Are you ready for Diablo 4 Season 3? This guide provides a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know before diving into the new Diablo 4 season, Season of the Construct, including insights into leveling characters, completing the season quest, and understanding the mechanics of this season.
Let's first explore the new Diablo 4 Seasonal content, featuring the Companion, Arcane Tremors, and Nightmare Vaults, before delving into some leveling tips for returning players or those aiming to reach World Tier 4 swiftly.
The Season of the Construct centers around The Loom, an ancient technology crafted by the founder of the Horadrim and his companion Ayuzhan.
Stolen by the demon Malphas, this loom becomes the focal point of your battle against his minions, the Constructs. The town center under Kehjistan, known as Gatehall, acts as the new seasonal hub area, providing access to the fresh seasonal dungeons, Vaults.
To aid you in the fight against Malphas, you'll have a new seasonal Seneschal Companion, also known as the robot spider pet. Acquired during the Seasonal Quest, the Seneschal is a Construct that you repair to become your own companion.
It's crucial to acquire the Seneschal quickly, as it's a permanent pet capable of dealing damage, crowd control, and even healing you – overall, a valuable ally. The companion levels up with your progression in the game and comes with its own customizable skills.
These skills are equipped through Tuning and Governing Stones, obtained from Arcane Tremors, Vaults, and crafting from Shattered Stones dropped by Constructs at the Jeweler in Gatehall. You have 2 slots for Governing Stones, dictating your Seneschal's abilities, and 6 slots for Tuning Stones to enhance those abilities.
Once you have the Seneschal, your focus shifts to obtaining these stones.
Begin by clearing Arcane Tremors found across Sanctuary. In these events, you must locate Cores from Constructs or Towers, place them in a brazier to summon Malphus’ Heralds. Defeating these constructs has a chance to yield stones and shattered stones. Importantly, when you defeat the Heralds, you earn the seasonal Rare Currency, Pearls of Warding. These function as a form of currency for "gambling" in the new vaults, offering more Governing and Tuning Stones.
After acquiring Pearls of Warding, head to one of the 3 Vaults in Gatehall. Inside the vault, you'll find the "Statue of Zoltun Kulle," allowing you to exchange Pearls of Warding for stacks of Zoltun's Warding. These stacks act as a counter for the numerous traps throughout the vault. Every time you're hit by a trap, you lose one stack, and if you reach 0 stacks by the end of the dungeon, you won't unlock the special Wardwoven chest containing valuable loot and additional Tuning/Governing Stones.
Additionally, you can turn the Vaults into Nightmare Vaults to expedite the process. These vaults feature more traps, tougher enemies, and additional Wardwoven Chests to unlock. Vault Sigils to start Nightmare Vaults drop similarly to normal Nightmare Sigils in World Tier 3 and 4.
So, the basic cycle for the season involves participating in Arcane Tremors, obtaining Pearls, entering a Vault, clearing it without getting hit by traps, enhancing the companion's skills, and repeating.
Upon completing the questline, you gain access to a fourth vault – the Uber Vault. Here, you'll face traps, enemies, and eventually, fight against Uber Malphus, a stationary boss capable of dropping two powerful Unique stones. It's recommended to tackle this challenge at some point during the season.
Now, let's discuss strategies for fast leveling in the new season.
Upon creating a new character for the season, you'll be presented with the option to skip the campaign and choose the World Tier you want to play on. If you've already completed the campaign, skipping it with a new character is the faster method for leveling. Contrary to expectations, opting for World Tier 1 is the best choice for quick leveling.
Choosing World Tier 2 offers a 20% experience and gold boost, but the enemies become more challenging, requiring more time to defeat. This makes it less efficient than selecting World Tier 1, where enemies are easier, and you can clear dungeons more swiftly.
As you progress to the mid and end game, you'll transition to World Tier 3 and World Tier 4 for increased XP.
To help you level up fater in Diablo 4 Season 3, here are some useful tips.
With no updates to experience at the Season of the Construct launch, the quickest way to level your character remains half-repeating the Domhainne Tunnels dungeon in Scosglen. However, alternative methods, including new seasonal activities, are available for leveling.
Upon spawning in, ensure you claim your renown rewards. If you've played in earlier seasons and completed renown for all regions by discovering waypoints, clearing strongholds, finding altars of Lilith, etc., you can claim the bottom rewards for all regions. These include 2 skill points, +1 Potion Capacity, +80 Maximum Obol Capacity, and most importantly, +4 Paragon Points. If you haven't unlocked these, there's no rush to obtain them immediately, but you'll want to secure these rewards later.
