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Diablo 4 beta rewards and the way to earn them all

Bren Lyles

Published On

Do it for that wolf pup. And the horse trophy. And the titles.

Diablo 4 beta rewards and the way to earn them all

Wondering if you're able to still get a little Diablo 4 beta rewards? You're in luck. While the Diablo 4 open beta ran its course in March, Blizzard announced a Diablo 4 "server slam" playtest in May that's once more open to all comers. And luckily, all of the open beta's unlockable cosmetic rewards for that full game's release are going to be available to earn. Better still, there is a new cosmetic that will be unlockable throughout the server slam, bringing the entire tally of cosmetics to gather up to two character titles, one back item, and something mount trophy.

Be certain to check the Diablo 4 beta dates which means you know when you should grab these exclusive cosmetics for June's full Diablo 4 release. Here are the full details for what's up for grabs, and the way to earn them:

Initial Casualty title: Reach Kyovashad with one character

Early Voyager title: Reach level 20 with one character

Beta Wolf Pack cosmetic item: Reach level 20 on a single character

Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy: earned by defeating the World Boss, Ashava, with one Level 20 character.

The titles and back-mounted baby wolf Bjorn were the rewards offered during Diablo 4's March beta weekends—obviously, the wolf carrier was the primary carrot on the stick. The "Initial Casualty" title may be the first one you'll earn by reaching the city of Kyovashad. You'll reach it around level 5 throughout the story quest Rite of Passage, after you have left the very first small town, Nevesk. The other title and back cosmetics are generally handed out when you reach a minimum of level 20 on a single character.

The mount trophy, meanwhile, maybe the new offering only at May's server slam playtest. To secure it for Diablo 4's full release, you will need to track down and defeat Ashava, a World Boss encounter. Take her out, and you'll get to ride around with one of her gnarly fangs hanging out of your horse as bragging rights. For the full briefing on where and when you should fight Ashava, check our Diablo 4 Ashava World Boss spawn times and placement guide.

You shouldn't struggle way too hard to hit level 20 though, according to my experience of the March beta. Make certain to spend time focusing on that main quest and prevent participating in open-world events. So long as you aren't suffering too badly within the beta test login queues, leveling ought to be a breeze. You may even have enough time to level several of the Diablo 4 classes if you are hoping to use them all for style.
