Are you ready for Diablo 4 Season 3? This guide provides a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know before diving into the new Diablo 4 season, Season of the Construct, including insights into leveling characters, completing the season quest, and understanding the mechanics of this season.
Let's first explore the new Diablo 4 Seasonal content, featuring the Companion, Arcane Tremors, and Nightmare Vaults, before delving into some leveling tips for returning players or those aiming to reach World Tier 4 swiftly.
The Season of the Construct centers around The Loom, an ancient technology crafted by the founder of the Horadrim and his companion Ayuzhan.
Stolen by the demon Malphas, this loom becomes the focal point of your battle against his minions, the Constructs. The town center under Kehjistan, known as Gatehall, acts as the new seasonal hub area, providing access to the fresh seasonal dungeons, Vaults.
To aid you in the fight against Malphas, you'll have a new seasonal Seneschal Companion, also known as the robot spider pet. Acquired during the Seasonal Quest, the Seneschal is a Construct that you repair to become your own companion.
It's crucial to acquire the Seneschal quickly, as it's a permanent pet capable of dealing damage, crowd control, and even healing you – overall, a valuable ally. The companion levels up with your progression in the game and comes with its own customizable skills.
These skills are equipped through Tuning and Governing Stones, obtained from Arcane Tremors, Vaults, and crafting from Shattered Stones dropped by Constructs at the Jeweler in Gatehall. You have 2 slots for Governing Stones, dictating your Seneschal's abilities, and 6 slots for Tuning Stones to enhance those abilities.
Once you have the Seneschal, your focus shifts to obtaining these stones.
Begin by clearing Arcane Tremors found across Sanctuary. In these events, you must locate Cores from Constructs or Towers, place them in a brazier to summon Malphus’ Heralds. Defeating these constructs has a chance to yield stones and shattered stones. Importantly, when you defeat the Heralds, you earn the seasonal Rare Currency, Pearls of Warding. These function as a form of currency for "gambling" in the new vaults, offering more Governing and Tuning Stones.
After acquiring Pearls of Warding, head to one of the 3 Vaults in Gatehall. Inside the vault, you'll find the "Statue of Zoltun Kulle," allowing you to exchange Pearls of Warding for stacks of Zoltun's Warding. These stacks act as a counter for the numerous traps throughout the vault. Every time you're hit by a trap, you lose one stack, and if you reach 0 stacks by the end of the dungeon, you won't unlock the special Wardwoven chest containing valuable loot and additional Tuning/Governing Stones.
Additionally, you can turn the Vaults into Nightmare Vaults to expedite the process. These vaults feature more traps, tougher enemies, and additional Wardwoven Chests to unlock. Vault Sigils to start Nightmare Vaults drop similarly to normal Nightmare Sigils in World Tier 3 and 4.
So, the basic cycle for the season involves participating in Arcane Tremors, obtaining Pearls, entering a Vault, clearing it without getting hit by traps, enhancing the companion's skills, and repeating.
Upon completing the questline, you gain access to a fourth vault – the Uber Vault. Here, you'll face traps, enemies, and eventually, fight against Uber Malphus, a stationary boss capable of dropping two powerful Unique stones. It's recommended to tackle this challenge at some point during the season.
Now, let's discuss strategies for fast leveling in the new season.
Upon creating a new character for the season, you'll be presented with the option to skip the campaign and choose the World Tier you want to play on. If you've already completed the campaign, skipping it with a new character is the faster method for leveling. Contrary to expectations, opting for World Tier 1 is the best choice for quick leveling.
Choosing World Tier 2 offers a 20% experience and gold boost, but the enemies become more challenging, requiring more time to defeat. This makes it less efficient than selecting World Tier 1, where enemies are easier, and you can clear dungeons more swiftly.
As you progress to the mid and end game, you'll transition to World Tier 3 and World Tier 4 for increased XP.
To help you level up fater in Diablo 4 Season 3, here are some useful tips.
With no updates to experience at the Season of the Construct launch, the quickest way to level your character remains half-repeating the Domhainne Tunnels dungeon in Scosglen. However, alternative methods, including new seasonal activities, are available for leveling.
Upon spawning in, ensure you claim your renown rewards. If you've played in earlier seasons and completed renown for all regions by discovering waypoints, clearing strongholds, finding altars of Lilith, etc., you can claim the bottom rewards for all regions. These include 2 skill points, +1 Potion Capacity, +80 Maximum Obol Capacity, and most importantly, +4 Paragon Points. If you haven't unlocked these, there's no rush to obtain them immediately, but you'll want to secure these rewards later.
Firstly, progress the Seasonal Quest as much as you can until it becomes challenging or you lose interest. This allows you to obtain the Seneschal Construct Companion as soon as possible. Afterward, you can start grinding the Domhainne Tunnels. The strategy involves clearing the first section without releasing any prisoners, teleporting out to Cerrigar, sorting your inventory, resetting the dungeons via your map, and then returning. Repeat this process until around level 50, occasionally incorporating Helltide for essential resources like Forgotten Souls and Fiend Roses to upgrade your gear.
