Today we’re talking about the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online Gates of Oblivion Celebration Event. In this guide, we'll talk about the event's Rewards, new Y'ffre's Fallen-Wood Style, Indrik Vendor, Event Tickets, and more.
Gates of Oblivion Celebration Event commemorates 2021 Elder Scrolls Online content. During this event, you can earn unique rewards by participating in various events in Blackwood and Deadlands.
In addition, places such as Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa and Cauldron Dungeons have different activities that provide rewards. You can also earn tons of ESO Gold by selling excess loot.
We don’t have an official start date for the event yet, but we do know it will begin in November 2023. To participate in this event you need to own Blackwood and Deadlands DLC. This year's four dungeons are also a must if you want extra loot. If you have access to all event-related areas and dungeons, you'll be ready to start the campaign.
To start the event, you can head directly to Blackwood and Deadlands. Alternatively, you can start the event tutorial quest "Burdensome Beasts" for free from Crown Store, or speak directly to quest giver Plokun in Blackwood's Wilderness.
During the event, you can also get double rewards in the following ways:
During Gates of Oblivion Celebration Event, Harvesting nodes in Blackwood and Deadlands will yield twice as much. Additionally, you can also get Glorious Coffers and regular reward Coffers.
Players can earn one Glorious Coffers by completing the first daily repeatable mission in Blackwood and Deadlands. Also, you can sometimes find regular reward Coffers by completing more daily repeatable tasks and participating in events in Blackwood and Deadlands. Other activities where regular reward Coffers can be found include:
It is worth noting that regular reward Coffers have fewer opportunities to provide special rewards than Glorious Coffers.
You can earn Glorious Coffers once a day by defeating the ultimate boss of Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa and Cauldron Dungeons. Of course, if you want to complete the dungeon multiple times, you can also get more rewards.
If you kill the last boss while under Veteran Difficulty, you will receive two reward Coffers. If one of them qualifies for Glorious Coffers, you will receive one Glorious Coffers and one regular reward Coffers. You have a chance to find Glorious Coffers and it will reward you with:
Now we’ll discuss Blackwood’s daily repeatable quests. In Blackwood, you can find Delve and Group Boss daily repeatable quests.
Leyawiin’s Deetum-Jas will give you one of six daily repeatable exploration missions. Britta Silanus of Leyawiin will give you one of six group boss daily repeatable quests.
Each character can only find one Delve and Group Boss per day. However, if you team up with other players and ask them to share quests, you can complete all 6 Delve Boss daily quests and all 6 Group Boss daily quests.
You can also complete weekly repeatable trial tasks in Rockgrove Trial. Dust-On-Scales provides Stone and Steam quest for Rockgrove Trial. When you enter Rockgrove Trial, you’ll find the weekly quest giver at the entrance.
There are 2 types of daily repeatable missions in Deadlands. We can find both daily quest givers in Fargrave City District and unlocked immediately.
Players can start the daily world boss repeatable quest after talking to Vaveli Indavel. Luna Beriel provides you with daily repeatable quests.
During Gates of Oblivion Celebration Event, each account can earn 2 Event Tickets per day through the following activities:
This means that this time you can choose your favorite event to get Event Tickets every day.
As always, Impresario Event Merchant will be opening her shop during Gates of Oblivion Celebration Event. This year, her offerings include:
Philius Dormier will also open his store during the event. He offers Unstable Morpholith fragments and Dagonic Quasigriff Mount fragments in the fourth quarter of 2023.
ESO’s Gates of Oblivion Celebration Event is a great opportunity to experience Elder Scrolls Online story and earn some unique and valuable rewards. Good luck!
In this guide, we’re going to be taking a look at Galakrond’s Fall, one of the two wings of Dawn of the Infinite that’s available in Mythic Plus in WoW Dragonflight Season 3!
Galakrond’s Fall starts out with some challenging pulls. To better meet the challenge, you can use your WoW Dragonflight Gold in advance to equip yourself. This way you will fight with relative ease.
You can absolutely skip some of this section with Shroud of Concealment.
If you do try to fight it, maybe take it a little smaller than Golden Guardians and don’t fight everything all at once!