Firstly, progress the Seasonal Quest as much as you can until it becomes challenging or you lose interest. This allows you to obtain the Seneschal Construct Companion as soon as possible. Afterward, you can start grinding the Domhainne Tunnels. The strategy involves clearing the first section without releasing any prisoners, teleporting out to Cerrigar, sorting your inventory, resetting the dungeons via your map, and then returning. Repeat this process until around level 50, occasionally incorporating Helltide for essential resources like Forgotten Souls and Fiend Roses to upgrade your gear.
For those who prefer alternatives, Legion Events are an excellent option, spawning frequently and providing substantial XP upon completion. You'll receive an alert on the map before they spawn, and kindling the campfire at the location five minutes before it starts increases your XP gain for the event up to 15%. Engaging with other players in the world to clear the event enhances your XP gain.
Other activities include World Bosses, Whispers, and the new seasonal activities. While World Bosses spawn every 6-8 hours and offer great XP, it's advisable to avoid them in the first week of the new season when players are generally too weak to tackle them effectively.
Grim Favors present diverse quests on the map, including harvesting a zone, clearing a cellar, or the XP-rich option of clearing a Whisper Dungeon. Grim Favors can overlap with World Bosses and new seasonal activities. The new seasonal activities consist of Arcane Tremors found throughout Sanctuary and the Vault dungeons. Grinding Arcane Tremors is recommended for leveling as they provide XP and the new Rare Currency.
Mixing up these activities while clearing Domhainne Tunnels or choosing one based on personal preference is up to you. Remember to clear Helltides occasionally, stock up on elixirs to boost XP gain during activities, and engage in seasonal content. At level 15 (or 25 for necros), complete your Class Quest to unlock a special feature of your class. Later, around the level 50-60 range, attempt the WT3 Capstone Dungeon in Kyovashad to increase your World Tier, leading to leveling beyond 60.
Upon reaching WT3, the most efficient use of your time will come from Nightmare Dungeons or Nightmare Vaults, offering substantial rewards and XP. Nightmare Sigils, required to activate these, can be obtained as random drops from enemies in the game and through crafting at the occultist. To maximize XP gains from Nightmare Dungeons, it's advisable to engage enemies that are 10 levels higher than you, although tackling lower-level ones is acceptable if the higher-level ones prove too challenging initially.
While you can continue participating in the previously mentioned activities, their impact on character progression is likely to be less significant compared to Nightmare Dungeons, which become a crucial element in advancing your character. As you approach level 70, consider attempting the WT4 capstone. Following that, you can continue tackling Nightmare Dungeons and mix in other activities like completing the Seasonal Quest, addressing your renown, or exploring various in-game tasks.
Thus far, we've covered what we believe beginners should focus on at the beginning of this new season.
Looking ahead, an upcoming Gauntlet dungeon is on the horizon—a weekly rotating fixed dungeon where players compete on leaderboards, with top weekly scores earning a permanent spot in the Hall of the Ancients. While specific details about these dungeons are yet to be revealed, if you're up for the challenge, keep an eye out for this dungeon in the weeks or months to come.
What are your thoughts on the season so far? Does it pique your interest?
Did you know that Magic Find is arguably the most popular attribute in Diablo game? Did you know that Magic Find is still present in Diablo 4 even after it’s fully released? Are you interested in learning how this innovative and interesting property became completely useless in Diablo 3 and was eventually removed entirely in Diablo 4?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then hang on. This guide outlines the rise and fall of Magic Find during the evolution of Diablo game.
Magic Find was first introduced in 2000 with the release of Diablo 2, and it remains one of the most important statistics for players, especially after the launch of Diablo 2: Resurrected.
Magic Find is the stat that everyone wants: it increases the drop rate of Magic, Rare, Unique and Set items by a percentage of the original drop rate. So if your character has 50% Magic Find, and a mob or boss has a 1% chance of dropping a Magic item, you actually have a 1.5% chance of getting that item.
In Diablo 2, Magic Find can be obtained not only through equipment but also through runes. It can be used to enhance your gear, gems, can be embedded into items, as well as charms of different sizes, and can be added to your inventory to add stats to your character.
In an interesting twist, you need to give up Magic Find for different character powers: inventory space for Charms, and actual combat stats for Runes, Gems and Items.