For those who prefer alternatives, Legion Events are an excellent option, spawning frequently and providing substantial XP upon completion. You'll receive an alert on the map before they spawn, and kindling the campfire at the location five minutes before it starts increases your XP gain for the event up to 15%. Engaging with other players in the world to clear the event enhances your XP gain.
Other activities include World Bosses, Whispers, and the new seasonal activities. While World Bosses spawn every 6-8 hours and offer great XP, it's advisable to avoid them in the first week of the new season when players are generally too weak to tackle them effectively.
Grim Favors present diverse quests on the map, including harvesting a zone, clearing a cellar, or the XP-rich option of clearing a Whisper Dungeon. Grim Favors can overlap with World Bosses and new seasonal activities. The new seasonal activities consist of Arcane Tremors found throughout Sanctuary and the Vault dungeons. Grinding Arcane Tremors is recommended for leveling as they provide XP and the new Rare Currency.
Mixing up these activities while clearing Domhainne Tunnels or choosing one based on personal preference is up to you. Remember to clear Helltides occasionally, stock up on elixirs to boost XP gain during activities, and engage in seasonal content. At level 15 (or 25 for necros), complete your Class Quest to unlock a special feature of your class. Later, around the level 50-60 range, attempt the WT3 Capstone Dungeon in Kyovashad to increase your World Tier, leading to leveling beyond 60.
Upon reaching WT3, the most efficient use of your time will come from Nightmare Dungeons or Nightmare Vaults, offering substantial rewards and XP. Nightmare Sigils, required to activate these, can be obtained as random drops from enemies in the game and through crafting at the occultist. To maximize XP gains from Nightmare Dungeons, it's advisable to engage enemies that are 10 levels higher than you, although tackling lower-level ones is acceptable if the higher-level ones prove too challenging initially.
While you can continue participating in the previously mentioned activities, their impact on character progression is likely to be less significant compared to Nightmare Dungeons, which become a crucial element in advancing your character. As you approach level 70, consider attempting the WT4 capstone. Following that, you can continue tackling Nightmare Dungeons and mix in other activities like completing the Seasonal Quest, addressing your renown, or exploring various in-game tasks.
Thus far, we've covered what we believe beginners should focus on at the beginning of this new season.
Looking ahead, an upcoming Gauntlet dungeon is on the horizon—a weekly rotating fixed dungeon where players compete on leaderboards, with top weekly scores earning a permanent spot in the Hall of the Ancients. While specific details about these dungeons are yet to be revealed, if you're up for the challenge, keep an eye out for this dungeon in the weeks or months to come.
What are your thoughts on the season so far? Does it pique your interest?
In Phase 2 of WoW Season of Discovery, every Warrior will be wanting to get their Whirlwind Axe as fast as they can. Warriors will really struggle to farm this axe, but Level 25 Hunters will have no problem killing the Elementals by kiting and farming these charms. Here’s how you can farm them to stockpile the charms for Phase 2 for the Whirlwind Axe Quest.
Warriors need to collect 3 different types of charms, and they need 8 of each of them, giving these charms a lot of value. These charms are farmed exclusively in Arathi Highlands, and they’re at 3 different locations:
Each of these Elementals has about a 33% chance to drop each charm, providing a really consistent farm.
For talents, you will want to dump all of your points into Marksmanship, picking up Aim Shot, 3 points into Hawk Eye, and 2 points into Improved Hunter’s Mark. I find that Improved Aspect of the Hawk doesn’t get a lot of value in this farm, and Hawk Eye is particularly important for the Wind Elemental farm, which we’ll get to a bit later.
For runes, you should always use Heart of the Lion and Kill Command for this farm, but you’ll need to flex your hand rune depending on which Elemental you’re fighting.
Let’s start with the Fire Elemental, where you’ll want to be using Chimera Shot. For your opener, cast Aim Shot and Multi-Shot to start the kite. Send your pet in, cast Kill Command, and kite the Elemental down the road, casting Chimera Shot and Multi-Shot on cooldown. Do your best to get off as many autos as you can and utilize Concussive Shot to help slow down the Elemental to get off additional auto attacks.
While this path is definitely the most convenient, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when you’re running down the road. Raptors can wander close to the road and aggro you. There is a Horde patrol of undead that will just mess you up. If you’re on a PvP server, you need to be careful because you could absolutely run into a player of the opposing faction who may or may not mess you up as well.
If you find that you need an alternate route for the kite due to PvP being troublesome or maybe the patrol is in your way, you can opt to kite along Thoradin's Wall. Simply pull the mob to the west and head north, hugging the wall, as no mobs will spawn anywhere near the wall, and your path should have plenty of room for the kite. This is just textbook kiting, running using your cooldowns as you go and making sure you don’t let the Elemental ever hit you as you have Aspect of the Cheetah up the whole time.
