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NBA 2K22: How To Push In Cages?

Bren Lyles

Published On

If you have ever played NBA 2K22 with a random teammate but there is no chemistry, you need to start more work around the pitch. This means you need to rely on your personal skills and pass through your defenders to create chances, rather than passing and creating openings.

Although this is not the ideal way to play NBA 2K22, there will always be unexpected situations, and you need to adapt ASAP. Pushing is one of the best ways to break through the defenders, and also the easiest way.

To push opponents, you need to press "X" on PlayStation and "A" on Xbox. This feature is popular in cage matches because it will not be counted as a foul. Although this act looks simple, if you want to master it, you need to take practice, and you need to pay attention to your movement to show consistent pushing.

If you want to go further on the court, it is necessary to know your position on the court. You need to choose a suitable player size. Once you have determined your build, all that remains is to focus on playing to your strengths while trying out new badges to find the best formula for your player. After you give instructions, the players' reaction is related to their stats. The players with higher ratings will make you more satisfied, so before everything starts, it is good for you to invest in high-rated players with NBA 2K22 MT. Players like LeBron James are expensive, but once you get his player card, you will find that everything is worth it.

In NBA 2K22, there are many tips to make things smoother. GAMEMS will update the corresponding guidance according to the needs of gamers. As long as you are a fan of NBA 2K22, it is helpful to come to GAMEMS to browse the news frequently. You can keep up with relevant new content and useful suggestions in time.