Part of Diablo 2’s endgame is balancing the amount of Magic Find you have while maintaining a strong enough character to kill monsters and bosses effectively. Best of all, Magic Find has no upper limit. The roll limits the amount of Magic Find you have only on the item, with a theoretical maximum of just over 1,100%.
As you might imagine, finding more and more Magic Find was, and still is, a big part of Diablo 2. Because it’s really fun to have a stat that actually changes the drop rate in your favor.
The developers have further improved this system by adding new Magic Find sources in the expansion Lord of Destruction.
It’s clear that Magic Find, combined with Rune and Runeword systems, has contributed greatly to Diablo 2’s playability and success so far. As a result, there are still many players playing Diablo 2: Resurrected, especially with the game being updated semi-regularly.
With Diablo 3, the developers took a more conservative approach. But they seem to view balancing the game around Magic Find as more of a hurdle.
Their reasoning is that if players can increase the drop rate so much, then the base drop rate without any Magic Find will be very low, similar to Diablo 2.
We all know where these decisions lead: each Rift Guardian drops a ton of Legendary and Set items, but 99.9% of the loot is worthless and players have a full set of gear after half a day of playing.
Overall, Diablo is becoming a game for casual players.
When looking through several pieces of loot I’ve picked up on exits in D2 in the past, I found that the game gives you so many Legendary and Set items that checking them all one by one feels cumbersome and a waste of time.
This has even forced developers to introduce new rare items, such as Ancient and Primal Ancient Legendaries, that have better or higher rolling stats than the original items.
While I believe Reaper of Souls expansion and subsequent released seasons did improve the overall quality of the base game, it certainly pushed the series further toward casual players and away from the original two games.
The changes to Magic Find are just part of the bigger picture. Magic Find in the original Diablo 3 is very similar to the effect in Diablo 2. However, after many changes, its importance slowly but steadily waned.
Originally, Magic Find percentage was a stat that could be rolled randomly on items, with a hard cap of 300% on Magic Find coming from gear. This hard cap immediately eliminates the exciting balance between Magic Find and character abilities we discussed in Diablo 2.
With the introduction of the original Paragon system, you’ll gain 3% of Magic Find per Paragon level. Unfortunately, this and the vast majority of Magic Find you could get from gear were removed with Reaper of Souls expansion, save for a few special perks on legendary items that are considered largely useless today.
Also, the expansion also imposes a heavy penalty on your existing Magic Find for increasing the drop chance of Rare and Legendary items: only 20% of Magic Find is added to the drop chance of Rare items. For Legendary and Set items, this number is even only 5%.
This means that a hard cap of 300% Magic Find will increase your Rare item drop rate by 60%, while Legendary item drop rates will only increase by 15%. These numbers are obviously a far cry from Diablo 2’s numbers. This makes the incentive to equip the few remaining items with this property essentially non-existent.
In fact, players don’t need to balance their character’s power with the amount of Magic Find they carry. This resulted in Diablo 3 having to introduce several difficulty levels: 16 Torment levels and several Greater Rift levels.
But all levels have increasing chances of dropping more and better loot. This gives players access to hundreds of different game modes with varying difficulties, rather than just a few difficulty levels, and makes it harder for those who choose to carry more Magic Find by making them give up character powers.
As for Diablo 4, not many players know that Magic Find did exist in the game for a short period. Because its impact is even smaller than Diablo 3.
You can’t even get it by installing Magic Find on your gear or through Paragon Board.
The only appearance of Magic Find in Diablo 4 is as an affix on Nightmare Dungeon Sigils.
Nightmare Dungeon is an endgame activity in which players open dungeons using Sigils, who determine the dungeon’s difficulty and certain attributes. These attributes are called affixes, one of which is Magic Find.
No one knows exactly what this affix does, other than a brief description of “You find more items from enemies.” The exact percentage of this bonus and the items it affects were never actually revealed. But some players have reported significant increases in loot, especially when running Nightmare Dungeon with this affix.
Despite this, players have found a way to abuse Magic Find affix by using a trick to keep resetting the same Nightmare Dungeon repeatedly, thus keeping the bonus permanently active.
You may have noticed that I used the past tense when talking about Magic Find in Diablo 4. Because the developer’s response to this abuse was to remove Magic Find affix from any newly dropped Nightmare Sigils. They also later fixed a bug that allowed players to endlessly reset Nightmare Dungeon with the same affix.
