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An Easy-To-Build Double Swing Twisters Barbarian You Can't Miss In Diablo 4 Season 3
Diablo 4 Feb 21, 2024

An Easy-To-Build Double Swing Twisters Barbarian You Can't Miss In Diablo 4 Season 3

I'm excited to present to you a Double Swing Twister Barbarian build. This iteration brings a fresh perspective for this Diablo 4 Season 3 - super fast and incredibly powerful. While there's a reduction in cooldown upon killing enemies, it doesn't significantly impact the build's effectiveness since we primarily rely on Double Swing with minimal skill casting.

An Easy-To-Build Double Swing Twisters Barbarian You Can't Miss In Diablo 4 Season 3

How It Works

In this build, there are absolutely no Uber Uniques included. If consider adding one, my choice would probably be a Shako. While a Ring of Starless Skies may seem appealing, Shako is the only option I would consider for this setup. Besides, we need the Tibault's Will. The reason being, it’s a lot harder this season to sustain unstoppable. So before we had Metamorphosis power, which would allow you to just continuously proc Tibault's Will.

One nice thing about this build is that it’s movement speed capped while Berserking, which is absolutely insane. Another little cool thing that you can do with this build as well is just swing at thin air to keep your Berserk buff up. So every time I swing, I get 2 extra seconds, so I can just maintain it. I can keep my damage boost from wrath, and I can also maintain my movement speed as well. 


So let’s quickly go over our Diablo 4 Items. First, I really recommend the Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty, this is not necessary but definitely nice to have. I just kind of wanted to illustrate like Fortifiy damage reduction doesn’t actually do anything while you’re using a barrier. For the ring, I choose the Bold Chieftain's Circle, Ring of Unrelenting Fury and Windlasher Chain. They’re all really low item power, and the roles on some of these are excellent.

There’s a lot that can be improved, but the key component is urity. Your main DPS boost is Ramaladni's Magnum Opus, so this is really important.  But check carefully as to the stat requirements because you know these are not the best representation for that, you want crit chance where you can get it, and damage while Berserking, and resource regen, and Maximum Fury.

Skill Tree

Then as for skills again, you want to go for Furious Double Swing . This is what gives us our basically infinite Fury. We are using Strategic Rallying Cry. Now I know I said like fortified damage reduction doesn’t really apply from behind barrier and it doesn’t.  However, we want the damage boost from counteroffensive. So just having this alone, one Rallying Cry will get you to the fortifier requirement in order to allow you to get this damage boost which we want. 1 point again in Charge, this is just for breaking CC. You can use it if you want to move faster.

Diablo 4 Season 3 Rallying Cry

Healing is very important to this build. And then of course we need Invegrating Fury, more healing but this is just passive. You know this you have to wait for Shouts. This every 4 Double Swing s, and we have insane attack speed, will just be a fat heal, which will keep you sustained forever. Unconstrained, this is a Berserk build.

Seneschal Constructs

As for the pet, I didn’t use any of unique stones either. However, if you wanted to use some, you would definitely want to play Genesis on Flash of Adrenaline, and then you’d want to play Evernight on Tempest. It is up to you. And we can get a lot of resource from this, which is quite important for us, and then just damage and DR, which is very nice to have.

Paragon Board

Then the last part I just want to talk about is the paragon board. I have to compensate for my lack of resistances on those really low item power rings. There’s some sort of fundamentals that will remain. We’re going to have Blood Rage, lots of damage while Berserking. Then the glyphs we will get is still the Wrath. this is for Fury regen. Ambidextrous powers up all the blue nodes, also increases our damage of dual-wield weapons.

Exploit is our main, if not our only source of vulnerability, but nothing really ever flips over 3 seconds, that’s not a problem. A because it’s a Berserk build and Twister, which is just a really fun thing to use. So we get a nice little 133% multiplicative damage bonus after creating a Tornado or some others, but also it’s just a really cool like gimmick almost. It’s cool to see the Tornadoes go around and kill stuff. They do quite a bit of damage when you max this out, and I really like how it plays.

So other than that, Carnage, lots of attack speed with stacking that Decimator just for Flat Damage. We don’t have Warbringer in the build that you see will quite likely going to have Flawless Technique in it as well because that’s the one thing I would, take these points that are in resistances and I’d go get that legendary node.

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