Move out of Timerip from the Epoch Rippers, and use stuns or other disrupting effects to stop Timeslicers from channeling Temposlice.
Chronikar has a few tricky mechanics.
Try to spread near the edges of the room when the boss casts Sand Stomp to avoid polluting too much of the arena. And make sure to dodge both the initial hit and the projectiles spawned by each Eon Shatter jump. Then, have someone dance back into the area to catch the falling Eon Residue!
Aside from these group mechanics, the Tank and Healer need to work together to handle Chronoshear, which applies a healing absorb and a massive damage taken increase that can’t be dispelled until the healing absorb is gone.
Use defensives and spot healing to survive and get the healing absorb off and then land the dispel to stabilize the tank!
The next area has a lot of trash and many different mechanics that require dispels, so don’t pull too many enemies at once to avoid getting overwhelmed!
Make sure to kick Infinite Bolt Volley from the Coalesced Time and watch your feet because there’s a lot to dodge!
The Manifested Timeways is a very challenging boss.
The ground will get sliced into four pieces, two darker Decaying Time zones and two lighter Accelerating Time zones.
These slices will shift clockwise around the boss, meaning in general, if you need to get to the other colored zone, you should run counterclockwise rather than trying to chase it clockwise.
During the Fragments of Time bullet hell, it’s easiest to dodge inside the slow Decaying Time zone and look for a gap created where the bullets changed zones.
The boss will also debuff two players with Chrono Faded. This DoT is quite nasty and when it’s dispelled, it creates an expanding ring that deals damage.
This ring expands very quickly if it’s dispelled in an Accelerating Time zone, but very slowly if dispelled in a Decaying Time zone. So, try to quickly dispel one of these in an Accelerating Time zone and then use heals and externals on the other target until the debuff expires, again ideally in an Accelerating Time zone.
After this boss is a nasty Infinite Infiltrator miniboss that you should pop CDs to kill. Or, if you can get your group to mount up and move together, it’s possible to skip right past it!
Trash in the next area is again very dangerous!
Risen Dragons are a huge threat due to their pulsing Necrotic Outburst, so pull only one or two at a time and use cooldowns if you’re fighting more than one!
The Blight of Galakrond encounter revolves around the Corrosion mechanic, a DoT that mind controls the target on expiration. It can be transferred by walking on top of a different player, which resets the timer, but does a sizable chunk of damage.
Aim to get this debuff on to the tank and then the Blight Reclamation frontal will clear it.
As you deal more damage to the boss, it will infect and reanimate various proto drakes around the room, adding more stuff to dodge, like Necrotic Winds and stuff to kill, like Necrofrost.
But the most important thing to focus on is juggling the Corrosion, so it never expires and it’s on the tank when the Blight Reclamation is happening!
The final area of the dungeon is full of the Epoch Rippers and Timeslicers from the start of the dungeon, plus Iridikron’s Creations, which just need to be interrupted on Stonebolt if possible!
Iridikron the Stonescaled is an epic end boss of this dungeon, and you’ll need Chromie’s Iridikron the Stonescaled help to stop him!
Extinction Blast needs to be taken to Chromie for protection, while the rest of the group dodges out of the way. This is followed by Stonecracker Barrage, where you’ll need to have most of the group in the big soak with Chromie and the tank alone in the smaller soak in front.
Heal up Chromie afterwards and then dodge the Earthsurge lines until you can break through the shield on the boss.
Dodge out of the Pulverizing Exhalation frontal, which also makes the area underneath the boss unsafe. And then, interrupt and kill the adds it spawns!
Once you get the boss to 90%, he begins casting Cataclysmic Obliteration. This is the final burn of the fight.
Get inside Chromie’s Timeline Transcendence to have a chance of victory and use everything you have left!
Greetings, adventurers!
A knight of the Round Table has discovered forbidden knowledge from the Ancients. Their goal is to use this knowledge to bring about an eternal winter and subjugate humanity. It is up to you and your team of Silver Crows to gather and persuade Daichi, a fire mage with a grumpy demeanor, to aid you in tracking down and defeating the knight before they can cause destruction in the realm of Aeternum. Take the opportunity to get acquainted with the new characters introduced in Eternal Frost, and then continue their thrilling journey in-game starting from December 12th.
