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NBA 2K22 MyTeam: Hunt 4 Glory Packs Features GO Dennis Rodman

Bren Lyles

Published On

NBA 2K22 MyTeam is constantly updated with cards, packs, players, and challenges. The recent Hunt 4 Glory Camouflage Packs appeared in Pack Market, bringing 4 brand new players, most notably GO Dennis Rodman, who may be your best rebounder. Based on this, GAMEMS will introduce the Hunt 4 Glory Pack, including the latest Locker Codes.

Hunt 4 Glory Packs

Hunt 4 Glory Packs are popular, and these Camouflage packs have a ton of players, from Galaxy Opals to Pink Diamonds.

They were available on January 25th and will last for a week. Players range from NBA 75, Signature Series, Maxed Out sets, and more.

Hunt 4 Glory Packs Prices:

* Hunt 4 Glory: Camouflage Pack (Single) - 7,500 VC or 10,500 NBA 2K22 MT

* Hunt 4 Glory: Camouflage Pack (10 Pack Box) - 67,500 VC

* Hunt 4 Glory: Camouflage Pack (20 Pack Box) - 135,000 VC

Best cards in the Camouflage packs

One of the best new player cards is the Galaxy Opal Dennis Rodman. However, one of the best cards in NBA 2K22 MyTeam is also included, and that is Galaxy Opal Klay Thompson.

Hunt 4 Glory Locker Code & Challenge

This new set features the NBA 2K22 MyTeam Locker Code, as well as a skill challenge to complete for a free Camouflage pack.

Skill Challenges will pit you against the best players, you'll need a Bulls player in the MyTeam lineup, and you'll also need to win the game and record 15 rebounds with a single player.

Enter Locker Code: "HUNT-4-GLORY-CAMO-THE-WORM" and you have a chance to get a Hunt 4 Glory Camouflage Pack, Glass Cleaner Badge Pack, or Rebounding Diamond Shoe Boost Pack.

This Locker Code expires on February 1, so now you have plenty of time. If you need more MT, you can buy NBA 2K22 MT directly from GAMEMS, which will get you the player you want faster.