For Alliance players, the Wind Elemental Farm is extremely simple, as they spawn just outside of Refuge Pointe. Make your way just out of town and head over this hill where you’ll find a cluster of Elementals at another point. For these pulls, the one major difference is your opener is the same, but when you’re kiting, you basically want to shoot Multi-Shot or Explosive Shot and then run away immediately. You’ll see the cast bar at the top of the Elemental.
Where you want to walk away, back up, shoot, immediately walk away when you start casting, back up, use your ability, rinse and repeat. You want to continue to kite the Wind Elemental down into town and slowly just whittle them down, getting your kill. If you get hit by a few of the Elemental attacks, it’s not a big deal. You can definitely survive.
Honestly, if you had better gear, you could probably face half the fight if you wanted to. The additional 6 yards of range that you get from Hawk Eye talents with 3 points in it makes this just trivial, and I can’t recommend it enough if you’re going to do this farm.
Last but not least, we have the Water Elemental, and these are going to be going back to Chimera Shot, same opener with the Aim Shot, Multi-Shot, and we just want to basically kite them from this location down the hill, kind of staying close to the ledge where that rock is, and bring them down to this open area where there're no mobs that spawn, and it’s perfectly safe to just kite around, and you can do circles or do whatever you want, as it’s a big open area with really nothing to worry about.
The only thing to know with the Water Elementals is they do have a close-range Frost Nova spell, so your pets will be more or less useless as it will consistently be getting rooted to the ground. Serpents suffer from the same problem. Their ranged attack won’t quite reach these Elementals, so your pet won’t be doing too much here.
That’s pretty much it for the stockpile your charms! You can stockpile these charms in the weeks leading up to the launch of Season of Discovery Phase 2, as it should make for a really strong payout. Hope this guide helps you.
In this guide, let’s talk about the Blood Magic Firestorm Inquisitor build in Path of Exile 3.23. The Infernal Mantle, is a unique body armor that’s used only in certain builds. The fire spell can greatly benefit from the Critical Strike Chance because of its immense power. However, because of the 100% increased spell damage taken while on low mana, none of the conventional builds use it. Blood Magic gets rid of your mana completely, so this downside will never apply. It also forces you to make some atypical choices.
It encourages accumulating tons of maximum life that can be used to gain damage via the Rathpith Globe. Creating a lowlife hybrid build seems like the most sound option. Infernal Mantle is a very common unique that you can buy in bulk and corrupt for an additional increase in the socketed fire skill gems. It alone can grant you an extra 5 or even seven levels to selected fire area of effect or duration skills, one of which is Firestorm of Pelting.
Reaching a 100% Critical Strike Chance is rather easy for an Inquisitor with Righteous Providence and a lot of Strength and Intelligence. It is nearly guaranteed the inevitable judgment makes your critical strikes treat enemy Elemental resistances as they're 0%. We have used Firestorm of Pelting, which has a delayed damage delivery, making it rather clunky for clearing maps.
The ability to summon up to 10 Firestorms at a time combined with intense specificity support and concentrated effect will, however, more than make up for it in terms of damage output against bosses. The build is durable with its vast maximum life and ES. It has a high block chance, life and ES Leech Regeneration, and even life gained on hit, which is very desirable with this type of skill. It also has nearly capped block chance and Frost Shield but low physical damage mitigation.
Clear speed is not that good unless you’re willing to expand on your Righteous Fire setup. Single Target damage is extremely high after it ramps up, but it’s mostly against stationary targets. The relatively low cost is what makes this build so good. One can say the Infernal Mantle is the unique selling point of this build.
It’s a hybrid build with tons of maximum life and some energy Shield. Aim to maximize your overall life total, ideally reaching around 10K. This life results in a lot of damage after equipping the Rathpith Globe Shield. The remaining damage is sourced from the gem level of Firestorm, which can easily be increased with Infernal Mantle and Replica Dragon Fang's Flight.
Rathpith Globe increases your maximum life, crit chance, and spell damage by a lot. You should be able to withstand the life drain with consecrated ground Life Regeneration and Life Leech with life gained on hit. Infernal Mantle socket your Firestorm setup here. When searching, prioritize a relatively inexpensive corrupted Infernal Mantle with implicits for increased AOE duration or all socketed gems. A perfect double corruption may grant your Firestorm seven additional levels, but settling on the inherent + 3 is good for a start. It increases your crit chance, ES, and converts a small portion of fire damage to chaos.
Replica Dragonfang's Flight amulet will grant you another 3 levels to your Firestorm skill with some attributes, resistances and reservation efficiency on top of that. Hands of the High Templar could be a better option for you if you don't require any of the mods typically found on rare gloves. Try to gain extra crit chance for spells, increased maximum life, maximum ES, and cast speed as corrupted implicit mods.
The Glorious Vanity will get you the corrupted soul for more energy Shield. It is somewhat beneficial with Pious Path and a lot of both maximum life and ES, but it can be dangerous too with Rathpith Globe. Too much of your life is being drained, which may kill you. On a Watcher's Eye, most Zealotry modifiers are good enough, but the best addition to a build will be instant life gained on hit from Vitality’s mod pool.
