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Albion Online showcases new threats in the latest report from outside domains

Bren Lyles

Published On

Players who like massively multiplayer online RPG games should be familiar with Albion Online, a game that can be accessed on PC, iOS, and Android. In the game, players can create the ideal world directly.

So you can put yourself in the fascinating and difficult truth, where you can face different players! For players who are busier in reality, having more Albion Online Silver allows you to get more with less in the game.

Albion Online has encountered new threats in its latest Outer Domain Report. The first, known as the "Avalon Attack Drone", was described as a floating ball driven by "strange magic."

"It sent out some sort of concentrated energy that bumped my tail to the top and caused me to fly back to the bushes. In a daze, I looked up enough to see Jim raise his axe-this thing rushed at him, too Bring him down. I brainstormed, took my sword, and ran back to the open space."

The next is called Avalon Spearmen. This guy is a cloaked hooded enemy waving a huge spear. The accompanying report describes the encounter.

"I forgot how many great giant sword-wielding giants I killed that day. When the sun rose blood-red on the horizon, the last one fell, this land belongs to us. The second day we fought for battle, Embark on organizing hard-won territory. "

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