In The Sims 4, there are a lot of part-time jobs for players, and Sims can have up to two part-time jobs as long as their schedules don’t conflict with each other. But it should be noted that players cannot have a full-time job and a part-time job at the same time.
Since part-time jobs have fewer promotion opportunities and less income than full-time jobs, choosing a part-time job that allows you to earn more may be your best goal. In this guide, we will introduce you to several of the best part-time jobs in The Sims 4 so that you can avoid the trouble of choosing.
As part of The Sims 4 High School Years, Simfluencer part-time job will give players the opportunity to become a rising social media star. You will start as a Nano-Simfluencer and earn 26 Simoleons per hour, and the higher the level, the higher the income.
To be promoted to Macro-Simfluencer, which earns 55 Simoleons per hour and a 500 Simoleon promotion bonus, you need to upgrade your Entrepreneur and Charisma Skills to level 2. When this Entrepreneur and Charisma Skills reaches level 4, you will become a Mega-Simfluencer, where you earn 74 Simoleons per hour and there will be business gifts and 900 Simoleon bonuses to be claimed.
Baby Sitter is perfect for teenagers who want to earn an income on the weekends, but according to feedback from the player community and social media, many adults who work during the week but want to work overtime on the weekends to earn extra money have also joined in at this stage, because its maximum hourly wage can reach 48 Simoleons.
Baby Sitter part-time job lets you take care of babies or children in The Sims 4 on the weekends, and the benefit is that you have a lot of free time during the week, which is perfect for teenagers who go to school all week and want to work without sacrificing their social life. The only prerequisite for getting this part-time job is to reach level 2 in Charisma, which is very easy.
If you have The Sims 4 Island Living, Diver part-time job is also one of your best choices. This part-time job will allow you to first become a Snorkel Guide, which will provide you with 45 Simoleons per hour.
The promotion condition requires you to have a Diving Knife, which you can get from Diving Buoy. When you reach Scuba Instructor, you will earn 59 Simoleons per hour and get a Scuba Dive Tank as your promotion reward.
To get promoted again to Sunken Treasure Hunter, you need to have Treasure Tool dive gear, which is also obtained from Diving Buoy. Once you level up your pay becomes 70 Simoleons per hour, and you get a Mermaid’s Love Treasure Chest as your bonus.
The above are the three best part-time jobs in The Sims 4 and their detailed information. I hope you can earn a lot of income through them or other part-time jobs you prefer and get the best gaming experience in them. I wish you a happy game!
In the upcoming version 0.2.0 patch update in late March, the developers will add a series of new content to the game. These include new support gems, new unique items, and even there will be a high probability of releasing a new class.
However, among the adjustments announced by the developers for POE 2, there is one point that is controversial among players, that is, the adjustment to Lost Towers. They added the mechanism of Lost Towers to make it have richer content for players to explore. But not all players are satisfied with this.
In the preview of the 0.2.0 patch, the official said that they will change the mechanism of Lost Towers in the next update, so that players can encounter random rare enemies or even BOSSes in the process of exploring the tower. At the same time, the next version of Lost Towers will also be affected by Precursor Tablets, changing the distribution of monsters. That is to say, Lost Towers will give birth to more monsters for players to sweep.
It is not possible to judge whether this change is good or bad. Let’s take a look at how Lost Towers perform in the endgame of the 0.1.0 patch.
In the endgame, players explore Lost Towers basically to open up new maps, and then insert Precursor Tablets on Lost Towers to affect the appearance of modifiers.
If players have Waystones with very bad attributes, or Waystones that become worse under the influence of Vaal Orb, then players usually choose to use these Waystones on Lost Towers.
Because Lost Towers have very low returns, and basically no rare items will be dropped. And there are no activities. Therefore, there is no loss in dropping Waystones in Lost Towers.
If players have Precursor Tablets with very good attributes, then players can insert these Precursor Tablets into nearby towers. The influence areas of these towers will overlap, and the overlapping areas are the areas with the best farming currency. When several excellent attributes overlap, the probability of rare enemies appearing in this overlapping area will be much higher, so you can get good benefits in these locations, such as many POE 2 Divine Orbs or even unique items.
This method is also effective in 0.2.0. This is a very timesaving method. But players still hate Lost Towers very much and even think that Lost Towers ruined the entire POE 2 endgame experience.
Mainly because the rewards players can get in Lost Towers are very rare, and the interior of Lost Towers is very complicated, like a maze. And the interior of Lost Towers is very narrow. When players fight inside Lost Towers, the skills they release are often blocked by walls, so the experience inside Lost Towers is very poor.
However, the developers also made some changes to Lost Towers in 0.1.1. In version 0.1.1, the developers added 5 new types of towers to the game:
Each of these towers has a different terrain and monster distribution. The best tower for players is basically Bluff, because the exploration route in this tower is basically a straight line, allowing them to complete the tower the fastest.
Since Lost Towers introduced more points of interest in 0.2.0, players have to spend more time than usual to fully explore the entire tower. This is unbearable for some players, mainly because the complex and narrow terrain of Lost Towers makes every minute of fighting in it full of torture. Even worse, players sometimes cannot defeat the boss in the tower, which may cause players to have to challenge these bosses repeatedly or waste one of their Waystones to reset the tower.
In addition, since the 0.2.0 patch, towers will also be affected by Precursor Tablets. When players use Breach tablets and encounter a Breach encounter in a tower, the battle will become very difficult.
After the update, players can no longer throw Precursor Tablets or Waystones with disadvantageous entries into Lost Towers at will, because towers will now also have various monsters and rewards.
But such changes are not all bad. At least after the update, Lost Towers will become the same as ordinary maps and can also bring rich rewards to players. Compared with previous versions, players now have more opportunities to encounter Ritual events, Breach events and Delirium mirrors on the map. Therefore, towers will become another place to choose to farm currency.
