How To Build A Ultimate PVE Healer In New World?
The healer is part of the Holy Trinity and Expedition and Trial Explorations. Your main goal is to keep your teammates alive. The primary target is your tank and then your DPS buddies. This build will make sure you have the highest chance of survival and PVE content.
Essential Perks
First, we will talk about three essential perks for any healer in PVE. These are Health, Enchanted Ward, and four stacks of Refreshing. Health is good in all situations as it increases your maximum HP and it is the best way to protect yourself against any form of damage. Enchanted Ward is very useful as the most common form of the enemy's offense is a light or heavy attack. Element Aversion is a good substitution for these perks. However, compared to light and heavy attacks, spells are much less frequent. Therefore, the Enchanted Ward is a better form of protection. The last perk that you want to have at maximum stacks is Refreshing. A lower spell cooldown means that you heal more often.
Let's take a look at almost the best in slot gear that is very strong in PVE situations. It is your faction gear. It is Health and Enchanted Ward and Refreshing — all of the perks that you need. If you buy all five gear slots, you already have the very strong gear to complete at least M2 as the recommended gear level is 675. I am fully aware that you will waste a perk slot because you will use more than four stacks of refreshing. But their turn for having health and an Enchanted Ward as your other two perks is much more valuable than not having them. New World Items are meant as a placeholder until you get a higher gear score with health and an Echanted Ward or you will get an artifact of your choice.
On the topic of artifacts, I recommend two of them. One is Featherweight. This one allows us to wear two heavy gear pieces on the head, gloves, or feet. This will give us more Armor overall and we will take much less damage and the game will be easier to play. So our gear will now look like this. You will have a heavy or light head. Featherweight as your chest piece. Then heavy or light gloves, light pants, and heavy or light feet. Up to a maximum of two heavy pieces, if you want to stay in light equip load. The next artifact that I would use as a Healer is a Nimble coat. It is a medium chest piece that gives us more refreshing. With four Stacks plus the unique perk, we will be sitting on a maximum of 24% cooldown reduction. This will allow us to spam more skills and in certain situations with a refreshing move on your weapon and life stuff passive you can have almost zero cooldowns on your skills.
I will now cover some of the New World Items that are very strong and can replace your faction gear. One of them is the Azoth Crystal set that can be crafted with mutation Material in the gypsum kiln. This set gives you an Enchanted Ward and Refreshing. It is guaranteed a gear score of 700 and the third perk is randomly picked. With health having a 15% chance of being picked. But do not worry, you can change the perks later with some other items as well. The other set that is easy to get can help you and it is two perks you want to focus on is the Empress Joe's set. It is healthy and refreshing as its primary perks and the enchanted ward has a rather small percentage of rolling at 3%, but you can change it later.
With all the gear covered, now let's talk about the weapons. For the life stuff, you have many options that can be crafted from a gypsum kiln. You just pick your favorite one, of all the three options is hard to pick the one stuff that is the best. The corrupted one can be farmed in Merk guard and the other two can be crafted with material in a gypsum kiln.
When it comes to Gems, each mutation has one element that is more prevalent and generally you will want to slot in the Gem that is resistant to it, however. I would just take the general Elemental Gem that has less resistance against one element, but has against many. In the long run, this is much cheaper than wasting your New World Coins on getting all your gems replaced each time you want to do a mutation.
The same as with the previous gear set with the body gear covered let us focus on the jewelry. My Amulet of choice that is always good is the passage of time. It has a constitutional attribute. It is guaranteed a gear score of 700 when it is crafted from a gypsum kiln. The primary perk is refreshing and stamina recovery. As a third perk, you can pick the element ward of the mutation you are doing or you could just Select Health. It will not be as perfect as element Ward perks such as fire or Abyssal. But it will do. As for the ring, I like using Vivify. It has focus as its attributes and has refreshing and Healing Breeze as its primary perks. I like taking sacred as the third perk as this gives us more healing. my favorite jewelry artifact is Endless Thirst. It gives you a big potion drink in a time of need. Usually, you do not need to drink one, but when you do you need a strong one. As a third perk, I like picking a healing heart as it heals us when we use the Heartune.
When it comes to Heartrunes, you have two options Stalwart Heartrune of Stoneform or brutal Heartsrune of Grasping Vines. Stoneform is more defensive and Vines are a more offensive option. I would use Stoneform in critical situations. Vines I would use in more offensive situations when the DPS of the group needs to be as high as possible.
When it comes to the skills, I would use the a healing skills such as sacred ground orb of protection and Beacon. I would cycle through them and then swamp to your other weapon. This playstyle would come in handy if all of your teammates are melee DPS. I would slot in the Divine Embrace if you have one or more ranged ones as it has very strong single target healing. Remember that your light attacks also can heal.
Secondary Weapon
As our secondary weapon, I love taking lifetaker. It is a Void Gauntlet Artifact. Its unique perk is that it applies to disintegrate on ranged attacks on both weapons. Disintegrate is a DOT and a 10% rent that stacks up to three times. Giving us up to 30% rent, as the final perk I would take blessed as we are a healer and none of the weapon perks are suited for PVE situations. Now let's take a look at the skill tree for the VG. The primary skills that I like taking is Oblivion. It gives you and your teammates 15% in power among other buffs. Next I would take the orb as it heals your group and it applies disintegrates to your enemies. I also like using the blade for non-boss fights and essence rupture for the boss fight.
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