not redeem all the scrips you receive. You can put the rest into a stash or a public container so others can benefit.
One trick is that you can secure Power Armor into the frame. No matter how many pieces you have, the weight of the frame is 10, so if you keep some frames, you can keep a lot of Power Armor pieces for later use.
Next, you can exchange scrips for legendary modules at Rusty Pick. It is located north of Nuka Tour and south of Flatwoods. Then go to Workbenches and modify a piece of gear to add or re-roll its legendaries.
This is when things get tricky. Getting a right roll can be very expensive. Statistically, the chance of getting all three legendary stars you want is 0.04%. While this number isn’t entirely correct, the point is that it’s unlikely.
The best advice I can give is to think about what you want first. Weapons should be your first priority. If you use VATS, Railway Rifle is a good choice. A good flamer is also powerful. The benefit of choosing Elder’s Mark and Holy Fire is that you can re-roll their legendary properties without losing their inherent bonuses, such as a faster rate of fire.
It’s also important to have an everyday weapon that hits hard and generates extra ammo. You can pair it with a high DPS weapon that consumes the same ammo. If you do it right, you’ll never even need to craft ammo.
Now, you should know how to start climbing the legendary ladder. Getting your first good legendary item is the hardest step, but once you have excellent weapons, you should be able to participate in all events and earn more Legendary Scrips by playing.
Remember, getting God Roll is just a matter of luck, so keep participating in the event and keep rolling. But remember to be patient and don’t expect to get one overnight. Instead, you should enjoy the good stuff you encounter along the way. You might be surprised at how well some of them perform. Good luck!
Welcome, Exiles! Join me as we explore the Rage Vortex CoC Hierophant in the Path of Exile 3.24 Necropolis League today. The Rage Vortex of Berserking is one of the best skills to use with the Cast on Critical Strike Support, but it requires a very specific setup to work.
In this build, it attaches the Rage Vortex to your character, continuously hitting nearby enemies until you run out of Rage, allowing you to perform other actions in the meantime, such as the Shield Charge or casting curses.
Exerting this attack with Ambush will apply its massive Critical Strike Chance bonus for the entire duration of your Rage Vortex. Although you will still need some investments for your Spell Critical Strike Chance, the most crucial part of such a setup is sustaining the Rage cost itself.
This Rage Vortex CoC Hierophant build is cost-effective, demanding only a modest investment of POE Currency to commence. However, its operation depends on a unique helmet. It also relies on rare items, the quality of which significantly impacts performance.
The Ravenous Passion and the Cospri's Malice are necessary for the build's functionality. Thanks to the Ravenous Passion helmet, you will generate insane amounts of Rage with a higher trigger rate on your CoC setup. You will generate Rage faster, allowing you to sustain Rage Vortex for a longer time.
The Cospri's Malice sword triggers your Frostbolts on hit and improves your damage slightly. You can get a corrupted implicit that generates frenzy charges when you spend mana, which will help with your attack speed and boost the damage of your Vortex.
The Prism Guardian and Atziri's Foible are also important for scaling your damage properly. The Prism Guardian causes socketed auras to Reserve Life instead of mana but without the usual massive penalty of the Arrogance Support.
The Atziri's Foible amulet greatly improves your maximum mana and your mana recovery. Moreover, it decreases the necessity for demanding attribute prerequisites, making it quite useful. Anointing the Essence Sap notable can help with mana recovery issues. If not, the Arcane Capacitor is available for use.
The Glorious Vanity can grant you the Corrupted Soul keystone and convert nearby notables into different ones. Try to get at least one that provides energy shield leech. It can also grant you other bonuses to energy shield or lightning spell damage.
You can use the Healthy Mind jewel to greatly improve your mana at the cost of lowering your life. You can also alter your aura setup to include different bonuses, such as energy shield on hit from the Discipline aura or life leech from Vitality aura.
On your rare gear, you should aim mostly for bonuses to your maximum life, mana, and energy shield.
As for the flasks, with the Sorrow of the Divine, you can recover your energy shield more efficiently. Combine it with a Life Flask that grants more healing when you are on low life, as it is your default state at all times because of the Petrified Blood.