Lost Towers will also be affected by Precursor Tablets on other Lost Towers, so you can also control the drops or enemies in the tower to a certain extent.
Read More: Path Of Exile 2 0.2.0 Patch: This Patch Will Have A Great Impact
Most players may be dissatisfied with the changes to Lost Towers in the 0.2.0 patch. This is because Lost Towers is not what they are interested in. The process of exploring the tower is depressing and disappointing. Even after the changes, most players are probably still not willing to fight in such a complex terrain as Lost Towers. Players are more looking forward to developers bringing some real new content. For example, new bosses, new activities, new unique items or classes, etc.
When TES 6 is expected to be launched in 2026 or later, players of Elder Scrolls series may be very distressed because they cannot experience this game with a very grand world view and excellent mechanisms at this stage. But during this long wait, many players will be advised to try Elder Scrolls Online in the same series as the best way to satisfy their desire for subsequent new games.
But in fact, I don’t recommend you to try this game that has been released for more than ten years easily, because it meets the demand for this series of games because of its very classic Second-Era lore, and it has gradually become a very great MMORPG in the process of development. For example, in the past 2024, its monthly active players have exceeded 9,000.
After you’ve tried this excellent ESO, you may be more demanding of TES 6, especially after you experience the experience update and new DLC that will be released on March 10, because this game has irreplaceable and unsurpassed parts in terms of combat and overall gaming experience.
The unique and important feature of Elder Scrolls Online, which was released ten years ago, is their combat, which cleverly combines classic lore from the entire series of games with mainline single-player siblings, making it the unique existence in Elder Scrolls series.
After you have tried this high-quality combat experience, you may not be interested in fighting in a newly released game like TES 6, even if the game has been polished for a long time by the developers.
On top of that, even if you bite the bullet and grind through some of the important battles in Elder Scrolls VI, you may not want to try some of the side quests at all. Looking at Elder Scrolls Online, on the other hand, you will find that it is a very wonderful thing to farm ESO Gold or items in some areas with great visual effects and combat experience.
Since Elder Scrolls Online allows you to explore every region in Tamriel, it’s no surprise that it has a plethora of creatures. Given this, you can find, fight, and pet a wide variety of creatures in the game.
There are also many creatures that have never appeared in previous games, and some that have appeared once and never returned, such as Quasigriff, which is a bird-like creature with four legs but no wings, and is related to Gryphon, which is depicted as a statue or monument in TES Blades and TES Castles.
If you want a mount that can help you in battle, then you can try to find a four-eyed beast called Welwa in Summerset Isles, Hammerfell, and Yokuda. In these places, you will see Iron Orcs who will tame and train them to become your most loyal armored warfare mounts.
But the creatures you’ll encounter in TES 6 will be much fewer and less diverse than in ESO, since the unreleased game, like its predecessor, will only allow players to explore one Province. For example, if TES 6’s story is set only in Hammerfell, you might have a hard time searching for creatures from faraway regions like Morrowind or Black Marsh.
Not only will this make your visual experience much less enjoyable, as you’ll be facing a single landscape for too long, it will also make your combat experience more boring, as each monster in ESO has different attack patterns and animations, which is not the case in Elder Scrolls VI.
At this stage, in order to solve the problem of the lack of creatures and diversity in TES 6, many players are giving advice to developers in the community and on social media. In general, there are two main approaches: making Province-Hopping part of the new game or creating more regional versions of existing creatures.
In the first option, if the story and gameplay of TES 6 allow players to explore the limited areas of other provinces in Tamriel, the overall gaming experience will be better than before the change, because it will be possible to fight more diverse enemies, increasing the excitement and challenge of the game. However, this solution is difficult to implement in practice, because it is likely to destroy the players’ attention to other distinctive provinces.
Compared with the first option, I personally prefer the second option, because this method has a perfect precedent in ESO: Guar in Tamriel will have different characteristics depending on the place of birth and reproduction, such as in Red Mountain, in order to better blend into the ash clouds, it becomes a Shadowghost Guar with a black-and-white pattern. So if TES 6 wants to continue to win the hearts and minds of players with this approach, it is very easy to achieve.
Overall, if you are a loyal fan of TES 6 and want to try a game similar to the type of game you expect during this anxious wait, you can try Elder Scrolls Online; but if you are just a player who is waiting, please try this game carefully, I am afraid you will no longer want to try other MMOs! I wish you a happy game!
For whatever reason, the developers seem to have a special preference for Druid class. It has been strong for several seasons, and it is still doing very well in The Pit in Season 7.
When players reach the endgame, powerful monsters make it necessary to have a truly powerful build to make players unstoppable in the endgame and have fun. There are many powerful Druid builds, but the most powerful is Cataclysm Druid Build.
Required Aspects: Stormshifter’s Aspect
Required Uniques: Tempest Roar, Mjölnic Ryng, Airidah’s Inexorable Will
Because Cataclysm is a powerful ultimate damage-dealing skill, the idea of this build is to minimize the cooldown of Cataclysm. Airidah’s Inexorable Will and Stormshifter’s Aspect can both reduce the cooldown of your ultimate skill, so these two items are essential.
If you want to farm gold happily in the endgame, then these items are almost essential.
The basic skill of Druid is Maul, which can enhance Druid’s Spirit. At the same time, you also need to point out Enhanced Maul. It can increase your maximum health percentage. This can increase the tolerance in battle. When you are besieged by a group of enemies, more health can keep you fighting longer.
Pulverize is a core skill. When other skills are on cooldown, using Pulverize allows Druid to continue to deal area damage to the enemy. Maul and Pulverize can work together to not only continue to cause damage to the enemy but also protect Druid to a certain extent.
Debilitating Roa can apply debuffs to surrounding enemies. This skill can not only reduce the damage you receive but also provide a certain degree of assistance in the team.