So today, despite probably spamming the same Nightmare Dungeon endlessly, Magic Find simply doesn’t exist in the game. All we can do is wonder if it will be added again.
This is the story of the rise and fall of Magic Find in Diablo: from the core game mechanics to the barely noticeable affixes that were removed from the game to prevent misuse. Which implementation of Magic Find is your favorite? See you next time!
Here, we’ll discuss the latest changes to Uber Unique drop rate in Diablo 4 and how it affects the game.
I feel like many of you are probably not fully up to date on every latest change to the game. Since it’s the end of the season, there usually aren’t vast changes at this point.
And Christmas event that just released is boring and uninspired, to say the least. So you have good reason not to listen closely to what’s going on with Diablo 4 right now, at least until they start announcing details about Season 3.
That being said, one recent change to the game that you may have noticed is that the drop rate for Duriel’s Uber Uniques has doubled. That’s what I want to talk about here, because this change has serious implications for both future and past events.
Hardcore Diablo fans should be very aware that doubling things in a game rarely has the desired effect. Before we talk about this change, we also have to talk about Uber Uniques’ system of dropping a boss throughout the game. Because the system itself is highly questionable, to say the least.
Everyone praised the developers for their decision when they announced that Uber Uniques would be more suitable for the average player. Because the drop rates for these items have been so low since the launch of the game that only a handful of players in the world are lucky enough to get them.
Anything is better than this system, so that’s why everyone cheered when Duriel could drop Uber Unique items with about a 2% drop rate.
But little did we know it was another horrible system that players grew to hate over time. In order to fight Duriel and have a 2% chance of receiving one item, players must go through a heartbreaking grind.
The time varies depending on the class you play. But I think it’s safe to say that summoning Duriel at a time requires at least an hour of farming time.
Now, if a player kills Duriel in a group, it can increase the number of summons by 4x. But the problem remains: long hours of soulless grinding with a slim chance of getting really good items.
Trust me, 2% chance is small, especially if you want a specific Uber Unique. You can easily kill between 5 and 800 Duriel without dropping your target Uber Unique. And you can get multiple other unique items that are actually useless to your class.
It filled Reddit with posts, complaining about how many times they ran it without getting Unique drops they wanted. Other types of posts are where players post screenshots of the items they ultimately earned as proof of some kind of achievement.
But is beating a simple, easy-to-kill boss repeatedly really a tremendous accomplishment? Players are frustrated, and rightfully so. Wouldn’t it be better if it could drop Uber Uniques from any mob, but the chance of a drop didn’t limit them to a handful of players in the world?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the addition of Uber Bosses is completely useless. They serve their purpose well by letting players aim to farm regular unique items, such as Tempest Roar and Malignant Rings. But bundling Uber Unique items with Duriel is a huge mistake in my opinion.
Now let’s get back to the present and look at the recent changes to Uber Uniques drop odds. The fact that the developers made such a change, especially in the middle of the season, upset more people.
First, this doesn’t solve the problem of Duriel being a single semi-reliable way to get Uber Uniques. But that’s not the only problem. Let’s see how some player groups react to this change.
Players who have gotten Unique items they wanted despite tedious grinding without buffs may feel betrayed by the developers. Because it takes new players half the time to get the same items.
The second category of players are those who obtained Unique by purchasing Duriel summoning materials using Diablo 4 Gold or even real money. I personally see nothing wrong with using gold to purchase materials. But since duping is available to certain groups, material prices can become very low due to the excessive number of duped items being sold.
So, while buying with gold isn’t inherently a bad thing, duping is questionable. As for paying real money to get summoning materials, I do understand the reasoning: people want to skip dozens or hundreds of hours of grinding to reach Duriel by paying. I understand the motivation, but it’s still bad for the game as this is clearly a case of pay-to-win and will ruin the game in the long run.
So, the target group that should benefit from the double drop chances are players who have never obtained unique items and plan to get them later in the season. However, at the end of the season, the number of these players was not as high as the developers thought.
It’s entirely possible that some players who never got Uber Uniques evaded this chore, and they still have to do it after the change. At least the price of summoning materials is expected to drop due to increased drop rates.
So, overall, the developers made a controversial change to an objectively terrible system. They could have redesigned the entire system, or at least they could have waited until next season to introduce the change.
Regardless, this is yet another in a long line of terrible decisions from Diablo developers. Looking at this trend, they really have to do better to compete with the upcoming Path of Exile 2. What are your thoughts on this topic? Are you planning to take advantage of Uber Uniques? See you next time!
