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A Guide To Spiritborn Jaguar In Diablo 4 Vessel Of Hatred DLC - Skills & Build Strategy A Guide To Spiritborn Jaguar In Diablo 4 Vessel Of Hatred DLC - Skills & Build Strategy
Diablo 4 Jul 26, 2024

A Guide To Spiritborn Jaguar In Diablo 4 Vessel Of Hatred DLC - Skills & Build Strategy

In this Diablo 4 Spiritborn Jaguar guide, we’ll take a thorough analysis into the character’s gameplay, skills, possible build strategies, and more.

Spirit Guardians

Spiritborn is the newest member of Diablo 4 class roster, a tough warrior from Nahantu Jungle who wields the mystical powers of the guardian of the spirit realm.

Spiritborn marks a true expansion of class depth and build variety in Diablo 4. While we’ll have to wait until Vessel of Hatred to unlock Spiritborn, there’s a lot of information to explore about the class so we can jump right in and dive into the excitement of this new class.

A Guide To Spiritborn Jaguar In Diablo 4 Vessel Of Hatred DLC - Skills & Build Strategy

Abilities And Builds

Today, we’ll be taking a thorough analysis into Jaguar Spirit, gameplay, skill selection, and how these elements fit together.

For those who already know how to play Druid in Diablo 4, think of Spirit Boons as an advanced enhancement. For those who are new to Druid, these spirits will bring powerful passive skill bonuses to your character.

Spirits also allow you to perform specific skills, some of which increase attack speed to increase damage output, others increase damage output over time, use vicious poisons to weaken enemies, or if you prefer, there are still some that allow you to use the pseudo-ranged variant of Spiritborn.

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Game Style

For players who love endless fighting and killing, Guardian Spirit is definitely your best choice.Become a fierce predator and ruthlessly tear through enemies with high DPS, accelerated attacks, and swift movements.

Picking up Jaguar Spirit equips you with Guardians’ passive, which triggers a chain of critical hits after every fourth attack with a Jaguar skill.

Many Jaguar skills build Ferocity, a stackable buff that increases attack speed by 5%, with a baseline attack speed of 20%. Building up and maintaining this buff is key to boosting your DPS. You can use this increased attack speed in creative ways by applying it to other Guardian Spirit skills. To reach the potential of these skills faster and make the most of Jaguar Spirit’s abilities, it might also be wise to consider investing in some Diablo 4 Gold.

Spiritborn Jaguar Skills

  • Thrash (Basic): Dash forward and critically hit enemies for 10% damage. When you hit your third attack in a row, you unleash a series of rapid slams around the target for 25% damage.
  • Rake (Core): Summons conjure claws that sweep across enemies in front of you, dealing an initial [20%] damage, followed by an explosion that deals an additional [40%] damage.
  • Ravager (Focus): This passive skill increases your Minimum Ferocity by 2. When active, you roar with ferocity, causing all of your attacks to trigger an additional strike for [60%] damage for the next 6 seconds.
  • Rushing Claw (Potency): You dash across a short distance, piercing through all enemies in your path, hitting them twice for [50%] damage.
  • Counter Attack (Defensive): Passive effect: You gain a 20% [+] chance to dodge enemy melee attacks. When you successfully dodge, you automatically deal 80% of the attacker’s damage. When active, you can dodge all direct attacks for the next 2 seconds.
  • Hunter (Ultimate): You dash across the battlefield as a Jaguar Spirit, dealing [50%] damage when you land, then quickly slashing enemies in the area for [200%] damage over 7 attacks.

Build Ideas

The appeal of Spiritborn is the variety of Spirit Guardians possible.

Jaguar With Centipede

One fascinating combination is Jaguar with Centipede, a strategy that doubles damage output by introducing poisons, and stays alive by stealing life and increasing health after killing enemies, which is a perfect fit for aggressive all-out offensive play.

Picking Centipede as a secondary Spirit will give you a healing ability that restores 1% of maximum HP for each nearby poisoned enemy, while also allowing you to achieve a wide range of poison effects at a low cost. A better option is Touch of Death.

Touch of Death can apply continuous poison damage. Not only is this skill very effective as an opening, but when the poison effect ends or the target enemy dies, the effect explodes among nearby enemies, spreading the poison. This makes this skill particularly suitable for use when facing numerous enemies, especially when combined with Rake skill, which has incredible AoE clear potential.

Diablo 4 Jaguar With Centipede

Jaguar With Eagle

Another interesting combination for Spiritborn Jaguar in Diablo 4 is Jaguar and Eagle. This combination takes advantage of Jaguar’s enhanced attack speed, combined with Eagle’s high crit rate and its mobility of Eagle, to create a DPS combination.

With this combination, enemies can be quickly defeated by simply keeping up the attack.