Earthen Bulwark can provide a barrier for Druid when activated. This barrier can make some damage in a short period. How much can be absorbed depends on Druid’s maximum health? The higher the health, the more it absorbs. At the same time, enhancing this skill can also make Druid unstoppable, which is conducive to Druid getting rid of control and moving to a suitable output position.
Hurricane can continuously deal damage to the surrounding area. You can enhance Hurricane with Enhanced Hurricane and Savage Hurricane. Endless Tempest is a must-have skill because it can extend the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm.
Occult Gems are new gems in Season 7. Each gem can give the character armor and additional special powers.
Witch Power is the theme of Season 7
Unique Power: Vengeful Spirit
Normal Powers:
Purging Touch and Voice of the Stars can work together to allow your Cataclysm to do more damage.
Mercenaries can provide players with an extra boost, don’t ignore their help in the game. Players can hire two types of mercenaries with Gold.
Main Mercenary:
Varyana, Berserker
Skills: Cleave, Recklessness, Whirlwind, No Escape
Raheir, Shieldbearer
Both of these mercenaries can be of great help to Druid when facing a group of enemies
Cataclysm Druid is very powerful. When Druid releases Cataclysm, all enemies will be crushed by the powerful damage. Cataclysm Druid also performs well when facing bosses. But you can’t think that Cataclysm Druid is invincible. You still need to pay attention to the order of skill release. When your health reaches a dangerous value, release defensive skills to recover in time.
In general, the feature of Cataclysm Druid Build is simplicity. When the player completes this build, there is almost no difficulty in operation. Just wait for the cooldown of Cataclysm to end, and then release it. Cataclysm Druid allows players to enjoy invincible fun in The Pit, seasonal quests, and nightmare dungeons.
There are various gems in Path of Exile 2. For example, skill gems, support gems, buff gems and meta gems. What are their usage and how to use those POE 2 Items? Such a complex system is undoubtedly a headache for players.
So in order to give a guide to novice players, the following will introduce the uses of various gems.
Skill gems have become more important in Path of Exile 2. Players need to rely on skill gems to release skills. In Path of Exile 1, you had to put skill gems into the link sockets of equipment. In PoE 2, what is put into the equipment link sockets has become Runes, and skill gems need to be put into Skill Gem menu.
For PC players, you can use G key to quickly open the skill gem menu, or use the right button of the mouse to click on the skill gem in the inventory. For PS players, you can only transfer to the skill tab through the character menu.
The big slot on the left side of the menu is used to place skill gems. And on the right side, small slots are used to place Support Gems.
Most of the skill gems players get in the game are basically Uncut Skill Gems. Uncut Skill Gems are actually the unlocked state of skill gems. Clicking on an Uncut Skill Gem will bring you to Gemcutting menu, where you can choose the skill you want to unlock.
There are three types of Uncut Gems in the game: Uncut Skill Gems, Uncut Support Gems, and Uncut Spirit Gems.
On the skill gem menu, the top one is your basic skills, or the spells given to the player by the caster equipment. Below are 9 skill gem slots, where you can put or remove skill gems at will. However, some skill gems have attribute requirements, and if your attributes are not met, you cannot use them.
In Path of Exile 2, skill gems have levels. All gems can be upgraded, except for Support gems.
The skill gems that players first obtain are unlocked by level 1 Uncut Skill Gems. The level of Uncut Skill Gems determines the skill gem level. Although skill gems allow players to unlock skills, some skills have an initial level higher than level 1, which means that you must use a higher level skill gem to unlock them. Players can see the row-by-row stratification on Gemcutting menu:
For Soul Gems, the threshold level of Uncut Spirit Gems is Level 4, Level 8, and Level 14. These high-level Uncut Gems will drop as we progress through the game, and are not completely random. Players will definitely be able to get a higher level of Skill Gems at some stage.
Use Uncut Skill Gems to upgrade Skill Gems. A Level 3 Uncut Skill Gem can upgrade a Level 1 Skill Gem to Level 3. If you directly use a Level 3 Skill Gem to unlock a skill in the first row, then the skill will be upgraded to Level 3.
However, when you upgrade the skill gem level, its attribute requirements will also increase. If your attributes cannot meet its requirements, the upgraded skill gem will not be usable.
Players can also upgrade skill gems by putting +level skill affixes on equipment. In this way, the attribute requirements of the skill gem will not be increased, but the player can enjoy the benefits of the skill level increase. You can replace the affixes you want for the equipment through POE 2 Exalted Orb.
The sockets of support gems are just behind the skill gems. They can enhance or even modify skills. Support gems are mainly divided into Strength Support Gems, Dexterity Support Gems and Intelligence Support Gems.
Support gems have no levels and cannot be upgraded. However, if you want to unlock higher-level support gems, you still need to rely on the dropped level 2 Uncut Skill Gems and level 3 Uncut Skill Gems.
Putting in support gems has requirements for your attributes. For example, the requirement for Intelligence Support Gems is Intelligence (+5), and you have 10 intelligence points, then you can only put in two Intelligence Support Gems. But the combination of support gems and skill gems is not arbitrary, and there is a certain compatibility between them. If you are confused, you can click on the Show Recommended Gems button in the lower left corner of the menu to see how to match.
There are two slots behind the initial skill gems. If you want to put more auxiliary gems, you can add a slot for skill gems through Lesser Jeweler’s Orb.
Both buff gems and meta gems in Path of Exile 2 need to be unlocked through Uncut Spirit gems. Buff gems can be placed in the setup like other gems, but you need to activate them manually in the gem menu to activate them.
Activating buff gems requires Spirit. If you don’t have enough Spirit resources, you can’t activate them. The more other gems a buff gem is linked to, the more Spirit resources are required. Spirit resources can be obtained through characteristic equipment or equipment affixes.