Diablo 4’s next major addition to the endgame, Abattoir of Zir was finally officially added to the game on December 5th! To help you better experience this newly introduced endgame content, I will introduce everything about it!
The Abattoir of Zir is a new level 100 piece of endgame content that, at the start, is going to be more difficult than level 100 Nightmare Dungeons. This new system is going to be very similar to Rifts from Diablo III.
You need to enter one of these dungeons and you’ll have 10 minutes to defeat enough enemies to summon a boss and then defeat that boss to actually complete that run of the Abattoir of Zir.
If you die once, the run’s over. And if you don’t defeat the boss within that 10 minutes, the run’s over. Even if you’re in a group of 4 people, if any person in the group dies, the run’s over. Even looking past that, just the difficulty of the enemies is going to be higher than nightmare 100 dungeons. It’s also only going to be one light. So, this is going to be very difficult.
To even start this new system, you will have had to complete the entirety of the Season Journey. So you’ll basically have to be level 100 and pretty progressed into the endgame to even get into the first level of this new system. And it’s going to work in a similar way to Nightmare Dungeons.
Once you complete that Season Journey, you’ll get a new recipe to craft Tier 1 of the Abattoir of Zir. And it’ll take sigil dust like your normal Nightmare Dungeon Keys.
Once you go in and complete the first tier of the Abattoir of Zir, you’ll then get a recipe to craft Tier 2. And you can go all the way up to Tier 25. But this is going to be much more difficult than going from level 66 to 67 in Nightmare Dungeons.
The difficulty increase from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is going to be a substantial jump. So, getting up all the way to Tier 25 is something that the vast majority of players will not accomplish.
One of the biggest saving graces of the system is how they’re going to be scaling that difficulty. Because they’re not actually going to be scaling the damage that enemies do to you very much.
In fact, we’re not actually certain if they’re going to be increasing the damage enemies deal at any point during the Abattoir of Zir. It did sound like they’re going to be slightly increasing it. But the primary way they’re increasing the difficulty is increasing the health of these enemies.
The reason this is actually really good is that these enemies are already going to be dealing ridiculous amounts of damage. In fact, Tier 1 of the Abattoir of Zir is going to be equivalent to level 104 of Nightmare Dungeons. That’s already going to be doing a lot of damage to you. But primarily scaling the health is going to allow a lot more builds to be able to do this.
And remember, you’re on a timer. Even if you have a super tanky build that can survive everything, you need to be doing enough damage to be able to kill enough things and then kill the boss to be able to beat that 10-minute timer or you fail. So, I think they’re actually scaling this difficulty in a much better way that’s going to actually allow a lot of builds to at least attempt some of these higher tiers.
The rewards from Abattoir of Zir are also going to be pretty substantial.
Now, we don’t actually know how gear drops are going to work in the system. Presumably, you’re going to be getting a lot of really high item level gear. Presumably, you’ll have really good chances to get 925 item level. But there are going to be some more specific rewards.
First off, you’re going to be getting a lot of glyph XP. Completing a Tier 1 of Abattoir of Zir is going to reward you with 1,000 glyph experience that you can either use on all of our normal glyphs right now or you can use on the other new reward of this system, which is going to be the first unique glyph ever added to Diablo 4 called Tears of Blood. This glyph is going to work in a completely different way than all of the other glyphs.
It’s going to start at level 1, but you’re going to be able to level it to level 200 or maybe even more. So, instead of being capped at 21, you’re capped at 200 or more, which is pretty crazy. This is also another reason why you need that massive amount of glyph experience. This glyph is also going to start at radius 4 and we know you’re at least going to be able to increase the size of this glyph at level 50 up to 5, which is bigger than any other glyph. We don’t know if you’ll be able to increase the size past that as well.
Now, the actual effects of this glyph are for every 5 core stats purchased within range. You gain 2% increased multiplicative damage. And again, this is at level 1, so that increase is also going to be increasing every time you level it up.
And then, it grants a 50% bonus to all rare nodes within range. This bonus is increased by 10% every 10 levels. Every 10 levels you put in, it’ll go up by another 10%. So, 1% per level, but it probably won’t actually increase until you get the full 10 levels. All in all, massively increased bonuses to rare nodes and just absurdly high damage increases.