The Bottled Faith is the obvious choice for this build as it will greatly improve your damage and Critical Strike Chance against enemies standing on the consecrated ground. You can enchant it to trigger when you hit a rare enemy.
For the remaining Magic Flasks, I recommend using a flask with bleeding removal, the Quicksilver Flask with Critical Strike Chance bonus, and a Diamond Flask with attack speed.
The Rage Vortex of Berserking attaches the Rage Vortex to your character until you run out of Rage. The Rage cost accelerates over time, but you can refresh it during its duration to restart the Rage drain. The Vortex of Projection deals cold damage in bigger areas and can be used with Frostbolts to create more explosions with a bonus for its damage and area.
Most of your damage comes from the Archmage Support, so Lightning Penetration is more useful than Cold or Elemental Penetration. The awakened version also grants you lightning exposure. The Frostbolt creates a cold projectile that, although not dealing much damage on its own, can be consumed by the Vortex to create even more explosions with the Greater Volley Support.
Slowing the speed is also important to prevent explosions from happening too far. The Petrified Blood delays the damage you take directly to your life, making your leech more effective and enabling the Pain Attunement keystone. The Arctic Armour grants you immunity to freeze and extra physical damage mitigation if you are stationary.
Precision is a simple yet powerful aura that improves your accuracy rating and Critical Strike Chance. Socket those auras in the Prism Guardian shield, and thanks to the Petrified Blood, you can reserve half of your life without negative consequences. The Assassin's Mark greatly improves your damage by increasing your Critical Strike Chance and multiplier against marked enemies.
The Zealotry is an offensive aura that greatly improves your damage and Critical Strike Chance with spells. Divine Blessing Support changes this aura into a temporary buff and adds a massive mana cost to it, which you can use to quickly generate Rage.
The Shield Charge is your main movement skill, and you can use it without interrupting the Rage Vortex, giving you a big advantage over other CoC setups. The Ambush launches your next attack, adding a massive amount of flat Critical Strike Chance, and will be applied to the whole duration of the Rage Vortex.
The Arcane Cloak is a Guard skill that absorbs a large amount of damage and improves your DPS during its duration. Frost Blink is an instant teleport that leaves chilling ground in both locations, supplementing Shield Charge for even better mobility.
The optimal choice is to eliminate all bandits for an extra 2 passive points. Helping Alira is also acceptable at first. The best major Pantheon power is the Soul of Arakaali, as damage over time effects are the biggest weakness of Petrified Blood. For your minor Pantheon power, I recommend either Soul of Ralakesh to trivialize bleeds or Soul of Shakari to help with chaos damage.
The passive tree of this POE 3.24 build is very straightforward. The biggest focus is picking up as much mana as possible. You will also get bonuses to maximum life, accuracy rating, and a bit of damage and crits thanks to the Elemental Mastery.
You will sometimes treat enemy resistances as inverted, which grants you a lot of damage without needing to invest in a second curse, especially against enemies with bolstered Lightning Resistance. Such hits will also inflict much more powerful shocks than usual.
This build uses 5 keystones, but most of them are self-explanatory. You will have a lot of energy shield without big investments. The most important sources of it are the Corrupted Soul keystone from the Glorious Vanity jewel and the Hierophant Ascendancy.
Although FFXIV has gone through a long journey of 14 years and is loved by many players. The excellent combat system and graphics, including the rich and colorful story content, have always been loved by players, and we are constantly innovating and striving to make the game more diversified and social. But I still have a few suggestions for FFXIV. These suggestions should make it even better.
Doing this can encourage ordinary players to improve their strength and adapt to the current level of raids. When everyone’s skill level increases, they can usher in higher-level raids. This not only improves the level of all players but also promotes the development of the game. All in all, it is to increase the overall difficulty to achieve progress.
Savage raids are a very important way to play in Final Fantasy XIV, and they are also an important way to gain equipment. It has a certain degree of difficulty and requires relatively high teamwork. However, because it is only open at fixed times every week, many players always miss the time to gain gears, or fail to gather the number of people to form a team. This will create a gap between you and the other players. And the weekly lock will result in an extremely small amount of equipment, which is very painful for players. But if you can open Savage raids to play at various times, and adjust the drop rate of equipment. This will foster relationships between the team and provide more opportunities to acquire more FFXIV Gil and gear. Players will enjoy Savage raids, not suffer from them.