Meta gems are also called trigger gems. It also requires a certain amount of Spirit resources to be activated, but Spirit resources it requires are fixed and will not increase with the number of linked gems.
It has a built-in Energy bar in meta gems that can accumulate some energy when you complete certain conditions. When Energy bar is full, it will automatically release the slot skill and reset an Energy bar. This is a good way for players to save resources in battle.
All the above is a basic introduction to all gems in Path of Exile 2. I hope it can be helpful for players who have just started this game. The class system and skill system of POE 2 are very complex, and the equipment matching has a high degree of freedom, which means more possibilities for character construction, which will bring endless fun to players.
You can customize your weapons with many accessories in Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6, such as Muzzle, Barrel, Rear Grip, etc., which weapon fans will probably be very keen to study. If matched properly, your weapon can make you more powerful in battle.
These accessories also include Ammo Mods. You can get Ammo Mods by trading with Arsenal Machines on BO6 Zombies Map. Ammo Mods can bring unique additional effects to your bullets, such as additional electric shock or freezing damage. This will greatly enhance the power of the gun.
As of the latest update, there are 6 Ammo Mods for players to choose from in CoD Black Ops 6. They all have their own advantages and different uses in different scenarios. So, which Ammo Mod is the most worth getting? Here is a ranking of these six Mods for your reference.
After using Brain Rot, your bullets will have poisonous damage and there is a chance to turn enemies into your right-hand man.
This Ammo Mod is undoubtedly very powerful. If you use Brain Rot to turn a tough enemy into your ally, it will stop attacking you and attack other zombies instead. The attack process will last for 10 seconds. After the time is up, the converted zombie will explode and take away other zombies around. In this way, your confrontation pressure will be greatly reduced.
It is worth mentioning that the enemies taken away by the zombies when they explode will be counted as the player’s headshot kills, which will help you quickly win game points. To exaggerate a little, you may be fighting against zombies in the last second, and the next second it seems to be in COD BO6 Bot Lobbies-it becomes so easy to repel enemies with powerful allies.
Each Ammo Mods in BO6 can be equipped with a Major Augment and a Minor Augment, respectively. The available Augments for Brain Rot are as follows.
You can unlock Brain Rot at level 27.
This Ammo Mod looks exaggerated, and its effects are quite imaginative. Shooting bullets with Shadow Rift has a chance to create a black hole, which can suck up nearby enemies and then drop them from a high altitude to their death.
The available Augments for Shadow Rift are as follows.
You can unlock Shadow Rift at level 44.
Cryo Freeze turns your bullets into a popsicle maker - your bullets have a chance to freeze zombies, causing freezing damage to them and also slowing them down. This slowing effect is important, as freezing zombies allow you to attack them more quickly.
In addition, Cryo Freeze is very effective against Hellhounds, dealing 1.5x more damage to them.
The available Augments for Cryo Freeze are as follows.
You can unlock Cryo Freeze at level 14.
Bullets fired with Dead Wire will have a strong current that causes electric damage. Your bullets will have a chance to create an electric damage field that will stun enemies. This is equivalent to a small control effect that you can slow down zombies.
Dead Wire may not be special when used for attacking, but in Terminus, you need to use Dead Wire to make Beamsmasher, which is a must-have item for completing Terminus’ main quest.
The available Augments that Dead Wire can choose are as follows.
There is no level requirement to unlock Dead Wire, and it is the first Ammo Mod you can use in the game.
Unlike other Ammo Mods that focus on dealing damage to enemies, Light Mend is more inclined to healing effects. Bullets using Light Mend will have a chance to convert the enemy’s health into a healing glyph and apply it to your teammates.
In a team that does not need healing so much, Light Mend may not be as effective as other Ammo Mods that simply increase damage, but you need to prioritize it in some special situations. For example, when challenging enemies with strong agility and low health such as Doppelgahsts, the healing effect of Light Mend will increase the team’s tolerance rate and provide you with the opportunity to consume the enemy.
The available Augments for Light Mend are as follows.
Participate in Merry Mayhem event to unlock Light Mend.
This is an Ammo Mod that purely enhances the attack effect. Napalm Burst will add a burning effect to your bullets. Enemies hit by bullets with Napalm Burst will be ignited, and then the burning will last for a period, and will continue to cause damage to the enemy during this period.
The available Augments for Napalm Burst are as follows.
You can unlock Napalm Burst when you reach level 6.
These six Ammo Mods in Black Ops 6 have different effects. Overall, Brain Rot, which can turn enemies into allies, is undoubtedly the most powerful one. However, in different situations, other Ammo Mods may work better.
In actual operation, choosing the appropriate Ammo Mod according to your specific needs and matching different Augments can help you get twice the result with half the effort in battle.
Large-scale MMORPGs usually have a relatively grand world view setting, so there will be many regions in the game, and the environmental presentation between them is also different. Take New World Aeternum as an example. Besides virtual elements, it also refers to various settings in the real world to design various realistic and interesting game scenes.
For example, the ruins of Roman Empire, the buildings and biomes inspired by Japan, Rome and medieval Europe, and the jungles and bustling ports of Caribbean. Of course, besides this, the design of these wild environments or buildings in New World Aeternum also incorporates the fantasy colors given by the designers.
And if you want to get New World Aeternum Coins that can be dropped in the game, you need to complete various battles. If the game scene settings are interesting and have a certain cultural color, your combat experience will surely be taken to a higher level.
Based on this, we will introduce you to some information related to game scenes and environmental design so that you can have a more immersive experience when playing New World Aeternum.
In fact, you will find that the environmental themes and biomes in Aeternum are largely influenced by real-world cultures and regions. While this provides a narrative basis for the game’s story, as a fantasy game, it is more important to create a sensory experience for you through unique scene presentation than historical accuracy.