What’s really interesting is this is just for every 5 core stats within range. This doesn’t mention the main stat for your class. This just says any core stat. This could potentially still mean that it’s just your main stat for your class (Willpower for a Druid). But it’s seeming like it’s meaning just any of the primary stats in the game, which would be pretty ridiculous.
And either way you look at it, either way this is going to play out, this thing is going to be giving you pretty much the biggest damage increase you can possibly get. This is probably going to give you close to infinite progression for the rest of the season, because getting like 200 levels on this one glyph is still going to take a lot of time and it’s just going to give you absurdly high damage increases.
Because of how the Abattoir of Zir is going to be scaled, where they’re scaling enemy health more than anything else, and because this glyph is tied into this, you’re probably going to actually need to continue to heavily progress this glyph to even have a chance to do higher tiers of the Abattoir of Zir. Because you’re getting such absurd damage increases with this glyph, that they would need to balance the higher tiers in a way to where you legitimately could not get enough damage without this glyph.
I do think this is actually a pretty good way to give more content and more progression halfway into a season, to continue to give you new and more difficult things to do. Because when this comes out, we’re going to be relatively halfway into the season and getting this is basically going to give you another tier of progression in the endgame.
Some Diablo 4 stats reveal typically the most popular and least popular classes in Blizzard's recently released action RPG.
According to the game's achievement stats, typically the most popular class in Diablo 4 may be the Sorcerer, as the least popular may be the Druid. Diablo 4 continues to be out for a few weeks now, giving action-RPG fans sufficient time to explore Sanctuary, clear its many dungeons, and check out all five from the launch classes.
Diablo 4 has five classes for action-RPG fans to select from at launch: Sorcerer, Druid, Rogue, Barbarian, and Necromancer. Hardcore fans that took part in the Diablo 4 beta tests could try out the various classes in advance, which likely informed their decision when deciding which class, to begin within the full game. In any case, each class comes with an achievement associated with them that may be unlocked within a couple of hours, which achievement unlock statistics reveal typically the most popular and least popular classes within the game.
As revealed through the unlock rates for Diablo 4's achievements, the Druid class may be the least popular class within the game, with only 12.25% of Xbox gamers choosing it and progressing far enough to obtain its Shifty Swipes achievement. Barbarian may be the second-least popular class, having a 14.33% unlock rate. The Diablo 4 Necromancer class finds itself dead-center having a 25.25% unlock rate. Rogue is slightly ahead with 25.55%. By far typically the most popular class in Diablo 4 is Sorcerer, with 31.34%.
The Diablo 4 achievement stats complement Blizzard's declaration that the Sorcerer is typically the most popular class in Diablo 4. It's possible that Necromancer and Rogue could eventually overtake it, but that does not seem likely. In the meantime, you have to imagine the negativity all around the Diablo 4 Druid throughout the testing phases played a job in players choosing to skip it and judge a different type of character within the full game. Blizzard has since improved the Druid class according to fan feedback, however, it seems many fans remained as not thrilled at the idea of playing one out of Diablo 4.
Rumor has it that Diablo 4 has more classes in route, with Blizzard potentially adding them towards the action RPG alongside DLC expansions sooner or later down the road. Nothing official to that particular effect continues to be announced at the time of this writing, but even if those new courses are added, they're unlikely to shake things up an excessive amount. The middle spots might swap, however, it seems like Sorcerer is really a lock for many popular Diablo 4 classes while Druid is going to be known as the least popular class within the game.
If you won't want to sell your components of Diablo 4, your next best set would be to salvage them.
Diablo 4 doesn't have a shortage of loot, because the world of Sanctuary is teeming with assorted sources that may drop you rare what to equip in your character. While every player is going to be anxiously awaiting their first legendary bit of gear or even the right weapon for his or her build, you will notice that most of the loot you obtain is not worth keeping. In these cases, you may either sell that gear to earn extra gold or salvage it to obtain back crafting materials.
It's ultimately your decision whether or not you need to sell or salvage a product in Diablo 4. However, some players might just be wondering how they may salvage a product in the very first place. Below, you'll find the answer to that question together with some other information about what it way to salvage a weapon or bit of armor in Diablo 4.
Diablo 4 - How to salvage gear and weapons
You can salvage most bits of gear whenever you visit a Blacksmith. Blacksmiths are marked through the anvil icon in your mini-map and really should be available in many towns across Sanctuary. Once you reach a Blacksmith, the very first screen the thing is after getting together with them may be the salvage screen.