Jaguar With Gorilla

If the attack-focused glass cannon style doesn't suit you, another option for Spiritborn Jaguar in Diablo 4 is to pair Jaguar with Gorilla. This combination enhances defensive mechanisms such as barriers and crowd control skills, providing a more warrior-style combat style for players who like to charge in and output as much damage as possible.

Ultimately, with a well-thought-out strategy and some creative thinking, Spiritborn Jaguar will undoubtedly become an exciting and terrifying force on the battlefield of Diablo 4.


How To Choose The Best Boss Build In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur?
Path of Exile Jul 26, 2024

How To Choose The Best Boss Build In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur?

In the patch notes for Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur, it can be seen that the developers are changing the fun of this game by reworking the combat mechanics and adding a town simulator. But some players feel confused about the build and don’t know which build to choose to deal with these fresh changes.

But don’t worry too much, you can use several best boss builds in this guide, which will greatly help you deal with new enemies or face new mechanisms in Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur league. If you are still unclear about which build to choose, or are worried that the previous build ideas may not work with Affliction and Sentinel mechanics, then keep reading!

How To Choose The Best Boss Build In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur?

Hexblast Mine Trickster

In the game, Hexblast Mine Trickster is a very easy to build to set up, and it also allows you to move quickly in combat, which means you will have super high mobility to avoid various damage from enemies. Additionally, this build is very good with very little gear, which makes it a good build even in the late game with very little gear!

The core of Hexblast Mine Trickster is Hexblast ability, which is especially effective against cursed enemies, and also deals AOE damage. You can use Stormblast Mines to help this build level up, but Pyroclast Mines are better. It’s up to you.

You can also use Zealotry and Wither to increase your strength and weaken your enemies, so you win from the start. It should be noted that Hexblast removes curses from enemies it hits, so you must equip a Hex on hit ring so that you can curse them again.

Boneshatter Juggernaut

This build has always been praised in previous versions, and it is still the same in Path Of Exile 3.25, and even higher than before, because all melee attacks have been buffed in Settlers of Kalguur. Although Boneshatter Juggernaut is already strong enough, it will give you a big surprise in this league.

This build mainly relies on you to stack Trauma and increase your damage to enemies. But there is a problem with Trauma. When you deal with high damage, you will also take a certain amount of damage. But don’t worry too much, you can help you recover a lot of health by stacking armor and utilizing Juggernaut ascendancy.

After dealing with this biggest problem, you can focus on using Boneshatter Juggernaut’s main combat ability-Boneshatter. This ability not only brings you super high damage to enemies but also combines your enhancements of unique attributes to help you clear any enemies on the road of exploration. You can also more easily pick up POE Currency dropped by enemies on the road.

As one of the best ascendancy classes in Path of Exile, you can try this build if you like Juggernaut.

Shield Crush Juggernaut

If you’ve been playing Path Of Exile since 3.19, you’ll know about Shield Crush Juggernaut. It’s a little easier to get started with than some of the more complex builds. Like Boneshatter Juggernaut, it’s also a bit more powerful because of the melee buffs in Path Of Exile 3.25.

This build focuses on using your Shield Soldiers to protect you from enemy damage, so you need to stack as much armor as possible from a variety of sources.

This build is a little different from other offensive builds, as your main damage ability, Shield Crush, can be used to clear monsters instead of killing them, but you don’t have to worry about taking damage.

Also, for those who play Path of Exile 2, this build has always been relevant, so you can look forward to seeing if it appears in Path of Exile 2.

Read More: Path Of Exile 3.25: Settlers Of Kalguur Turns The Game Into A City-Building Game!

Frostblades Trickster

Frostblades Trickster focuses on its namesake ability Frostblades, which gives you AOE damage that can cover multiple targets. Since everything about melee has been reworked, this is a very powerful build that is expected to be the most powerful of Settlers of Kalguur.

The interesting thing about this build is that when you use AOE damage, it works perfectly with single damage and is combined into one damage skill. When you hit an enemy with Frostrike’s initial attack, ice projectiles will shoot out from the first enemy affected and hit other enemies.

This means that all your gear, damage buffs, and any source of stat increase can be used to improve this single damage skill. You can also use Frostblades Trickster with Heatshiver leather hood to make frozen enemies deal fire damage as powerful as your cold damage.

Lightning Conduit Elementalist

Another popular build since 3.19 is Lightning Conduit Elementalist, which is also a very powerful two-button setup. It may be a bit confusing at first, but once you get used to it, it is simple and powerful.

This build is perfect for when you are using Storm Brand ability against bosses, or when you are dealing with groups of enemies. This ability works a lot like a curse, because it sends a devastating periodic beam of damage to the enemy, and also applies Shock to the target enemy and surrounding enemies.

By using Lightning Conduit, you will get a lot of extra damage from the target that was just shocked, so you can easily clear bosses and small monsters. Once you get the hang of this, you will be invincible!

These are a few of the boss builds you can try in Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur. I hope you can have fun playing in this new league!