In addition, the game will provide you with a consistency in the environmental art style, reinterpreting and transforming inspiration to adapt you to the aesthetics of Aeternum. You can feel the art style of the real world, the mysterious color of the legend, and the game’s own unique fusion style.
For example, the theme of Legion is inspired by Roman Empire, especially its architecture in the Middle East, such as the temples of Baalbek and Jerash. In another place in Brimstone, inspired by Egyptian architecture, the game’s design team set up prominent pyramids as visual landmarks for the entire area, so that you can always know where you are through it.
Depending on the content of each game, the elements that are suitable for integration into its scene are also different. Broadly speaking, a good game environment needs to provide you with interesting gameplay and stories through any space, or be able to provide you with a unique and meaningful experience of space.
In New World Aeternum, it depends on which area of the game world the specific environment and scene is in, and the goal or intention given to you by that specific space. The design team established an overall artistic pillar to ensure that all environmental design focuses on the right things to enhance your environmental experience, while ensuring that the game world is consistent in all areas.
In some details, the game builds an environment space for you to provide a sense of exploration and discovery, thereby reinforcing the vast supernatural world set in Aeternum. The design team strives to show you interesting craftsmanship in all non-natural assets, such as who built something and why in the legend, as well as various historical cultures and different NPC factions.
Overall, New World Aeternum presents you with bold and dramatic visual effects, while striving to build a believable and solid game world. In this way, the game space and environment can not only enrich your gameplay but also make you live in harmony with the surrounding scenes in all aspects.
In order to make you more immersed in the game, the art team needs to work closely with various legends to keep the story and environment consistent in a simple and intuitive way.
In Aeternum, you will be washed ashore at the beginning, allowing you to arrive and discover this new land. Perhaps you will think this is Paradise Lost, Atlantis, Shangri-La, and the kingdom of all myths, because you can appreciate the mystery and majesty of buildings from all over the world here.
Also Read: New World Aeternum: How To Get Massive Gold Coins In The Game? - 4 Coin Farming Methods
As a player, you have your own unique cultural foundation, but for the cultures of different regions, the art team needs to conduct in-depth research to express the characteristics of legends from different cultures. For example, when creating ruins for you to explore, designers need to determine who built these ruins, what building materials and tools were used, and what the origins of the skeleton warriors guarding the ruins are.
If these problems can be solved smoothly, the game will have more gorgeous decorations and legendary secrets to hint at the former use of the ruins, and it will also give you the opportunity to discover those naturally flowing stories related to the environment as you travel in the world of New World Aeternum.
Through in-game data feedback, the design team can understand which environmental elements resonate with you and how you behave in the game, including where you consume more time and are more likely to encounter difficulties.
In fact, the player base itself is also very diverse, and the environmental elements reflected by what one group of players prefers may be very different from another group of players. Therefore, the design team’s design tools and processes have also changed a lot throughout the design process.
The overall design of the early environment actually started very broadly, because the designers had a lot of ideas about the entire game world and all the various landmarks and areas that players might go to. But as the game starts to build new areas of the world, you and other players will pay more attention to specific emotions, biomes, and cultures in the game scenes.
To do this, the team at New World Aeternum also needs to be more effective in advance to understand the types of scenes you like, and focus more time on the important and you will notice. The game tends to notice every detail, hoping to ensure that all the details of the scenes presented to you look of the highest quality. But there are some things you may not notice in the actual game, so in the end, the focus of the environmental design of New World Aeternum is still on the places you pay most attention to.
The above is the interesting information we brought to you about the environmental design of New World Aeternum. Thank you for reading.
As the first DLC of Diablo 4 series, Vessel of Hatred has aroused heated discussions and attention from players before it was officially launched. After it was officially released in October this year, it attracted many Diablo 4 fans to download and experience it.
At present, Vessel of Hatred has been released for almost two months. If you are interested in it, I believe you should have completed it, or at least experienced most of the content of this expansion. So when reading and experiencing the main storyline, did you find that there were still some questions that the game did not give simple answers to until the end of the entire DLC?
Although Vessel of Hatred has received many praises, some players also said that the main storyline has the defect of not being fully developed. Based on this, we have selected 8 questions that DLC has not yet answered to introduce to you.
How Inarius managed to escape from Mephisto’s domain is one of the most pressing questions of Vessel of Hatred. And you can’t simply assume that Inarius broke through Mephisto’s defenses because Mephisto was weakened, because this is not the first time Mephisto has been weakened.
In fact, more information about how Inarius escaped from the domain remains a mystery. You might guess whether it was because Might give him a blessing? Or was Mephisto’s defense weakened? But only the official response can we know for sure.
If your journey of Vessel of Hatred has reached the relevant stage, then you must be wondering how the protagonists brought Lilith back to Sanctuary? Just like what happened to her husband? How easy is it to get from the magic prison pit to Sanctuary?
In the plot, Lilith was once banished to the void, a place that is said to be impossible to escape, but she has successfully escaped twice. And Diablo 4 has not indicated that there are creatures that can create path points from heaven and hell to Sanctuary. If it is easy to escape from this void, it means that it is not a reliable prison, which will make you feel that the plot setting is not rigorous enough.
Therefore, this question also requires the game official to give a response in subsequent seasons or new expansions. Otherwise, when you need to farm Diablo 4 Gold and the related tasks are related to Lilith, this will undoubtedly affect your overall task experience.
Diablo 4 series has multiple playable classes, each with a different story. And facing the classic characters representing each class, I believe you have always been curious about who the protagonist of Diablo 4 is?
If Druid tribe or the children of Rathma saved the people of Sanctuary, it would be a unique thing for them. Because different questions are raised, each sequel has a playable profession, and they will work together on the mission. Unfortunately, you will not get the relevant answer until the sequel.