A lot of DPS is provided by Righteous Fire, but to withstand the burning damage, you will need a source of Life Leach found on gloves, ES Leech from Ethereal Feast notable, or a flask modifier and basic Life Regeneration from POE Items. It’s also possible to gain life on hit mod. Firestorm of Pelting's rapid hits is fantastic. Other than that, get the regular life, crit multiplier, and cast speed. Try to get over 100 maximum life with some resistances on a helmet. When searching for Eldritch mods, prioritize mods that provide physical damage taken as fire damage and increased cast speed.
The weapon should provide you with a lot of increased damage Critical Strike modifiers, especially crit multiplier, +1 to fire skills, added fire damage to spells, and increased cast speed. If you’ve chosen a rare amulet, get as much maximum life and Critical Strike multiplier as you can. Resistances, attributes, and cast speed are valuable too.
Rings should be used for a lot of maximum life, resistances, especially Chaos Resistance, and Attributes like Strength and Intelligence to boost your crit chance with Righteous Providence. Maximum life and ES rare boots with Life, Resistances, movement speed, and Attributes are enough. Acquire the maximum number of these modifiers that you can afford.
For Eldritch implicits, seek maximum fire resistance, action speed, Life Regeneration rate, or brittle ground. If you need extra crit chance, focus on maximum life, Resistances, and Strength on the belt. You can also find large amounts of Life Regeneration here. Gloves are quite simple as well. Just get the usual maximum life and resistances. For the Eldritch mods, try to get unnerve on hit and fire damage leached as life.
On Jewels, get the increased maximum life with increased Critical Strike multiplier, resistances, or attributes. Progenesis is an expensive flask that’s great on its own but here, combined with Petrified Blood and rapid life recovery, it’s even better. You may be able to cap your spell and attack block chance with Rumi's Concoction. The consecrated ground created by Bottled Faith will increase your DPS and Critical Strike Chance. There are also some magic flasks you shall be equipped with. Silver Flask with increased cast speed is the most important. Diamond Flask with increased crit chance, Ruby Flask with Life Regeneration, or Basalt of quick silver flasks with movement speed or increased armor will be worth consideration.
Firestorm of Pelting summons multiple small meteors dealing fire damage every 0.15 seconds for 2 seconds. The maximum number of firestorms you can summon is 10. This spell has a basic fire duration and AOE, making it ideal for a corrupted Infernal Mantle. Link it with Elemental Focus, Intensify, Increased Critical Damage, Concentrated Effect, and Spell Echo support gems.
Storm Brand spell is used to apply shock and with added fire damage from items, it will also ignite for more damage from fire. Link it with Overcharge, Power Charge on Critical, and Unbound Ailments support gems. Replace Unbound Ailments with Combustion support if you have no ignite chance whatsoever.
Immortal Call reduces physical and elemental damage taken for a brief moment. Frost Shield drains your energy shield to form a protective bubble, causing you to take less damage and gain extra crit chance. Link these 2 to Cast When Damage Taken to activate them automatically after taking enough damage and Increase Duration to make them last longer.
Use Zealotry for more spell damage and critical strike chance. If you have no mana reserved, you’re allowed to host one blessing Aura for free if it’s linked to the Eternal blessing support. You don’t have mana, so it’s a no-brainer. Flame Dash is a simple mobility skill that is used to ignite enemies and travel with greater haste. You can link it to Faster Casting for slightly better mobility, but that’s not necessary.
Petrified Blood redistributes a fraction of the incoming damage from direct hits into a damage-over-time effect, a feature that synergizes well with a rapid life and Energy Shield recovery rate. This effect is limited to the lower half of your life pool. Tempest Shield grants shock immunity and substantial spell block chance. Vitality regenerates your life over time, which is very important, especially with the corrupted Soul. It also has good modifiers to get on a Watcher's Eye.
These 3 auras shall reserve half or more of your total life: Assassins Mark marked enemy is more likely to be hit with Critical Strike, which deals with increased critical damage. Enduring Cry regenerates a lot of life and ES on use and grants endurance charges to mitigate physical damage. Set it up as your movement key. Righteous Fire grants more spell damage. It has also quite high damage on its own because of your maximum life. If you want to improve your clear speed, you can link it up with additional support gems, but that would require you to abandon some of the previously mentioned.
In Act 2, kill all the bandits for 2 additional passive skill points. For a major God, you can pick pretty much anything. Solaris is good if you’re up against pinnacle bosses, and Brine King good for freeze immunity. For a general-purpose major God, we recommend Lunaris. It improves your clear speed and protects you from projectiles. Minor God should improve your physical damage mitigation. That’s Tukohama or Gruothkul. Both are decent.
The passive skill tree should provide you with a lot of maximum life, spell and fire damage, cast speed, block chance, or Asylum for chaos resistance and reduced effect of curses should be allocated to pick up Iron Will, Blood Magic, Call to Arms, and Pain Attunement keystones. Allocate all 6 Life masteries, Shield Mastery for Critical Strike multiplier per energy shield on a shield, Fire Mastery for increased damage against ignited enemies, Reservation Mastery for Life res conservation efficiency, and Caster Mastery for one additional maximum Intensify.
