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How To Play Maplestory 2 In SEA Region (With Picture Guides)
Other Games Mar 16, 2021

How To Play Maplestory 2 In SEA Region (With Picture Guides)

Previously, we showed you how to download Maplestory 2 if you happen to live outside of North and South America, Oceania and Europe. If you haven’t done that yet, go download the game first by following the steps in this guide. This article will show you how to play Maplestory 2 SEA. These steps must be done every time you want to play the game so feel free to bookmark this guide!

Disclaimer: Do this at your own risk! We’re only showing you what works for us, we are not to be held responsible should you experience technical difficulties.

How to play Maplestory 2 in SEA

Make sure to do these every time you want to play or you’re going to encounter errors. Assuming you have followed the download guide and have everything downloaded, we’re only focusing on steps to launch the game. If you hadn’t downloaded the required software, please refer to this guide.

  • Start OpenVPN GUI.
  • Right-click on the OpenVPN GUI icon and connect to vpnbook-us1-tcp443. 
    • username: vpnbook
      password: u5wnbsm
  • Open up your Nexon Launcher and log in.
  • Click on Play and wait 84 years for the game to launch because of how slow the VPN is.
  • Once the launch successfully passes the Nexon security, wait for the client to start.
  • The moment you see the duck and mushroom on top of the Maplestory 2 logo appears, quickly disconnect from the VPN and play at normal internet speed.

There you go, now you can play Maplestory 2 even if you’re not from US/OCE/EU! Remember to do this every time you want to play the game or you risked messing up your client. We also suggest playing on the Oceanic server if you’re from Southeast Asia or Asia in general for the minimum ping. Have fun leveling up in the new Maplestory world!

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