You will find that there are actually no angels in DLC. Although it’s a win for Inarius, this feels weird and doesn’t feel good for Sanctuary rebuilding series. It also makes you wonder: Are there any angels worried about Lilith’s return or Inarius’s escape? And where is Tyrael?
Tyrael was mortal at the end of Diablo 3, but no one knows if he will be reincarnated like the other angels after his death, and he is also the only angel who retains his identity after rebirth. This makes you wonder: will this happen twice?
In Diablo 4, the seven demons reappeared and Soul Reaper put them into the human world for more temptations, but at present in Vessel of Hatred, we don’t know exactly how they are progressing.
The strongest demon is reforming, while his weaker brother has transformed and returned to Sanctuary. The reformation may take a long time because he is the strongest and there is more to rebuild. It is not clear whether the other five demons have also reformed.
And what about Baal and Diablo? Are they alive or dead? Since no explanation is given in DLC, the game officials should respond in a later update.
Leoric Family has been involved in the game since the original Diablo series, and it can be said that they are also involved in Diablo 4. But surprisingly, in the expansion, it seems that this family has finally rested. This is a frustrating realization because it means that they may say goodbye to you.
Also Read: Diablo 4 Season 7: Hunting Down The Reborn Mephisto And Starting A New Adventure
In fact, the warrior of the original Diablo was nameless. However, he was glorified as the protagonist in Diablo 2, and in Diablo 3 he became the son of King Leoric.
We expect that the fate of Horadrim may be revealed at the end of Diablo 4 series, rather than being shown throughout the series, including DLC. There are only two members left, and there is a possibility that a new member will appear.
In the end, Neyrelle abolished her path, Lorath left, and Donan died. Since Tyrael stopped leading before Diablo 1, Horadrim has been in decline, and its former glory is gone.
When Deckard Cain became the last student of Horadrim, he had some vitality. However, Lorath lost his first student. He went mad, and the second student was also lost for reasons he didn’t know. These blows were undoubtedly huge.
At the end of the game of Vessel of Hatred, Neyrelle decided to leave with Mephisto’s soul stone, which may also be the beginning of the next story of Diablo series.
It’s not safe to travel with a hateful soul, and Neyrelle has exposed herself to direct danger by doing this. She may need to figure out where she is going. In addition, she lives in isolation and Mephisto is likely controlling her. She also seems to be heading west. You will wonder what is waiting for her on the other side?
We hope that in the next new season or new DLC, the game developers can answer or respond to these questions in the main storyline so that you can have a smoother journey of Diablo 4. Thank you for reading.
Monopoly Go’s latest campaign features a number of famous actors, engaging players through a story set in “GOville”. In addition, the cross-platform campaign includes more than 20 original videos, which were created by Scopely in collaboration with the well-known advertising agency Omelet and with the professional guidance of director Henry Scholfield.
In the campaign launched by Scopely, called “Friendship Pays”, Jason Momoa, Keke Palmer and Chris Pratt play characters in the game, and they perform a series of creative pranks based on the rules of Monopoly Go. Will Ferrell provided voice performance for the classic character Mr. Monopoly for the first time, and Scopely has confirmed that he will continue to be the voice spokesperson for this character in future related activities.
In fact, many actors have expressed their great enthusiasm for Monopoly Go and the latest campaign. Among them, Keke Palmer once mentioned in a statement that he always enjoys playing games with friends or family, especially games like Monopoly Go that can inspire competition and have fun. He also expressed his honor to cooperate with Monopoly Go.
Jason Momoa also shared his feelings, saying: Playing Monopoly Go is like playing bass. It’s all about creating harmony and getting everyone together to have a good time. He also said that he thinks there is no one better to be a partner than Keke, Chris and Mr. Monopoly.
Monopoly Go’s senior vice president of marketing once revealed the origin of the advertising campaign to the media. According to Berger, the entire project took a year to prepare. As Monopoly Go quickly achieved success around the world and accumulated numerous loyal players, Scopely decided to start attracting more potential users through TV commercials.
Berger emphasized that Monopoly Go is not just an ordinary mobile game. It is a game with a triple-A brand, wide influence and recognition. Therefore, when formulating a marketing strategy, Scopely hopes to treat this game and its related promotions in a way that reflects its high standards.
When discussing the advertising creativity of Monopoly Go, Berger said that friendship is the most important commodity in this game. Berger explained that the choice of ‘Friendship Pays’ is the key to success. The tagline “Friendship Pays’” recognizes that what makes Monopoly Go special is the time you spend with your friends.
The core of the campaign is to emphasize the fun and interactive experience of players coming together to enjoy the game, rather than just participating in a specific event in the game to get Monopoly Go Dice.
To bring this to life, Scopely designed a series of story scenes centered on friendship, in which players can experience not only the exciting gameplay process, but also the deep friendship between each other.
Related: Monopoly Go: Are You Ready For Space Sprouts? - Milestones And Rewards
In its first year, Monopoly Go was downloaded more than 150 million times and reached an astonishing number of 10 million daily active users. Not only that, it also generated a whopping $3 billion in revenue in just over a year.
The mobile game has evolved independently from the original Monopoly board game because of its extremely high popularity. With an already large player base, many people are curious about the value of advertising campaigns like “Friendship Pays” to existing players.
Berger said that Monopoly Go is, of course, very welcome to new players. Berger believes that the key factor for success is that the existing player base can really appreciate and participate in such innovative activities, to inspire them to play more frequently or share these interesting contents with their friends.
One of the core goals of this “Friendship Pays” campaign is to encourage old players who are already loyal fans to invite more friends to enjoy the fun brought by this game.
Another key to success is to encourage lapsed players to return to the game. Berger pointed out that a large part of the value proposition of such activities is that they may reach those who left the game six months ago. Such activities can be very effective in bringing these players back to the game and generating the idea of I wonder if my friends are still playing this game.
