Tips And Tricks To Watch Out For In Fallout 76 Skyline Valley
New content in the game brings new experiences to players. The same is true for Fallout 76’s new map Skyline Valley. The official release date of Fallout 76’s new map Skyline Valley is June 12.
Fallout 76 Skyline Valley update expands the game map southward to the newly discovered region of the same name. This uncharted territory, nestled in the vast Appalachian Mountains, offers opportunities for exploration and unearthing long-held secrets. A never-ending thunderstorm rages overhead, hinting at a powerful and potentially unstable anomaly.
This guide will give you tips and tricks on some of the new content in the new map.
New Stuff
As we investigate the mysterious Vault 63, questions about the fate of the inhabitants and their current state are endless, and the quest takes a deeper turn. We’ll also discover a new type of horrible Ghoul called ‘ The Lost’ inside Vault. And, we’ll be able to play as a Ghoul.
One of the main bosses in this world will be robots, which means that anything that reduces your damage to robots or increases your damage to robots will be changed after this DLC is released. If you want to play more damage, Fallout 76 Bottle Caps can help you upgrade and have more equipment.
Increase Stash Space
Cleaning up your Stash Space is a breeze. If you are a new player of Fallout, you can forget about this. But if you have been playing for a long time and have a habit of hoarding everything. You better check your weapons and armor to make sure you don’t have anything you will never use. For example, there is a 15 pound flamethrower, which you can only sell here in exchange for Legend Scripts.
However, you may have a bunch of such things that you don’t use, and you can put them in your Junk. Take a closer look, maybe you haven’t scrapped everything, and some of the unused things are really heavy.
If you have a bunch of extra junk that you don’t need, you can craft it and turn it into Bulk, just like Bulk Screws and Bulk Gears. Then you can sell it to traders in exchange for some caps if you are overloaded on junk.
Boost Carry Weight
Now is probably the best time to start moving your ammo from here to your actual character. Because I use things like Gatling, Plasma, which require Plasma cores, they take up a fair bit of weight, a pound each. Even 40 mm Grenade Rounds are pretty heavy for a missile if you’re only using that weapon, it’s going to be up to 200 pounds.
If you’re using shells of that weight and a heavy equipment build, then you’re just going to want to shift the overall weight from Junk to your ammo and even your armor. And if you put Deep Pocketed mods on your armor, it’ll give you 10 carry weight per piece.
If you use Deep Pocketed on more armor, you can carry more stuff, and the more you carry, the faster you’ll be in the game. This way you can avoid making fewer trips, sell less stuff, and make the experience more enjoyable.
If you have a backpack, you can carry more stuff. Standard Backpack gives you 30 carry weight at level 50. By the time you complete the Boy Scout quest, these backpacks will give you 60 carry weight.
Some foods will also increase your carry weight, like Grilled Rat Toad, which will increase your carry weight by 10 even after you’ve eaten it.
Legendary Crafting
Legendary Scripts will probably be something you need again. You’ll want to start stocking up on them at the very beginning of the game so you can Mass Roll. From experience, if you just get them by doing daily quests, it’s usually not enough. But if you save a bunch of Scripts and do a bunch of Rolls, most of the time Rolls will be much better.
If you want to get a good character with a brand new weapon or gear and a brand new unique weapon build, you need to be as efficient as possible with Farm Legendary Scripts.
Farming & Ammo
You’ll want to get enough Farm Sources before the new content is released. It’s much better to do it with friends when you’re playing this DLC. If you don’t want to be the one going to go get the wood or go mine Black Titanium to craft the recipes, prepare the resources ahead of time now, or before you play with friends and the story is finished. If you’re playing solo, you just do things at your own pace.
Another thing you’ll want to do when this DLC is released is to make a lot of ammo. Ammo is a very needed thing in this game. For 99% of the ammo in this game, you need Steeland and Gunpowder. If it’s Special Ammo, you might need something like Adhesive or Rubber, but Steeland and Gunpowder are better to be the main priority.
Best Perk Cards
You need to know which Perk Cards can make your build special. When you are in the process of leveling up, check your legendary perks to make sure you have an Intelligence Card. If you are a new player or you just want to level up faster, Intelligence Card will give you more XP.
From some people who were granted early access, I heard that Rads will be more useful because enough areas are full of Ghouls. However, this will be very monotonous for players running Bloodied Builds. For players who don’t run Bloodied Builds, Rads is a great Perk, you won’t be spamming Radway and Rad-X every 4 seconds.
C.A.M.P. Budget
C.A.M.P. Budget is important for every player and may even be one of the main motivations for some players to play this game. There will be some new things added to Atom Shop in Skyline Valley, so it is very important to check your budget and see if you want to clear the space. You’d better plan in advance how to design and make to plan your budget reasonably.
How To Get A Bunch Of Fusion Cores?
People who use Power Armor have Fusion Cores, but you need all Flux to make Fusion Cores, or the Atom Shop actually sometimes sells Fusion Core Recharger which just charges your Fusion Cores, which you can get from here. But for those players who don’t plan to get it from Atom Shop, you can collect Flux from the dropped Nuke location, so when someone drops a Nuke somewhere on the map, there will usually be a bunch of flowers here to pick, which will give you all Flux you need to make Fusion Cores.
Through the above content, I believe you have learned about the new content of the game and some related tips. I hope that with more adequate preparation, you can enjoy the next game journey more!
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