He grew up admiring King Artorius and later served as a loyal Knight of the Round Table, driven by youthful courage and passion. He embarked on the journey to Aeternum's shores alongside the rest of the court. However, a falling out with Artorius during the Wars of Crimson Madness led to his banishment. This devastating blow stripped him of his entire identity, leaving him adrift and searching for meaning in life.
For decades, he lived in seclusion, consumed by vengeance and lost in the depths of his own madness. He has now formed an alliance with Ser Loth, a Knight who has tapped into ancient forces beneath the mountains of Great Cleave. As the new commander, he leads an army of mutated Varangians called the Frostbound, seeking powerful artifacts to unleash a terrifying force upon Aeternum and the world at large.
Daichi was a skilled warrior in feudal Japan, quickly rising through the ranks. However, his rebellious nature and disdain for authority grew as he honed his samurai skills. Eventually, he became disillusioned with his feudal lord and decided to become a ronin, frustrated by what he perceived as incompetence.
Being pursued for his betrayal, Daichi sought refuge in Aeternum, hoping to find new opportunities. There, he found guidance from Jubei Mori, the master of a Fire Temple. Although Daichi proved to be quite stubborn, Mori helped him find clarity. However, witnessing his master's defeat at the hands of his own students only deepened Daichi's mistrust of others. He developed a chip on his shoulder and became quick to anger and judge.
Even after joining the Crows, Daichi's rebellious tendencies persist. His aversion to authority immediately clashes with Grace. Despite his challenging personality, Daichi can still be a formidable and loyal ally.
Please share with us what you are anticipating the most from the Eternal Frost narrative. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in Aeternum.
Some Diablo 4 stats reveal typically the most popular and least popular classes in Blizzard's recently released action RPG.
According to the game's achievement stats, typically the most popular class in Diablo 4 may be the Sorcerer, as the least popular may be the Druid. Diablo 4 continues to be out for a few weeks now, giving action-RPG fans sufficient time to explore Sanctuary, clear its many dungeons, and check out all five from the launch classes.
Diablo 4 has five classes for action-RPG fans to select from at launch: Sorcerer, Druid, Rogue, Barbarian, and Necromancer. Hardcore fans that took part in the Diablo 4 beta tests could try out the various classes in advance, which likely informed their decision when deciding which class, to begin within the full game. In any case, each class comes with an achievement associated with them that may be unlocked within a couple of hours, which achievement unlock statistics reveal typically the most popular and least popular classes within the game.
As revealed through the unlock rates for Diablo 4's achievements, the Druid class may be the least popular class within the game, with only 12.25% of Xbox gamers choosing it and progressing far enough to obtain its Shifty Swipes achievement. Barbarian may be the second-least popular class, having a 14.33% unlock rate. The Diablo 4 Necromancer class finds itself dead-center having a 25.25% unlock rate. Rogue is slightly ahead with 25.55%. By far typically the most popular class in Diablo 4 is Sorcerer, with 31.34%.
The Diablo 4 achievement stats complement Blizzard's declaration that the Sorcerer is typically the most popular class in Diablo 4. It's possible that Necromancer and Rogue could eventually overtake it, but that does not seem likely. In the meantime, you have to imagine the negativity all around the Diablo 4 Druid throughout the testing phases played a job in players choosing to skip it and judge a different type of character within the full game. Blizzard has since improved the Druid class according to fan feedback, however, it seems many fans remained as not thrilled at the idea of playing one out of Diablo 4.
Rumor has it that Diablo 4 has more classes in route, with Blizzard potentially adding them towards the action RPG alongside DLC expansions sooner or later down the road. Nothing official to that particular effect continues to be announced at the time of this writing, but even if those new courses are added, they're unlikely to shake things up an excessive amount. The middle spots might swap, however, it seems like Sorcerer is really a lock for many popular Diablo 4 classes while Druid is going to be known as the least popular class within the game.
If you won't want to sell your components of Diablo 4, your next best set would be to salvage them.