In addition, Berger also emphasized the global nature of this event. In order to further enhance the appeal of the event, Scopely even specially found voice actors suitable for the characteristics of each region for Monopoly Go, hoping to make the game closer to the life experience of local players in this way, to stimulate players' interest and enthusiasm for the game.
Scopely hopes to reach the maximum potential user group through this cross-platform integrated marketing strategy, so that both long-time fans of the series and novice players who have just come into contact with such games can be attracted by its unique charm and actively participate in the activities. This arrangement not only helps to increase brand awareness, but also lays the foundation for building a more active and harmonious gaming community.
As a classic shooting series game born in 2003, Call of Duty has a high popularity among the player community, but in recent years, except for Advanced Warfare launched in 2014, the game series has been in a tepid state for most of the time.
However, Black Ops 6 broke this status quo. Since its official release in October this year, BO6 has made waves in the gaming community, especially on Xbox, where it has recently become the most popular game. This is also the first time that Call of Duty game has gained such high popularity on Xbox platform.
Because if you also experience CoD Black Ops 6, you will find that it has fascinating gameplay, amazing graphics and innovative features. Not only can you get a rich combat experience in various immersive single-player campaigns and extensive multiplayer modes, you can also get cool skins to decorate your game character through CoD: Black Ops 6 Redeem Codes.
Additionally, the introduction of new mechanics and maps can make your BO6 experience fresh, so long-time fans and newcomers are drawn to participate. Base on these, we will explore the deeper reasons why Black Ops 6 is such a sensation around Xbox.
Since its inception, CoD series has always relied on different gaming platforms. The original Call of Duty launched as a PC exclusive in 2003 and quickly attracted a loyal group of fans with its immersive World War II gameplay and fascinating narrative.
However, when Call of Duty 2 was launched in 2005, it became a Xbox 360 exclusive, which marked a key moment for the series. This not only demonstrated the capabilities of the console but also solidified the partnership between Xbox platform and game makers.
There is no doubt that the release of CoD 2 helped Xbox become a major player in the first-person shooter field. As CoD continued to grow, the game began to adopt a multi-platform strategy, being playable on Xbox and PlayStation and PC. Despite the game’s wider availability, the connection between Call of Duty and Xbox remains strong.
Although CoD began to focus on PlayStation as a primary release platform in 2015 with the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, this year’s BO6 became a changer. This is the first time since the release of Advanced Warfare in 2014 that a Call of Duty game on Xbox has more player engagement than on PlayStation.
Based on observations of the gaming community and player behavior, this shift from PlayStation to Xbox can be attributed to the following three factors.
The most attractive thing about BO6 is that it does not contain any platform-exclusive content. Therefore, you may wonder why Xbox players like this game more than PlayStation players?
In fact, maybe the lack of exclusive content actually levels the playing field, making the core gaming experience the centerpiece, rather than the benefits of platform exclusivity. For these reasons, you’ll ultimately find Xbox players reacting most positively to the overall design of the game, the competitive elements, or the enhancements to Xbox version itself.
The growing Xbox Game Pass community, where you can access many games every month, has clearly helped to increase engagement with CoD Black Ops 6 on Xbox. Based on the choices made by players, it’s clear that CoD series will continue to be a major player in the industry, represented by BO6, thanks to its innovative gameplay and passionate community.
With Xbox returning to being the leading platform for the series after nearly a decade, the future of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be exciting and likely to have an impact on the series and the broader gaming market. This change not only reflects the changing preferences of gamers but also highlights the importance of platforms providing quality gaming experiences that resonate with players.
As the gaming industry continues to develop, players are becoming more and more discerning. If you are also a veteran gamer, I believe you now tend to prioritize gaming experience over brand loyalty. In fact, it is the rise of cross-platform games and shared gaming environments that has contributed to this shift.
You will find that it is easier than ever to connect with friends who play the game on different platforms when playing a gigantic game now. Obviously, BO6 is also the same on Xbox. Since playing Black Ops 6 on Xbox not only has a good gaming experience but also does not worry about not being able to team up with friends, it will certainly become your first choice.
This change in the gaming landscape may herald the resurgence of CoD series on various platforms, and may also lead to a more balanced competition between Xbox and PlayStation in the future.
BO6 has been available on Xbox Game Pass since the first day of its release. Obviously, this strategic move has played a key role in attracting more Xbox players. So if you were originally hesitant about whether to experience Black Ops 6 on Xbox, this move undoubtedly solves your concerns.
Currently, many fans who had previously forgotten CoD series have returned and started to experience Black Ops 6 because of Xbox Game Pass related measures, contributing to the impressive number of players on Xbox. Their influx not only enhances the vitality of the game community, but also enhances the multiplayer experience.
Now on Xbox, you will find that CoD Black Ops 6 is rated much higher than several other recent works. Its fascinating gameplay, well-made maps and innovative mechanisms all echo the glory days of Call of Duty series in the past, making it rejuvenated again.
EA Sports FC 25 introduces a host of fresh changes, including the Champions mode within Ultimate Team. This mode offers players a whole new gaming experience by participating in Champions Play-Offs all the way to Champions Finals. Since these leagues feature many top players and strong teams, mastering some tips and strategies is essential for players who want to stand out from the competition.
First, you need to understand the specific requirements for qualifying for Champions Play-Offs. In order to successfully advance to the Champions Play-Offs, players must accumulate at least 1,000 Champions Qualification Points. Once you enter Play-Offs, your goal is to reach Champions Finals.
In Champions Play-Offs, each win will bring you 4 points. Even if you lose, you will receive 1 point as compensation. To qualify for Champions Finals, you must win at least three games.
Once you successfully enter Champions Finals, there will be 15 games waiting for you to participate. Here, each win will add 1 point to your roster, while a loss will not give you any points. Therefore, I strongly recommend building a team with an overall rating of 85 or above, even if it costs a lot of FC 25 Coins, to ensure an excellent performance.