Have you made any progress on FC 24? A lot of players lately have been complaining that they’re playing a lot but not seeing any improvements, which is frustrating them.
It’s time to change that. Because from my experience as a coach, I know that all you need is some focused practice and you’ll get better. If you know what to focus on, develop a proper training plan and practice accordingly. In this guide, we will show you 3 key points to becoming a good player.
There are many aspects to FC 24, and you can’t learn every aspect at once, which is why you have to set some small goals by sorting out the mechanics.
You need to practice prioritizing them and plan focused workouts for each one during the week. Winning one-on-one Tackles, Player Switching and Skill Moves are probably the best examples.
So tell yourself, today I’m going to focus on Stepovers and how to perform them cleanly, and do about 60 minutes of focus training. The next day, you can do the same thing with another mechanic, such as Player Switching.
Focusing on just one mechanic of the game will allow you to improve at this point and take a step forward. Because improvements to a specific mechanic or skill are more important than winning the game.
If you don’t know which mechanics to focus on, you need to have this mindset and don’t worry. Because we have a series of guides for you here, plus we have many in-depth tutorials that may give you ideas for training in the different major categories.
We want to take the next step and train on almost every mechanic of the game. There is a different type of training section here. Let me give you a personal example in FIFA 19.
I’m one of those players who never reaches for the right analog stick to perform some skill moves. But that time I felt like I was missing something in the game, and it stopped me for a while. Then I prioritize learning important basic and advanced Skill Moves.
All I did was go into Practice Arena, where I could actually perform specific Skill Moves. Let’s take Elastico as an example. After learning input, I told myself that this Skill Move is directional. Since the input always changes based on which direction my player is facing, I have to practice it everywhere.
I’ve invested some time and FC 24 coins to complete a basic build. Then, when it was enough, I jumped into a squad battle game against AI first before trying to train against AI with actual players. This is the perfect tool for your daily training because you can test everything without having to deal with too much stress.
Once I get a good feel for it, I move to the online portion and start trying out Skill Moves against real opponents. FIFA players just focus on that specific set of skills and try it out in different situations, showing me when and where it works, and when it doesn’t.
So you have to experience the positive and negative results of the execution mechanism. So when you embrace this mindset, you will feel it clearly. You won’t force yourself to learn all the mechanics, but once you’re done training, they will actually come naturally to you.
Remember, winning or losing doesn’t matter when training. If you focus on winning or losing situations, you can easily fall back into your bad habits. So just focus on clean execution of the mechanism. That’s the only way you can achieve your goal.
Now I want you to listen to me carefully here, because this is the most important practical part: watching and analyzing your own game, even if it’s a painful defeat. That’s not only why I’m a good player, but also what makes me a successful coach.
During your game, you may not realize what mistakes you are making in the heat of the game, and you will repeat them and possibly blame them on the game. Therefore, please observe your performance on time.
Let me tell you a brief but very important story from my coaching experience. When I send introductory emails to my students, I ask them what their strengths and weaknesses are. Sometimes I get responses like: I’m great at building, but I can’t beat the script for this game very well.
When I watch them play, I take notes and analyze their games. The funny thing is that in some cases, I don’t have to tell them anything. Because when I ask if you see the question here, they insert the correct answer into the reply and tell me what they should have done instead of what they did.
So after losing a game, make sure to use the recording option from the console and watch yourself, even if you win and it was a hard to win, do it again. Because winning a game doesn’t mean you’ve done everything right, there’s always room to correct mistakes or improve.
So you need to take that step, watch your own games, recognize your mistakes, take notes, gain focus, and retrain to be reminded again.
Finally, let’s wrap it all up with an example session. You start in Practice Arena, practicing a specific mechanic for 20 to 30 minutes. Then you go and play three or four online matches. At this point, your primary focus is on clean execution of the mechanic, not on achieving victory.
Here you can improve yourself immediately after recording a game or two and spend the rest of the course of analyzing your own games. This will make you realize what you did wrong, what you did right, and push you in the right direction of learning.
That’s it for today’s guide. We really want you to have the right training plan and the right mindset to push you in the right direction and become a better player!
I’m going to be showing you a method of flipping items that is actually useful in WoW Season of Discovery, and you can make some easy WoW SOD Gold by doing this. What we’re talking about is flipping vendor items, so items that you buy straight from a vendor and then you can resell them at the auction house.
For example, the Rune of Teleportation. We sold it for 49 silver. They’re extremely cheap, around 9 silver to buy. A couple of recipes that we got were like 14 silver to buy, but we can sell it for like 94 silver, which is just insane. Now, it only takes a couple of minutes or even a couple of seconds to set this up and to buy the items.
There are some basic items that are really easy to get. They’re in the capital cities, and this will only take you a few minutes to run around and buy these all up, and you can have them posted up on the auction house just whenever you’re relisting your items.