Island Sanctuary was not present from the beginning of the game but was added to Endwalker later. Island Sanctuary is like a black dot on a white paper. The contrast is very obvious and attracts many players at once. In a world full of battles, there is such a unique style of existence, allowing players to have a place to relax when they are tired. I think Island Sanctuary is an excellent idea, but the gameplay inside is limited. Over time, players will become bored. My suggestion is to add activities to Island Sanctuary, which can be made by comparing party games, such as Animal Crossing and Party Animals. Enhance Island Sanctuary activities to increase fun and social interaction.
Glamor has been loved by many players since its launch. Everyone wants to look more handsome and cool, so more and more people are investing more and more resources in Glamor. However, the 20 glamour plate limit prevents many players from crafting more outfits as they wish, and players cannot develop multiple styles. If the upper limit of the glamour plate is raised, it will stimulate more creativity among players and provide more available outfits to more players. In this way, the beauty needs of players can be satisfied.
Buying a house in the game is really a wonderful experience that no one wants to miss. Although the houses range from small to large, the apartments are only small, and we hope to add medium and large apartments. This increases the choice of room types and meets the needs of more house decorations. Everyone hopes to have a territory of their own. Of course, different people have different requirements, even in the game.
Gold Saucer is an entertainment venue in FFXIV that contains many competitions and activities, such as the Leap of Faith, Cactpot, and Triple Triad. I’ve always really enjoyed these games. Gold Saucer is like a collection of mini-games independent of FFXIV. But the maps included in the Leap of Faith, Cactpot, and Triple Triad are really limited. Players will get bored quickly. I hope Final Fantasy XIV can add some new maps to make this section more fresh and interesting. Players don’t have to play on the same map every day. It feels like chewing gum that they have been chewing for a long time.
Because Final Fantasy XIV players are all over the world, but all over the world. FFXIV has data centers in multiple locations around the world. But if players from different regions use party finder or want to play together, both players must be transferred to the same data center. Due to network delays in different regions, such interactions will become unsmooth. The gaming experience is very poor. In this regard, we can learn from a region-wide party finder used by Dawntrail. In this way, the matched players will all be in the same data center, making interaction and communication smoother. No need to perform cross-region operations.
The above are the improvements I can give to the current Final Fantasy XIV. I believe that many players, like me, will have the same feelings about these aspects when playing the game. Their needs for personality building, overall difficulty, and equipment acquisition are not met. Every section of FFXIV is interesting, but each section needs to be updated in time. This is a vast project and one that players are looking forward to.
Recently, we discovered through developer chat some of the new changes coming to Diablo 4 Loot Reborn, including Helltide density, bosses, mechanics, quests, events, and even Andariel is making a comeback with Tormented Boss changes.
In this guide, we’ll summarize some of the key changes to help you quickly understand how Season 4 is different from previous seasons and get a head start on Loot Reborn!
For Helltide, the developers looked closely at player feedback and general experience gained from other popular activities that players seemed to enjoy, such as Blood Harvests in Season 2. So, what’s the difference?
When you step into Helltide, you’ll notice a new Threat meter on the right side of the screen. This one fills up as you kill demons and engage in content.
Threat levels are divided into three levels. Each level increases the rewards and difficulty of monsters. They will throw ambushes at you, and elites will start spawning. But it also means you’ll get more Diablo 4 Gold and loot from it.
Once the meter is completely filled, you become Hell-Marked. Hell-Marked triggers the final ambush, which means a full-scale wave of demons will be thrown at you, all culminating in the last battle against Hellborne. Hellborne is very challenging and actually resurrected the hero of Sanctuary.
Regardless, once the frenzy wave ends, or if you die, Threat meter resets.
Another new addition is the ability to collect a new material called Baneful Hearts. They mainly drop from Tortured Gifts around Helltide, which are basically Helltide Chests, and sometimes you may see them from various demons around the area, such as Doomsayers and Hellborne.