It is a wise strategy to choose fast players as wingers. For example, Jack Grealish and Bukayo Saka’s speed and dribbling stats can help you effectively carry the ball into the opponent’s half.
When your main striker (ST) is set to the false nine role, it means that he not only needs to play a role in the offensive end, but also actively participate in defense. In order to maximize the offensive potential, you can try to assign Shadow Striker role to your attacking midfielder (CAM).
In FIFA 25, choosing the right players and developing tactics based on their characteristics is the key to victory. If you can choose fast defenders such as Van De Ven, Eder Militao, and Ledley King, then you can try to use a high defensive line tactic. This setting allows your left and right backs to act as wingbacks and participate in both defense and offense.
By raising the defensive line, you can better control the tempo of the game and quickly counterattack when the opponent attacks. However, in this tactic, the role of the goalkeeper becomes particularly important.
In order to deal with breakthrough situations, you need to set the goalkeeper’s player role to a Sweeper Keeper. When the opponent’s forward manages to break through your defenders, the goalkeeper can rush out to clean up the ball and prevent the opponent from scoring.
To edit your defensive method, you can press L3 key and then navigate to Team Management. Although it may take some time to adapt to the new lineup and formation, once you master it, it will be difficult for the opponent to break through your defense.
Here is our list of recommended players for Champions:
Related: EA FC 25: How To Make Proper Tactics For 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Formation?
In football, winning various rewards is of great significance to the team. These rewards can not only significantly improve the team’s rating, but also add valuable players to help you win more games.
Since these rewards are entirely dependent on your performance, try to accumulate 12 points when participating in the weekend league to qualify for Finals, where the rewards are even more attractive.
In order to ensure that you can turn the tide in a tense game, you need to have some reliable substitutes on the field. These substitutes can play an important role at critical moments to help the team overcome difficulties and win.
Once you qualify for Champions Play-Offs, you can start to receive all the following rewards:
By applying these strategies and tips, you will better prepare and face the challenges of Champions mode in FUT 25. Now, with this guide, go to the pitch to show your football wisdom and tactical vision and win those coveted rewards!
The arrival of Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred DLC introduces a new class in Diablo series, Spiritborn, whose unprecedented new features and gameplay bring a new experience to players. With the in-depth exploration of this new class, many players have questions again, whether this is a sign that Diablo 4’s subsequent seasons and expansion updates will bring more new classes or the return of past classes in Diablo series.
After all, the current 6 classes cannot meet the diverse gaming needs of most players. Continuing to expand new classes is a key step in making Diablo 4 a better action RPG. Excellent classes can also better stimulate players to improve their character's strength. But which class will the developers introduce? There are still different opinions.
As the class pool of current MMO games continues to expand, the new classes available are more diverse. The addition of a creative new character can not only bring new gameplay to players, but also extend the life of the game.
And Diablo 4 will consider two key factors when adding new classes in subsequent updates. One is to supplement the missing character mechanism in the current basic game, and the other is to prepare for the subsequent improvement of the main content. In view of these aspects, we also want to talk about our views on the new classes that may be introduced in subsequent expansions.
After the release of the new expansion, many players want to know whether the final plot development can solve many unresolved mysteries. Although Vessel of Hatred DLC finally left an open ending and was criticized for its somewhat anticlimactic plot, it still left us a series of key clues and pointed out the direction.
At the end of Vessel of Hatred, Eru gave the body of Akarat, the Shepherd of Light to Lord of Hatred, Mephisto, the current biggest villain in Diablo 4. In the end, Mephisto devoured everything and made his body a new vessel for Lord of Hatred.
Honestly, this ending seems to represent the fall of light and sets a bleak and terrifying tone for the next expansion update, as the once indestructible Shepherd of Light has been devoured by Lord of Hatred.
Although Neyrelle will see him again, as Akarat and Neyrelle promised, this may be a new form. More importantly, the ending of Diablo 4 DLC hints at the possibility of Tyrael’s return, which may have some impact on the introduction of new classes in the future.
Since the release of Diablo 4, the game has been missing a classic “sword and board” class. Many players also hope that the developers can add a class of this type to the Diablo 4 DLC, but they seem to have always preferred to introduce more complex classes in the game rather than some traditional classic types.
However, considering the overall narrative direction of the game and the classes introduced in the past of Diablo series, it is still possible for Diablo 4 to introduce a Holy Knight type of class.
For example, Paladin class introduced in Diablo 2 and Crusader class finally introduced in Diablo 3 are blueprints designed for Diablo 4 in the previous games of the series. Now the developers only need to redo the class according to the new standards.A well-designed class will always make players willing to get more Diablo 4 Gold to train it.
At the same time, according to the game plot direction in Vessel of Hatred DLC, which foreshadows the return of Tyrael, the existence of Holy Knight class is indispensable to resist Mephisto. Therefore, a Paladin or Crusader-type class with unique functions like the new Spiritborn class in Vessel of Hatred will be the next goal of Diablo 4.
Although the direction of Diablo 4’s plot is still a bit confusing for players, and it is difficult to guess how the subsequent plot will develop, it is inevitable that Paladin or Crusader-type class will appear, whether from the perspective of filling some missing class mechanisms in the current game or from the perspective of the game plot.
The well-designed class is very impressive to players, whether from the perspective of game mechanism and operation experience, or from the perspective of integration with the game’s own plot.
What players hope is that developers can still dig out new features in the classic class, not limited to the stereotypes brought by Holy Knight type of class that appeared in the past, and strive to be able to match or even surpass Spiritborn class in terms of class uniqueness. This enables it to bring players a newer and more perfect experience, meet players’ more diverse game needs, and also help Diablo 4 become a better action RPG game. A key step, providing more rich and interesting gameplay for subsequent seasons and expansion updates.