You will see a hammer icon in red around the left side of the screen as well as your inventory around the right side. In order to salvage a product in your inventory, you have to physically press the hammer icon at a negative balance square. This will turn your cursor right into a small hammer, and you will now press around the inventory items you need to salvage.
In exchange for salvaging a product, you'll receive crafting materials that are based on the rarity of the item you salvaged. For example, should you salvage a typical pair of gloves, you'll likely only receive some rawhide in exchange. However, should you salvage an uncommon weapon, the return might be Veiled Crystals, iron chunks, and silver ore. You can see precisely what materials you're receiving in exchange by exploring the "Salvaged Materials" box at the end left-hand side of the screen after salvaging a product.
You can salvage just about any item in Diablo 4, but there's one large exception. If you have imprinted a brand new Aspect onto a legendary weapon or bit of gear at The Occultist, then you'll not have the ability to salvage that weapon while continuing to move forward. This Aspect may come from either the Codex of Power or from one inside your inventory. Once you decide to use a brand new Aspect on a bit of gear, you are able to only equip, stash, or market it in the future.
Aside from that, everything inside your inventory is fair game with regard to salvaging. If you have a complete inventory and wish to salvage your way through it simultaneously, you are able to use the buttons below the red hammer icon around the Blacksmith's screen. These buttons permit you to salvage all your junk, common, magic, and rare items at the same time. Don't worry if should you press the "All Items" button, though, because this will salvage every item inside your inventory aside from the legendary items.
Blizzard's Rod Fergusson confirms that Diablo 4 will require players to utilize a new character every season.
Blizzard's Rod Fergusson has confirmed that Diablo 4 players will have to make a new character to sign up for seasonal content. This news may be upsetting to Diablo 4 players who're new to the Diablo franchise, especially because so many have invested a lot of time in leveling up their characters already.
Reaching Diablo 4's max level cap isn't an easy feat. To put into perspective precisely how serious the Diablo 4 max level grind is, level 85 hanging around is technically the halfway reason in terms of just how much XP one should reach 100. It's reliable advice that many gamers will not be interested in starting over with a brand new character and never only needing to level completely up again but additionally repeat a lot of the same content they have already been through.
Unfortunately for all those individuals, Blizzard's Rod Fergusson has confirmed on Twitter that getting involved in Diablo 4's seasonal content requires players to produce a new seasonal character. This means the ones that want to stay with the character they've now are going to be missing out on the "seasonal questline, mechanics, season journey, and battle pass." While this was expected by longtime Diablo players, those a newcomer to the franchise might be confused and annoyed by this. And with Diablo 4 breaking Blizzard sales records, it's reliable advice that it definitely has attracted new players towards the long-running series.
Others could reason that this doesn't go a long way with Diablo 4's live service model. After all, other live service games do not require players to begin from scratch with a brand new character to see seasonal content, so it is going to be interesting to ascertain if this decision alienates some of Diablo 4's community. It's easy to observe how some gamers should not make use of the seasonal content after they realize they've to create a new character.
There has recently been some concern and controversy over how Blizzard could be handling Diablo 4's seasonal content. Many fans were concerned about how Diablo 4 would handle renown using the seasonal resets, as players were stressed about needing to potentially rediscover the whole map or search for all the Altars of Lilith again. Luckily, Blizzard confirmed that would not be the case.
Diablo 4's first season is expected to begin next month, so it is going to be some time before fans from the action RPG can easily see if the seasonal submissions are worth the grind. Those who're uninterested in following Diablo 4's seasonal stories can easily wait for that expansions to be released before they jump back into the game, obviously. The Diablo 4 DLC expansions do not have release dates at the time of this writing, but Blizzard has confirmed that a minimum of two have been in development.
Diablo 4 has gone out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Attack speed is really a hard stat to stack in Diablo 4, there is however one Legendary Aspect that's ample to fit nearly every build.
Legendary Aspects give players the best effects for their builds in Diablo 4. Some provide general damage and survivability boosts, while some offer more interesting powers explicitly tailored to every class's abilities.
The Accelerating Offensive Aspect is often sought after by many players because of its ability to boost attack speed, effectively taking out the need to get because of the stat from items. It's also required to make many builds in Diablo 4 shine to their fullest extent. Here are ways to get this legendary power.