Diablo 4 doesn't have a shortage of loot, because the world of Sanctuary is teeming with assorted sources that may drop you rare what to equip in your character. While every player is going to be anxiously awaiting their first legendary bit of gear or even the right weapon for his or her build, you will notice that most of the loot you obtain is not worth keeping. In these cases, you may either sell that gear to earn extra gold or salvage it to obtain back crafting materials.
It's ultimately your decision whether or not you need to sell or salvage a product in Diablo 4. However, some players might just be wondering how they may salvage a product in the very first place. Below, you'll find the answer to that question together with some other information about what it way to salvage a weapon or bit of armor in Diablo 4.
Diablo 4 - How to salvage gear and weapons
You can salvage most bits of gear whenever you visit a Blacksmith. Blacksmiths are marked through the anvil icon in your mini-map and really should be available in many towns across Sanctuary. Once you reach a Blacksmith, the very first screen the thing is after getting together with them may be the salvage screen.
You will see a hammer icon in red around the left side of the screen as well as your inventory around the right side. In order to salvage a product in your inventory, you have to physically press the hammer icon at a negative balance square. This will turn your cursor right into a small hammer, and you will now press around the inventory items you need to salvage.
In exchange for salvaging a product, you'll receive crafting materials that are based on the rarity of the item you salvaged. For example, should you salvage a typical pair of gloves, you'll likely only receive some rawhide in exchange. However, should you salvage an uncommon weapon, the return might be Veiled Crystals, iron chunks, and silver ore. You can see precisely what materials you're receiving in exchange by exploring the "Salvaged Materials" box at the end left-hand side of the screen after salvaging a product.
You can salvage just about any item in Diablo 4, but there's one large exception. If you have imprinted a brand new Aspect onto a legendary weapon or bit of gear at The Occultist, then you'll not have the ability to salvage that weapon while continuing to move forward. This Aspect may come from either the Codex of Power or from one inside your inventory. Once you decide to use a brand new Aspect on a bit of gear, you are able to only equip, stash, or market it in the future.
Aside from that, everything inside your inventory is fair game with regard to salvaging. If you have a complete inventory and wish to salvage your way through it simultaneously, you are able to use the buttons below the red hammer icon around the Blacksmith's screen. These buttons permit you to salvage all your junk, common, magic, and rare items at the same time. Don't worry if should you press the "All Items" button, though, because this will salvage every item inside your inventory aside from the legendary items.
Blizzard's Rod Fergusson confirms that Diablo 4 will require players to utilize a new character every season.
Blizzard's Rod Fergusson has confirmed that Diablo 4 players will have to make a new character to sign up for seasonal content. This news may be upsetting to Diablo 4 players who're new to the Diablo franchise, especially because so many have invested a lot of time in leveling up their characters already.
Reaching Diablo 4's max level cap isn't an easy feat. To put into perspective precisely how serious the Diablo 4 max level grind is, level 85 hanging around is technically the halfway reason in terms of just how much XP one should reach 100. It's reliable advice that many gamers will not be interested in starting over with a brand new character and never only needing to level completely up again but additionally repeat a lot of the same content they have already been through.
Unfortunately for all those individuals, Blizzard's Rod Fergusson has confirmed on Twitter that getting involved in Diablo 4's seasonal content requires players to produce a new seasonal character. This means the ones that want to stay with the character they've now are going to be missing out on the "seasonal questline, mechanics, season journey, and battle pass." While this was expected by longtime Diablo players, those a newcomer to the franchise might be confused and annoyed by this. And with Diablo 4 breaking Blizzard sales records, it's reliable advice that it definitely has attracted new players towards the long-running series.
Others could reason that this doesn't go a long way with Diablo 4's live service model. After all, other live service games do not require players to begin from scratch with a brand new character to see seasonal content, so it is going to be interesting to ascertain if this decision alienates some of Diablo 4's community. It's easy to observe how some gamers should not make use of the seasonal content after they realize they've to create a new character.
There has recently been some concern and controversy over how Blizzard could be handling Diablo 4's seasonal content. Many fans were concerned about how Diablo 4 would handle renown using the seasonal resets, as players were stressed about needing to potentially rediscover the whole map or search for all the Altars of Lilith again. Luckily, Blizzard confirmed that would not be the case.