These Baneful Hearts are important because you can summon a zone-wide boss for each one, called Blood Maiden.
To find this demon, head to the demon head icon on the map. Summoning the big bad requires three Hearts, but if you’re leaching from a friend, you’ll need zero Hearts. Instead, contributors who summon Blood Maiden receive additional rewards. No matter what, everyone is a winner.
There are many other major changes, including new random pop-up Doomsayer, Iron Wolf, and Demonic events waiting to be discovered. Additionally, Helltide-specific Whisper Bounties are included here, and Whispers in general have been fully enhanced.
Next, let’s talk about some Tormented Bosses. Joining Boss Ladder is Maiden of Anguish, Andariel. She shares the same loot table as Duriel, so you can get some of the best items in the game from both sources.
Additionally, this encounter has been updated, so it should feel different than before. You can expect to encounter a variety of elements in combat, even her signature Poison Nova attack.
Andariel is located in Hanged Man’s Hall, east of Tasarak. You will need the summoning parts for Lord Zir and Beast in Ice.
Besides this, you can now summon level 200 versions of each Tormented boss, which are called Tormented Echoes. If you level them up to Echo, you’ll get five times more rewards than a normal Tormented Boss, but it only costs three times the materials and a new summoning item called Stygian Stones.
They can be summoned from the same altar as the normal boss, so just click through to Tormented version.
Stygian Stones can be found deep in Pit. After completing Nightmare Dungeon Tier 45, you will be given a priority task to unlock Pit. You can run them individually or in a team. Additionally, when you first kill any of these Tormented Echo bosses, you’ll gain a Resplendent Spark for your troubles, which can go a long way toward crafting some unique items.
Currently, Helltides can still be unlocked by completing the campaign or creating a campaign-skipped character. I’m guessing some of Season 4’s updates like Helltide expansions will cause them to appear in World Tiers 1 and 2 now. If you create a campaign-skipped character, you can use Helltides from level 1 to level 100.
So do Helltides’ changes now pose a threat? Undoubtedly, through the feedback of some PTR players, it is obvious that Helltides is actually more threatening than in any previous season.
Helltides are definitely the most effective upgrades we have in Season 4. Both Hell on Sanctuary and Demonic Invasions provide significant challenges for players.
Additionally, in Season 4 PTR, the developers actually increased the pickup radius of Aberrant Cinder, and they also stated that it will definitely still be there in Season 4.
As we all know, one pillar of Helltides upgrades is to find opportunities to maximize efficiency, and increasing Aberrant Cinder pickup radius is undoubtedly a huge quality of life change. Because you know, no one likes to backtrack and pick up Cinder and interrupt your flow.
On the subject of maximizing efficiency, one thing that wasn’t present in PTR but was present in Season 4 release is that the developers actually reduced the time required to interact with and open Tortured Gifts. As monster density increases, this could play a key role in a player’s endgame journey.
Finally, the developers also stated that they may add more encounters to Helltides, like a Butcher-style mechanic. While considering Helltides upgrades, these types of chance encounters, random encounters, or just the opportunity to add some novelty or surprise are definitely something to look forward to, and are definitely in the spirit of Doomsayer events.
To be honest, most of these changes are prompted by the community, and hopefully Diablo developers will hear more feedback. That’s all for today. See you at the Sanctuary!
After Diablo 4 devs investigated the feedback from players after PTR ended, they seem to have a new direction for the development of Season 4. Recently, the specific name of Season 4 has been revealed, namely “Loot Reborn”, which is based on fire and the forge, and Iron Wolves seems to be the specific theme of this season.
So what is “Iron Wolves”? It is a combat company composed of experienced mercenaries, specially created to destroy invading demons. From the PTR, we have seen how it actually performs in battle. Are you ready to fight alongside them?
As usual, Diablo 4 Season 4 has also added some new quests and mechanics for players to explore for great loot, such as gold, Igneous Core or other Uniques. What may surprise players is that devs previously promised it would bring players an earth-shaking experience in Season 4. From the exposure of the season name, we can see their emphasis on loot. Therefore, before the start of S4, players can learn more practical items farming ways, leveling tips or review the past and learn the new based on previous seasons experiences.
