Do Not Forget To Go These Secret Locations In Elden Ring
Elden Ring is a game that is so big and so expansive. Sometimes, it feels really easy to miss little details or hidden locations. I used to take pride in the fact that I explore every nook and cranny of these types of games.
Next I will introduce to you the three most missed locations in all of Elden Ring.
In addition, investing enough Elden Ring Runes in Elden Ring can help you explore secret locations more efficiently.
Walls, Snails, Fear & Darkness
First up on the list, we have Sellia Hideaway. This place is essential if you’re looking to finish Sorceress Sellen’s questline as well as get Lusat set and Stars of Ruin spell. The reason this one is so easy to miss is because it’s actually hidden behind an Illusory Wall and even after you find this ucer wall. There’s many more inside in order to find the entrance and this Illusory Wall. You will first want to head to Church of Plague and then head north.
On your way to Illusory Wall, there is a Sorcery waiting to blast you with spells. He’s not too difficult, so you should be able to take him out pretty easily. There’ are also a few items you’ll want to pick up along the way.
As a side note, if you’re playing offline and you don’t have any signs from people showing you where to go, you can run around spamming Margit or Mohg’s shackle, which will reveal all the hidden Illusory Wall as well. Or you just roll around and start smacking things with your sword will have the same effect.
Once you are inside Hideaway or Cave, I’m going to probably call it Cave from now on. Once you’re inside Cave, there are a bunch of really unfriendly monsters. You’ve got Miners and Sorcerers which you’ll see in a lot of Caves throughout the game. But you also have those little snail things that hide and shoot you with magic at one point towards the end.
You actually just have a bunch of them fall in your head as you’re getting ready to approach the main boss in this Dungeon. They are terrible.
But the number one worst part about this whole place is Revenant . They just decided to put a Revenant in here to just mess up your whole day. It’s not fun. When exploring this Cave and all of its nooks and crannies, remember there’s about three Illusory Wall in here. I think three or four.
But as you’re exploring, you’ll come across a two kinds of ending zones, one is the final boss where you’ll fight three Putrid Crystalians. I’m going to fight with Crystalians.
You’ll fight three of those. They’re easy if you have a strike weapon, so just keep that in mind if you have a strike weapon they’re much easier to defeat as you can stagger them very quickly and give massive Critical Hits on them.
Secondly, you will come across a sealed door. It’s kind of big and blue and glowing if you are far enough in Sellen’s questline. You will be able to then interact with this door and through talk to Lusat. He’ll give you a spell. If you come back here once you finish the questline, he will not be here and you can pick up his armor, which gives you a lot of bonuses for star type spells.
But at the end of the day, this place sucks. I don’t like it. But it’s got a lot of good stuff. So I’d highly recommend checking it out.
Taylor Lautner’s Abduction
It definitely would not be a FromSoftware game if there wasn’t a horrifying and scary monster that kills you, grabs you and takes you off to some far away place. Elden Ring is no different. If you remember, in Dark Souls 3, there were those dudes with the cages on their back. They stuff you in the cage and take you off to another location.
Bloodborne had those big hooded figures that love to just punch you, kick you, do all the horrible things to you and then they grab you and stuff you in their bag and take you off to just the most horrible place imaginable.
In Elden Ring, we have Abductor Virgins, these guys are real creepy looking they got sometimes big old Scythe hands, sometimes they have big old Blade hands but inevitably they have a bazillion hands that come out of their stomach and try to stuff you inside.
In order to reach a secret location in Volcano Manor as well as a cool tunnel that takes you to mount Gelmir much earlier in the game than you might have expected, you will need to be murdered to death by an Abductor Virgin and then taken away. To find this monstrosity, you’ll first want to head to Schoolhouse Classroom Site of grace in Raya Lucaria.
Now if you remember that gigantic wheel that you probably jumped on to go up to get to this location. Just jump back on that wheel except take it all the way down to the ground, where you will find an Abductor Virgin waiting to destroy you.
I am also just now realizing that underneath the face of these guys. They’re holding a baby like a weird ceramic or metal just statue of a baby. That’s terrifying.
One thing to note too about getting to this location is that you are going to want to not die by its big buzz saw hands, but let it grab you. Let it pull you inside of it, chomp you up and do its Dirty Deeds to you.
After your quick loading screen you will be teleported to Volcano Manor, where you will see a bunch of broken down Abductor Virgins, you’ll see a bunch of cages. There will be a lot of bats everywhere. Trying to scream at you and attack you, just make your way through picking up any items you might find along the way.
Eventually, you will come across another Site of Grace and once you are there, you can actually teleport out of here. If you do not want to be here anymore, don’t teleport out though, because then you will not have the lovely experience of seeing all that this hidden area has to offer.
One of them being more bats and a lava fill pathway to take you to the boss. Actually, it’s two bosses. Two Abductor Virgins that you get to fight, one of them using Ghiza’s Wheel hands, the other has the Scythe hands.
If you do manage to defeat them, you will be rewarded with a weapon. After that, head forward and you will see any other Site of Grace as well as a way out of this abomination of a Cave.
All Hail The Dragonlord
Welcome to mount Gelmir. Here, you’ll encounter the Great Dragon Placidusax, the secret boss in Elden Ring.
Now there are many secret bosses but this. I think is the one that everyone considers secret boss in Elden Ring. To get to this big dinker of a Dragonlord, you need to first head to Farum Azula.
Once you have found the beside Great Bridge Site of Grace, turn around and head back down the elevator, you just came up. The reason I recommend doing this first is that this is the closest Site of Grace to this boss fight.
Once you get to the bottom of the elevator, I would recommend killing all Beastman waiting for you. You can run past if you want. But if you kill them, you won’t have them throwing things at you or shooting lightning at you. That could potentially throw off your jumping as you traverse a dangerous cliff area.
Like many areas I’ve talked about before, I completely missed this boss fight on my first playthrough and it wasn’t until watching videos after the fact that I was like, what the heck is Dragonlord Placidusax.
Turns out I just completely missed these Cliffs that you can jump off onto floating platforms. After traversing the shattered floating cliff side, you will find yourself on a much bigger portion of a wall. That has been shattered and is now floating. You’ll find a little groove that you can lie down in to do that.
After watching a very calm yet chilling Cutscene, you will get to fight Dragonlord Placidusax. Now my build was absolutely not set up for this guy, but your build actually set up for a boss fight.
This is one of the coolest boss fights in this game. It is so fun. It’s challenging. The atmosphere is awesome. The music is incredible if you’re able to kill Placidusax, you will be rewarded with a gazillion runes and the remembrance of Dragonlord.
You can take this remembrance back to Roundtable Hold and turn it in for either Dragon King’s Cragblade, which is an awesome heavy Thrusting Sword with one of the coolest weapon skills I’ve ever seen in a Souls game.
Or you can also get Placidusax ruin, which is a spell or basically a Dragon Incantation that allows you to just spew golden breath all over. It’s really cool. Go fight him.
So there you have it, those what I believe are probably the three most missed locations in all of Elden Ring. Like I said before.
I hope you won’t miss these hidden locations in the game.
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