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How To Manage Stash Weight In Fallout 76? - 11 Effective Methods For Players

Donato Greenholt

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When playing Fallout 76, managing stash weight is an important part of the game. While hoarding items is a good habit, stash space is limited and can quickly run out if not taken care of. For example, players can store 1200 lbs worth of stuff in their stash. While this sounds like a lot, it can fill up quickly. Read on to help you use stash space effectively in Fallout 76.

1. Remove Mods From Weapons & Armor Pieces

For some weapons or armor pieces that you won’t be using in the near future but you still want to keep, it’s best to remove all attached mods before storing them in your stash. This is because weapon and armor mods can increase the weight of an item. For example, a standard fixer weighs about 10 pounds. But if it has the stabilized stock mod attached, then its weight will increase by about 1 pound.

Although this will cost you some materials to rebuild the mods later, the saved stash weight is worth it. Especially if you have a lot of weapons or armor with heavyweight mods attached, you’ll end up losing quite a bit of space.

How To Manage Stash Weight In Fallout 76? - 11 Effective Methods For Players

2. Hand In Scrip By Weight

The best way to use your stash space efficiently is to sort all your items by weight, then turn in up to 500 scrips per day at Legendary Exchange Machine. This will keep you from getting bogged down in scrips.

For example, Fallout 76 items like missile launchers tend to be very heavy. If you sort your scrip items by weight, you can prioritize turning in all the heaviest items when dealing with legendary items, keeping items with light or no weight effects.

3. Watch Out For Misc

Misc section is the easiest for players to overlook during gameplay. Some items in Misc section also have weights, and there will be a few pounds of unnecessary items taking up space. For example, here are some miscellaneous items:

  • Claim Tokens
  • Nuclear Keycards
  • Recall Keycard Circuit Boards
  • Any Type Of Ore
  • Super Mutant Body Parts

There are also some activity or quest items that players may inadvertently hoard during the game. Therefore, it is also necessary to check your miscellaneous section. You can sort the items by weight and remove any items you no longer need.

Fallout 76 Watch Out For Misc

4. Sell Unnecessary Items

For players without Fallout 1st subscription, it is unwise to keep ammo that you no longer use. You may think that the weight of ammo is not large, but it will soon add up.

Selling unnecessary ammo can not only reduce the weight of your storage box, but also increase the amount of ammo you have. You can set prices according to the type of ammo. But be warned, try to price things reasonably, because items sold at your CAMP Vendors will still take up weight in your stash box.

5. Break Down Junk

For players without a Fallout 1st subscription, some junk items can be heavy, so storing all of them in your stash box is a hard task.

But if you break down junk items into their core components before transferring them to your stash box, and then transfer them directly to your stash box, you can reduce the weight of your junk items a lot.

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6. Perks Don’t Work Inside A Stash Box

Many of the weight-reduction perks in Fallout 76 don’t work in a stash box. For example, 3rd rank ordinance Express can reduce the weight of the explosives you carry by 90%. But after transferring these items to a stash box, their weight returns to normal weight.

From Thru-Hiker to Bandolier, these perks can help players keep their weight in check while traveling in Appalachia. But they really don’t work in a stash box.

Fallout 76 Perks Don't Work Inside A Stash Box

7. Be Careful When Scrapping Crops

When you scrap items like wood and steel in CAMP, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a scrap box. But when you scrap crops, the actual fruit or vegetables will be automatically stored in your stash.

Since food and vegetables spoil easily, you will end up with a lot of spoiled fruits and vegetables. Taking up a lot of unnecessary space, so be sure to empty the food and drink section of your stash after scrapping crops.

8. Don’t Hoard Plans

Most players may think that the weight of plans is light and don’t need to care. But after a period of accumulation, his weight will exceed your expectations. Once you learn a plan, you must do everything you can to sell them when they can be traded.

It is usually not a good idea to keep known plans in your stash. You should sell any known plans from your CAMP vendors to make some extra profit. For plans you are unsure of the value of, you can usually use websites to get a rough idea of ​​its value.

9. Power Armor Chassis

Players familiar with Fallout 76 know that Power Armor pieces are pretty heavy items. The weight ranges from 10 pounds to 19 pounds. But Power Armor Chassis weighs only 10 pounds. It can hold a full set of Power Armor.

So if you have a lot of Armor pieces, you can try to load all the individual Power Armor pieces in your storage box onto a few Power Armor Chassis, which can really free up a lot of storage box space, and when you want to exchange them for scrip, just remove the parts from the chassis and scrap the chassis.

Fallout 76 Power Armor Chassis

10. Use Mule Characters

If your main character is overwhelmed by scrip items, junk, or any other tradable things, you can choose to create a Mule Characters.

Then ask a friend to help you keep the extra items that overwhelm your main character. After that, switch to a new character and ask your friend to give all the items you don’t need to this character. Since each account can have up to 5 different characters. So all your characters can store 6,000 pounds of storage weight.

11. Fallout 1st Trial

If you don’t want to pay for a Fallout 1st subscription, you can take advantage of Bethesda’s free Fallout 1st trials. During the trial, you can put all your junk and ammunition into scrap boxes and ammunition storage boxes. Any items placed in the containers will remain there. You can take out the items at any time without a Fallout 1st membership.

This happens once or twice a year. Bethesda will give all players a week-long trial period to experience some benefits that come with the Fallout 1st subscription. You cannot place more items in these boxes after the trial is over.

In summary, effectively managing storage space in Fallout 76 requires strategic thinking and some skills. Players can maximize their storage capacity and keep the game process smooth. These methods can not only help players save precious storage space but also increase efficiency and fun in the game.