Diablo 4: How to Get the Accelerating Offensive Aspect
Unlike the Aspects rewarded from clearing the game's many dungeons, the Accelerating Aspect is only able to be acquired randomly from Legendary item drops. Players will need to grind and become a little lucky when they want to obtain this capacity to drop.
The Accelerating Aspect can roll on weapons, gloves, and accessories, so check when a legendary version of those items drops, in case.
One of the best ways to get Legendary gear is as simple as farming Helltides. The mob density in impacted areas skyrockets, and players will often find a ton more elites roaming the countryside. Events also seem to pop up more often during a Helltide, so players can get more chances to obtain loot using their reward chests.
The best benefit of Helltide farming is players can open Tortured Gifts of Mysteries because they collect Aberrant Cinders. These mystery chests can drop as many as five Legendary items when opened, and they are often at Sacred or Ancestral tier based on what difficulty players take presctiption.
Tortured Gifts of Mysteries require 175 Cinders to spread out, and just one will spawn per Helltide region. Players who've opened the mystery chest within an area are going to a different Helltide region or open all Tortured Gift chests that drop accessories instead as these cost only 75 Cinders.
Event chests will also be good for farming gear. Not only do there is a good drop opportunity for Legendary items, but they also reward players with Murmuring Obols for Curiosity vendors around. Getting a full Obol wallet is rather easy throughout a Helltide, and players could possibly get at least a few Legendary items once they gamble in towns.
Keep in your mind that players could possibly get Sacred items from Purveyors of Curiosities when the item within the vendor's inventory is glowing. Not every item is going to be Sacred, so ensure that you prioritize weapons, gloves, and accessories for any shot at obtaining the Accelerating Aspect.
Diablo 4 can be obtained now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Want Sacred and Ancestral items? Blizzard has shared some valuable intel.
What you have to know
Sacred and Ancestral merchandise is some of the most valuable bits of gear in Diablo 4's endgame because they have much higher stats and Item Power values when compared with regular drops.
Blizzard has said Nightmare Dungeons possess a higher opportunity to drop Sacred or Ancestral items than alternative activities do.
This means they are the best places to farm for Sacred or Ancestral variants of Legendary and Unique drops.
Nightmare Dungeons are full of lots of Elite monsters and bosses, so Legendary drops inside them are not unheard of.
Once you slice and dice the right path through the campaign and also the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in Blizzard's new hit ARPG, you will be prompted to jump into World Tier 3: Nightmare and start your journey through Diablo 4's endgame. In it, you are able to participate in a number of new activities and earn a lot of powerful loot drops, the very best of that is Sacred and Ancestral (only at World Tier 4: Torment) items.
The Sacred and Ancestral versions of Legendary and Unique gear pieces are highly desirable given that they have significantly higher stat rolls and Item Power values, and becoming your hands on them will vastly enhance your Diablo 4 builds. Since launch, the city hasn't been sure what the very best way to farm on their behalf is, but that is no longer the situation thanks to a brand new tip from Blizzard.
"Items that drop in Nightmare Dungeons possess a higher possibility of being Sacred or Ancestral than items which drop beyond Nightmare Dungeons," said Diablo 4 Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora on Twitter. Humorously, a "The More You Know" meme was connected to the post.
Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons were already worth grinding given that they're the only real source from the Glyph XP you have to improve Glyphs in your Paragon Board, however that we know they've higher drop rates for Sacred and Ancestral items too, farming them is much more valuable. Note that once Diablo 4's big patch is not far off goes live, they'll also give increased XP and will also be easier to travel to because of portals that'll be created if you use a Nightmare Sigil.
I recently reached World Tier 3 and also have been attempting to hunt down Sacred versions from the Legendaries and Uniques I want for my Barbarian build, so I wish I knew about Nightmare Dungeons' higher drop rates sooner. Farming them will certainly be my priority continuing to move forward, though, also it should be yours too if you are seeking Sacred and Ancestral items (especially because the Elites and bosses in Nightmare Dungeons drop Legendaries frequently).
In other news, Blizzard has announced intends to address disconnects causing deaths on Hardcore mode by looking into making Scroll of Escape items (instant teleports to a safe zone) automatically trigger whenever a server-side error is detected. A dedicated pouch for gems is originating in Season 2, too, and data miners have found evidence of a deadly World Tier 5.
Diablo 4 has gone out now and it is available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, Windows PC, PS5, and PS4. It's one of the very best Xbox games for fans of dungeon crawlers and hack-and-slash combat, and we have been having an absolute blast using it.