Diablo 4's first season is expected to begin next month, so it is going to be some time before fans from the action RPG can easily see if the seasonal submissions are worth the grind. Those who're uninterested in following Diablo 4's seasonal stories can easily wait for that expansions to be released before they jump back into the game, obviously. The Diablo 4 DLC expansions do not have release dates at the time of this writing, but Blizzard has confirmed that a minimum of two have been in development.
Diablo 4 has gone out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Attack speed is really a hard stat to stack in Diablo 4, there is however one Legendary Aspect that's ample to fit nearly every build.
Legendary Aspects give players the best effects for their builds in Diablo 4. Some provide general damage and survivability boosts, while some offer more interesting powers explicitly tailored to every class's abilities.
The Accelerating Offensive Aspect is often sought after by many players because of its ability to boost attack speed, effectively taking out the need to get because of the stat from items. It's also required to make many builds in Diablo 4 shine to their fullest extent. Here are ways to get this legendary power.
Diablo 4: How to Get the Accelerating Offensive Aspect
Unlike the Aspects rewarded from clearing the game's many dungeons, the Accelerating Aspect is only able to be acquired randomly from Legendary item drops. Players will need to grind and become a little lucky when they want to obtain this capacity to drop.
The Accelerating Aspect can roll on weapons, gloves, and accessories, so check when a legendary version of those items drops, in case.
One of the best ways to get Legendary gear is as simple as farming Helltides. The mob density in impacted areas skyrockets, and players will often find a ton more elites roaming the countryside. Events also seem to pop up more often during a Helltide, so players can get more chances to obtain loot using their reward chests.
The best benefit of Helltide farming is players can open Tortured Gifts of Mysteries because they collect Aberrant Cinders. These mystery chests can drop as many as five Legendary items when opened, and they are often at Sacred or Ancestral tier based on what difficulty players take presctiption.
Tortured Gifts of Mysteries require 175 Cinders to spread out, and just one will spawn per Helltide region. Players who've opened the mystery chest within an area are going to a different Helltide region or open all Tortured Gift chests that drop accessories instead as these cost only 75 Cinders.
Event chests will also be good for farming gear. Not only do there is a good drop opportunity for Legendary items, but they also reward players with Murmuring Obols for Curiosity vendors around. Getting a full Obol wallet is rather easy throughout a Helltide, and players could possibly get at least a few Legendary items once they gamble in towns.
Keep in your mind that players could possibly get Sacred items from Purveyors of Curiosities when the item within the vendor's inventory is glowing. Not every item is going to be Sacred, so ensure that you prioritize weapons, gloves, and accessories for any shot at obtaining the Accelerating Aspect.
Diablo 4 can be obtained now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Want Sacred and Ancestral items? Blizzard has shared some valuable intel.
What you have to know
Sacred and Ancestral merchandise is some of the most valuable bits of gear in Diablo 4's endgame because they have much higher stats and Item Power values when compared with regular drops.
Blizzard has said Nightmare Dungeons possess a higher opportunity to drop Sacred or Ancestral items than alternative activities do.
This means they are the best places to farm for Sacred or Ancestral variants of Legendary and Unique drops.
Nightmare Dungeons are full of lots of Elite monsters and bosses, so Legendary drops inside them are not unheard of.
Once you slice and dice the right path through the campaign and also the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in Blizzard's new hit ARPG, you will be prompted to jump into World Tier 3: Nightmare and start your journey through Diablo 4's endgame. In it, you are able to participate in a number of new activities and earn a lot of powerful loot drops, the very best of that is Sacred and Ancestral (only at World Tier 4: Torment) items.
The Sacred and Ancestral versions of Legendary and Unique gear pieces are highly desirable given that they have significantly higher stat rolls and Item Power values, and becoming your hands on them will vastly enhance your Diablo 4 builds. Since launch, the city hasn't been sure what the very best way to farm on their behalf is, but that is no longer the situation thanks to a brand new tip from Blizzard.
"Items that drop in Nightmare Dungeons possess a higher possibility of being Sacred or Ancestral than items which drop beyond Nightmare Dungeons," said Diablo 4 Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora on Twitter. Humorously, a "The More You Know" meme was connected to the post.
Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons were already worth grinding given that they're the only real source from the Glyph XP you have to improve Glyphs in your Paragon Board, however that we know they've higher drop rates for Sacred and Ancestral items too, farming them is much more valuable. Note that once Diablo 4's big patch is not far off goes live, they'll also give increased XP and will also be easier to travel to because of portals that'll be created if you use a Nightmare Sigil.
I recently reached World Tier 3 and also have been attempting to hunt down Sacred versions from the Legendaries and Uniques I want for my Barbarian build, so I wish I knew about Nightmare Dungeons' higher drop rates sooner. Farming them will certainly be my priority continuing to move forward, though, also it should be yours too if you are seeking Sacred and Ancestral items (especially because the Elites and bosses in Nightmare Dungeons drop Legendaries frequently).
In other news, Blizzard has announced intends to address disconnects causing deaths on Hardcore mode by looking into making Scroll of Escape items (instant teleports to a safe zone) automatically trigger whenever a server-side error is detected. A dedicated pouch for gems is originating in Season 2, too, and data miners have found evidence of a deadly World Tier 5.
Diablo 4 has gone out now and it is available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, Windows PC, PS5, and PS4. It's one of the very best Xbox games for fans of dungeon crawlers and hack-and-slash combat, and we have been having an absolute blast using it.
Gems in Diablo 4 are magical items that can enhance what you are socketed into. Each of those gems provides you with a host of different benefits with respect to the item it's socketed into.
There are lots of different types of gems that exist as loot or craft beyond combat. Slotting a gem right into a weapon will garner offensive benefits, Armour will gain you defensive benefits, and socketing them to your rings and amulets will lift up your various resistances.
Where Can You Find The Jeweler in Diablo 4?
Before you are able to upgrade your gems, you will have to have unlocked The Jeweller. Once you reach level 20, you'll be given a Quest which involves upgrading a Crude Ruby right into a Chipped Ruby. Completing this Quest may have The Jeweller unlocked for permanent use.
What Can The Jeweler Do?
The Jeweler will help you to craft items, upgrade existing gems and add sockets for your gear that you should slot these gems into. If you find some gear without a slot, however, you really wish it did, you will have to get your hands on a Scattered Prism to include one. Each piece of gear has a minimum of 1 slot that it may have, using the following permitting a maximum of 2 slots – Bow, 2-Handed Weapon, Chest, and Pants.
Upgrading Your Gems
Now you know how to get The Jeweller and the things they're doing, let’s discuss upgrading those gems of yours. There are various stages that reflect the caliber of the gems you've. This starts at Crude and rises to Royal. Once your character reaches a high enough level, better-quality gems will begin to drop by themselves without needing to upgrade. Each different kind of gem will even grand different benefits with respect to the item it's slotted into. To speak use the Jeweler and visit the Craft tab. In this tab, you'll be able to consider several gems of 1 quality and merge them into among better quality. This may have the same bonuses however with a greater effect.
Each time you upgrade a gem, you may need a certain amount of this type of gem's previous drop type, together with gold that gets higher for every upgrade. Crude Gems would be the lowest degree of gems you are able to get your hands on, and will begin to drop at level 15. These could be upgraded to Chipped Gems. Chipped Gems drop at level 20 and upgrade towards the base gem’s name, for example, Saphire or Ruby.
This can come at a price of 3 Crude Gems and 4,500 gold. Base gems will drop at level 40 and upgrade to Flawless gems. To Upgrade to those base gems, it will cost you 3 chipped gems of the identical type and 12,500 gold. Flawless gems will upgrade into Royal. The cost of obtaining a gem towards the rank of Flawless is going to be 3 base gems and 18,000 gold. Royal may be the current highest degree of gem that you'll be able to get. To get a royal gem, you will have to pay the price of 3 Flawless gems along with a whopping 50,000 gold.
What Bonuses Do Gems Give?
Different kinds of gems can give different bonuses with respect to the slot they're in. Here is really a quick rundown of each kind of gem and the things they give when slotted.
Be looking for Legendary Gems too. These legendary gems could be vital for several builds, while other builds may benefit more by using the highest upgraded types of non-legendary gems.