After the previous Seasons 1, 2 and 3, it was clear that none of those seasons went beyond the Seasonal Realm, let alone left anything worth playing in Eternal Realm.
Although the overall number of dropped items has decreased, the quality has improved. It greatly saves us time in organizing items and allows us to enjoy the game itself more.
Devs reduced the affixes for legendary items to three, and the affixes for rare items to two. Although the affixes were reduced, they became more effective. And, they have increased the overall value of these affixes, and every item has become more valuable. Every time we gain an item, we will become stronger.
Although the amount of gold consumed is at its highest when players re-roll items, the amount of materials you need to perform all forging activities at BlackSmith is now much smaller than before, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary expenses. In this way, you can get more powerful item support in the subsequent journey.
Next is the rarity of the items you receive will be affected by the level of the world you take part in. You can only gain sacred items and higher-level items in World Tier III. Ancestral items will only appear in World Tier IV. If you want to get those Legendary items with 925 Item Power, you must defeat enemies with level over 95.
Finally, all Uniques will appear in World Tier III, while some Uniques will only appear in World Tier I and II. And Uber Uniques will appear at max Item Power level when you kill a level 55 monster.
The new version of Codex of Power will bring fresh changes. First, you have unlimited use of Legendary Aspects you stored in Codex of Power when you salvage Legendary items. Legendary items salvage at the Blacksmith have great power and can upgrade your Legendary Aspects. After you enter Diablo 4 at the first time when Season 4 is released, some of your legacy aspect items will automatically be converted to a certain level in Codex of Power. By the way, your warehouse space will still allow you to load the same shares as before items, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to fit them into your small warehouse when you get better loot.
It contains many Aspects, and you can choose the direction you like to improve. And when you reach the highest level in some Aspects, the system will remind you that you have reached your goal.
Codex of Power will have new features, namely search, filtering and collection of Aspects. When selecting a power for imprinting in Occultist, your equipped power will be displayed via an icon and tooltip. These powers will be automatically saved to the Eternal Realm in the Seasonal Realm when the season is about to end. If these two same powers both exist in Eternal Realm and Seasonal Realm, the system would choose the higher one.
As the name suggests, Tempering Manuals are used to upgrade the quality of the equipment, which are divided into 6 categories.
Each Tempering Manual contains several optional affixes. You can easily find Tempering Manuals throughout the game. Once you find the Tempering Manuals, just add the right affixes to equipments to strengthen them and your combat power. But, before you Temper an item, you have to focus on its Tempering Durability.
Affixes given to equipment in the manual in Seasonal Realm will last until the end of the season, but affixes given to equipment in the Eternal Realm will be permanent.
Use all the materials you have worked so hard to get from those terrible mines and caverns into weapons, exploit their potential to the limit, and then you will have a greater chance of winning when facing future raids or missions.
The specific function of Masterworking is to increase the strength of all affixes on the equipment, and every 4th tier, it would improve the random affixes in the equipment. Affixes will turn blue after receiving the first reward, then yellow and then orange. But, if you want to make Affixes turn yellow, you may have to put in 10 times more effort than turning them blue. Similarly, if you want to make them change from yellow to orange, it is even more difficult. When you Masterwork an item and it has reached its limit, if you are still not satisfied with its performance at that time, the system also gives you the opportunity to reset the item.
However, I think most players are not willing to reset the top-notch weapons they have worked so hard to upgrade. So, this is a ridiculous permission. But I also think that for those old players who have the courage to return to Diablo 4, they can use the Masterworking mechanism to reset all their items and give themselves a chance to start over.
For those players who are lucky enough to get Ancestral Legendary and Unique Items, don’t just sit there and be happy. If you look closely at these precious things, there may be Greater Affixes on them. This thing is 1.5 times stronger than normal affixes. But I guess no one would be that careless. After all, when you get those items, the system will also give you a different audio prompt, and there will also be a special icon in your inventory to remind you that you have become a Lucky dog.