That we have items that are a lot rarer. So, they’re only up at certain times or they’re only up in limited quantity. Now these items, if you want to put in the work, will actually be a lot better than the basic items that anyone can buy in the capital cities. It only takes a couple of minutes to set up and get going.
But if you want to take this to the next step further, what you can do is you can find the vendors that are out in the open world and hidden in certain locations that have limited items on them. And these items, you’re going to do this a lot better with because the barrier to entry is a lot higher. Because you actually have to go out and you have to find the mobs, the vendors, and there’ll be fewer people that are actually selling these. So what we’re going to do is I’ll show you how to set up TSM so it can have your operations posting the items where you’re always profitable for doing this sort of thing.
So what you want to do first is you want to create a new group. And now every time that you buy a vendor item that you want in this group, you simply just add it to that group. And this is the operation that I recommend using which is called Vendor Buy.
We have 120% of the vendor buy, which means it’s going to sell the items 20% higher than what you actually pay for them from a vendor. That is the minimum price. Then the normal price, if there’s no competition, it will post them at 150% of the vendor buy price, which will be a 50% profit on top of what you actually paid for them from the vendor.
This seems to work really good, and now you can set this group up. You can pretty much just post with all your other items whenever you’re posting up on the auction house, and you pretty much just buy them and you can set them for Get It and you just continuously keep on posting the items.
Now once you sell out of that stock, you can just go ahead to the vendor, and you can buy more of exact the same item that you’ve sold out of just to restock up on the items that have been selling. And this seems to work really well. Like I mentioned, it only takes a couple of minutes to go around and get a bunch of different vendor items if you’re just doing the basic vendor items.
But if you want to take it to the next level, what I’d recommend doing is searching up on WoWhead. It’s very easy to find out where these sorts of items are. You can just go on WoWhead, and you can search up all the different sort of vendors. And this way, you’ll be able to go out if you find a vendor that not many people know where to buy from.
You should be able to control that market, and you should be able to make a lot of gold from simply just buying an item from a vendor using this TSM operation. The percentage you can play around and change. If you want the minimum price to be like 150%, that means you’ll have 50% profit on every single item minimum that you’re selling. But most of the time, it’s going to be a lot higher because it undercuts the competition. So if the competition hasn’t posted for a much higher price than you’re going to post undercutting those people, and you can make even more gold from doing so.
This is just a very simple way. It’s a great way to start out, especially if you don’t have too much gold. You can just go spend like literally less than a gold, and you can have a bunch of items that you can resell for a profit, and it’s a really easy way to make some gold. But like I mentioned, if you do want to take this a step further, you can find out all the vendors that are spread out around the world that are a bit harder to get to or vendors that have limited stock for certain items.
Here, we’ll discuss the latest changes to Uber Unique drop rate in Diablo 4 and how it affects the game.
I feel like many of you are probably not fully up to date on every latest change to the game. Since it’s the end of the season, there usually aren’t vast changes at this point.
And Christmas event that just released is boring and uninspired, to say the least. So you have good reason not to listen closely to what’s going on with Diablo 4 right now, at least until they start announcing details about Season 3.
That being said, one recent change to the game that you may have noticed is that the drop rate for Duriel’s Uber Uniques has doubled. That’s what I want to talk about here, because this change has serious implications for both future and past events.
Hardcore Diablo fans should be very aware that doubling things in a game rarely has the desired effect. Before we talk about this change, we also have to talk about Uber Uniques’ system of dropping a boss throughout the game. Because the system itself is highly questionable, to say the least.
Everyone praised the developers for their decision when they announced that Uber Uniques would be more suitable for the average player. Because the drop rates for these items have been so low since the launch of the game that only a handful of players in the world are lucky enough to get them.
Anything is better than this system, so that’s why everyone cheered when Duriel could drop Uber Unique items with about a 2% drop rate.
But little did we know it was another horrible system that players grew to hate over time. In order to fight Duriel and have a 2% chance of receiving one item, players must go through a heartbreaking grind.
The time varies depending on the class you play. But I think it’s safe to say that summoning Duriel at a time requires at least an hour of farming time.
Now, if a player kills Duriel in a group, it can increase the number of summons by 4x. But the problem remains: long hours of soulless grinding with a slim chance of getting really good items.
Trust me, 2% chance is small, especially if you want a specific Uber Unique. You can easily kill between 5 and 800 Duriel without dropping your target Uber Unique. And you can get multiple other unique items that are actually useless to your class.
It filled Reddit with posts, complaining about how many times they ran it without getting Unique drops they wanted. Other types of posts are where players post screenshots of the items they ultimately earned as proof of some kind of achievement.
But is beating a simple, easy-to-kill boss repeatedly really a tremendous accomplishment? Players are frustrated, and rightfully so. Wouldn’t it be better if it could drop Uber Uniques from any mob, but the chance of a drop didn’t limit them to a handful of players in the world?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the addition of Uber Bosses is completely useless. They serve their purpose well by letting players aim to farm regular unique items, such as Tempest Roar and Malignant Rings. But bundling Uber Unique items with Duriel is a huge mistake in my opinion.
Now let’s get back to the present and look at the recent changes to Uber Uniques drop odds. The fact that the developers made such a change, especially in the middle of the season, upset more people.
First, this doesn’t solve the problem of Duriel being a single semi-reliable way to get Uber Uniques. But that’s not the only problem. Let’s see how some player groups react to this change.
Players who have gotten Unique items they wanted despite tedious grinding without buffs may feel betrayed by the developers. Because it takes new players half the time to get the same items.
The second category of players are those who obtained Unique by purchasing Duriel summoning materials using Diablo 4 Gold or even real money. I personally see nothing wrong with using gold to purchase materials. But since duping is available to certain groups, material prices can become very low due to the excessive number of duped items being sold.
So, while buying with gold isn’t inherently a bad thing, duping is questionable. As for paying real money to get summoning materials, I do understand the reasoning: people want to skip dozens or hundreds of hours of grinding to reach Duriel by paying. I understand the motivation, but it’s still bad for the game as this is clearly a case of pay-to-win and will ruin the game in the long run.
So, the target group that should benefit from the double drop chances are players who have never obtained unique items and plan to get them later in the season. However, at the end of the season, the number of these players was not as high as the developers thought.
It’s entirely possible that some players who never got Uber Uniques evaded this chore, and they still have to do it after the change. At least the price of summoning materials is expected to drop due to increased drop rates.
So, overall, the developers made a controversial change to an objectively terrible system. They could have redesigned the entire system, or at least they could have waited until next season to introduce the change.
Regardless, this is yet another in a long line of terrible decisions from Diablo developers. Looking at this trend, they really have to do better to compete with the upcoming Path of Exile 2. What are your thoughts on this topic? Are you planning to take advantage of Uber Uniques? See you next time!
Today we’re talking about some changes that need to happen in Season of Discovery Phase 2. From addressing Hardcore and player complaints to fixing some PVP issues, including the economy we’ve been focusing on. Without further ado, let’s get started.
The first thing I want to talk about is PVP. I think there can be a lot of PVP improvements in Season of Discovery.
Of course, we’ll see more PVP highlights in Phase 2, as we’ll have Arena Grand Master and Tidal Charm. Players will go insane for PVP in these areas.
But I think PVP event could also be greatly improved. For example, in Ashenvale World PVP event, many players constantly run this event to farm reputation. But imagine if instead of this style mode where you have to kill the boss, there would be a designated player.
So, assuming a player is chosen, everyone in Alliance must protect him, while everyone in Horde tries to kill him at the same time. So, in this standard PVE mode, you just have to knock down the mobs, but you can also try to defend and kill someone on the other side.
I think this will be much better for Phase 2. And I think they could do more creative things to make PVP events more interesting.
There’s one other thing about PVP that I really think needs to be looked at, and that’s layering. If something to reduce layering further, it could bring some real benefits to PVP.
I’m just imagining the next phase of Arena Grand Master and Tidal Charm. If there were something like 11 layers in Crusader Strike, it would really take away the prestige and excitement of those items.
I’ve been looking around for my Runes and half of them just come from some random farming or something. I think this might be the “Discovery” part of Season of Discovery.
As a Priest, I absolutely love Metamorphosis Rune questline. But I completely missed this, which is why I upgraded Warlock myself.
I really think every class needs at least one Rune in every phase. I’m not saying every rune has to be an epic questline. But that’s a very exciting part of the mode to me.
Meanwhile, as a Priest, I just travel around the world killing various mobs for drops. But it’s not that exciting. And that also brings me to the issue of farming Waylaid Supplies.
The developers hope to have at least one rune that everyone has, which is a huge grind. And Waylaid Supplies is the kind of grind where you have to grind so many boxes to get one of your runes.
But a big problem is that Rune is actually very related to certain classes. For example, as a Priest, my AOE damage is very poor. In order to get my Mind Sear Rune, I have to do all Waylaid Supplies farming.
I absolutely love the idea of grinding through a difficult and challenging grind to earn one of your runes. But because it is some kind of consistent grind. You’ll get consistent results every time you grind a mob and don’t get anything, or grind a treasure chest, but don’t get anything in the chest. This can be very frustrating.
Hopefully Waylaid Supplies farming will become more consistent with future phase, and I’m sure we’ll do it again for another rune. But it can definitely be improved.
Currently, there isn’t enough to do in this mode, and perhaps the next phase should have a more serious grind to really reward the most serious players.
This is actually another complaint I’ve seen from some of the best players in the game. They enjoyed the mode, but they ran out of things to do after only putting in 80-100 hours.
The problem is that the character identity is a little lost. You can’t really work 300 hours straight in your role and really build this immense advantage. This has a very personal connection to your character.
I’m not saying you have to give them some insane legendary item to invest more time in. But there really should be something that you can spend a long time with and that is visually appealing to other players. Because if they get bored and there’s nothing to do, it actually hurts the mode.
The last and most important change that I think should appear in Phase 2 is Dual Spec.
I mean, we have a lot of different Runes, but we never use them. Because I’m always stuck with the same specs and I don’t want to pay WOW Classic SOD Gold to respec. Therefore, we need Dual Spec for this new Rune system.
And Dual Spec can really stimulate excitement and energy in the player base. Because when you get these Shadow Priest Runes, you’ll never use them because you’re playing Discipline Priest.
I feel like when the developers are hyping up this Melee Hunter build, it’s taking something away from the mode. And no one wants to run it because they have to be completely rested. Therefore, if they provide us with Dual Spec, this may be welcomed by more players. I think this is something that can really be done in the future.
These are just the most basic things I’d like to see changed in Phase 2. The coolest thing is that the developers are clearly listening to us. They want to hear your feedback, and they want to make this mode as great as possible. I’m sure we can have a lot more fun in the next phase!
WoW Classic Season of Discovery has had us looking all over Azeroth for new rune abilities. A lot of players are enjoying finding these runes blindly because it is super fun.
But some can be easily missed, so I wanted to cover the first 4 runes that you can find on a Rogue in the Human starter area. All of these can be found in either Elwynn Forest or Stormwind City.
Starting with number one, and it’s an easy one, it’s Shadowstrike.
Shadowstrike is the rune that lets you go invisible and teleport to your target. You get this at the very start of the game.
Simply go to your class trainer in Northshire and take the quest to recover a stashed item. If you head over the river and go to the Vineyards, it’s just south of this.
As you get to the mountain, you’ll see a little shack with a couple of Defias outside and there’s a chest in front. Defeat the Defias, pop the chest, and there’s your Shadowstrike rune. If you have enough SOD Gold, you can buy some weapons and armors to equip yourself so that you can easily defeat the monsters you encounter.
The rune we can go for next is the Quick Draw rune, which is a bit difficult to get.
Quick Draw is a quick shot with a ranged weapon that slows enemies down.
To get this rune, you need to pickpocket parts of a Treasure Map and put that map together. Then, go find the treasure and the treasure is the rune.
The 4 map pieces all drop from different Humanoid monsters around Elwynn Forest. So first, get to level 4 and unlock Stealth and unlock Pick Pocket. And then, start looking for the different Humanoids.
The top left piece can be found from Defias. So, go and pickpocket some Defias. We saw this one at Jerod’s Landing. There was a Defia there. Pickpocket it, got the piece. I assume it can be any of the Defias.
The top right one comes from Kobolds. And this one was pickpocketed at Jasperlode Mine, which is where you go in the Goldshire quest. There are the Spiders at the end. But you just pickpocket the Kobolds around here.
The bottom left one is from Gnolls, which are located conveniently at the bottom left of Elwind near Hogger (near the where the map changes over on the west).
Then, the bottom right piece can be found at Murlocs. And these are all around Crystal Lake, just east of Goldshire.
Once you find all 4 pieces, you’ve pickpocketed all four pieces, that’s when you put the map together. If you’re struggling to fight these, you can just stealth and pickpocket while other people are fighting, especially on release when these servers are completely full. You can just go and pickpocket as people are just clearing the different comps.
Once you’ve got them all, put them together. It tells you to head to the treasure west of Ridgepoint Tower, near the Wolf’s Den. So, head over there and you’ll see a stump. Go to this stump and use your scroll, use your map, and then you’ll find the Quick Draw rune.
Onto the third one, Mutilate.
This deals damage with 2 weapons, and it is a super powerful rune once you get dual wield.
It again requires pickpocketing to start or to learn about it. So, you need to pickpocket an important NPC. You can get this from Morgan the Collector in the house near where Princess is on the bottom right of the map.
But I’ve also heard it can be got from Garrick Padfoot in Northshire. But this guy gets defeated in like 2 seconds because of how many people are queuing up for it. So, Morgan the Collector definitely seems easy to get it from. And he survives a little bit longer, so you can actually pickpocket it.
This note tells you to follow the river north of Crystal Lake and south of the wall. Just head south of Northshire and follow the wall right up to the east side. There’s like a hidden Stealth guy here. Just talk to him and he’ll teach you Mutilate.
Some people are saying you need to be level 10 and have unlocked Dual Wielding to get this. But it’s worth getting. It’s not that hard to get.
Next up is Between the Eyes, a ranged finisher that also stuns. This is one thing Rogues have always wanted for gap closing.
Pre-warning, this includes a fight against two level 10 mobs. So, make sure you have friends or you’re leveled enough. And this can be found in Stormwind.
Just head to the Canals, like the lake around the Dwarven District, and look for a house on the left side. Head through and you’ll be in an alley. Follow it all the way to the end and you’ll see an open house. Head upstairs to the house and as soon as you get to the top, you’ll see a big bed. And there should be a chest in front of the bed.
If it’s not here, you need to wait for it to respawn because someone’s already done it. Click the chest and two mobs will spawn. Defeat those, and that’s how you get the rune.