For those who haven’t obtained Greater Affixes through Ancestral Legendary and Unique Items, don’t be discouraged. After all, each Greater Affix is born in different ways. Because every Affix on the item has a chance to become a Greater Affixes in World Tier III and IV. Only one thing to note is that it is wishful thinking to want to turn an ordinary Affix into a Greater Affix by Enchant. lol!
In Season 4, it would be easier, streamlined and more effective.
In addition, devs also added Diamonds' Resistance values.
In general, the various upgrades made in Diablo 4 Season 4 are all considering players. The devs are making subtractions for this game, simplifying the Codex of Power and Gems mechanisms, optimizing various Affixes and Masterworking. While enriching the gameplay, it takes into account the feelings of returning players and new players, and perfectly fits the season theme of “Loot Reborn”. I wish everyone who starts Season 4 good luck.
Welcome, fellow players! I'm excited to share with you 5 key strategies to drastically enhance your damage output in Elder Scrolls Online. These strategies are specifically designed to optimize your performance in trial boss fights of progression group content. Let's dive in!
In ESO, enemies typically have armor ranging from 9.1k in overland encounters to 18.2k in dungeons and trials. This armor effectively reduces damage by 1% for every 500 armor points. Without penetration, only about 64% of damage bypasses their defenses.
Even a slight shortfall, like 5k armor, results in a significant 10% reduction in damage effectiveness, underscoring the importance of penetration. For target dummies, a modest 1.2k penetration is usually adequate. Casual trials may demand 3k, 4k, or even 5k, though experienced groups often require less.
Consistently applying Major and Minor Breach debuffs, ideally supplemented by Crusher and a Crimson Oath proc, helps reduce the target's armor, leaving around 3.6k remaining. Extra penetration may be necessary against trash mobs, but it's vital to prioritize targets and avoid over-penetration. Adjust penetration based on group debuffs and the target's armor level for optimal damage.
When gearing up for trials in the Elder Scrolls Online, priority sets with Minor Slayer, typically found in trial sets or the Oakensoul Ring. While the Oakensoul Ring can suffice for trials, it mainly has duplicates buffs already provided by trial groups.
For optimal performance, focus on group-wide buffs rather than solo setups. Minor Slayer stands out as a unique self-applied buff, offering free damage that grows more valuable with increased damage output. Don’t worry if you don’t have this trial set. While Minor Slayer enhances performance, it's not essential for dealing significant damage.
When preparing for group content, it's crucial not to rely solely on one setup. While boss fights may share similarities with dummy testing, trash pack encounters present unique challenges. Rather than focusing solely on sustained single-target damage, prioritize setups with significant AOE capabilities.
These moments can often be the most perilous in trials, with elite ads like Bulwarks, Reavers, and Soulweavers in the Rockgrove Trail posing significant threats if allowed to remain active for too long. Having a setup that excels in handling trash mobs separately from boss encounters is essential.
While a versatile setup like an Arcanist with the Coral Riptide set and Deadly Strike set may suffice, it's far more effective to have a dedicated trash setup. Experiment with various weapons and abilities, such as Master's Greatsword, Inferno Staves, Whirling Blades, and Fiery Rage, to find what works best for you.
The critical hits in the Elder Scrolls Online are crucial but often overlooked. Critical hits deal 50% more damage than regular hits at no additional cost, representing a significant damage boost. Therefore, maximizing your critical strike chance is essential.
The critical damage stat amplifies this bonus further, increasing it up to 125%. This means critical hits can deal 2.25 times the damage of regular hits. For example, a 20,000 hit becomes a 45,000 crit, significantly boosting damage output.
Damage builds typically prioritize critical damage, utilizing elements like minor force, medium armor pieces with the divines trait, and the Harpooner's Wading Kilt set to enhance critical chance, unless the class already has a crit passive.
By combining bonuses like major fracture, minor brittle, loosen, echoes, or the Elemental Catalyst effects, you can easily reach the crit cap, often exceeding 30% in additional bonuses. While managing critical damage may seem complex, using skills like the Backstabber, Fighting Finesse with the Sul-Xan's Torment set and axes can help compensate for lacking ESO Items.
Optimizing your performance in the Elder Scrolls Online requires careful consideration of Champion Points' allocation and group composition. Here are the key points to keep in mind: